all mu EXAMINER FOB murmm PHONE 141 WALLWIN mmm cummrons Dependable leclrichl Work nesmmtla and Industrial wlrlng Repair Voxk Lighting Fixtures lop 54Sophia St I93 Bayï¬eld St IN OIL BURNERS LES SERVICE HOME 3230 £d AUTHORIZED IMPERIAL DEALER call Drive on town for quicker service or phone cullecl Shan 561222 brukc HZ Tmzms sumo Limited PAINSWICK Hrs 80th ol Bank on llwy Extensive Damage Minets Point In Hoods Wake with so many Incidents and ddcnls ulluwing in the pm of the recordbreaking rains Fri day qlghi and SnIurday murnlng nu mublu ncnr hand have nm became known like um mnjdr calamities as fit Holla Marsh Across Ihc bay nl Mlncls Palm Handing was nut amcipnlcd n5 thcvnnw 1mm culvert ï¬nd the mallcr on nl the arch type had pmvhmsly handled any rcshet This time more was diflcroncc and allowing lhe tropical Inlcnxity of steady mln from early Friday nnerncon umll on ma he early nnurs Saturday mafnlng he uppnr culvcrl whlch at the up pmach up steep grade to me llamas on he upper strelchcs of he pmpcrly lailcd to lake the load and war nlnc pma lhc water vidcnfly smrlcd auras Ahc oll summed pavcmnnt west and ran acrnss the at section whlch HthLs 1mm then10 lhn bay shnrn cnvcrin It to depth nearly Iwo feel with last run ning IlnmL an unpleasant urpris or hue living in that area who urn Dick Wilsnn al Mimis Grncury and also In tho large mlmcu ncxl Mr and Mrs George IHH nuxl In this had he addillonal nature IOUnot wllnw fall ing lmm the back the lot and Iundlmz wimmosl of me up rc ing on the ma the garage mLCScd he Wlknn Irnuc when sopamud as the rum and loll snulhcnsl Mr and Mrs Ben Johnson are in ï¬le Mooney twinge next and lhcnMr mu Mrs Gcnrgu Monlgmncry on the wnlurlrnnl next Mr and Mrs Dallcry4 and inc and Mr 0nd Mrs scam Wright Ton had unleer lull lllr hed plate to let placemch our mmwlck prcmlscs an nluck my and dnorx ls large and we car ohlnln any fur ynu VIM he and ï¬le Cnnnnn Danny with Tory Aulmnnuve had call In lb worm part storm 1n lake the hcnvy duty ruck hack to store nn Hixh Street where flnodlng we alsn glvlnï¬ roublc and making the jhul though the rushlng water at the 1001 he ran into hole evi dcnlly caused by rain eminn be nrc xhe Hood and on the west alde of the road which looked sale and Ihchuge vehicle partmly hlockcd huappruach the palm alter the min ceased but was towed out b9 fnrc noonlunvlng nnrruw slrlp onuwny name when me 0111 mad washed om the 1am dug ncWIIchnnnel beside the neck bed Fanunalcly lhb hydro power was malnlnlned all through the worst of the storm 01 wndillons wuum higvcbecn much more un pleasant The hcnvylwoinch pipe which brlngJ the water 1mm Fred Pilhcrx llowlng well to barrel bcsldo lhe creek opposlle the stern andn great convcnlcncc fur cuttagns all around here and up in ll other sccllnns was mnmancd ln lhexushlng walcr and lhe plpc was bull to nlmasl right angle by the area lhc slnam Up at me CNR crossing on Min cla Palm road H12 same creek passe under the CNR mnln Jim and two other gidings On the nuth side under the slding usnd nr haudllng the enormous quan llch ol coal in In reserve pllcs he bank Waxth nut entirely atan he culvert an Inn side and it 1th weakened pm the fill under fluI main no suulh 01 hi Wuihouu also resulted at nearly 11 of the slrcama running under main line north and cast tom MIC hill me buy and couple wnh lhc Hulkmd Marsh calns lrophc and others tied up the wholc syslrm Illr tlmc HOUSEHOLD FINANCE BORR0W$20559 Crl up In 81000 on mmilflc bonusnu yuur ownnignnluro Ilcqnirrmrnls are My mm Fnul mu day service Call lllC Imlny 28 Dunlop Sth atom floor plum 5529 IAIRII ONT onuIA IlANuh ml Repay in 15 momth instalment of only 5160 euh crossing on Min 1he same crank CNR main line giding 0n the WflpLESflLE PRICES my ounlilv is Qua Narrow Eiuucr Mr and Mrsi McLachlnn narz mwly escaped on Friday mm While rclurning tram Tornnto during the alarm lhvzy ricd lo cumc home three dmcrem ways and the bridges of culverts had been swept away so derided to spend the nigh in mniel Dur Ing the nlgm lhny ind lo get out In wnlnr up In their waists lluvy Toll Lives Properly The hurricane which struck chm parls on Friday look its heavy mu 01 1mm pmpcrly and lives Two at our uihzens last lhbir lives by drowning John Haugh and Edgar bath relide and in their early 70s lilcy both lived alum and ham gone to visit some friends Mr and Mrs 0H0 Haugh of Egbert whu were nisu druwncd As no one know they were both gone Di where they had had gune unm Salurday around noon vimn phone and radiu mils come In my than had hLLn iuur drowned cast Hocton then friends discovered those we men were gone and had nnl been home all nighi Then relatives had diliicuii lime lo reach the place as all roads were covered by wal cr or bridges vmhnd am when lhny leached Tallcnham where Kiln bodies were they were um In very Iragic story 01 hnw ihcy had lriLd ln come through and he wnlur was so deep whore may had drove lnlo Hm In some way Hwy lmd cllmbld 10 the lap 17 the car nnd people who heard their crlos or hnlp trlcd to rescue llmm by boaL They war all swept away and all our were drawnch The tun cm of Mr Hmlgh and Mr EdA gar will be on Tuesday Oct from Thomas Funcrnl Hume All lslnn Mr Hugh Alllslnn Com clury andMr Edgar lo Parkluwn Ccmcmy Toronto Mr and Mrs Haugh will be buried on Tucsday from Coakstown II 34 SPEAKER Scull EA ILIamL publlc school lnspCclor for Comm Sim too will nddrcu Hm October meet ing 01 UN Prince of WnlBs Home and School Assncmllnn olghl nclnck lhis uvcnlng BAXTER CNR Operate Norih Possibility Today Impossible South The ToronimNarthrBay division am am went om of operatinn nbaut 332m Von Friday ï¬nd math ing from Barrie to Toronto Pos SiblLI yet The expectalinnjstkml with ï¬ll completed at 0m inday they will operate nnrlh la Nurur Bay and cut over on the Ottawa division for the can Telephone andTV Kiwanis Spbiecf Todays Meeting Furslcr he Bell Tch phona Conipany Tommu will he the speaker or lndayu dinner meeting 01 Kiwanis Dr Edwin Wilson wlll prcsldc Mr Forster subject xs Your Telephone Camp any and Television The talk wll he Hluslmled by speck nqqumcm doménsfraung me unusual characteristics mlcru In connnnliun wflh lhc Junior plowing school sponsored by the Kiwanis Club rccnmly the judge Norman MuLuDd an executive the Ontario Plowmcnfl Associa Hun ruled lhut Michael Newton had turned the bus turruw 01 the day Spncln mention was made otmchospnamy okMrs Now on in providing men or the young pxuwmcn on short notice STAYNIZIL IOSTMASTEII Mllhucl lhlrmnn hm been ap pniuml postmaster In Slnynor Mllvc In lle Legion brunch which he IS lnasurcr Mr Hur man has bum nmployml Wynn Mlliun lnr SLVBNI yours Mostly Sunny Some Cooler Noriherly Wind 0mm The ma week gave varled Wagner lunch or Imllnn summer mm in tropical rain on Friday wlllcll lasted wllh III lenslly unlll early momln Salurdny Lml condlllnns vm mu ennnxh wlm road nnna rlflwny culverts vnsllrd um and many mlnnr Hands In the area with disaster mum Mann The amp ln tempcrflure caused more d1 commc or Ihosa Involved but um mumlut lmllcale nmny Iml coal Ont Oct Oct Oct Ocl Oct cl Your hnme nnd garden CH 110 nlndr oven mnre namelan wlm wrought lrnn work mndo by cmltnnwn Cull un for hrn lmnlm Temperatures IIEYB nnnnu walnut Min MACHINE 00 I1 Mulunlcr rum 1m BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Mu All IIII AMI Elr Fur HIM High Lo llml CHURCHAt the Boys Viflnrln Hospital on Oct ID 54 to Mr and Mrs Charles Church nee Isobel Flelcher 174 Burlon Ave son GEORGEAt Royal Victoria Hospital an Oct 15 1954 Cpl and Mrs George RR Elmvnle sun HORNCASTLEAl lhe Roy Vic mrln Hospilnl on Oct 1954 Cpl nnd Mrs llam casue 85 Snnlard 51 son MOSIIERhAt the Royal Victoria Hmpllal an Oct 15 1954 lo Cpl and Mrs Masher 42 Ellen 5m daughter my Lynn MOWFORTHAl the Royal Vlc nrla llwpllnl on Oct 15 154 In Mr and Mrs Russel an lorlh B7 Jnhn 52 daughter Janice Elaine MENSOURA Private Patlents Pavilion Toronto General Hospi tal an Oct 13 1954 lo Mr and Mra Monsnur nee Ber nlcn Baldwln son Brian Mlclmnll NIELSONAk ï¬hu 1mg Vinlqrja Hospital on Gal 1914 Mr and Mrs Peter Nielsen RR 1l Barrlc Son Frederick Gor don POOLEAt he Royal Victoria Hospllal 0n Ocl 17 1954 to Mr and Mrs Wllllam Poole Mm NELLESAt Slmcoe Manor Hos pllal on Monday on 195 Isaac Nellcs in his 89m your bcluvcd husband Sarah Conklln and dear Inlhcr n1 Mar Jane Mrs lumï¬gpms oi Mdland Eva Mrs Macrincn Darrin Harry and Lluyd Toronln Resting at Llnyd and Sxeckley Funeral Home Barrio or service Vndncsday Oct 20 pm Interment Barrie Un Ion Cemelcry TUCKERIn ouawa Hospital Friday Oct 15 1954 Rose Churchill widow of the lam Duncan Tucker armcrl al Barrie in her 750 year lost lng he PclhickSmhh Fun eral Home tar serviceun Tucs day at pm Inlermcnl Barrie Uninn Ccmcmry WEBDERAl the Royal Vlnlnrin Hospital Barrie nu Friday Oct 15 1934 Elizabeth Lindsay ha anLLI WHLnf he late Samuel Wuhbcr Iotmnrlyol Minnslng dour mother George WAG Hanovc and Annie Mrs bur DO Bank Resting at he InthICkSmllh Fun3m Hump 127 Bgyncld sn Service Every Thursday 110 pm Elmvnlc Community Sales Arcnu Phone vnmnn 102 Elm vale 591m Tutldny 0pr 2a Slmcnc Counly Shurlhurn Club sumunnqu sale name rpxr GmundL pm In Icmalns hulls nun bonus apply For catalogue apply wm Iam qu Slmud Sccmaryu mm Ill111 Wednesday 0d 27 Aucllun InlL If Vlslnck lur mum LM Con 11 Tuwmhm Innlxm uXc M11 11 Ancllnntcr Vndnudny Oct 27 Aucflcn 5110 llvlslock puultry hay and uraln mm lmpllmvnls to Juslln Gullfnylc Lin Cull Sunnl dnk Township mile north wv1 ale M11 pm Ancllnntcr Vldnudly OcLH Ilmxock puunry uraln mm lmpllmvnls Gullfnylc Lin Cu dnlgTnvvmhlp Lune New Luwclxf Tums mm In 1230 um nhnru me Cough llll Aucllonrur 117122 dnu ir the chapli Mundï¬y pin Inlcrmcm Mlmslng Ccmclcry AUCTION SALES QUIFMINI Ouxhn ure nulhprlud III nucrn unlan and lshln Llccnxu BORN DIED Royal Vinlnria 16 1954 10 Mr ielgorllhkll THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAX£TOBER 18 1954 30 Dunlop St Automggzcozllyl OIL iaUIINERs AIR CONDITIONING FURNACES COMPLETEIINSTALLATIOEJS Lincoln iii Conditioning Ilil Hoot Furnace ALL INSTM ATIONS GUARANTEED 21 It SERVICE Ill MATES WITHOUT IHJGATION 255 Hayfield St PARTY COSTUMES supertest Service Station CORBETT You an prolmloml leHnllhllll Jnh wllh any rumplrn 4041 Cllllm llmul Equlpmenl Have Ilnu lllll mum um VI your Hun mw bflfly and hum lumlih eqnlpgntnl mIIuII um cumplnlo Imlnmlon CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT WEuymoulhs Book Slore New hm hm yaw mu mulled lhix MAM mannu lmm lap In helium and helium la lnpl 0w HEIDI AUIGAMAGIL amuth um new and mndun method nhldl nul only mungth learn you Inn cogelher will NRME MASK WAXWASHING gives yuur lhnl FOLISHID Ionk No man iilinq din on dlll as um dill punidl ls lnoxenzd iI llonu mugiwlly away In Ii xpruy pmllinly planning ynuv mx lumuut linixh AGNEW HEATING llliNTM ILAN lNJllIiliï¬ HVIZIIYIIIING YOU NEED ITS BABY T0 llHAllTllY THOSE OLD FLOOIIH YOU YHlllHlIll VlTlI CLMH LOOIL SANDING EQUIPMENT 3756559 HAVE YOUR CAR WAXWASHED TODAYI PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS WON 5229 FOR SERVICE Phone 3684 Bani HALLOWEEN MASKS DECORATIONS SERVIE1TES GREETING cups cars Everything youll may mm more new parly Phone 4055 Banic