m4 Hounmleliv Moran Tumulu hm men at mr lmmu Irw um Mr and Mm lrd IIIIIl umI lum Hy Uxbllliur Mr nml Mrs Mur er Pushy Sulnlhlnl vlbllcd nrmlls on Sunday Mr and Inlll Cancun vLull rd nl Nuwlxllukt vrckvml Sympathy LI cxlIndml lu Mm 61me In lhu llunlnu ul her hmlhrr llnny Cunun Tu runlu his WLtk Mr and Mr anruncc llnmlllon Mm llwuld Toxnnln um MM Wlnus rum Hilflfllldhlellfld Mr llllll Mrs Clanmu uuun unc dn rrgcnuy 11in ddks mm hrLn wllh lllr dnuuhhr MI Ullhcrl MC Fm Mm Dnnclda Thnmpsnn lellcd Injmusmn oval the eknnd Mr and Misfnmuy mfnu lamlly nnd Mlxs Mnxlnn Drink and Mr and Mrs Jnck Purdic upon lhc Weekend with relative llnd attended the FrenchJenn wedding The Xrny cllnlc wlll be hen on nusdny Sum 21 mm to pm MiJs Ida Tzlylur Midland vLIllcd fr and Mrs Juhn Mulcr or II days Mr and Mrs anlcr Duxmlcnd Mldland sucm Sunday wllh Mr and Mm Charlrs French Wallace Wuod ls home all the boat or cw weeks Mr and Mm Hub Hornshy and Karen and lrlcnd 55mm few dnyl at Golden Valley Mn and Mrs McArllIur spent law Mr wllh Mr and Mrs Ilcrb HornJul Conunued ram pue one The uhool havan Ihe second hlhm number of palm per pupil WI 55 No E113 and wu uv tn cub mrd brute Bunk nl Tomnw Alllnon Th than with ucond hlzhut lat1 number at polnu nmmion School wan llvtn cub mud by Ihe Royal Bank Bard wllh the but weed mllectlons the 40 ways weeds in the county Grace Applezate ï¬lm Nelson Gal Nelson Billy one and Earl Cochrane of Ivy and Jackie Gaulefl SS No were given cash awards by The Hanl9 Exnmlncrnnd tnc pupllx wlth the slx bcst entries ln pota toes Marla Kerr SS No Essa KnlhlLcn Arncm Angus Ellnrd Elllson No Pclur McLuh lnn Baxter Roy Dumpsln of Angus and Marllyn Slurgcss of Utopla won cash awards glvcn by Herman Jennclt Chairman the schnoi air committh was Wes Cochranu wlth Frank iligglnson as secre tarytrcasurnr Commillec 1ch her were Peacock Eugene Smith in Wilson Mrs Butch Lrs John Wlllson Llnyd Mc Laughlln Art Black Garllcld Kerr Lee Bantlng James MCDCI molt Mrs McLaughlin Wilson Wright Mrs Edward Lewis Wil lard Cole Wilson Elliott GemKc Jamey Mrs Dariun and Gur nn Cochrnnc TThu fair is held annually under he auspices of lhc schonl urn1 imam Essa Township ln npcralinn with the public school lnspcclor and the agrlcullural ren rcsnntallvc for South Simcun Chairman Truman Flatt of iilc school board anls on the alt com litlcc along with liccvc George itkinson Chalmcn oi the Vflrimls section in he fair wen Mr Higginson Mr Cochrnnc Mr McDurmnll Mr Black Mrs Butchers ML Willson and ML The excellent schuo displays Wore under the chnlrmnnshm at Mr wxxson uu or prlle Mp er nn Mondny Th In winning the mom highest number polnll Kllhleen Arnem or Anlulwh1 wm given book by he Emu Cu Ltd Torumo which also gave the same award to the boy win nlnu he second hlghest number polnu Ross Hlulnsun at Utopia cup warawarded to Donald Martin and Douglas Spccrs Ivy the lwa pupils platan highest In It Judging competition and Rob in Frengh was awarded mm by Ira WlLsnn as the champion live stock showmzn Excellent Exhibits Essa School Fair John Currlr lltsldmt Huge Mldway Horse Races Fireworks CULLINGWOOB September 23 24 25 Dairy Culllo and Swine Juduod Friday Boo Culllo and Sheep Judged Sulurduy Durham Glrls Plpe Band Great Northern Exhibition WAVERLEY Georgian Bay Dhnin Largo Fol APTO Flatt Precipitlied by the aftermath of Frldlys storm survey is to he made ihe sewer and slorm drain systcm oi Midland Decision to Employ CanadianBritish Engin eering Limited in complete the sur very was made by Midland council Majorliy oi cuunell was the opinion the survey was long over due and that the flooded cellars in homï¬ and business establishments throughout the town only empha sized the need DISAGBEE 0N SCHOOL Members Oriliio public schuoi board an in disagreement over the changing the Site or the miw school in Hugh Grants planned West Orlllia xubdlvlsian Board mumbers at uheir monthly meetlng also disagreed as to whether llnwkestone boy with delectch vis ion should be admitted as pupil to King Street School which has special teaching lacilliics Request or admislun came from the Can adian Notional lnstitule for the Blind Flrsl sum towards the Installa Ion ol communlly clnvlslnn xyrlmn or Midland and Paneling has been lnkcn wllh Lhc leasing central Inlcnnn sllc near in ski lump mm Bert llabflalllc Ap pllcalion fur parmlsslon ocrcnl 1254001 lower on lhls sltc ln Tlny has been forwarded or approval Io muwa Sponsor me system any um cnuxlul cable are planned lo bommqqu and Penclang and tmm maln cablcs whlcn wlll ï¬rst cover the more densely popu lnlcd areas of lhu communlllns house limp wlll be slrung Ncgmlallon are prncccdlng wllh lhc Bell Telephone Co for the ln slallallon ol Lhn cnblc and rules or the servlcc wlll be announced shortly Reccytlon lusts have hccn completed and good TV pldurcs appear ensured PENETANG MUSEUM manual report presented In For Pendanxmshene Museum Commmu Indlcaled successful year with nbaul 2500 person hnv In paid Idmlsdon To um ï¬gure could be ndded IPProxlmNEly 500 more whu toured ln noups Such as the American weekly editors Credit backlnn for $3000 lolper mil wmpiclion oi the moi of the new Pcneung Arena was apprnw cd by Penelang cauncil Council also mum to pay the $450 prem ium an liability policy covering workers an the arena including volunlcus against accident and to assume the ï¬re insurance 1mm iums lalalling $175 when the pol icies ¢ome due Hydmn ncw ndlo mnmuller In permit communication with In line nuxnkmnte mm In the North Emcee II will be ereckn In Panama Bradford Vlllazc council It lhb ween meeung Accepted the un der Ame San Barrie or mrbxhnply 1000 yards of crushed jnvel 31 per ynm SURVEY MIDMND DRAINAGE cmmmm Ellln HemMann MIDLAND COMMUNm uar maven cannum BISPENSES PHESCRIBES DID mam Your Pharmacist Your Phyliciqn PENETANG ARENA Mun WWW Hindu Shier VII Mn Eruen Hancock land gum Inn mamAd her nun LL Hue Cont Rex lrom Prince mam1 BC who wu on her way home by plane mm Cornwnuh N5 when the took Wlal tnln Sn for mval work fur Cannda Mr ind MmMeMn Hamck have returned to Northern 0n nrlo Inter spendlna cw holidin hart Ind It Alumni ML Ind John Alton and hmlly Lornevflle and M5 Davldacn ourwood spent Sunday with and Mrs Hancock Mn and Mn Vincent Walkcm Elmgmve merit Sunday with Mr and Mn club aney Mn and Mrs Duke Slth Allis ton spem Sunday evening wlul Mr and Mr EL Mooney and aunnded Egbert anniversary Mr and Mrs Harvey Wulkem and family Baxter spent Sunday with MrsnndMm Duo Haugh MnandMm Ernesththeon Thornton 21 Sunday with Mrv and My man Newlun Egbert meet on ch ncsdny 22 In the chumh room when flhey will entertain Thornton WA Mn Ind Mrs Oml Terry Bar rie and Mr and Mrs George Hull Thornton 5mm Sunday with Mrs Holt éri véry lmpm Thornton choir rendered beautlv amhm and 5010 was enjoy Mrs Herman Powlss 9mm is spending couple at weeks with her moths Mrg OHcamc Miss Olga Sagan Toronto spent weekend with Peter Sajgalik Anniversary Service Egbert Unhep Church annlyer sary service was well attended on Sllmday Rev Kellogg preach few to Mane SepL 22 Eullnmy ls spendlng days in Toronto this week BULLOCK MBTBRS EGBERI The frmhcsl selwlion ol lulumodel lowmileage used can in history is pouring into our Ford Monarch Dcalcrship because of recordbreaking new Ford and Monarch sales Thats why werc able to give you the bus used car deal in town the widest choice of spotlesst clean topcondiuon trades oflcrcd rockbollom prices Tu be sure of the mldeal buy where you see Ihc Ford Monarch Dealer sign and the Al sign lruslwonhy signposts guiding you in smisfaclionl Market Square GENEROUS TERMS YOUR PRESENT CAR MAY POSSIBLY BE THE DOWN PAYMENT NOWIS THE TIME T0 DEM YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER Mn OConnor and badly To ronto spent couple weeks mu her mother Mn Gear Conltlon vmum during an wnktnd Hum were Mr Mn ISBIynoldShoflflnd Phome 32 Mlulsun Strut Em 2nd Floor Phomx 8505 ppm EVENNSS yromeEmmpm rot EVENING Mauls 53 Ford Fordor In 751 Ford Convertible 51 Mayflower Conch 51 Morris Sedun rm Consul Sedun 50 Meleor Fordor 50 ford Pass Coupe 50 Ford Tudor 011111111 Senior 11 1101111 CLUB WILL mm MEETING Sunlluy Sepl19 pm ORILLIA COMMUNITY CENTRE USED CAR LOT N0 90 HIGHWAY AT FERNDALE THESE PRICES HERE ARE SOME RERI BRRERINS Anyone wlshlng tryout asked to he gresent KNOCK Ionvanhnl 01thch Mum you fou munL mun14y ems mama 16 David at Toronm swm cumr cm 1111 In John Gown men wupk dtyi $5000 storm sewer pmjecl wildly ln Tumnh with he ï¬ner was to be ï¬nished in September ML Ind M11 Sunnon Ind Gnlhltfllnl departman In Lunlly Comm and nu ma nuunoed Ind campkllon at me Mn Watts Mimics visflcd It Dmlect will allow nan on Shannon on Sunday twoyear meet Prolflm laudld WWI ullul would In smug Condlllon my llnImhlnl brand nw cal Ilundaul whh many una Barrie Tlumondouu buy ol In Shownoom Condlnan nndlo Ca ndmonmq Iu Tap Shun ovudllvl low milmun 51295 8495 595 795 895 795 995 49 Monarch Tudor 47 Mercury Tudor 47 Mercury Tudor 46 Buick Sodun mi 46 Puckurd Sedun 46 Chevrolet Sedan 46 Ford Pass Coupe $111 $5000 storm sewer pmjecl imam was be ï¬nished in September Hm the engineer department an The English penny nuunced and completion of the beans orighully project will allow start on yound were equivn twoyea 7mm paving program uennywanh silver Phbnd 5526 THE BABEIBEXAMINEB FRIDAY SEPT 11 195 The numb penny L1 nu mmed because orighully 240 pence one vound Vergqulvnlem to no PENme TAUGHI EWCUIION lludln Hnulnn lap rundnan nxcapllonollv ma cundluun young man lancv hmlu mdla Iun vhor lmuulllul moon llnLh mm good lumlly cu luulu uXmuIl on lhu Meander Melville Bell father of Alexander Graham Bell time was pmfessar of tlocutlun Quecn University Kingdom 3775 S425 s49 s59 3495 s295 $350