Mr nnd Mrs Dan Luck Eden vnlu Mrs Wllsun CundlLJV Mn and Mrs McMillan and daugh 101 of Dryden were nucsls at Mr and Mrs Wallace CIulc 8L Himl The all openinl St John United Church WMS Wm held It Mn Bishopx on Neldly evcnl Devnuuns were taken by Mrs Daupe LHIiStcd by Mn It Fitgehen Mrs Reynolds led In prayer Mn Corbett zavc some interesting paragraph from the book the Power Positive Thinking This in book from the cuunty iibrnry much in mnnu Mrs Trace gave the ï¬rs chapter oi the new study book Ruii call was answertdmy value with the ï¬rst lutler of the month There were 24 present Attend Weddings Rev and Mm Cooper at tended the EvnnsSicwnrt wedding IlVVCochranc last week Mrs ArlIc Slbbald and son Gnorgfl and Mrs CDC erlhl II lendcd lhq KaranMurlson wed ding at Parry Sound Welland VII ram and MNJcrt Ruwlcy nnd ML and Mrs Hurry Rowlcy vlsltcd Ihclr num Mrs Thomas mum and Mr and Mrs David Ritchie and Mr and Mrs Charles Oakw Welland vhllm Here and Then Hammond Dorsal Is vhil ggelntlvcs here Mm has Copeland Toronto aencwnd ncquglntnncc here on Fri ny Mrs Roy Rowul men the wetk wlflx hcrhqsznnd nL Suunn Mr and Mrs Gordon Ruwnl Lyrm nnd Dunnm uf OrllHa spent Sunday wllh lhc Iurmuru mmhvzrv Mrl Ilowat Home From Trip Mr nml Mrs Gurdun Spring rclurncd nHur vlslllng Hands In Pelcrbum Truman and Jluchcslcr Suknlchewan Vlsll Mrs Illlchlu Mrs 11va Mrs nay Huwat left Sab uruny night In vlsn relatives In Knmsauk Sask ml Regina Mrs Alice Horrluulon Toronln spent he vcck lxuru with lrlnndï¬ Mrs Tyler was HIL guest an Mrs Slubhs over EL Jollnl Harvest Suvlcc Harvest scrvlcv wlll be In Sl Johns Anxllcnn Church ncxl Sun dly Soul 20 nlll uclLck Ilandml umc llcv Dr Llambuum Shanty Bay will be In chnrun tm mm awn wmxzsmf mag 1m Mrfrlhd Mu Ollvnr Ritchie Welland nra VlsHlng relatives horn Mrs Ti Rev and Mx lhc werkund Mu am Cash spun mu weekend In Toronto and Cum nrinns Mr and Mrs Brown and Inmlly 01 Album are vlslllng Mlss Rich ardsnn Mr and Mrs Arthur Dunn and chlldrcn are spending law days In Hamilton Rev William Newman wnl In Tommn or In low day last week Miss 15min nnd huge 63 were humc from Tumnlo far In wcekcnd Don buck mu bazaar Iur SI Johns Angllcan Chulch Friday Och 10 Miss Lu Baldwin spam 1m week In IEtcrbnra Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmrn lpcnl luslMpndath ancland Mr and Mn Roy Richardson Ind chlldrcn Turumu vlsllcd the Hodxscns nnd Baldwlns the wrcknnd Mr and Mm Caldwell Ind tam lly Wylbrldxcu vlsllcd Mr And Mn Ellerlnutun durlnz the work end CRAIGHURST ONE OF SERIES PRESENIED BY Sign gage E85 $4sz Im Enimz $3 Dem QmZArmEmzHIpz +22 qummo aoZOnnoE law of timide BREWERS SINCE l7 MalGM mm woushvnw lo Gwyl um mum blou van mm on mm Ahmhum 11 Im Christ Church Annlvenuy Chrlsl Church anniversary on Sept 10 at and Standard Time lltv Pcllollor wlll bu nl hlx home church or he momluu ucrvlu and Rev Allan Rem nl Barrie will be here In the even mu Evnryludy welcgmc Sunday vlsunn Mr and Mrs Hanna Mr and Mrs Roland Hunt and N115 Jarian Hunt at Torohlo LNHc Glllnspln Hnwkcslunc arm Mm Calhorlnu Coleman of Slmud were Sunday vlsflnrs my Mr and Mrs Fred Nelsons Miss Margaret Jenncll Cam nrlnus spent me weekend nl home with her parents Mr and Mrs IL LAWnu Prelhylerlan Anniversary Presbylcrlan nnnlvuunry was well nllcndcd both muman and evening Rev Jnmc Ferguson or Barrie gnvc nn cxccllcnl scrmun In the mornan and Rev Muh ul Allnndalc In lhu cvculnlz Special musk by the chair and two sunrial solobu were enjoycd very much George Slbhald rammed Satur day allot holiday with friends at Nunh Bay New ugh School Bus Stevens has now 10an engor school bus In opermlon or the high sthonl routes memorial Service goodly number nmn hm al tended the memorial service at lhc ancrlcy Cunulaph on Sun day womens lnalltuto Seplcmbcr meeting at thaw2m ens Institute was 11 Mrs Harry Bantlngh In charge of heallh enm mmee wllh Mrs Bruce McVannll us Convener Roll was answered to the secretary by namlng veg etnblc Dr ml and walling whal vllnmin ennlalned Mrs um Held conducted buslnnm scsslnn on plans or the Essa Sehonl lnlr here Plans were made lo lmvc sumcone allcnd the dlslrlct exec utlve meellng on Sepl l3 at Cooks town MIU McVnnell Introduced the speaker Mr Priee chemist nlsu Mrs Prlce Hls male was Edlble Oils and Fall which Druved very lnleresllnu and helpful Mrs McVnncll gave slum reading nnd conducted number cnntcst The hostess nsslsled by he re lreshment cummluec Mrs John lluggnrlh Mrs Leo Dantlnn and Mrs Earl Rcld served dnlnly lunch and all enjoyed havlng llu uuwls Next meeting at Mrs Jack Ennllngs on Oct 13 Mr and Mrs Welï¬lur Burton of Culgnry wcxc gucsls nh Mr and M55 gnnnlljg nu Surlday MM Laura Cnrrulhcrs and Mrs Clnn Lcnxmx were guests ML and Mrs George Carruuwrs on Sunday Mime Nlncy nnd Palsy Camp belL Tumult spent lhe weekend with their parents Mr and CampbclL Ind Fennull of In nlsm Township hive Inken up Idenceln the house they purchased from Fred Grlflis on Lorne Strch sllndud IIma Sunday autumn Came In on Sept 21 we were reminded to put the clock back one hour when redr lng on Saturday night Sept 25 Mrs Dnugias ansmllh rcturrled mm holiday Cobourg Txen ton andRochester Mr and Mrs Arl Mcquay wen Sunday visitors at Mr and Mm Clnvu Pauuns and nanllngs mu n13 laxmum ron PRINTINGPHONE ll lnnlpfll Newcomer IVY Camp Borden Clflun COL Inth Tom 8111 511d 1211 succeeds Cpl Pav ellch Camp BordenDclach ment Cpl Bildlcll Joined the RCMP In M0 and nwelved his training at Regina 51511 and Ruckclitte Ont hi Iruc Mnunllu tashlun he serv ed for some me In the North wast Territories before coming to Ontarlu but remains modestly rut ccm unnécrnlng his adventures tn that nblcd land He L1 married and has son Ronald aged and daughter Laurie and Cpl Elldfch came to Us from the Muncey 0nL Dclachmcn and is lhe mnmcm going lhrouah the bums getting settled in his newrhome To Cpl and Mrs Blldfoll Run ald and Laurie we extend hearty welcome to Camp Borden We are happy to have you with us and it Is nur sincere hope that your tour duty will be altogether happy and successlut Swillcrlzxnd is confederation 22 canlons Including three lhal were alllnd in the ihlrd cenlury TOWEIUNG runs The Andes reach their mum height in Peru wim seven peaks above 1000 COL NATURAL CAMOUFLAGE The Rocky Muumaln shrcp has brownish mm which turns while in winter New Appointment Detachment At Camp Borden Cuuivatcd In Enclan times by the Mules and Persians spinach was Introduced lu Europcln the 15lh century CPL BILDFELL RCMP ANCIENT VEGETABLE FRESHER 33mm CRISPIER finhwsérllzzwWW TASTIER31ii111myi mam cm was HISTORIC NATION Ihoyll bk your favoriios too bowuso lluym lmxkml Frmlwr to May Imflmrl Nullm Kmllumlgu Ahly virvp In Inllk or cmnn Mr and Mm Shaw lormLxlyi Susie Wyncs Superidr Wisconv sin called an friendshcn rccentiy axleid Sympathy Sincere sympathy lscxlendnd lu Mn Hodges and family in their and bereavement Mr and Win Hodges were resident of ihix communiiy before moving la Hawkcslnne with iheirvdaughlcr Anniversary Service Anniversary will be hnid in tha Unilcd Church on Sunday Sept 28 Rev William Pulley oi Cope own will he the speaker Music wili be supplied by the Mcindy Men of he Youih For Christ of Toronto Scrvlbns will be held at 11 and 730 Song service commcn cm at 715 pm WI Plan Fair Exhlhfl Womens lnslllulc met Mrs Wrights Thursday cvunlnz Mm Handy Sr gave comment on the muun Plans were made to show an cxhibll at Barth Fnir and the bake sail at the Market on Oct Mrs Urovm con ducted cnnlcsL Mrs Masany and Mn Wright served rcircsh menu Sunday School lo am Sunday School will be 10 oclock unul alter he annlvarsary services The death of armer Barrie girl Mn Sparrow occurred luddenly on Sunday evenlng Scot 1951 In Kirkland Dltlrlcl Howltul1ollowlng an Illness only 10 days J95 year of ago Show Convnlesclnz llere Mrs Brown Cralzhurst is cunvalcsclng the home of hu sun Wilson Brown uflcr her r1 zcm fall In which she sulfcrcd broken arm Rev maxnemu Baysvillc was recent visitor at Browns and Waller Forbes Am EFFECTS Whuuplng cough In severe cases may lmpah the eyeslgm hearing or twmelory system Mrs Spahéw Dial Kirkland Lake Hospital 133 The rnpublic of the United Slalm of Brazil was established in 1889 by rcvulullnn against Portuguese xulu Former Barrio GM DALSTON EDGAR service wés held In 5L Pelcr Church on Tuesday atlcrnuun with Canon Watson nlflcint Ing and In Barrie the service was In Trinity Anglican Church and cunductcd by Rev Allan Rand on Wednesday anemoon Sept Eanl wns hc mnuy plouin Barrie Unlun Cemetery mu 5h wal born here Ind mended Lhc Wen Ward SIth Cum School Ind Barrie Countlo 1m um Mrs Shrruw was prominent member or St Peter Anxllcan Church there and both she and her husband were counsellors lu he AYPA She had taken an ncuvc part the lite an the cam munlly and was dlmclor or flu loml 01 club 0n complellnl wheel she want to Toronto and hid llvcd than or Iboul len yam Then her mar rlnze to willllmslzarruw wn sol emnhcd and altar movlnl la Kirkland Lake the had sided her husband In establlxhln the and Auto Body Company which In It propribtor TL mm sizing 3mg Surviving member 01 Du lam lly In Barrie are her parents Mr NEW LTQIIII DETERGENT CONTAINS LANOLINT SPECIAL 1H BUY GET F01 la Crnwn Brnnd Com hIOCK UP numan PANCAKE H001 YNN VAL STANDARD FINEST llANUH IIZKUH 01d lymn Tabla Shelled Ilccu PERSONAL IVORY SOAP AUNT JEMIMA AYLR NTUH Illle IANTY Lu NIAGARA 13an DELICIOUS HOT DRCOLD PEAMEALED GRADE IREDRESSED FBYING 0B ROASHNG SHORT CUT Auslnllan Eununls GMPEFHUIT JUICE LIQUID DETERGENT llNll FALL TllANGll Vllfl llNL MOTH own 25c HNOMHALX IlflllHUl HLICIZN MI AVUII GENUINE BHCIIN CA LDWELUS inns LINK SAUSAGE PRIME BIB ROAST SYRUP wnmuwsaamxm GOLDEN CORN IDIULAII BRANDS Mm ll ONTARIO ON Ill lyllli VIII OWN mun IImmly mm and Hllunlly um mm mm mmmum 310nm Lmrrrgy WTTRGE ROLLS CHICKENS RICHMELLO CHEESE SLICES PEPPEBSOIIHSH WHSHEII SPINACH GRAPES TOMHTO CATSUP CIGARETTES RICHMELLO TEA BAGS SWEET PflTflTOES EHNSH 01 SYRUP 24 oz Tm lb bug oz Jug OT DAUXET 11 Hjlu Eu Mm an 31 23 27 BWEETENBD mlnu Eu1 25 lb uvemaa FoFmer Barrio Resident Mn Max Rounfold Dies Mother Of Add tanner reddent BIKHEMPL Sarah Rountcld ll widow of Max nosenleld did htr home on Armbur Boulevurd 1mm anu brie lllneu She hid mlde liq honm in that glgy Mr ave no yugrs Mn Rounleld was the motheg or Fanny Bobbin Rosenleld Wh was chosen Canadas woman nth cte of the halt century and Is now Toronto spam columnist She Is also survived by three other dau ghters Mrs Gordon Herman Mr Josqph ester and Mrs Jasapn Ah ram Aaon Maurice pradecaascd her in 1051 Born in Russia Mrs Rosenleid came to Canada nflcr her marriage and lived or some years in Barrie She was munher ol the He iew Men 01 England Congregalinn the Daughter Israel Society and Weston Sanitarium Association Map Lani 0L boula Ind lln John WMII market Square And one brother Harvey wflwn I7 Maple Avenue mm tributes Included thou ram the Comm driven 1mm Auiomouva the 1471 True Blue Lodz Ind the rim Cutopemuv Packm of Onuflo SYRUP Regular VMiunxlnu 50m sumald Seedcd Grove or Colony RHISIHS vkv 27 Snnwfllkn Shortening lb cm 27 Allmclivoly Priced CANTON no Ha 1mg 20 nm 29 homo no oz pkg ha dual 10 ot Tlnl pkg 0T Tln ron 25° pkg ol oo 69 12 oz Jug on pkg 19 299 arucmm lb SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL anle 59 49 49 49 129 25 60 Dunlop Bus RETAILER To THRIFIY CANADIAN3T run WEEKEND SHOPEEES 51 Y5 ZELLERS LIMITED Phone 2439