Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1954, p. 9

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GRANADA Roxy Theatre SUNDAY MIDNIGHTIMS EVENING snows 645 pm nus LATEST WARNER NEws Big Musical Show Starts Aftor Sunday Midnight 1205 am INl PlACKMAKIR WITH GUN MUSICAL CflMEDY HIT STARTS AFTER PLUS CARTOON NEWS THUR FRI SAT ADMISSION PRICE FOR TIIIS ENGAGEMENT EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED anunnwmrfs sausmnnm in HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON WEDNESDAY TRDRSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY For Movlu MorryGoRound Tune In CKBD or 540 pm dolly THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY HOUSE OF HITSW FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THAT GLORIOUS MUSICAL EVENING SHOWS AT 650 59 pm CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm SUPER TWOFEATURE ATTRACTION CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm LAST TIMES TONIGHT WEDNESDAY DANNY KAYE FARLEY GRANGER BACK HOME ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE OPENS 1201 mm ZNI Hlfl Illl Est Song and raugh SJ hum lvrumukrv um numllm HIIHI In an mlulnll NIer Hum Inpmm mun an llw Rlllll unvy um um ml Mmmllli III Mn Ur luunllul leumr mm uw llu old mmmmul mrnlnu yuumu mmqu11y by mlnl lulhlml dhfl lurid le Illul Illlvmnllc awlnl um unchlm 0n provinciai basis the chap ter also have two bodies The Ontario Ghaer has board director who set up the fund raising organitation and generally supervise ail mu uciivitics ol the chapter Irhcsc men an an prom incnt figures and their participa tion in this organization is an purely vniunuuy basis The sec nndprovlnclnl body is the modirnl advisory comma consisting doctors Him iiamihon Sudbury Tomnin Kingston Kitchener Windsor Lonan and OMJWD Those men plan the medical pm gram of this chapiur and aim carry out the treatment provided through the centres with which hey are associated also on Winninry basis In El gcncml way the alms and objectives he foundation may he stated as Inflows to im prove condllions or the vlcllms pollo physlmlly ccanomlcally and soclnlly whernycr possible lo develop new txcalmcnl cchnlqucs lo provldn cilatinx trnalmcm mnlrcs with the M5 cqupmcm nvallablc to assure the ultlmntc In comm and care or the pollo pallnnls lo pmvlde Iunds or he speciallzcd study polio by medical people to assure supply of qunllfxcd lralncd pclwnnalal all llmes 1th Ls the type at program which Mm Ontario chuplcr hopes to impicmcltt with budget at 5300000 which they hde to misc 1hclr camp1121111151 January To duic nppruximaioly unequmu oi lhnt Iluurc ms brtn received Pniia viciima who cannot nlwrd the expensive treatments invnivcd are thcrcturc laced with the prospect of no lrulmcnts Mcdicai min Ing which one day must lend to ihc elimination WHO must be limited or conlmlicd meet lhls slllmllon Lhrll lhc armus cnmnuluns an new helm urunnllcd Surely lhnsc 01 us who MI Icnlflly and able lo wmk can cumrflnnc WM repre sanu but va mumnmIL MI work In lnsun um mxcrcm this project nssurlnn care and cuqurl Iur hc prcficnl wtlcnu nnd pmm lsing 1n he ulurc mcdom rum palm lur cvcryunc Nationally lhe Foundation or Poliumycllus cnnslsls so fly of mpleluly lndcptndcni pijovin cial chaptcn each of which elects two members to national board at drcclors This board directs the activities 01 nadonai accre uxy in public tointinns and nation ni publicity and its annual medln provides an opportunity or he provvincial chapter to ex change campaign ideas and iron out adminisimuve problems In addltlm than ls national advisory wnunlttce whose mom her are appointh clmcl by unlvcrslly 0r mnmal soclcty of lhe locallly lhcy rcprrscnt Each province ls represented and bl commute also nlncts annually In rllscusa new techniques In pnliu treatment and recommend In the board 01 directors the medlml ex pendltulcs ata national level Graham exncutlve direc wr the Dnlarla Chlpler Can ndhn Foundation tor Pollornyallfls has ndvbcd the Junior Chamber at Commerce In Barrie um perm anent organization should he an llahcd in simcoe County to handle Mum polio fund min and mm the provtnclal chapter In distribu uon 01 benefit and interviewing victims In the meanflmc however an pmxhnllcly 25 per ton the funds ralscd In th¢lncal drive will tannin 1n Barrie in join bank account bcwccn the Foundation nor Poliomycmls and me Junior Chamber at Commercefande hutinn as hes orannmuws de termlnc Thlnk and cnnlrlhuic gm uomly whcn lhu Juyccu call at yngr door Outline of Work To Combat Polio In the Province Anyunc wlshlng lo mail In con hlbuunn may do MI by uddrrsahm Her Mkrx ll hr Fight Iollu Hnul Hm Junhlr Chamber Com mence flux 20 unit In Mountie Colors NEWMU Efllfllyfl mum llw Mr and Mn Tyrmll and lamfly hum mnvcd lntn lhclghome in Churchill Sympathy Emnded Sympaflly is amended to Mrs WHlsorL MEL Rogerson and Mr nugnrson 1n the loss at their brother lrving flauclsun who passed away at his home In Lelmy nn Fxlday Aug 27 Allrldzu Walt Halibumn Fridny cvnnmg Mlu Slmnygnd Mls Allrldgc are spending week at Silver Beach Adm hL Pekrl pm Servltc St Pclcrs Chum wm mm the allcmonn be glnmng on Sunday Sun 230 oclock Eh martin Examiner SPRING FLOWERING BULBS how the tlme to plan or mud sprlnu show 01 garden bulbs when most people cnnsldcr prlnl lluwnrlng bulbs they kink 01 lullp and dwadlls um ARE however quite few nlher qubsand while not brunant the tullns they dn haveu place in every garden Thls arflnln lg wrmm 1n the ham mlth nunest gome people in these smaller bulbs They are In expcnsivt easy to grow and can remain undisturbed 101 yen THEY CAN BE PLANTEDV In h= ruckuy around fines or some qut 01 the way spot Kn the garden AI Hydro Opening Reeve Ailan Todd and Mrs Todd aflnndcd the opening 511 Adam Beck generating station No nl Niagara on Monday when the Duchess 01 Kent omcialcri Cedu 1er Mr and Mrs WAlllam Constable and family Toronto are holidaying at Cedar Harbor Mm Fred Wilkl and Donald Markham fln Apcndlllfl cw days Sluan hnlmn Comma Ilul MIMIll lrrll Mmul lnzml mullhs mm llurclllll wrnl invirr Hlmull UhHrtl llurfll EklmLIywvrmnu In hmr Mlu Jun ltnunlly illlu ll Hfll munlrnl rml Mr nlul Mr llntry slum unll Mr Iml uv 1qu wnrnl nl urnvc In uflrlmmn mum on Sun any Illnwllllll lvml Mr and MI IL Saunlrh lillv Mll HIVIII nwul Um wrrrkml nl Wllluwdnlr aura of Mr null Mu Alfllnr men anl 50le llama tram summer nclnrt MLMS Hanna Sltwurl llulh lrumr Gr and Mnmnrc Saw ycr nre 1mm arm wurkmu dur luu lhc hnlidnyn nl WHIIIln Illrh ardsunn summtr nsnrl Mr and Mm izcmuc Curler Tu muw were vlelmu WM Donnelly on Sunday Ilrcull vlsltora at Slmms wxrc Mr nnd Mm Sloan T111 uml Mnry KIXNL nl llrluhlum Mr Elllx lnylnr lhrluu Mnl Jnlwn nml Mm XIII Jullu um dmmhlrr Nuwmnlkrl Ilen 1mm Multim ML nml Mn Ilmllly Frank unvl rhildrru Irvm Now llmmwlck nrv vlnllmu Mm use How SEIEMBER 1954 Illburlnn Vlcluon Misc Sloan Sloan and CH Pmsscr Churchill and Miss Genes will be scheduled or My Ind Frldly bezln nln each evenln at oclock hem mm In year will be given prelerenee Is to night liowlln In the order hat en tfles are received Ilhero wlll he opporlunllles br new team 10 enter so mp qua wulung ta enter leun at bowl on competlnt club 3mm conkct Mr Buflnn It ealleys or phune 0008 belnre Sept 0m ul Burlel lane ban In leans the Mllor Mlxed hu gnlabllfhbl Ayedszqflzyy Sept as me mm en Mesa Bride Burton mume Barfla Bowlint Audemy handling the ankle for tha may tnd ldvise hat the nu Jorfly of last years team have rimmed fllelr Intention campeuu gull Ill season Mixed Maior Lobp Entry Deadline Wed Sepf MI III 181 Innmm AH mm It Duh IL Ml STEVENSON NSUBHNCE CHURCHILL By JOHNSON Th6 Barrie Horticultural Society GARDEN NOTES In nmt ov lr voun hml rully Imuml In mm In dnyn Illfll Hulldlnl mm HERE iS usr oi hulbsTry some for they will not disappoint you Eranthus Winter Awhile The iirst to bloom producing ycl low hutiemup flowers three inches high Plant at once upon receipt two inches deep They do well under treesor shrubs Gaianthus Snowdrop These deserve place in every garden lor the small while blossoms anticipate spring Plant in groups three inches deep and they will readily adapt themselves Do not disturb ior many years Chionudoxa GloryvaitheSnow fine little bulb rrom Crater Plant in dxiitfi or masses or in the roekery They are very hardy and multiply from year to year Blue and white col ors are available Plant three inches deep Sciiia Liberica hardy little bulb mm SihmiaV little bulb irom Siberia they endure the hardships rain and late snow to force their way into the spring gardens bril liant blue they can bcplanted anywhere Try planting in drills beneath your shrubs Another kind of Scllla that blooms with theDarwin Tulips is known as Scillz Hispanica also called Span ish Bluubell These grow about tWEch inches or morn tall and are folso my hardy They should be planted tour or we inches deep and do not disturb tor good many years They came in colors at white blue and pink Frit Iillarla Guinea lien Flower imlcndid little bulb im the rock cry They are very graceful with inendnni belllike flowers Check ercd Lllv is another name ior these bulbs due to the out their petals are ehnckcrcd The colors are purple and white Plant three inches deep Muscari Grape Ily aninth notivu or Europe and wonderlul spring binomcr They have spires oi blue and white bloom which tapers to pnln with only small opening Plant in clumps three or four inches new and do not disturb They rc sced themselves very lrcely CROCUS Everyone loves the cheery cmcus whlch brave the rests or decllnlng winlcr ComA In mm the mounlalns at Europe and Asia these members the his nmlly brighlen our homes They come in many colors and can be 111211ch In lawns bu ders or rockery They muluply rapidly and should be divided every cw wart Plant nurJnchcs deep BOTANICAL 011 Spain Tulip Thl tulip much nculmcd by most gardeners Thcm are great many vnrlcllcs And they all bloom early and have shun stems They also havv some brillianl calnr comblnnllons Probably lhc bcsl known the varluunvarlclln ma Rod Empomn Thuy can be grown ln nny ordlnary gardcnmll as well as he rockcry Plant lhe mmc mm as anllnary lullm Jonquil member lhn Nar cissus Inmlly Irom lhe Mcdllnr raman and suulhcm Eumpc T1on have two or more small fragrant Some will grnw where nothing else will thrive Most or them grow only cw inches high and bloom shortly afler the snow dis appears Jenn rum FRIDAY HATUIHMY Mun filmed nuffifiibmonjflm5ac WIHuman ANNE OF THE lNDlES ALL THE ABOVE BULBS may be Surchased any seed slum nr bulb firm The one point mcmbcz ls am when mu planted an no dlslurb for the bulb is small and they do not cxhrxuslthc 5011 nor crowd themselves lkc some the ether spring flowcrlnl lower on one Icm nnd are Ion lasunx APlanl flvc Inches deep They come In varlnus shades n1 yellow Lin and rcplant when Ihey bncnnic crowded General Meeting The Barrla Menn Town Buwlln League have called equal mtdlng nun 95pm Ind any persons wlshln lo enler tram In or groups Inr Tucsllay SepL the Bowling Academy at 830 Dunlap St FIRST SHOWING IN CANADA NOW SHOWING Mulcomsons Insurance Agency HOLDING OVER Uncouewmm WBURT LANCASTER APACH JEAN PETERS COLOUR NEWS nmncm mom NEW YORK cm EXTRA ADDED ATrRACTIONS Setflit 2Pages to 16 You never know when Ilrc will take Its greedy toll on your property But ynu CAN protect yoursclt against financial loss vln adequate fire insurance coverage IMPERIAL BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN TO BE SORRY SHIIHMBE Jl hula lounlm HIGH NOON in 1953 SHANE III 1052 Dial 3735 the lad ward Im motion piclun might and

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