Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1954, p. 2

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v3 43 pq ill Beds Trounce Blanks Annual InterSquad Meal Greys Tuesday The fragments of Hurricane Hazel prevenied all but hnndiul oi spectators irom catching preseason glimpse of theiitiest survivors from the trainlng camp at Barrie Flyers Friday night Only comparative iew braved the thins and mostoi those were from town The kids put on ple ng Intersquad match wlth the Reds walloplng the Blacks 03 In hardskating thrilling exhibition Due to many tens unable to attend the contest ownercqach Hap Emms will present another pre vtew here Tuesday nlght with Owen Sound Greys coached by humor Flyet Jaydee McArthur the visitors The Greys wllh whom lhe Fl Lrs have working agreement will carry flour or five lads armed by Emms for more seasoning Some of these will be Mike McGuire 15yearnld from Fort Erie Monlsumery stocky blucliner rum Oxnngcvlllc and Wib Burn side centre dram chnrdlnq McArxnur attended the exhibmon for another loak at those chosen hr the farm clubs and ended up caachlng the Blacks Emma rc uw ed the cw oi the camp rum the seats and was more than phased wnh some of the boys Dm in most allunlion Was defenccmun wha loomed out the dark Blandhaired Blake Ball tangy praduck from Midlands mi or lunksV looks be file in 01 he Iruinlng scgsions Only tender 16 years Ball lilllc awk ward on hls skates ul present but has prngrcsscd rapidly since the Flyers camp opened Tubsday and with mls Iypc cl enthusiastic ad vancement should The real hblp once routine pmcuscs begin Anothr delcnccmun whmwas ex pcclcd mukc 557ml shawlng an camp Jim Dawn pan Colbornu pruducl who played wilh Scarbom Rangers last year lived up ad Vance notices by blazing home two at the ercc goals or the Blacks Sophumurc centre Eob Barlow not Chod Hm olhor lhe Reds were rzivcn cxmllcnl nnhninding 1mm floss Child DI Owen Sound In me first All Trol la in the second and Ross Emoks mm mm The 1mm ma hail from Town All Ihrec parlormcd wzll wilh Brook blanking me B13 dyrins his 20minum uuung ouonslvciy the rookies sparked Reds lo the victory Mike Mi Gulrc and Rich Pucker ciicimi ior iwu mills npiui wlillc George Ran ciri Bill Hope Dim Muusscau Kln Slcvnns iiiiimi Hull and Don iimiiieui iaiiiui um apiece The illods walked all over me The Mod walked all over the Blacks in no um scoring md yuuls un Dun flignzm Bushm horn cusludinn cxpcclodhu Ind he pamrlu or aspirants upculng nighlnssignmunl1hcy carried 51 mm um um mnnd mm mm the Blacks Ilglllcmd up consldcrnbly uol guud nclmindmz 1mm Bruce Mum and nnrrawud UH dclicxl Io r54 us me umd puriml rullcd nruund um midwway mronm the tuna sLsflJn xne finds caughl on me an in and scored mm goals In MM seconds win Ruin mains Dunn Lcssor Meme Jim Fullls mu lhc boys hand by dcmnnslmflnx who was boss wilh mm minors In the period Thu cams stuck Barbara Wan Voied Most Valuable Cup urban Vull classy nm buse man mr champmn Nuwmurkcl lmm IHI he vullm for he oil mum nlnycr award In lhc Hmlll IIISUII hulk24 sullbal group sm brcmnus lhu nm wm nrr or Tumlly phlcml un rum mlillnl um sensuu um um Illm El Wm WM llnllumlll Snrnh mn whn mm Dixuns hulgllu lmllm um Junlnn ur mum mm llunl mum of 1an rlv nu me ulhrr plum xv cvlvc vnlm llw Trophy wlll nu pnwulrd 1m qugx mmunl clminu hm um lulvl In mum nm nm BARBIE MONDAY OCTOBER ll 1951 IAIIII Ilymld rod In on puma 11 mm Incl In In 00 cm Wm 40 IV Iumnnunnws IOI mama noun Imbchumwuddl um vmm molt BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Dungcflield Motors LIMITED UflIZD CMI LOT llllAlllUlll Nl Dir IUII IHIFI IllNllI mm mm mANm 1w Ill IT AND IMNUIJI l7 MDTIIHN NHL NI IllNl LAIIHINI MALE rpmMud um um urw IJIHlIy ml lmy Tm nvrr Ilymrnl 48 PONTIAC luv ru wrwm KXAMLII OF LOMII REM omuHhkl II nounv you COACH US $52330 PLUS THE BIG mckey alter mat andonly oak hree minors the rest at the way Ddcnccman Ed McQueen who was slated to lineup win the Slacks missed the contest fine In ickhess and uwb Eromlslng pm iucts 1mm Brampmn defencpman Iohn Ford and rlghbwingcr Johnny McDonald were also absent was good showing and surv to more than confuse me issue or Emms who eels the Flycrs amp uncovered some Inc youlhlul talent NAHUMle nun mllnlrvl IVnu In nud IvuI UIIOMJIHIU lam Tu ynuv mmh lmmm Auk In Elna Uuhlo nomku Inompluyml Mylt thSIHOAM llmm fluL anvlnk um mumy muiml kta vii Flyers Tie Pontiacs 22 In Exhibition good Hluslraliun the line mn erm salvaged Item the Flyurs Jun or mining camp 22 deadlock Hap Emms 5mm lanmnd against lhu scnlor Fan uses In Uriilm Salurday nlgm lhc man cxpuncncca and heav cr Pontiucs had their hands full chping pace with consistcm hcckm and conunqu skallng leg at HIE wungslcrs who showed lv car or lhmr Dxpcrlcnccd cp nnunls goodsized crowd 1mm Orlllln nllcnncd to see what Lhc Palmacs Mould prcsunl in me wuy at player Ersonnnl Ihis season and also in ullnessAlhc talent Emma clmmgd mm the camp Netrusuus was sing cxhlbillun Unlllas Clan Payne lalllcd lhn nly goal at Ihu scLoml chapter on MIN shul mm the side of ht that mum Ross Umuks canI explain hnw ll sllppcd lhmugh Ah Boch made 2D early In Ihlrd us he hlnzcd one behind RUSS Child from aceDH he rlghfi lot the ncl The Icams wcnl smrclcss In the rst period as Flyers Don ngnzlo ncwcd lnc mm cxpoclcd mm In um um lurncd aidn uunllcss loxmac chances with ms Just save Cumin nu Dzmny Mac Donald wvhu soner in 1mm mun wing umnolcslcd 1m mm came mm behind wmaal deficit Sn um mm mm mm lhc equalizer vilh Xcss mm minulcs rcmainin The FlyLra comeback 1an nbaul midway uth when George flun clrl llppcd In Hub Burluws lrllklc from scramble In from cus ladlnn Hub Shropshlrl And In Ihu flmll mlnulcs Ed SL Lquh nabbvd my requnllzcr With just three days training and one cxhxblunn under their hell HIE Flycrs played very Iwcll All lhrrc gcullcs stood out and Emms will probably mm mnwmg mm hat name mu slamr against Gnll Black Hawk Unrrlu Arum Frlday nlghl Dclenccmnn Illukc Hal mu Kain showcd lmdy hnpmvuucm nnd lcamcd well wm vrlcran mu Hope to carry the ammo load or Um mm Alum Inward llncs Huber Ball Ulnlr Graham ank nle and Dan Muussrnu mm In llu HUN hi llt Nisslnu mm the IINID were dllcnccmcn HchQurcn Jlm Dawc And John Fwd nnd lurwnrd Vulm McDuxInld um Gmdun IAWU dny he Iunlhc 50WNI WIIIHIX ul expvrmmud lulmn In he told cauclml hy Jnck nym Thu up the club xxuulc up Innme by llama plnynrn slmwrmik Lloyd Immu um KN llubrrhun on llluvllm mm Ah Huwcn lly MacDonald qul 1qu Ruthrum uu Il lurwnrd nun no It Duh Slmmshlrv luxmrr Hm uur nur lhrrn mum ymwnnlauv nmym ml or wlunuu Tm plrnhrr nluul mun1 llllllnll mulzlxvnfly Im MI Wily mum win rumu uwlnu nmkv nu mrxcncy Inmllnu Hm mmmm mo wm 1w Mllwny nl HIIl WI Him wm iwlllhulnlry nlmul Huml yummy Wlul wnx nan llu plmw mm mm Mr wnm wnl Jmulul ml mm The Ilnuilunl Vlhllm lrumll umnl lllllllllfl wu mluln nml nu num wn mum to rum Illnrnfl nr hluhwny mo Monday lvu lllfllll ylll Mvwllll llu nlnrlln II Muhwuy lur ho mum ll pllnl luu mm hlqhwny Mmlml IOJO Monday Illlvlnhil ll Irmmvv IIZIIUHNUY LANHINH Thurman Unlled Church Iawl luppcr Oct 20 Variety concerL Admission 50 and 15 119 Home bake mic Allandnle 0r angc Hall Wednmdl Oct 21 3530 pm Tea 10 Fryaiai Chip In No 50 LOBA 1W Organization meeting oiNorlh Simcoc Potato Growers lo iorm brunch at lhe Ontaria Potato Growers Aviocinuon will he lmld theWaverley Hull Thursday Oct 21 830 pm Speaker CHH 0rd Smilh Rldgelown Ont Po ata marketing problems will be discussed and all growers an qucslefl to mend 119 Bills ACLS Cnupsr Non Slrlkcrs Dominion Slu nuggh Couklns Deuces WHd Holly Stars Kmllzurs HoLnBarbs Cracker Wcsmn Lullluw Snlpcrs Caops thllzcrs Lany Eldridge mo 73 Gord McKenzie 0567 Hully Slur Weston No Gany Hammad mm Gard Coanny 210 558 DEUCE Wild Non Slrmm nud lennell am am Vern Sharpe m4 631 pummlon Store 01 311159 Hazel ergh V275 659D Hills ABC Loblnw Sniper Hum Nashmnn 251 51 Laurie Déhfiwahht may nqggh gookxu High slnLlc Ry ridge Co ups 340 hlgh 1hrch any Eld ndgc Ghrrisoh Club Open Season Tuesday Night Km Zlmmurmunn 1221 00 Hammon Jack flnyal Blues Ruuklc Dnrcdcvlll Alum mch Runner llulshul Greenback Ilcpcm Finchm Weilona No Conununluls llarrle cannon Club npen up thelr 195455 court mum Tuudly mm Barrio Ann uury and all pcndns Immsm In pllyln mmmn hi vmd JcQFysmimnum zoo may Churtlllll 214500 Houklu 27 Wmom No nu um Court play in scheduled to nuesdzy Friday ma same nu week Elmhcrs ar illdwrllrunrrlfu Georguvlllslah mm Mnrmnll I112 BC Alnm Tl club will hold their tn cnl meeting Friday MIN the Ammury II oclock All Interested are urged In lflcnd meant SPARES Vundcrvurn um II Bum Bawllnl Aum STRIKES MIXED MAJOR Group King Sum Ir Iwunlu Tirllllhollu MINII 14321 Important Nullm Ilvlllcrn nf hurrunwnl uf uumla litrlury llmula HM uLCnmuln Virlury Ilumh ran grl nlnn huumn nrlliug Illnunl IIIr rurqu IrnInium nml Irhmnling lhu mml in my 1qu deingn llumln Hrrirn mm llm imrulnr nwivrn nll ilunnm in inmmr nl 3430 lwr 000 yrnr Am lhr lmxmlu lmlh Ilw lblll1lIIIlHflC llumln um duly rum IIIr ml at ln mnv nmuuul Iunulln Suvingn mull lull nlw Ivlnll Hull in II lmralnrl lmmlm Iunudn Saving llumh Sui Nina um luluyn v40th Illll mm on llm Iollnr llwy rnu mily luv mrml In rul All my llmn ll Ihrir 11 um Vflllll Nun luulull mlrmal immln 5min lull1lu5rllu Mun llmnvnilnlvlr in Ilrnnluiunllulu of 110 on 00 mo ml $3000 rimh imlhithml mny lim rhuu up In 5000 primlpal umuunl Illungly mnmmrml Ilw lumhnn at Zunmln Sllvlhgl Iluudn Sui Mm rlllw ur 1MI nr in rulxnngn or Immu Inrul Clllllll Virlury mph Poims Pnlnls Mrx 4oz Danny Pblizani Expected Arrive In Fampfloday Barrie Flym ownexcoach Hap Plum nnnounced over th wtekend that rightwinger Danny Pouzhnl cxpccled to IIHVB from Clevellnd Baron today PoiilenL obtained 1mm St Ca tharine Tamas last lemnn Ilznud lhrugunrtryout with the Bar nm he American Hockey League and is leaked upon as great scoring hoip to the Fiyen wha open their OHA Junior mason here Friday night againsi Gm thk Hawks Postpone District tudhope Meet N6 Date Set Thcre Is slllI nn delinnn word bn the rescheduling of the Annual Fudhcchup lrack and field men which was pusipnncd 512de time Saturday BDCIS physical director Dalton Ncsbm luv hupcs it will not be held until the spring and will Md favor of slagflng the meet Lhmugh week day at next Sal Jriay Khc sué the men may rgmaln mlcstlon mark loo was on glnally scheduled to be held In uumgwood but we grounds tamed shlfl to OrlllIn suvchotvin 197 5M qammen 273 520 Copq cylls Jack Minn 1259 soluccqnvlcvu chllnzhnm 182 am ots High sxnglc am Home Roy 11 Bluu high mm mu am Barryaoo 542v mmhacks Roggl gym filii Mm 211 shall 215 53917 uaxfimen 620 UIIIN Wlll In mu Itllmun Imlu Dun to the cooking sumo this wnk sale will In poslpanzd om week HOME BAKING Wednesday Oct 27 530 pm ALLHNDHLE BRHNGE HALL sleillng pllver costume iewollqlgy Wood iundy lompuny mas mums mum nuns FOR SALE AFTERNOON TEA 10 cams CIIRYSTAL CHAPTER NO 50 LOLA Iouuaovnbnhfun cm Mxl POSTPONED Kill CEMETERY BEING RESTORE George Sloddan Toronto lawyer who Is Interested In 1pm plc and place of bygonn dayu has Informed The Bradford witness that the Old Kirk Cem cry 11 Sculfll Scmcment West Gwilllm bury is belnfirnsmr Mal Barre IndDau Coul sou will lead Elmvllen quest or hockey supnmncy whlln Thornmn shnw highlyloqu group In My Walton lhrry Hidden and Ink Emlm DI the late Mrleamcs McKay who cuncctvcd me idea Mr Studdurt believes that the only cemetery left tobe restored in the township is thc Wlen HIllCem ctcry on Runway 27 Mercantile league lifts Curtain Wédnesday Night The Bank Ind nunm Mer cantile Hockey Imus will open melt whednla Wuha dly It Me Anna wllh aonfixehuder Slmcoa mun Im musing Combine wlll II the Infill It 710 pm with Thornton Ind Elmvlle medn In Ilia nlxhh Slmcoe Malan will he need by Larry field Alvin Nomm Ind Gerry McBrldc whflu Mlnedng nlwnys ltumblln block will feature the Adan brothers Harry nlllruulalen DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELLEIB Mr Ind Mrs Cunnce Crock ord Stevie and PILW and Mn Gouison Parkman vimcd Mr Ind Mu Norman Thompson m1 Ind Mm Dimm Thompson VIIum Epoch spun weaker tram the Dcpanmenl n1 Aarlcultum Eanslon Services for the Homemaker spbnsored by the Womann Institute 1hr membem will be heard It Mr Norman Tuckl on Wednesday0ct 20 130 lie pm All ladlg kindly bring conlrlthIBn or the tea liable TBY AN EXAMINER WANT All Selling brand new gm going to every type nod and bev erage nonc admin laboiamr lu hospitals eta New and hennmennl WRITE FOR FREE AMPLE DETAILS TODAY gummy co CROWN Hlll 53 kam Blvd nepL ccwn cum lllnols U5A llWVlNlilM llllli IO MMy Ht IIunIr Imlxllunl YOIUIIZII 250 llunluu Ht It IIMHK IOIOIINAIJZR fillMn HI lhurlo 5504mm my TAIION mum Aeedd mm My awed aleab Il MOIMAl CAI U5 llnnlr om 01mm Anonmmn bu been filmed Add mlnll Peter Plumb who recently 11 lur the Candiam Order of hm yea JUN JO Rozl Cnnldlan and will nun reside In 01 fixated Ponce Cunniordmfil ml It smaENSONS JEWELLEBS Ind OPTOMmlSTB FOR APPOINTMENT DUMP mun PHONE 20 BAR ONT DAY 45 THURSDAY OCTIIBER Noe Stephenson RO IllWES llllOllIIIIIS 105 llnyllrlll HI Ilurrle llAlllllH AUTO IJ 0111 ml lhmlop Bl lIulc mm wnnnnsmw Ildhunl WILSONH AllHm llnulnl MIL JACKSON MOIUllfi IIII ll IM Ilnnd MIN lo prcpurc floe obening of the new stbvc LOIINI NILY For quick slam in any weather Ipuy Prcslolilc Iiilevel lllc buttery that needs wulcr only three times zi your ill normal cur usc Scc ymir lrcslolilc Bullcry Dcnlcr lolluy will be closed NB comm OPTOMETRIST EYE CARE fiim CONSULT 0qu hlllilUNUh MIIM hlmml I1 inwnn iollhuwoml llilllW MUIUIIH Hlnynrr JOHN WALKER MIML VIAU MUTOIKH mu m1 0n m3

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