Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1954, p. 5

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Wasage Beach Operate Hydro ithue $103000 Continued horn page one elutriui customers in the village Increased rout 880 to 090 In July 1040 to provide better electrical Krvlce to customers in the viliildit Ontario Hydro installed 2000 KVA ironstormer station ItWn on Beach and in June 1050 ow ing to the steady growth in the power demand the stations capac ity Wu Increased to twoKIM Prior to 1048 Wasaga Beach was scrvcdgby Hydros stayncr dis tributing station LPeepla Di Vision In brief address Julian II Ferguson MP for Silncoe North said that today one could hardly realize that very few yours into this spot had consisted only of sand dunes There were people today hia said who could tell of how they might once have bought 100 acres of that land for about $1900 and others who could have bought main street in the village for out $250 Fortunately hnwcverfiwi had In this community people at vis ion the speaker added They knew that the value of the beach es would be recognized some day by all the people or Ontarioeven by others from different liarts of Canada and the Unitbd States They gambled with what was lot of money to them in thuse days but as result at their iorcsighi Wasaga Beach today is known everywhere The Investment here runs into the hundreds of thous and of dollars Through now owning their own hydro system they were on the same basis as all the leading muni cipallties in Ontario The village however had only begun to develop and is wonderful future lay ahead of it wont to givn credit to the citizens rcsidini in this municipal ity for the elforts and the spirit they have show in creating oral municipality Mr Ferguson so rrllrut To Citlscm George Johnston MPI Ior Ccntre Simcoe who alsd paid trib ute to the citizens who had helped velop Wasaga Beach rcfcrrcd the importance of hydro The village itself had dcvclopcd great ly in thc past years and this move was Iurthcr indication of the progressive steps which would keep it functioning in healthy manner Mr Ferguson managor of the Georgian Bay Region lilft ccivine the cheque from itcevc Nash went on to assure his list cners that the Commission would be at all times ready to come to thcir assistance if it were needed As in any business he said the degrcg of success would be mcas urcd the quality or the service provided it was not only matter of call tesy in customers but it meant onldng latter their icquirc mantel Itrid supplying the has qtlaliiyof service possible Good wishes for the successful opcrotion of the system in Wasaga Beach Wcrc then extended by Co IL Klnncd Prcsldcnt oi the Ontarlo Municipaljicctric Associ ation Atomic rower 11 Robertson chairman oi the PUG in Barrie spoke briefly Ind referred to how he had seen Wnsogn leach develop over tho ast 50 years éQn this occasion he continued by had been referring mainly to what had gone on in the putt but they must look to the future How many of thc younll men prr scnt could visllollxe what it would mean when atomic oncllty could be harnessed or cummerclll pur poml if we hall the rlghl xiiirli of peace with our followmen iiitll they hnvc that day in look 101 word to he rldd Grcrtlng to Wasaga licocil were also extended by SitlLr dir ector or consumer service ltydru llcilli ulllco fllrnnio Following thi illttting the aural were taken oil rontillttcii tour ni Wnsugo IItiitIl nnd were litterlilicrtnillcti lit the Waugh Gulf anmColiniry Club 53FORD Mainline Fordor 1N SHOWROOM CONDITION itAlttlAlN $1395 BULLOCK MOTORS Limited Ford Monarch licnlrr LOCATIONS Mullet Nunre Ill rm IINI liniwill If Irnllllilt Iitl II 00 11W rrr your llatrnlng pinll lull In fnvllrltic o1 Mull holiday 510 pan JILL SEVENYEAROLD First Monkey Ever Born Barrie MONKEY belonging to Bill Ste vart Bropkdoie Park DuniopStreet West Barrie gave birth zarly Thursday morning to female baby Jack the father and Jill have been in Mr Stewarts possession for the past five years and this is the first monkey born in the town The nodcbmer who may be named Judy is seen here with her mo ther Socill GetTogether few friends of Mrs Fralclgh Ritchie met at Mrs Terrys on Aug 21 to say farawcll and wish her good luck in her new home at Colilngwood The evening was spent in progressive cuchrc and cloth contest Wlnnerp at cards were Mrs Ritchie high and Mrs Adams consolation with Mrs Fralcigh Ritchie receiving the lone hand prize Mrs ilUwat wort the contest Refreshments were served to close very picos Int timc Motor to Alberta Mr and Mrs Gcoranordnn lcft PHELPSTON onto Alter ltnlldayu Mr and Mrs Adrian Crnrlduck and family are home after holi daying in Fort Eric and Dulloio From Northern Ontario Mrs Charles Loflus and Gerald of Sudbury ang Gcraidton called on Mr and Mrs Joseph Loflus Gcrlld remained for couple of weeks Mn Illll lulled lilra Mrs ltitu Hill who died ill Tur Unto last week was burictl in St Patricks Cemetery here Monday morning Motor Trip T0 inlglry Mr and Mrs Cnylic and family Calgary rptllt week with the former mother and sistur IinVillI cinnc by way of thc Stole and Snuthcrn Ontario lilcy loft Monday morning to mutnr brick home via the Canadian lioulc Mr and Mrs Drilllit Soxton and Douglas and Dan Scxliln ilittitlrlti to Toronto for the weekend Injurrd ilaclr Lllll Stone il home on forced Vncilllllll Itll It work ride In All in iury to his back rrcclvrd Iillit Iti work Mist Eilzlllictllr ONtiil llilrrlt Iiirlli tI ItW tidy Willi lltr ilioiii rrs Ilcrllalld Jrilltl MI ilillillil Miltrllli ls holiday inn with friend in rnrnnlv Min iidlt Alliltr Jones New rim mining holidays with irllurlllr Jtdtilittlll Rcllrrorsls Hchoal 55 it public liclulnl ilnl horn re dteurnied and fliililil imhin and in muly tu ox with lilo rnlut itilliilf Mrl Cnatiiii Look For llortry Willi the mitililll flnnl iadlltit Ilnu tilr unit the an llmktnit tuiwnnl tu lhr npprnnch hi the luwtry mm picture ul llut ycara lunkry champs lilrpiiyul with tile clip In tila lust tiliiitr wlluluw Larry QiiNillilC itln lilllit rival inn ni lmunllu in the color xhrnm ui lill lwu hluu Illsminim lilg Iluilterl litiviitr hm turtlrd out in hr rnanr ltnlller disappointing lm iht lrlg gumn Illilllirl RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Camps highly illllnld trclmirlnul He fliily tluellfitd to union any mlin ur iFiIViIlllit int guaranteed 10le you latillarllun and cOOP uve yml mullry if lows of flowne by motor on Saturday to visit friends at Swallow Alberta and vital with their daughter ers Sally fnrdan Rog Visii lel Simcoe Resort Mr and Mrs George Drysdala and Don Mrs Jack Tinncy and Kathryn visitcd recently with friends at Eonsccours Beach near Siroud Miss Mary Ritchie Reg Dril llit visited during the week with her mother Mrs Ritchie Miss Melissa Graham Alliston spent few days with Mr and Mrs Thomas Cooper Mrs Sidney Jones Bobby Elliott and Mrs Lonimi Kciimnn 01 Rochester spent the weekend lfith Duriis Graham Mrs Pearson and Mrs Cotton and children Orillio visited MLss Annic Locke Will See Ex at Toronto Mr and Mrs Jock Tlnncy llrc spcndiniz the weekend with friends in Toronto and attending thc Ex Leaves for Collingwood Mrs Frnlcl Ritchl 10 Mon day for Coiiingwuud where she will he Ipcnding few months Mrs Lorne Manning and Mrs Oscar Sriglcy spent the work with relatives in Toronto Move to Oliiiil Mrs Allan Grant Sharon and Allan have thrd in Orillio All wish them the btsi of luck Mrs Frid Sitwort and John oi Esnaxiulu visited Mr rind Mri Sydnry Jackson Mr onti Mrs John Andrew Jtan Anll nlili Olrolec ILtmlin called on Mrs Cultlmlllil and David Antimw on Wednesday Mr and Mrs iltmcli Dilitlhr and two cillldrrn Wnodbriilcd rprnl tllc wctltcnd with Mrs Walltlcc llcll nniny hulratnnn Mualrllnl The Young lcllplc all rchnri hnviilit tl Kllnii time lit the crumllun liy llllll In Aug 20 who they rullicvd in music rumiird by Jack is null ills Melody llnulidtlp Iluys who are on tour fmm Saskatoon tinder iioelnrn tare itlr Iiuiily irlrllits tli Mrl Vic Wright will be sorry to learn the Lt ltiltlrr illo liriclorl are ill llililic Illart Erecting liolild Excavation Ior collar and cr llitlli Wnlll nrc litlw lflllliilil itlr lilo Illlusc wliltii Wllitnm illticrt ll rnttlnii nil Icilr St cat Mitt lt iliuiltll Linda and litiifiiy nrr spending 11 wrclt with iiifiliil Iti Iiarrlr Mr and Min Vritlc llrnrdlall iprlll Ctiiiliit vi 11in with Mr it Cloudy Variable Wiih Fresh Winds Possible Showers The and week no unle what muted and cool on the Iran with showers at time on Sunday My and last night Yeeierdy was pink and chancewith mostly sunny and wetmei with lull 0130 the int dun Aug 75 Today has utilrd back into cloudy and cooler with polble chow an and hub westerly winds Tempertum went High Low Anc 28 52 Aug 29 SI Aug 31 53 Sept 51 Sept 51 Sept ea 60 Colleg te Band Takes First At Exhibition Continued from paeg one on Rouge The BCl group handled it beautifully and conccnsus of many musicians among the several thousand in the audience at the North Bandstand was that ihcy would score well up Thereiore it was surprising to learn or the Iudges decision and the only crit icism seemed to he that the brass had overpowered the reeds in certain passages The luniork group was limits to 28 and consisted with several cxv ccptions entirely of 5ccond and third year musicians The test piccc was the overture Prairie Prince which requires skillful direction to bring out the propcr balance This time Mr Fisher changed his inter pretation and the rendition with brass subdued evidently pleased the judges because it brought un animous agreement as the best Other hands in Section Three were irom Dundss Grovenhurst Thornid Caledonia Meaford Wat urd and Hanover Aiiision dropped out The adjudicator ivere Capt Atkins Toronto Allan Windsor and Flying Oiiiccr Llunt 011th RCAF Training Com mand WAViERLEY Mrs Wallace Wood visited Miss Melissa Gmham Allision Mrs Loot and Miss Barlow Toronto spent week with Mrs Ann Latonviiio Mr and Mrs Donald French Visited rclnlivcs in Hamilton on Thursday Mr and Mrs John Miller spent Tucsday In Toronto Mr and Mrs Elmer Frelitn and family spent last week at cot tage New Wosaga Beach United WA Mute Iiaril United Church WA held their Scptcmbcr meeting at Mrs Gar field Browns on Wednesday night with Road ottcndrnce Plans were made for on xroy clinic on Tuesday Sept and for turkey supper Wednesday Oct 21 Mr and Mrs Alvin Wilson and family ot Dundar Mr and Mrs Frcd Johnson and family of Tol onto visited Mr and Mrs Monti Darby Gull iiild David Banks are holl daying with their grandparents Mr and Mrs hive McMann lMiss Marilyn Brown and friend at Toronto on holidaying hero with her mother Mrs Elba Brown Appendectomy At Midland Miss Doria Drinklc patient in St Andrews Hospital Midland having had on appendix operation and Mrs Aiirin Muliiwn thorincs St Cgi Iiccior Rack from VICIlion and Mrs Matron and son laul returned on Saturday 1mm monihn holldnytt lpCAt FIRM GETS Bis courlecr ssnwnv PROJECT The AUanGCotfLtdoIB¢r rte has lust been mardad con trad to slowly 200000 ions or crushed road gravel In connection with the St Inwrcncc Seaway protect its is the biggest lob whldt has been undertaken by the tonal Iirm at any one time and results from the necessitated moving of High way west of firmwaiL for 1h construction of the Seaway The contract stipulates that the work must be done by June 1055 tVY Mrs William Coxworth spent the past two wceks visiting Mrs Green at Thornton and hcrsister Mrs Blair Toronto Mr and Mrs Coxworth rcr turned to their horde in St Mary on Fridnyjltcrj months vacation with their parents and friends Marilyn Graham Holly is hoii daying at the home of Mr and Mrs Jock Banting gucsts of Jac queline and Eleanor Mtg Devercaux Fort Wil liam spent few days lost week at Mr and Mrs Jonaelts Mrs Don Newman and Mary Doulse spent few days with Mrs Newmans father and mother Mr and Mrs Jcnnctt Mr anders Bruce McVanoil accompanied by Mr and Mrs Tip ping vtsitcd at St Catharines and Wetland recently Miss Marian McVnneii is holi daying with her parents Mr and Mrs Bntce McVaneil Mr and Mrs Murray McValiell are at home with their paronts for holidays At Glcnmohr Camp Georgina Atkinson spoilt week It the Glenmohr Prcbyterton Camp for girls Margaret Cochranc Dona Jonsvand Marilyn Cochrane are also spending week at Glenmohr Church Services Church Service in Christ Churdi on Sunday Sept at 130 pm Presbyterian service at 10 am WI Meet Sept Womens institute will inch on Sept at pm at Mrs Harry Bantings The Late Mrs Illack Sympathy of this community is cxtcndcd toMrs Lcnnox and relatives in the passing of hcr sisicrlniaw Mrs Block at Ottawa 0n Agricultural Tour Arnold Banting representative oi SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE SA RATHBUN 1t Doniop til Phone mi rerer oils climbs URUUERLLHNURLE ROUTE DAILY 030 ltm to 000 om 000 am to 000 1m 000 mm to 1130 am 1130 am to 130 pm 130 pm to 400 pm 100 pm to 030 pm 030 pm to 1130 pm 15 MINUTE SERVICE 12 MINUTE SERVICE 15 MINUTE SERVICE 12 MINUTE SERVICE 15 MINUTE SERVICE 12 MINUTE SERVICE 15 MINUTE SERVICE HOLIDAY thin to 1110 pin 15 MINUTE SERVICE OliElle lllilllSlOllTllTiOii CO LTD PHONE 59 With the time mum to spawn the silver rel tintlnd ml the vault and in the liters of untrlll lulupcl tmrii acimt the Atlantis until It rltiitl on ma southeast of lklnluda strange IILi of nature wintit lrlltcmbcling South Simcoe Junior Farmers at tendad the Guelph agricultural tour 19 button and matbam this week Sponsor ThreeAct IIay The Junior Partners are spon soring tilreeaot play in Ivy Or ange Hall Sept 10 at it pm Motor to 1ch Mr and Mid Lorne Carruthers Eleanor Jirrlmie and Myrna left on motor trip to Michigan last week Pittsburgh Visitors Mr and Mrs Harry Banting were guests at Mr and Mrs Elmer Dy ers on Sunday and turned their friends Mr and Mrs Lomen Kschier oi Pittsburgh Band in The News Your correspondent will always be pleased to hear of anything menial for the news Wayne Lindsay of Toronto is holidaying with his gmndparonts Mr and Mrs Bait Mequay contraimputation PRINTING PHONE MM VERY SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE $995 Not hulli to In price but full site top quality Extremely atrnnl but weighs only lbs 10 oz giecn duck over alu rolnuln frames cin ilpsililo Reg $1105 Plug boils tor casting at Valli oil to clear AA small deep running lure for pan fith nSmnll sinker with lots lotion CMedlum Ilse deep running Iuro for larger ilch DTroillng lure ideal ior hm srd orr MINNOW RUCKEIS nllvlnlird picca mini liucltrt design rd lo axyun water Hilly itcrpn ml our uilve IoliK rr my 50 F5 TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19505 KNOCK Here Front Pctrolia Mr land Mrs John Andrew and lamily oi Petroiia spent last week with the formers sister Ind tier faintly Mr and Mrs Frank Cowau Mr and Mrs Robert McCauzhey and Mr and Mrs Palmer Red mlin and family of Cirillia visIed Mr and Mrs Frank Cowsn on Sunday Mr and Mrs McDonald and family Guelph visited It Earl Shannons during the weekend Wcstem Visit Mrs Goodhand has returned home from the west coast and Saskatoon and visited her dailllitt ers and their families Journey To Crecman Mr and Mrs Wicc Ind fam ily vlsltcdwith Mr and Mrs Rolls ert McDonald in Crcemore rccont 1y AVE MONEY Dont Pool with MAUREEN In Turkeys It Chickens Treat at the first indication of trouble And avoid imesl BilllillE Plililii SUPPLY THE HOME OF 111E It MIKE DuMsrkct Square Barrio Celebrate Labor Day with savings from your One Stop Store End of season fishing tackle specials cottage and summer holiday equipment and back to school necessities All from one store It all at prices which will please you Come in today and pick the things you need and youll enjoy your Labor Day holiday to the full Dont let THESE rlsHlNG TA CKiE BUYS GETAWAY IMIwIfiq IIno modern equlpmcnl l1 slash ctl pricrl Now the lime to stock up for happy Illllllll in tho future ELargc uiia Iure deep run ning but flolie II mt ItSurfsca lures JMlnnownctlon very relillllo lure llHltlilrr minnow lure TO CLEAR of low mil rnolrl 10 lili SPEOllil 3295 OTHER FISHING EQllllrllllNl iii irAllth DAY CLEARANCE IRICIIS The famous taplong nulliy Ittnrlt ion with VlruumJinh tlr AiIrIriin and strong rltlllinll hm them irrtty Tartan tint on Complete with Vlrutlm lln Ilr We have full range at ruirrlt ptllciilt pal hm rwrl storit of many lml to trilool rwrrulilrr tlul unn sell quickly Coma in now and mat the will IIUY NtllVl lrlthlll IIUXEH HELL IAiil IIlI lnnrlrm youngster s375 llotilc 5329 craters penrll llts rmyou pllltill etc OUUiIH ARE AUilltltlliil liillUEltH 01 IIUNTlel AND FISHING LICENSE illrilirdultll ihl new intern tuirt ill Hold wlth Vlrtluln linohl will Int ioulcr In lili Tlult llum lichan hr MINNOW TilAlS You can save on time line qual ity minnow Inp rnsda of III vanlud wlro mull Telescopic for one til 11 mil hlndlinl ch 3205 ilAMliOi IOIlES Villl REEL SEATS VACUUM BOTTLES Iitrul strunl aiuvtly kuttln llnlllrl no to Irilotll ll ti work Inu Iln n1 LOO 349 215 allnrpellrrm UEHS HAHUWAHE we DELIVER so DUNLOI PAIDYE 2556 BA RRI Boulc Television Experts 250 iNlllSllL ST PHONE 2429 El

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