For the put live yup Mr Johnston has been with emsley Newspapers nt London one at the largest newspaper groups in Eur ope He is sending year travell ins semi Canada whlle gatherinl material or book on his coun try commissioned by MrGruw Hill He is writer and producer and is very active in youth work He was oiilclal Conservative candidate or the BrlLish parlia mentary riding at Wellsendpn Tyne and has spoken widely In the United Kingdom in Europe End in Burml nnd indie He he travelled extensively in Europe anri America during the course at which ho ho had the opportunity at nineting many interwtlng Ind wellknown people Wllhiiezardlp our ï¬rst speak at thbsemn Kenneth John stonc am happy to report that the meeting was deï¬nite success HI easy wit won his Budltnce and venture to say they will be in good splrm or some time to come He was Ideal to start the season wuh and we gained wemy new mambcm Gratin Await Than is ta be the topic the midics tint Kenneth JchmwngBxiush news pnpcnmn wiii give in the Barrie Wumml Canndiln Ciuh atiu second muting at season on Wednesdny October 20th The Welltravelled writer come to town with Excellent advance not ices Nationai headqulrter in iniarmed theiocai club that list full when he spake lo few of th prairie ciubu Medicine Hlts unsolicited comment on him was xenrcsetfitntive of his meptian CRLWELLS NOWé PBESCIIIBES REEVES JEWELLERS Your Pharmacist DISPENSES Your Physician AROUND TOWN Simcoe Countys Leading Watch and Diamond Merchants mm MIAMI As anvmnsm ON IN DINNERWARE MrsFleldhousc organized the ï¬rst Home and School group in Orlllln Township ailcr zalnlnl the conï¬dence of the people by point in out to them the many advan ilzes oi having an organization such as this in the community Shorliy alter the association was iormed plans to reorganlte the hair got underway in proch am vary happy over the suc cess of our project although it has taken an nwiul lot oi plan ning and work she writes On the day of ihe lain the Home and School operated two bonlhsr Early last May the Coronation Home and School rnemhers at uhihoii eluted minor to hold rename body to he knuwn as the Orillln Township School Fair Board and Mrs Ficldhnuso ls camary an lhnt board She is Ilsa Home Ind lSchool president monlhs The meeting cammpnces ll eight Ihlrty oclock in he evnnhlgln the Library Hull Membership are sun open In those who were unublq to attend the opening nu grlng oi the year Allhnnlh Iha L1 living quite dbunce nwnytrun Midhurst now ntormer msideni mlinluin her interest in Vespm Township Mn Mae Fieldhousc who is now liv ing in the Oriliin districL has been inslrumenill in giving Hume and Schoui work good alert in her naw home and was one at ihe leading ï¬gures behind the re organizalion ihe Uhihofl School Fair his yelr ailcr sixteen years inacuvilyin lhe area In this regard She hopes ihai the story how the must succcsxiui inlr was planned wiii give root to me ldca that air may sinned 1n Vespn by lhe same means Mr Jahnshne In been on Lhc West Com or some ml ngood deal of hi time being 817cm In Km It and has seen much Ed Columbia In lhe pasttaw Thcrc were ï¬ve hundred and nlnely cxhlblls 1n the ï¬rst school Inlr whlch was viewed by more hm Mlcen hundrcd people The tnlr was lulked about or lwu yam before Ilwus many hold hay évcr n7 tuclrwrhlch may lnsï¬lre Vespn rcsldenls to slnrl the wheels rollinl In nlnylnl her menus to her friends in ml iron Mne Flold house also sent Hang bl phil osophy ma ahe eel ls particu larly applicable In these who work or lhe bcnermen of theh com munlly anlllar ndny me unuscd chrcsshnlhls wicked world pgme world Um we uulhflngizlns niaarcecnlUJ hnrd wLleown speaker use the pmlnnc cxprcmlnn lhll hell of liworld dmfl like these ex pmsslons 30 bl lhc sun illll rLscs In the us Ind sols in the west The Iprlnx summer aulumn and wln Mr follow In succession The rain nnd lhu unnwa lull lhe wind blows in slur shine and he moon sdll changes it cycles The neon living things still live the bird slill sing lhclr pulses In their Maker No the world hunl chmled Is sllll me buumul place that God mlde But It the pcoplu who have chlnzed Greed lenl uusy lntnlerlncc and uclflsh mut crlnllsm are rampant In the world oday Lcl us as member lhls vast universe lry in our smlll way In develop our natural 1m 01 human kndncss Ind charity Le us abolish our destrucllchhlnk lnx brought on by lhe discounuc mcnr olgoday and our 01 tumor row every Id take lhls positive thinkan mmudo Instead lhlnklng negauvcly Ind llvlng In our and uncemnw evcryonc would have peace mind and hupplness Surprise Party iHonors Couple On Anniversary very pxcnslnl surprise puny was held the home at Mr and Mrs Allch Kclcey l9 Holth 5L on Snlurday cvcnlnl in honor of Mr and Mn wisdom on he occulun of lheh 45m weddan anniversary The cnuplux Iclunl weddina date WA Oct 13 but ho family celebmcd early so mu the gmhcrlnz ol relatives mlghl be held on no nullduy cknnd Amnng the unlhcrlnz ul rah llvo were Mr Ind Mu WLmomI nlflhl urnndchlldren Ronald Mur no Pnul and Mllllhn Kclccy Ild Gnll Douulna Allan and Jennllcr Slnrlnlr lsh newspnpmnln Who ls spend ing year lnvelllnz across Can ada wlll he the spznker ll the mound meeting of the season 01 the Burrlc Womens Cunadlln Club he Ubrnry Hill on Wed nesday cvenlnx presenl gath erlnz material or book on Can ada Mr Johnston wlll speak on Lhc loplc GMUISS Awnlls Them The mcellng wlll com mence 830 pm The wu daulhtcuvc Mr Ind Wludcm Mn Kelcc Ade dnd Mrs 161 SIn Marion of Ottawa xecclvcd At lhc door About 25 gucsu enjoyed plcnsnnt evening or games Ind colored slldcs at the many bcnuly spam or me lawn shuwn by Lloyd Morrison 01 Mitchell Lnlcr on delicious rctrcshmenl were served threestorey wed dan cke had been brounm by Mu Slnclllr lrnm Ollnwu GucéuVWcre mm the party rum Ollnwn Turonln and Milchcll The bride at your Mn lhe former Jennle Isabel Drumun and line weddlnn luok place ma hnme 01 her pnrcnls Mr and Mn Janus Drunlun Shy was burn and nixed In Allnndnle Ina ML Wisdom who was burn In Oupory Townshlp ncnr Slnxlmmpton hu been resident of Darrin Ilncu 1002 He wnu ln lhe roccry bush nm hero far 43 year unlll his rnllrlmnnl men yum am They llvc duplex with hclr mn Iuw Illd dnuuhlu 40 llolanlo Thry rlnd llIc Among lhu buutllul zlmflmclv nd by Ihc couplo was 400dny mnnlcl clock Thu Nclwn Wu dhmvcrcd Thomul Hutton MI ulllnu mm anme jonngmnp ang hnvr llvwl Mr mur In 1mm CANADA sA 0ND In uhl my Um II lull nlu mas lulmn Dmulullpgl Mon Ind 1th Illvcr do me me um um 1611 If slr named Iner In Mlxlllnhn Fir Presbyka Church Pen keung was me sewn on Satur day Sum 25 195 or the wed ding of 55 Doris Emcl Houn wme yo est daughter of Baum and niece Mr and Mrs Cuflard Gudlner Pen an Bruce Evinuslnn Blku 01 annonAlbexa only sun 01 Mr Ind Mrs Edward Biker nl Weasldwln Alberta Dr Bannmclated at the doublmrlnx mlrmge calmany DOMINION SECURITIES comm LIMITED Dpris Hounsome Becomes Bride of Baker MmrA Hurdle wm urgln Ind Dlgby Peers was soloist Tm marriage ms Gwynnh Elllnbcm Owen dnlmhlnr 01 Mr Ind MIL chn UK 118 Clnp pcrlnn 5ch Burrle lu Gordon Gilchrist Gmln on at Mr and Mrs Newman Gllfln nl Edonvnlc louk place on Snludny Oclobcr Wu 1054 are ocluck In the nncrnoun In Cullicr sum United Church Rev Lewll pur ormcd he cnremnny and woddlnu muslc was played by In church orulnlsl Lloyd mflord who also ncrnmpnnlcddho luloLst Ml Elnlnu Chanllur DI Enrrlc In lhe IIMIIII The burdl Prayer he oru lhc ceremony and Became unflng Ilunlpx the rvglncr Given In marrlage by her father the brlde wan whlle cocktail Innzth guwn embroidered silk orxnndy lenlurlnn hoummt sklrn ï¬lled bodice deep sweet heart neckllno modlflcd wllh ny4 lon tulle shlrrlnu Incl marl tulle xlcevcs She wore ï¬ngertip veil and ulplc strand pearls wlm Earrings to match xlh 01 he com and carried it cascade bou quet ol whllc carmuons and stepbnnolls The matron honor Mrs Gor don Carr alsth oi the bride chose gown sflylcd slmllnrly to the brides tom sllk 0111mm over yellow lands with matching headdress She carried cascade of brnnzc chrysamhc ums Misx Mum Reckle brl csmald wns gowncd in can silk organza ovcr rose lnflctn wllh mulching head dress She carried cascade nl pink chrysamhcmums Luke Hnunsmnu Toronto uncle at the hrlde was grooms mnn and lhc usher were Murmy Gudlnur Toromo and Chnrlcs normd Collingwood cousln he brlde reccplion lullowcd in All Sainb Parish Hail where the brides aunt Mrs Ci Gardiner re ceivcd in In ensemble of cacoa brown silk crvpc with mulching necessaries and comm or yellow Chrysnmhcrnums Assisting ghc mother 01 me groom chest an lcrnnun dress of navy crepe wilh velvet hat and coxsage of pain pink chrysnnlhcmums anlna on weddlng lrlp lo lhc Muskokn dlslrlol llm hrldc changed to twoplace sull deep rote wllh llle Jackal lrlmmfld wllh send pearls malt china hat while gluvcs brunzc pllcnl mac and pursm and cor san mauve chrysï¬nlhcmums The bride gradual ma Royal Vlclnrln Hospllul School Nursing Barrle Ind the groom gradual In chemlslry the Unlvcrslly of Album Outo own re and Manila mendlnx bhc curcmony came from Tnmnln Bunla an sumdn Culunxwund 5L Cnlhurlnm Mid lnnd£dmonlnn and Wclaskwln Alberta and Salon Rouge Leuk lnnu The bxld whn was ulvon 1n mnrrluxn hy Iucr Mth was won mu own whllc Hmnlluhl wllh cnlhcdrnl 1an run whllu lnce Huwnn nppllullcd armlfld lhu Juw clrcullr ntckllue Ind on In wrhuml lho lllypulnlcd Ilcuvcs lull 11an cuuncl held hrr llngnrlm llluslnn veil nud Ilm wul tugymu bqumm white mmm Mr and Mn Baku will make lhcl homeJn Edmunwn GiffenOwen Nuptials are Held At Collier Street wbm her Illlfl MIL Dolby of Dtlllltr ON mnlronul honqu wrnrlnu own ul Iplcu hruwn llmllnr In Undthlm In Dldlvllnlln alvlnvmmnl htlvhln Iluu l9 Vann nnI nn lulu no 7W Cdnrrua IImI Ll Ida MM nun4 Iiiq can MUn lug nanwrwvw Wï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬Ã© fl My kootlncu bvcrybody planning Donuniau Secunllcl about lemln Savlny Bondy style lb the gown worn by tie bride and cumin hququfl of yellnw rnums Mls Lorna Noble at Bunh und Mn Paul Cmon or Apia nu brldcsmllds wurinx gown at mass green In In lame style the own at the mlhon of honor and cmrylnl bauqueu hrnnze mums and Mia Rose mnry Bunnermnn Barrie ll lowar glrl wcmnu yellow unwn styled with scnlloped neck line and carrylnn nanny bruntc buuon munu nus Audmy Marllrel Morrow daughter Mr Ind Mn Mam RE Shiner was nur rlcd on stud on 195 It two oclock in the marwon missing In Waller Mind Lynn son mm Ind Mrs Aller Lynn RE Saynuf Rev John Venn bummed the mujrlaue ceremony The brlde wu wearing rose belle nun Ind cumin nd races Her auendnnz Mus June Wkklum al Phclpsum wn wear lnln pile blue sult with comic ynllowmxes Lavender United Church was decorum with lladlall or wed dinz on SnurdaySeplnmbLr ll x9Mwhon Miss Dorothy Mal Heard only daughter 01 Mnand Mrs Em Heard ol antndcr be came the brldo 01 Douglas Morri son Kcarmm son of Mr and Mn Jervis Kearnln 01 Anna RevsH Frinscn pprgormed ghe cererpnny The weddlna music wu played by Mr Reflnnld Bra LIV cndcr Bruce Bro of lavender sun Pcrlcct Love before uu ceremony and Ihruuuh The Years durlnl the dlnlnl 91 the twister hrlde was escorted to he altar by her mum who gave her In marrlauc She chose Own while nyldn net and lice over sulln nor headdress Wu 41am Au try Edcnvnlo wn iroomsmnn or bruUIer and the when were Wllllnm Part of Ulopll Ind Paul Jump 01 A219 Jammmmiiv RE smyner 3W9 followed the home the brides plums whem 01 mulhur otJhe brldc recclvedfln navy blue nylon The uroomn mother who also malme was in WA Wed at Lavender Couple Making Home in Angus reception owe Ear sllir Lodge where the mother 01 the bride received In lwwpicco navy umcmbln with pink lrim and accmurics Tim roaml mother who aim rcccivnd was In blue my nnd wu wealint bllck Ic cessorics After trlp Sudbuxy Mr Ind Mn Lynn will be mikan their huge mg RI Shyner OJtollawn 5959 ll the wed dlnz were from Sudbury SL Ca lhuanes Amen Mill Ind Suyner Leaving on wedding rip lo Q19 Unllcd Slum tholbrldu wu rm white wllh nnvy mhmm cont wlnler whllu hut Ind coma whllu cnrnntlnns Onmzh lurn Mr and Mrs Glflln wlll be mglfuthclr Ilumu In Edgnvllc Outrobmwn luck ll lhn wid dlnl were rum ohlo Hammon Toronto and Brndlord ml htlvhlu Iluu l9 Your Nlmu Impllnled bouh In ulm lrom WEAYMOUTHS PERSONALIZED 30 Dunlop In BOOK STORE ox pearl wllh ï¬ngertip vell Ind aha carried bouquet while and red roses Miss Mary Mlllsap Mount Zion cumin mm bride was mild 01 honor In lreen us over mm and won mnwhlnn hud drcss and curled bouuuet or mum mums 1M Junior hrldns mnld Miss Reamer Lackl BIrrlc mired in yelhw meta with mmhln Iwaddms car 1ng guc¢olyellovvqnnma MISS BERNADEKTE MARLEY nurselnlralning St Josephs Hospital Torunlo has been 91mm vicepreside oi the studenls council for 96465 gradultc St Josephs HM School Barrie daughter of Mr and Mm Innk Marley of Phelpsmn She to lIke over the pnsldcncy 1n FdnUBIY Gmll mm mm mile Mfu Pinncin Hawkins or uvenqcr WI 10qu girl otglged In punktanicu Wm nxnuicmmz huddmss and named banquet a1alrk ms Anne West Angus was lroomsman The usher were Ruben held Barrie and Juhn Duckworlh ad Anuus ynccpuon allowed in the Sun day Schoo room of the church where the brides mDLhcr recelvtd In mldnlht blue crepe dross wnh black accessories wenrlnn calnae yelmw mumu The room aunt Mrs Coulsnn 01 Tomunto who also rccnlvcd was dressed In moon with wine cessorlcs Ind wore come at mnuve mumL on wedding lrlp to bump he bride was wearInB navy and whltc sun with navy necessaries and coma red rosns The tauplc are man Lhelr ham Anlus BICYCLES BLESSED ORANBY Que CPiA Imup at lecmnern zlhmd in Hunt of SL Eulcne Roman Catholic hurch hp gr he pcdljunn grub mm mm Dumbuiin 1111 ï¬nd bleulnu lhc llllyducornlqd mlchlnu StUdént Officer 60 BAYFIELD STREET 239 Bmdford St MIL MDUHI 07 HAHN 0N IlWAY wo did If ouiulvol with BALL PLANING MILL LTD DENIS SHEARD LIMITED THE CABINET SHOP PANELYTE Missioanland ju Enioys Study Period on India NIH DIVIIIDN Hill COMM CAKADA llulllo 5t Mm 1mm Dabber mun olCoromUon Man Band of Collier SUCH mud Chuxd wu held sq um WM linker mamm flan o1 Mn Ronald pug the warmlp senice Ind the work um wonhlp twins were Nine Hall Ind Qamlyn Pile ISMM by Susan Smith and pebble Cull Elmira Buxhldxe was In the chair and Wendy mm read themln ulea ll was Innoumd um rub Toronto Church ls Setting For October Wedding The marriue of M15 Shirley Evelyn Reid daughter Gearle Reid Ind the late Mn Reid 01 hr rants lo Roland Le Archer son at Mr and Mrs Sterlln Arena at Ben Ewan look pllca In St Chaun Church Enllund Tor onto an Saturduf October 2nd 1954 It three ucluk In Ihenner noun Th Rev 10 periormcd the ceremony Given in marriage by her father the mid were men length princes line suit or winm whita hnnxAiine with white hudpiecc and veil She carried bouquei of while muuu with mauve or chid Mrsl Joan Mlllcy at Toronm who was her sluteru altendnnt wore royal blue benxnllnn rull wllh navy hat and accessories Ind Corsage of plnk rosm wllh silver ccepunn Inllowcgi he hum of the bndcrpnrcnjl 138 Earlscoun Avenue Toronto Mrs George ï¬eld received In blue dress with navy accessories and Mn Sterling Archer assmlnl wtrc dark null wlIh mat access or Lam the bride and groom Ian on wedding trip the brlde hav elllnz In th anmv xult with chuc olul brown accessories On their return Mr and Mrs Archer wlll make their homer In Belle Ewart Clyde Mlllny Toromo was groomsgnnn Mnny éGlaftoWn nunst fluid ed the waddlnz Willi 5mm WW9 Ohuo handyman In your Mm you can hav Pumlyu In your homo loobcouillul Pamlylo link and covnlu Domdial and vcnlly lop hulhroom and lllchon wnlh Vanulyh add Immodlnh bunny and ponmmlnl bunny no Ilulnlug or makhlnq no morn pnhlhg pupulng planthy and Forum no way lo hop ulsumlngly loan 700 no lodhcd Dodo yovmll your ccrplnlu ov outmuov will do lob In My VIM MM building mandal wpplï¬or at why Jump Wednesday 011 20 530 pm mmswwn PANELYTE DEALER HLLANMLE ORANGE HALL PIES CAKES QBREAD BUNS FOR SALE UCIIUION MRRIE HHME BAKING m1 rZuum Mu 1an bmhlm CIIEYETAL CHAPTER N0 50 LOEA BARRIE ION CULIJUI nmovn Ml number of members the prhnry group were wanted to flu junior my And swam nutty period wal enjoyed the nab met at which was man meeï¬xuwu brought a1 clone wuh benedxcum HumII in muflly my Oh rith SUPER F0005 70 Dunlop St Man 8052 FoxA New use on me mum gamma sun now suns lllE P00 BAR PHONE 2496 Phone 4444