nnEI vlnllmd nuqu ln mum nnhnl plnnlnu xnachlnu vlnllmd In nm Ila Mud maulu ln Englnmllrn llmldcrh mm mum ncvnlly nu Hu Wny lu Tmmun Tm nvw vlnnrr mumn nu Um um Ilw low mm mun mm macmlm nml llmlumm luul tnulnrurllm wuxk ll Wlll IN WIN mm In llnlr Ilrl Thu machine wlll phmr vurldy nl Inthuh ln tllnlmu ulsl hon bumu and flu minuuu hmlmr ml lhu Hrllluh known lu hr II luculn II mum alumna wan mum mmwn chy Theatre ANINH MACIIIN ENTIRE WEEK STARTING TONIGHT EVENING snows AT 650 PM AT LAST YOU NOWCAN SEE IT Bu Ul FIRST humuan of ALL KINDS Dnlop II no ml NO MATINEE WEDNESDAY DUE TO LOBLAW COOKING SCHOOL STEVENSON INSUNNNEE PLUS COLON CARTOON For Movio MorryGoRound Tune In CKBB at 540 pm daily ORIGINAL NAMI HOUSE QFjlilTS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY ADMISSION PRICES EVENINGS ADULTS75C TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED GRANADA ltl lhu mum EVENING SHOWS AT 840 pm CUHDNHTION PARADE in Cinemuscope AND CARTOON VIIICN JIM IILMOIIH wellknown proprietor the LIno Chlnk Hnchury WM Mlnnlnhrd to dlncuvcr un lhurnv My hut pulr nlnrllnun ur mom hhd decided lhul he voul Im cnnnldcmlo nml rrnnunnhlc with the mm with ham lhmwn 1n nntl lmdcvldvnlly hum In Um lurnncc 01 his hunw GOIrnclnnu UL nml mslbly hntchcd out lnnmy or it my be Junl the one mr but Ihn Examiner phuwumuhrr mulled lunu NHth to renmuro them whlln he look huh or the pnlr gizmmwï¬ï¬mump 323 ENTERTAINMENT Does This Mean Cold Winter lmm Illmlm mm ADULT ERTAIMH We arrlvcd at Breshu or the International Plowing Match in 11m 10 sec Mayor smlth Barrie ï¬nish hi1 plowing did mm win but we were told that he dld good job and plowed straight turmw He did not paint xlzn un his overalls like one the Mayan did but we heard mat he was wellknown the Mayan0 Bar rie Archie McNabb th coach would hardly need up as every untknowghlm and hat he comes 1mm Simeon County Our iiml experience was in set can stuck just inside the gates We did not wiah to keep up with the Llcul Governpr who had to be hauled by Winter Hundred oi others did thaL big Carina shuit 401ractor with big stunt Etniui driver in white overalls was on duty till all hour at the night and he just loved in back up to ynur car and puillhe nnly condition was that you hld to fasten the chain1hnt was the slicker the mud went well over ynur shoes and stuck like ulna Your hands not pleniynisa Is at just nmd nke we had In mu on mare like me gumbn that the westerners bras abnuL It sure slicks We had to In our summer rubbersonMnh strlnxu International PlowMatch ls Rained Right Out The mud was sllll hen on Wed nesday and so were the lrnclarl to pull you outand they were busy Thls mud gels more sticky as ll drlcsl ll was drylng um though and the plowmun were busy The spccmors were ï¬lling up all the dry spaceJ The ladle came prepared They all had rub ber Toeloss slum wnuld soon hnvc toes ol mud There were number of county hay in the entries We looked uvar he exhibits They havo duublcd wrm we In Southj Slmcoe so whcn thlé match corncs back to our county We will need In be prepared to take care at an enormous crowd We Martha Essex wlll be he next location Here one sees mnnyol the Men nonite people with heir binck sum and lhcir binek hall and the ladies wilh the plain dnrk dress und the scar over lhnlr bonds The yuunzer men have shaved all but their chin and have small xoaleci They nisawenr straw hats They do not miss the new machinery and sunny them gn lhcr around and discuss their mor itL They also have the famous morgalsbcnrd lunch and the loud told them is dnnnted Thu lineup reaches across the meet We ale harbeque chicken done by the junior lumen nnth Wm ficilcigus Lashley who was or yénrl lhn Aqch Alllslun ma secretary In chnrge all the dc lalll hero Ind he has big job wllh plgnty ul nSSXEIIBIICC The plowlnl cunuslams are well onAgheXr way and am at he hurd utujuba wlll be the judging us here seems ll lull alflcr In th It ls all 00 We came across who was coachan couple boy rum hl am in the open zlns tur hqys 16 nrgd undv Alllslon wa Mr Mcflucrl plowmnn and Jack Humny Bradford wan coached by hls brother They both nnlshcd what we consldcrcd two well ploucd hands Thursdiy the polls were turn lng prnspcctlve vmmu nwny lhc nln hadnafgalu made he ncldl lmpussablc parkan 10 worm lo bnd he vchlclcs cnuld nu be 10 all he mad and problem was cunlmnflnz hc nnllcc an In whul would be done whh he can even hnuzh the match was pou pnnnd or the day 1th um rem all dlrzcuuns By noon the min had ceased and ï¬le prchaul mm was wlcciali End mm Eleanor Cross IPLM he holiday her harm in Snrnla Mr and Mrs Thmnlun Paul and Camy Ncwmnrkcl mm the weekend at ns Mr and Mm 511 mm and mu Clnrcntc Whllby4 Vbch reh nw hm over he mlldny um 1mm Budhury Mr and Mrs Lawwn have been vlllllnu hclr da Mu Chultr Illahnnbfln nn Hy Army Mlnowvrn The Army Shuth have lucll lullu ncllvc nrmmd hm Hm lnu wrrk or In Hundmls lnxckl 1nd cqlllumcm were Mddtn 1mm lhn runny In vmlmu pmpmlu lu Ml nnn whllr dulnu cxlcnslvc mlnlnu lemnlnltnllun Hun wm llruuu from one mum nu ulhcr nnd plnnrn Iwmlml ry low In colllncl any muvllllrnl will Hm luldlru Whlllhlul or IM Our mhdn have nnlly IHMI humming wm Uh tuxnlam rnfllr bl km lnu nnd nmlulrylltl la Wr ma vrry llmnMul wr haw pram lu Ihlnrrnunlry Vlllllul II llnnlo Fllr lfungrnlulnflnlu lu Knuls who mm lVrll Hm nlul Mmml mm mum mum nu lo uhlhluuu Mu Chrer llhh llnlsnll In wm lrvmul with bmumul nulllun Mr mIMm mammmn and mu Iluu mum lu lhunmry um um Immx Helm Ilolhlly Mr mp1 MIL Mull ichlllrr we lhc lmlldai III Ubllvfl Mlilly Vllltnn mm nu Imlldny um hwhultd Mr and MI Iluwnlti Lluyd nml fmnlly Now lnnmln Mr and MI In Kllrlllr Mk luvyl lAknviWW wIlh Mr nlul MIL Lloyd Mr nml Mn DIIWHY ergwluwn MI nlwl Mu llnlly ï¬lluvnlr Ml Chm Cum Ilul WnllNr Trun umvnll Jnlnwml mu mu 1qu Knnlu nmnhv MM Jinn Inul Mmud nl ll Knulnz ml Mu Iltvwn Mr Ind Mu ll Himer vml APTO Sudhury dauxmcr and fan MONDAY OCTOBER 1871954 DAVID RAWSON shown with the largest muskie caught in the Port Severn urea in nt least 15 years Elwood Tharp Cleveland caught the 44ib 50inch monster Saturday while iishing with his guide Phillip Leduc in Georginn Bay David is grandson oi Mr and Mrs Otto Rawson Barrie operat ors of Camp Rnwioy Lodge where Tharp was staying when he caught his big iish on plug and artificial minnow Tharp fought the iish for half an hour before boating it other Thnnksgiving holidny iishcrmen went home with good catches mi muskies piekerel pike and trout British Press Council Criticiso Secret Meetings Thc Cuuncll Drllish Press chrcscnmlvc hnv lssucd rung critlclsm on ofllclnLl who believe Ihcy should suppress or hide discussions on public business documents merely by lnbnlllng lhcmmrivalc and conndcnlinl Thou pruylo mm dlnu Innism Null School Board Meeting Unlikr mumll mwllngn we nrn mlvhml nml Wm Invllml In Ill Xrnd lho yummu the number lwu Muml nrnu hunrd Thu buunl wow inrml wlxh rumu plncu mnn nnhlnnl lrnchcrl In murumva nhuulx lhls hm Hover 1mm done mum mum ln Immm nhuul yur nfu an whrn ha nmm cuulnns nrnund pumlx llu lmclur who lualemu nll rum mmlu In me mum Mr mmmu um My un hnvllmInpulcnnahlruhluhome Inw In Hm prcunrnlluu HI Un sluvllru Mu Guhuun mum nl Knurk WI II Ialrul lo uk Ivr nu nullh ML The hoard wcvc mhlrlnnl lu null Ilm Icqucxl In mm mum Ira rluu Wuuld Irv Ilml ll wan Hwy nw numnm Immlly la nnly pull him Ihrw lulMluw lunch nuv uvnllnhlr llw Innml um mom Iwn wrrk um nlul wlll mung Mu Ilcrllxy In nuld Mm Mmm lrnchln ll Crnluvllr Imw hnl Mu ll Dari nIllAlllII HUI llmu dlllyv Mum 1m Ihn nllrmllllu In 1le Ill llulwml mm CID In In ublvvr uh TIIII ll llvldNI III lullnvu TnHrmlnl lnlmwlck 10 Hull Crwwnnl lltw lenl um wnll n3 Slrulul 110 Klllylrnuh 11 Kllllrk 39 SL Paul mum 41 my mm Thmnlun 43 ToIaI Anondanco In Am II 63 Puplll nï¬iunmnns ullmllu llw Th mn lo mu uuw lo mu llvhwn lur Ilw ur wnl mumum ll UNIX LI lrh lu MormMIn Jr Ind Danni lhnlv Mclukknn Mum and Mln 1an mm To runlu their home 112 115mm Examiner lARGEST MUSKIE IN 15 YEARS have been char xtccivcd $4155 per month The nvommcm grants on the nbdvc cut the mlepnycrs amoun chlrIbulu to 548000 Th cnv he debentures on whlch ho pruvinclal grant an squclcnl In Mule more than cover he Inter cfl Secromyénnnngor nan bough cvd mm the ward that lb rule Increase on uradc one pupils continued as last ycnr and me number In grade clghl dIn nnl Incrcaxc lhcrc wuuld be need Icr 69 more arm ncxl year Thr nddllannl mu would mean ano thl lwo roams Teachers at me ruiicndni schnnl rcpurlcd in lhcruwus umu cru ancy mm whlch was cnullnu ii in nllcndnncc The prlncipnl ml luld buy bclnii upended iiar flxlilliig rind indiiimncc lu dlsclpllniiry rcuululluiin The immi nunM Iliiil he be rcliivnrd Io uhoni on nnullwr rliil and ii mi dld nul iruve saiismciory lhcn ncliun he inkuxi HuOIIflh Hm Juv cnllc Cnuri Having 1an muvry mimic null um prnptfllu 0wde by Hu Dunn ll hns hmn mum lull If ILIIIIILlnHlll vnlms lhcar bulld up hill InAlly inlrlflsul Th1 Lnmmmcv ncmnnwndld lhnl len Ilru be callvd luwu the limit we mulnml nml lhul unc policy be nrrnnuml Tho lulu value Mnulllllx lu llbmll $200000 Opening Ceremonies Planned 15tnuluy Kluu wlll hurl MlInd mm nuvnlnn um uw Ivalmwnk nhnvl wlll be Imle mm mm Iluulh Mr Luunh wlll In NH bnlh cmumlum Tm Wunmll hmuum will Ur mu llw mum Now Schedqu 0f lmumncc Values The npculnu uvlrmnnlr Iwu now Numb meluul mm Iumnwkk huvu burn Ilmtml In lhr llfllldfl of cummle lu nrv mnuo lwln lloyl Anlvu Cunnralulnllum In Mn And Mm Dun Jrnnu an mum of lwln Imn ll Ollllll lluwllnl on Oct II anrnl Imulula Wuumln lmlllutu ma ml II Mrm Hulllh Clnuvlwlll llull rill wan nnnwerrd mmlnl your llllflullncb nm llllld wrlldmlb Mn mmm my Imu ullni nlhlml un um mm bull Iwu Wmmnl lullltulu Shu nlm mmluclud muleul rnnunv lnu lwr Inna Cumml evvnll yin liven by McKIL nunth 0min Mr and Mn Mulchmk nr onlo Ipenl hunt1mm pm My Mn lumcyl MITCHELL soqARE Rtlum mm uprmusla Mrs Roberts who ha Just lurnrd from Bermuda and M15 AL Jack 01 Tomlin spent the Thanks klvlnu honday wllh their sister Mm DaHUn Ferrlnr ML and Mrs Holmes Nlaxnm ills were Visllur hln L14 wvck Art Channel let for the West on Wudncsd vmuam Tmmblcy spcnl last week In Tumnlo with hu sun and Iamily Mlss MnybcLh Slanden and Mm IL Luck Darrlc lnuk churn the Thanksmvlnx umcc In 131me Churrh nn Sunday cvcn lng mm Slandcn who 1m mm many yum In Chlnn misman owmc TO THE LENGTH or THIS moanm TITANIC WILL SHOWN oucz ONLY men NlGIlT STARTING AT 849 COMPLETE snow MlEB 349 com EARLY NOW PLAYING BELLE EWART I50 Tues Oct 19 pm 19 Numbers to be Called BINGO beam for Well Inplm Ecrvlcu 106mm 15 35 flames 51 JbSEEHS AuuiromuM Admlulon 35c amount In imam pwuor mum HELP KIN Section Huge to IMPERIAL ary gave very Inlmsllng ad dress Next Sunday 0d 17 ser vices and pm 5934 BARBIE HELP KIDDIES