Need for Highway Safety Startling Accidénr Data ton and hall 01 metal propelled by the explosivepewer of gasoline ls not my These were some the words used by Rhys Sale Presldem Ford Motor Com pany of Canada ln speech dellvered thls week at the annual eonvenclun of Dlstrlcb 247 ct Rotary Internatlonnl the Royal York Hotel Toronto Approaching the problem of highway surety 1mm realistic viewpoint Mr Sniev went on to say that surety had been prime consideration in the design and engineering of every motor vehicle produced in North America in the 1735 60 years Sule then continued by citing some su prising results just disclosed from 13year study by the Joint Safety Reseurch Groupot 9350 crushes on the Pennsylvania Turnpike fourlane superhighway safety engineered for spews up to 90 miles an hour ulm cxcesslvé speed is not by and or sen frequent bause of accldencs TheTumplke study showed thatmost moved at name in the 10 mph speed zone 77 m4 nn mnh The Tumplke study showe trunk in the 10 mph speed 20 an average speed 0159 mph in zones at about 55 mph In greatest number of uccldents sppeds between 41 and 50 ma Mam trafllc me In lupu MM an average speed 0159 mph and 1n 80 mph zones at about 55 mph In both zones che greatest number of uccldents happened at speeds between 41 and 50 mph when the wbnther was dry and clear The second largest number happened In the 31 0040 mlle range when there was rain snow slush or Ice The truly startling tact wa dents that involved greater sp mlles an hour accounted for per cent or the total said The speaker emphasized Th single menace on the highway is who does net look where he is AL 4x mu The truly startling iact wasthat accl dents that involved greater speeds than 10 miles an hour accounted for less thaano per cent or the total said Mr Sale The speaker emphasized The greatest single menace on the highway is the driver who does not look where he is going and the next in line is the driver who does not know what to do when his car goes into skld Nearly hall of all the accidents involved only one vehicle which went out or control usually because of driver failure Thirty seven per cent of accidents were caused by careless or incompetent drivers Ten per oent were caused by drivers who tell asleep at the wheel sheeking of current speed iiniits Mr Sale said that to reduce these would be seri ous mistake Aetuni driving speeds were not uuniiy established by ruie books but by the new of tmiile weather conditions and the con dition the highway speed limit that is unrealistically iuw tempts violations or the law and causes necidents he asserted The speaker went on to say that to achieve greater suier would ifequire an in tensive imtiomwide program of education n1 nni rising generations in good driving of nut HSHIKVEOHCIOHOHS 1n habits and SQKOLYDWDYCHOSS Anothcr point the speaker made was We must take nll possible steps by educa tion and by lnw unlorcumcnt to minimize accidents resulting from human nuns distraction of the drlvcr carelessness reck Jul The study revealed one thing In partic nnf nl use lcssness We need CHCCHVc lcglsinllon In all our provinces to prevent the llccnslng unm drlvcrs mu unm vehicles partlculnrly the apced mnnlucs the smart Macs and the bully boys On this point Mr Sale concluded hls ml dresa wlth the statement We will need more stringent enforcement of sane mule laws and more severe pcnnmcs rld our streets and hlghwnyn of reckless tmd 1n eompctcnl drlvers The person who coldly and deliberately drlvcs nn uutomoblle In such It wuy to cndxumer the publlc sntcty dcserVLfl no more eonsldcmllou mm he were to run wlld wllh landed gun In only to be hoped that than words or undlnpulcd wlxzdom wlll be rend by mnny people pnrllculnrly the weed mmllncn the nmnrl nlecu nnd the bully buyn as Mr Sula says but mm by every drlvnr who cllmlm behind mo wheel of whm cml be und un tnrtunnlely no men 1n 10mm wonpon Although wrllworn Um old myan hm hm noun Ila monnlnnml good 50mm The life you nnvo mny be your qwn by 70 lcself mm sin 11 195A Wherever two or more cape Bretoneru meet these days chances are theyll talk about The Causeway manmade strip or land connect the Nova Scout mainland with Cape Breton Island Road to The Isle Itsenly wlthin the lust two yenrs that many of the eldtimers have been 111119 to take profound Interest in it direct link across the scenic trait or Clinee Within their memory some permanent crosslng was much talked about but the dream never bere tuition until Septem ber of 1952 when the first iill was ddinped irom the mainland into the tidedriven waters The fillan estimated 9000000 tone is required or the Jobls being blust ed from Porcupine mountnln Now Nova SouthsRoad to the Isles is rapidly nearing the Cape Breton shore and arrangements have been made 10 have band of 190 pipers lend the ï¬rst cuvnlcnde across although the date hasnt been set When completed the massive brolect will be matched as an engineering rent by only two others in the world one nt Seam Flow in Scotland and the other in India Although it will spun only 4200 feet of water it will measure about 7000 feet long because of approaches Estimated cost was originally $22750000 but linnl cost is eX pected to be higher The provinces share is maximum of $5500000 When completed the causeway will have sidewalk singletruck railway line and 24foot hlghwuy part the transCan ada route It will out about an hour from the time it now takes ferries to move mil wny curs and automobiles across the struit Shipping will be able to pass through it navigation look being constructed on the Cup Breton side through neck of land mther than in the causeway It will be 850 feet long by 80 loot wide The late Premier Angus Mncdonald whose favorite dream was that he would lend the piper acres me Strait least saw mm mm nu yum mm the sfan or the project am sure It will have 11 grth economlc effect on the future of Nova Scutln he snld Parks Lacking somethlng 15 not done pretty soon the average urban resldent generntlun hence is not golng to be able to ï¬nd 11 place to stretch hls 1c temnrksThe Flu rnnndn plum mum we nnclnl Fest Hardly anywhere in Canada 15 ndequnleprovlslon belng mndelor con venlentparks Twenty years ago anyone could flnd vacant plcnle spot wlchln Iew mlles or the blg clues spot where there were trees green grass and clean water Twenly years from now the way we are growlng In most communllles all such places wlll be hullv up solldly OPINIONS OF OTHERS Pan Arthur NewsChronlclo Toronm daily crhlcizu the govcmmcm Mr lnklnx ha pflvmgu slrikc from IQ rallway workers by 10min them In ncccpi nrhmnuon OI coum he grmal publlc has some nth aha In the use at mm milwnm slrlkc not always mom qnmlng the lab whlch um mm and privilege of any man but means 50 uflnn rcIusnl to perm nnyonu the take over nccussnry or lmpurlnng publlc service which 13 quilt dillrrnnt mun Anyway nu meny workers are not likely to came uut UN mnmnnn win nolhlnn lnlncd Public Has Rights Service on Beeton Line Cruzmore Slnr Dlswncurllnx rumors are prevalent nbnm the mnllvr llu sumusml curlnflmcnl of mice on CNN branch Mm hflWlun man and Colllng wand Ulla dxnl lmlhlnx IPHMIL but In Ihlnul lulnl we our chnnue In mvllnb1n Much nn WE runl lhc lrrml ol ovrnu llul bmuum nbaul Inch ultra rhnnml we would hrth 10 In lhlll Hm CNH should hr nkml lu cnnllnllo 5r vlrn Um Hwy xlnlm bflnx npcmlcd hlu lnu wr SN nuw lhc mall erkl We mu llrm cnnrlrn lu lvcrylmdy We havnn us mud lnnll xrrvlcc lurally InjuyLu up 15 yrnrs nKu Wu wnnl In ho hr lhr rnllwny but Lm hc olher hand we mm In Pull OHILr Drvnrlmnm cnuld wally nnnnlu nn Illurnnlu uml hnpmcd mvhn or In whom um mvrnl mm nmcu bulwurn Culllnawoud and 11mm Molar mull hum wuuld nu would mm Hm nllunllou and II My unvu luxtrr Um mull mlkl bu drllvtrml much rnrlor hnn BI unwrfl mu mud mm mm ulw lnr pmnnum an rnllwnyn nrr ouunmlnl And Ilknwln flu olu lIInn mull rnr NIVIrIMltII flu Im Olllcn Du mrlmunl llul hnvpllm Ihlrlrll wflh lha Hm Fvw pnuplr mlmnlyn um Illli hul rmybmly um uflltl pllmn null lur IN frnwn brllrl punln nunlu at nm mutrrn Baurln W1 jSaurln Womens lnstltute met at the cottage Mrs Erlc Slmp sun at wlndnke Beach Twenty members and three vhllers an swered the roll eall An anlmal whose hlde l3 used lor lenlher Fnur thank ynu cards were read lnrtrcntsand cards received Mrs Leonard Bcnrdï¬nll reported that the swlmmlng classes were real success Plans were made or en lrles Elmvnle Falr qullt is to he quilted ln the near Iuture The carsumers report was ably llven by Mrs Alvln Cox The program on Agriculture and Can udlnn Industries Convener Mrs Verne Benrdsall read an lnlere lng paper Sell and the Sou taken from Rev Youngs pad re OAC Guelph ermonsn humorous paber on The Cow The game pln the tall on the don key created lot 01 fun Prizes went to Mrs George chklnsnn Oscar Archer Lunch was served Shot Awldcnully Happy report that Nnrval Hardwtck sun Chief Fred Hurd wlck expected leave Royal Vlc lurh Hospllal Barrie on Tuesday Narvnl wn accidentu shot by his pal hnvlng Iound revolver crave Whfle looking tar some books Movln Day Mr and Mn Roz Spring and family have nkenlup rcsidcncu in he house vacated by Paul flown AWNu Mr and Mrs Murphy nnd daugmor have mnvod to heh new home an the 7th liner Mr and Mrs Horace Elwe and Wu chlldrcn are moving to the house vacalcd by rho Murphys on am Mr and Mrs noHy Mnchnn and children moved to their new hfluse which has Just been cnmplcud on Kerr SlrecL Vlsllnn Here And Then Mr and Mrs Upward Spring Ind son Earl annulled Hie CNE on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Armand Tripp and Billie Hung attended the CNE and spent the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs HLClflr Dnnomme hillsgirnnlly UnhnJun of Wycbrldgc mom he weekend with Mm munue Robertson 7M Kaye Rnblnson Tornnla Ipcnl 1hr week wllh hur pa Mr and Mrs Gcnmc Mchuuo Dumld and Mary of llnrrlsmn Vlsllcd nl Mr nndaMnJ Mggaxues 31 Sunday Mr nd Mrs 11 Grill wcro gut34 the Founlulnllnrnnby weddqu nl Guelph on Sulllrdny nnd nccnmpnnlnl by Mn nnd Mm Laymn McQulllnn manual to Nlnlarn ran an Sunday 1mm virian Mr nml Mm Ehnrr Slum were Ilorncc Fullcr llnnllamh Wucunsln Mr and Mrs Huy 510111 Gull nnd Mr and Mrx HUM Slullz ul nvnr 843 Kllchrmr Inmln fur mth rvrnln nlp Thuuni Wu Hunts 0011 rclumnd home an Frldny mm mm oanynble mu Immull lhc Cnnndlnn WNL Mn md vlflml number Hulsleln herda rn mnh null Irn mlrnllnl Ull lnclll Nullunnl Ebelnun ll Vnnwuvcr Sunday lelklrn UK Mr nml MN mm wm Mr and Mn John Mn of Blnynlr Mr ulnl Mm David MJIIQr and Mn Jumln mu nl arrlc Mr and Mrs Iluflwnll Mid Mm AIMLA ul Mum Wommn Mluhnuq Hum mmmm vnrcllml IIurM WMH wnI ham Mu KlUh Illl lmulll llmmdny nllvnumn wllh Ma munlnncr Mn El McCuun unï¬lled fur Ihn mwullm urnkrn Whlrh hlcludcll may Mum and luda mm unlum ullule by hymn Hmy HA In Iml nu WI and pmon by Mm 9mm llull all will rmmmlml lu WWI Hth vrm hmlnlnlna mm Mu Small mnlfllpmnl rhhlhnullm mix on munu Illmlshlp um Tnnwmnm uni Mum hmth mnluu inlhanl IInnl um lwlux VIN Mm FrvluI Knrr tom M1 an hmutmvn wnnhlp errr un llI lhmw Th mm WIy II IIMN by Mrl Jnllrny Illfll In Mun Hm mm Unnllnhh ml ml Mn huan ouhllilml an In Ivnyu um buka Scripture lum Mm HIM Wllllllm Illmduced Ih new Int IM Ill lumh 1mm he mull um Mum lnc mumn um um muting uurnnl fqlhwin ma mum at our mm and bomdlcllm mm hour bumd New of ilmvale Next Mme yon decide paint the liuirs ï¬nd out wlxnrc nm ï¬rst BURNS Mr and Mrs Lawson Robinson Mrs Jae Adnms spent law days with Mr and Mrs Wil son Mldland Mrs McCoemun Slayner spenuhu week with her mother Mrs Rowal Guesls Rohcrunnl Guests wuh Mr and Mrs Wally Robertson were Mr and Mrs Laguer of Landon Mrs quard McDuugnl of Thonhury Mr and Mrs Cnnn and daughter min 01 Coulngwaod Mr and Mrs Leg gen Niagara Falls NY nu Mr and Mrs George Terry and sun Euuc or Bracnbridgu spam Thursdaz wflp Mrs Em érennga arId Ms Joan Grecnbank spent few days Turinmowiih rglaï¬vcs Mrs mid Bcnrdsnll were guests 01 George Muir Fergusonvalel nd Mr Wink Robertson Mr and Mass Jeanette Roberuun spent Sunday whh Mr and Mn Mc Dowell Midland Point Mr and Mrs Arno Nurse daughter Can and Linda of Tor In spent the Woekflnd wIlh Mr MrsAbcrl While Recent visitors with Mrs Will Mm Rance were Mr and Mrs Emnk Rnch and Janice Mr pnd Mrs Jnmu Neal and chlldren DI Torono Mr and Mr Ray Rance of Barrie Mrs Brown and daughter Balm 01 Port McNIcoll spent Tnursdny wllh MEL Mnimm now JP Al Mmimd Buslncss mum Miss Lois Ruwley and Miss Jnun YOUR LOCAL Funm Ncw LooHan 182 Dnnloy Phone 2632 Rvpaln Remodeulnx Shame and Clunlnl Ilellnlnl Bun nwln whlle ynn It COLLIER STBARIT MALE QUARTET Monday Supt 20 19 pm MIRIAM HHIIAN HOTEL TUESDAY BICIT 21 0mm IIIAMIIAMN 0TH WED BR 12 Thu Drmomlmflnn Vlll Ilu Comhlclrll By Mr May The VMMI HM MILBUILN FEUDWSHIP 0F EVANOELICAL BAPTIBTS REV NULLMEYER PASTOR 11 mm mu 1m ï¬ll HAMILTON THE BARACA rm HEARING AID DEMONSTRATION WELLINflTBN HOTEL ACOUSTICON ACOUSTICON Thu great now Tubeless l0 Day wume Gullmlkynw Iflld II Mall OHVIMIIMI ï¬lm$10 Down 310 In mm ION ONMKHDH nl Mn Ill on Int lu Monlh opuolu Inmumcnh In my IvaDIyI SpululIIIphonllelvUp1hulovlmm nulm Magnum WnaphonImon mhlcnl In humldlly 1mm mu INA11h lmnuunl unlnn BROADCAST CKHB Iml MrII MIth Inlvlnl llullnl Md SIrumixlor 5mg Commodore McCallum Speaks To Barrie lions An exceflmt start wan made by the Lions Club of Ban1e In Ihelr ï¬rst regular manna on Sept humbly now meeting nlï¬nu Kn Cmnmunuy Home when me thn different wan mounted In an auras by mmber the Royal Canadian Navy who hold the Nahum rank gambit in um nwy or ihe west alas Hc retired nbizul one year ago andAs now resident at Shanty Bny Introduced by Dr Henry Swan SC McCallum gave an Inter nuns the British Navy wiï¬h which he met served during the iirsl world war and 01 Which he gave much data regarding in development and uperniiuns Alain In the second world war he began with the new Royal Canadian Navy which was so small in its begimdng mat wns inked seriously until hmu rapid and substantial du vciopmcm splendid results were attained and great support given hmuzfluul the Bell an attending Business Call any at Midland Under Docmrn Care JamesFurlong nnd Tyrwhill Wallacean unde the doctors care uk heir home here Best wishes for speedy recovuryt mm Mlalud BnPn at St Andrew limpllnl Midland nn ScpC 1954 to Mr and Mm Ken Hitchlu son brother for Davld The ma Percy Kluhen Mv and Mrs Howard Spring and son Earl attendee me un era on Sept or Percy Knchen Warminslcr who was buried mm the Dnulmle parlnrs 011 munJam war years and sham Jmmpersed wnh the more tech nlcal Hide his rcmnrks were number humorous and Kntercsl 1mg Mule smrin and incidents gn Yap Gel Boner7 Trénslnor Hlurlng You 66 Your iMonox nuck Loyal True Blue HglI 29 HIGH STREET HEALING MINISTER OSTEWIAGG GOSPEL MEETINGS Sunday 730 every ï¬ccd Have Faith in God Came and enjoy the odnsh luncd hymn sipg Everyone welcnmc Al powc Chrlsl Jesus Healer n1 Body and Soul gusto Commodan Joel 15 29 The ACE v3 FULL meet your 11er4 flinging in lung naval by Symon Cammndorm In canncdian with hnnor oi visit in he mWinl cubin on one occasion he had been briefed by In cider navy mm to remem ber the cumnary mute to the quarter deck He rmmbered thin courtesy Ind wondered why he Wfll an only mlddy la have the honor It the captain table and shut in mund and Mn mind out that he was the only an to give the saluie on REV mm BA Minister ME FRANK DUTCHEE Organist 945 mcmmcï¬ SCHOOL 11 JIMNURSERY KINDER OARTEN LamWhat Chrlslhn umMahofllln the Churchs Ile snurccs mav GUERGIS uA ANGUS 315 rutFans SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1954 11 mPHOLINESS MEETING 230 pm Sunday Schnol pllLEYANGELISTIC MEETING chmsday Sepi 22nd Home Lugue Frlepdly Wekomc Awaus You The Salvallnn Army 5mm mï¬mm 95¢ VSI Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worslcy 515 imv JAMES anuson BA M1013 ER ANGUS 011mm Ind Chanmane SUNDAYV SEWER 19 1054 ll LincEV IL MIN 31L Subjecl nu theAssembly Cun grrss muQUARTERLY IREPARA TORY SERVICE ll ImATIIE CHURCH SCHOOL ll amr FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCH CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY REV LUCK ILL ED oMlnhm MlSS CLOUGIILEY Orlanlsl uniSUNDAY BOIIOOL ll mMr CUTLER pm II CAUTIIERS The Salvation Anny Dunlap Iml Tawnlu HLI IRV Cull Ilrlnn ILA MIL Wlnen Maclun umnlu SUNDAY smvrmmm 10 1054 IJIIVvlll INTER And an VIIIIIICII HCIIOUL Dmlnnru uml lrlmnry Church Schunl nml Nurmy pmHIUNH AN SOLOMON Curlnlhlnn Knr nml Krmpvnhhll Mmunlc whim will narndv In DI vlm Ivki SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1954 EVERYONE wmccmn ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH £3 éoumn 5mm Major And Mrs Conner CENTRAL UNTED ANNIVERSARY AND SPECIAL SERVICES OCTOBER 1n 3th UIL ZIEMANN AND MRS MMUAN NEWIW 10 nm3Imduy IIchuul mm mm 1an II lLlnIIOIINING WOILIIIII 130 IIIIIIIPIIIK Ounncl Hervlcc ch lmyor Muellnu nnd nlbln mudy Wmudcrlul Wnrd Hmudcmd Klm 003 nm Huntlny FELLOWSHIP OH mm Jnln un In lhln Mlurllrrvlnn Felluwnhlp lhln lmndny nvnnlnu not uw Aplnndld Chanunn Hound FIlm TIIII BEGINNING OF TILE IMINIIOI myrlnu meanngo For Yuulh Youll 11 Glad you fume ALL WELCOME cam T0 cmmcn ONE AND WVJIIHIIHw COME TO CHURCH TI IIIIUHT In Belhel Penlecoslulr Church mltcunlnl Aurmbllrs Canada 20 MULCAHTEII 812 IMIHHI IHIV ll BURGESS PASTOR SUNDAY BEIFEMDER 10 1054 lrlymry Church mulyln rcsullm Ah pun mm 11 We Xingu In engaged mbblnl Iha deck at apply the holytone to whiten we tuxhoe The while colhr Allin on the moulds wns lo yruml mm the moulds wns lo yruml 1mm me pix tall On conclusion he recelvm the bunny thunk of the club at EX Emsed by pm pmldent Rowe QC SUNDAY smvmvmsn 1954 ll IMHMORNING 5EEVIC4 Now mere urengggsng gm THE CHURCH SQHOOL 945mmrslun SEIIJOI Ind lntu miEVENING SERVICE On meeung some 01 lifes harsh mnsscngprs EOLLIER sr UNITE Mmmer Ltwll MA FD Orginlst and cholnnmep Lloyd Tull0rd SUNDAYY smmm I9 1954 REV CM BRIGHT MoSunday Schnnl 1100 130 Preuhln EVERYBODY WELCOME am they are all nuke unponin Angflcnn 24 Collier SLreen Rev All Bud ILA um Rev Gemn Ebenlnt ME VD Mn nobemcnulr mm TRINITY XIV SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1954 mphHOLY communon 1m ImMATINB SERMON Ball llrflaln Sunday RCAF Conï¬mzem will he prescnl Broadcast pm EVENEONG ll SERMON St Johns Ambulance Carp Church Ilmde The Rector will preach at both services WEDNESDAY SE 22 155 300 yumThe munnon md In ducllnn Rector of Tllnny Church by In REV Bev erley Preach Th CV Clnllll Mnultnn BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH IKEV ll UNSTEAD Mlnlslcr MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Orznnut SUNDAY SEIIEMDEH 19 19M No Hunday School Htulon Coxnhlnld Service Sunday School nnd Worship Scrvlccnl ll nm 2l5 ImpHolly Hundzy ï¬chnul run Church Hervka ALLANDALH Renter llov NuwlunSmllh NA 800 InnINHAY COMMUNIDN HM mMIININ KAYle UNDAV HCIIOlIh pmlHVENINI IIIAYKII METHODIST CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH Yuu are cordlllly wtlcomed VESPRA Rev Allan Rud ILA Ln 200 pm HOLY COMMUNXON The Rev Allan Read All Arc Welcome eVDepLS Nnmry Kindergarlrn Primary Depu CHRIST£IIUBCH SAINIEEREEES zoo naymxd at RALLY DAY