Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1954, p. 11

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Ame BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY sum 195 In Furl Erle she was entertain ed luncheons glven In her hon or by Mrs Russell by Mrsl Head and Mrs Asplln and Mrs Tyrrill and Mrs Portlcr entertained at luncheon hn Releclmy inl Nlagana Falls Mrs Bell cnler mined at supper party in her hnnor 11 her name in Fort Erie and Mrs Mark Yang Font Eric entertained at tea Mrs Carle Iun McMumry mwlhcr ol Lhe groom and Mrs Car lhcr enlemlned supper panty Quaker Hausa Orthard Park New York and Mrs Chalk man of For Erle held panlry shower ln honor at the brldc Idols hlr wedding on Saturday In Cplller Street United Church In John David McMumy the former Mary Maxwell was much enter taincd In Barrie Mrs Sandy Russell whn was one the bridal attendants animalan at shower at Lhe home of her sister Mn Al vln nablnsnn and suppu pariy was held at me home Mrs Badgers on Sunnhlzle Ruad alter she wedding rehearsal The bride was cnlcnainld In To mnio at shower given in her honor by NHL Ward 3qu nl showers given by Mrs Jarmll Miss Magnret Boyd and Mrs Dunbar Mrs Mnycr um 01 her fellow itachcr on the staff Oriole Park School entertained Sn Toronto at ma in her honur Bothlhc bride and gloom were cntcmined at dinner party giv en in their honm before their wed ding by Donaid Wallace 01 Flirt Erie In June 11 the close the school yrafi the skill of Oriole Park School presented lhc bride wilh Jansen salad sprviccs com blntd SL1 party and shower lhc home at me prlnclpm PaunsunV in Willowdalc At kindergarten Mplnlyrc pnsldcnl of the Home and School Associallom presented lhc bride with hammered alumlnum ray un heme of 10 cxucutlvc Tin quill made his year or the Siincuc Cnunly Quin and Rug Fair to dopici the neiiviiics within ihc burdcrs oi the couniy has crmicd quite stir ii the Exhibition Birds Eye View oi Simeon Coun iy made mm an uriginai design iii Mrs Torrance of 0mm is no ordinary quill comments inmnlo nri critic Pnuri McCarlhy wiio aim pays ibuie ionur cuuniy irl and is amcinilon in im am The nsmiaiiun Mas mi sprina inu sunprises in their old she writes is not so much lhal iiicy havu iMruduccd new idcns as ihai liivy have rusilcd up their liliciiis assuring ouch hamim that no gmin is loo small or mum to vuunl 1th have set high iaiidar lrlmc evident at his remark Mmiver Ilmll runlm MM 01 7mm Ilanlru nulmlvu runw Whn Main and MI Full Unly AUGUST MIMI ONLY NDHD 10 SEPT llc licunuxnlml Sclccl Your Fur Cunt Now nt law lrcvnlllux hummtr lrlcrs Lnruv mmum In lumu mm or mark In nrdrr III lm rxlu ChnlLF Imam Tcmu 11w wall Mm ll OAT HUARAN VAIM FUR nr sun will lmhl yuur ulrrllnll Inll wunled 11 lylnn rmmu WIGGINS FllflS SAVE MONEY REPAIRING REMODELLING Al mmmmnum mucus LIIHrnI lllullJn Alluw MORE DAYS SALE AROUND TOWN BY JANII TORONTO Yleld about 15 madlum use lay and 15 mefllun dang bum To pr parg ru blossom and stem ends irom Bbbut live pound ully llpc apples cut in smnfl pieces Do not peel or cam Add 10 cups water bring In boil and slmmeiI covered 10 minutes Crush with masher and simmer covered minuics lungcrl Place in large sieve lined with double thickness cheesecloth Drain and measure cups iulce into very large saucepan Use Juice at making Jelly use irull remaining in sieve iar making hullcr She was particularly Impressed with the manner in which the at llvldes of vaiiavs sections 01 county had been SM forlh by up pllques In the qullt fingllng out the way In which marsh lands were represented by rags dairy section by cloth silhouettes 01 person milking the border repre sanuns varluus towns and dues In addition to their tour do lorcc as county cntcrprlse lhnrc are individual quills at tho CNE Ctr luring the naturemoms which he associaunn encouraged as lhvmc of this years fair Here at last 15 what we have been ask my orthe vitaflzlng of district craft in terms théir gwn genius and place Simeon Counly has dnnu something distinguished and as homely as ll 15 cxpcn cups juicc cups sugar box puwdcrnd lrull pectin To make lhc Jelly Measure sugar and scl nslder Add powder ed lrult mum to julrc In sauce pan and mix wellr Place over nlgh heal and stir unul mixture comes lo hard boll Al oncL sm ln sumr Bring to full rolling boll nnd boll hard mlnmc 5er rlnzkconslanlly Removu from Kent skim 0H luam th metal spaon and pour quickly Imo glasses Cnvcr Jelly at once with Inch hot paraflin Iflcn onemzy and everything from the cnopcralivu warchnusc at Bradford freighter sailing into port on Georgian say is truly from Onlari cups xruil pulp cups sugar teaspoon mnnamun lcaspoun Illsplcc ls lcnsponn cloves box puwlltmd null pcclln To make he bullcr Measure sugar and 5M nslllc Illmcvu chccsLclnlh rum slave and lull ml lllruuxh slaw Mmhllrr cum lull mm my large slum pun mm spitrs mm puwdurrl mm men 1qu lu saucepan and mlx well llzlco uvcr lllxh hull and sllr unlll mlxlurL comm In hard bnll At mu sllr In IuKar Bring lull rulllnq bull and boll hard lxnlnulu sllrrlnu comlnnlly Rcmuvo Irom heal sklm sum Wllh mulnl spoon and lndlc qulckly inlu ulusscsl Cuvar hullrr Ill nncc wllh lncll lml parnflln Makes about 5le ounce llussrx Ill DAY Anxlllnl hlxhlnnd game nl ruc IIHH Alwulcrlhhlm Scuflllml law he vlllnuc pmullnllon lulu 00 In mun Hum 30000 Recipe fbr Today APfLE JELLY AND nunm APPLE BUTT APPLE JELLY TORONTO 510m 272 You 351A Yon 287 Dual ONCE AGAIN LornaCunnlng ham farmer DDCI calumnkt for The Examiner and rcncnl rad unlc he Collcglnlc Insltulu has been allmctcd by we grccn Holds and blue waters of la belle province dc Quebec She lcfl Toronto last Sunday or Sonl 2in about 50 miles Lms 01 Mom real an the corner the Rich nu and the St Lawrence Lorna vlsitm here last summer and tried to Increase her knowledge 01 French and when she returned she was nccumpanledby charm ing French girl Solange Mont gram Flylng Kale Ailkcn rclurns to I110 naliunnl airwaves on Labor Day will plans well under way for new and even buslcr all and Winkr season Er mdin program will Inflow her to Iar nnrlhcrn rantich 1n cluding the Iflbulmls new KUmul project In upper BC As her fly lng lrlpollhDycnr Mrs Ailkcn ls planning tour n1 completely new lerrilnry whlch she will re view from the agricultural social and educ nnl palm otyiew The 5155 season willmnrlz Kale Allkuns debut In Cnnadlnn commercial TV She will star as Canadianhomemaker par mel lcncc aver network of video slulions Starling Wudmsday Scm This Fall Lnrnn plans to attend Victurln Cullczc at the Univnrs ly of anunlo whurc she will ml In lhn gcncml arts course and major In French Now howcver Quubu Is calling Durlng lhe summer this amaz ingly mumlie grandmother has bccn vriung new pockcl bouk an baby can nv chapters at which WHI avntar ln Chalelnlnc prlurm publlculinn Shc Is also busy on the uponan chapters of new hard cover buuk As well as her rndlo and TV programs 1m wrmnm lvallim and Iflclurc hnukinxs Mrs WEI operaung her popular new hunlm beauty and restspa or Ule sccundsmsun Kate Aifken Set For Busy New TV Radio Season tnnvunlunl oflkuwhkh ll mam you BAflfllEu 15 Blyflold Slmh 1nd Noon HWMI oflILLIA IZ Mlllllnu Slut All 2nd Flu Phcnu mu mommmv mom ml WKNINO Mom mm mm hmnl than tun1 ud CASH533 my Mmm mm 141 pupumm EXAMPLES OF LOANS $20 $19 MD IN 329 no 7555 NAVIUNWIDI Cllfll Ovlf M30 IMliIlod umch In Cmndl uvd cunouumn toms bun mud In need and lncnmc All luv Sup Gulda lo udunln monlhly pymmu GM la nmplaynd moplm smallVim lam Phonu Am Will mm In um Na bunk Given in marriage by her lather the bride was wearing an original ly designed model at antique Ital ian brocade the iighlly tilled bndiuu styled with sculptured neckline cncrusieri with pearls and long iiucdsicevc looped and bailbuttoned Her very full hooped and crinolincd skirt all into circuinr chapel train an she carricd crescent cascade gardenias sicphanolis lily oi liw valley and miniature ivy Her allendams were Miss Ms garct Boyd For Eric as maid hunnr Mrs Russel oI Drona and Mm Jarrcll Thornhlll as bridesmalds and Miss Susan Dobson niece the bride as junlnr bridesmaid Their gowns were of iridescent par adlso blue Infiela styled with cd bodice and pictureframe col lars The very full crlnolined skirts were waltz lcnllh and they were wearing pctalcd mitten and matching pill box hals Thelr powers were cascades at coral male petals and lrnlllng myrllc Colllcr sum United Church In BanKn wns decorated with stand mu while mum and tiny sanlhemumx wm lreen ollafle ax whackgrnund or the marriage at Miss Mary Gertrude Maxwell daughter Mr and Mrs leold George Maxwell Barrie Ind John David McMurtry son Mrs McMurlry and the lam Carl eton McMuruy Fan Erle on Saturday Auwsl 28m I954 lwomirly oclock in the alter noon Reverend Ernest Lewls performed lhe ceremonyr Music by Purcell and Handel wasplaycd by th church organ Isl Lloyd rulmrd who also accompanlcd the soloist Mlu Mary Boyd In lhclsinglng Handels Wcdd£ng Hym Ted Buckshall at Furl Erie was gmnmsman and the ushers were Donald Wallace F011 Erie Rich ard Chapman For Erln Donald Maxwell Toronto and Dal son Jr of Toronto rcccpllon followed In lhc rccrmliun room or Cullicr Slrcel Church where the molher or the bride mexvud In gown In omer lanes of rose quartz polnldcven lcc lace and nylon Ml nvcr crepe styled with fillth badlce brace lcl sleeves andv very full hand appllqund xkirl She were ma chlng ha and purse COPS1K9 The groom mother who also re cnlvcdwas gowncd In irldcsccnl blue sllk argnnm over blue talleln flylcd wllh Mod bcdlce and anllnc Dullined 1n brllllanu The sleeve were shun and In skirt was very full and she was wnaring In large plclurc hnl In pale plnk valve with malchlng kld glove and Corsage of pink rusc buds Leaving on wedding lrlp la Nflrlhorn Ontario the bride win wcnrlnl handlailorcd English wunl sun In nbluu my weave IJ DUNLOP ST IAIIII WEDDINGS ML null mulchinl hat and Islck cal bag to much hcr mm Ind glam 0n thelr return Mr and Mrs McMurlry wlll be nak Jnr lhelrhome In rm Erie buiuttown guem wcre pres ent from Part Erle Calllornla Humflwn Ind Toronto Manse at Angq$ Es Setting For August Wedding The marriage 01 mm Mary Emel Ircne Scott daughter Mr and Mrs Charles Scott ht Angus to Enmreon Dunn Comer son 01 Mr And Mm Ross Collier New Iawell took pLace in he Presby tcdanrmanse at Angus on Satur day Aug 21 1954 at twb Dclnck In ihe nncrnoqn Rev Kr Guerqu pegormcdthc ceremony cpdcn oxlowed at the home the brides 9mm In An pis where he mother of the hfldc received Xn navy blue crepe wear lng red accessories and Corsage 01 pink Carnations The grooms mother who also received was wearing navy blue linen with while accessories and Corsage pink camauons Leaving on wedding trip to Hamlimmand Niagara Falls the bride was wearing light blue zabardine sun with navy accessor ms nnda comAge at red roses 0n heir return Mr and Mrs Collier will be making their home in Smyncr creases In sales of Japanese tox lllcs In Canada must be accom panledby hardship tnr some Can ndlnns mnlpn mm CourierAdvocate The bride was wearing hallu Ana length gown nylon Ml over nun stylgd with straplm bod cc under lace bolnm She wore numbing headdress and carricd bouquet red 0525 Her alterdam Miss Fern Gon Man of momma was wcarSng ballcmina length gown 01 blue nylon not with mulching head dress She carried bouquet 01 plnk rose It m3 service evcn the ure the Japanese trade in Can ada ignore yhc hgm fact that In Harvey ColUcr at st George was Emmanu JAPANESE TRADE TREATY OPP POST OFFICE WHLKWEI SHOES Miss Doris Mapes Much Entertained Before Wedding surprise shown was gSvcn in honor at Miss Dom Mapu by M151 Barbara Gilmore at her home an Fenfinnl Stuck Aboul 40 Rue were praend to an the Septem ber brideowe Ind to present bar with 20 pm of woman miscellaan shmver was held In the lawn hall at Cookslqwn ln lmnar at the brldnelcct with Joseph Vernon actan as charman Mrs Earl Carr read all addrm of good wlshu mm the gaflxcrlru and table mlsccllnncou gllu wen presented to Miss anu Sh expressed her thanks la her triends or the usclul glfL More than unethlrd ol the 4000 Dubch ldmllies who have 1mm guted to southwestern Ontario 1n hepast flvb years have purchased their own arms Mm the playing of several shower games the finest honor expressed her mpprecIthon nnd gratitude the qvcly gifts Whatever was he succcss oi the agrlcunural aha it can only be attributed to not more than 50 men and women mainly 1mm the sur rounding dlslrlm who put in many days planning and preparation and then worked Jung hard hours durlng me cvcnl ThLy deserve greater pporl 1mm lhclr neigh bors In town and munlry the mrving rclrcshmenl were Mn Jame GH morc and Mlss Helen Mapcs sister the bride912d On Saturday evening Aug 23 Mrs Hubert Mapcs cntcminnd at rousscau ea in honor of hu dauglmr The dinlng mom of the Mapcs name was decorated with plnk and while glaflull and the able was covered with lace clnlh and ccntrctj with all pink tgpcrs Mr Earl Carr and Mrs Hart Thompson slsler the bridew be poured tea Assisting 1n the rooms where hhe gifts were dis played were the Misc Audrey and Helen Mapcs The Misses Mnr Rare and Elizabeth Carr and the Mims Joan and Rosanne Vernon were ca 2551513an Miss Mupcs marriage to Gary Hollywood L9 to take place Carly 1n Scplombcn Dullclnus rclreshmnnls were pl lowcd by dancing to the music nl Walm Bennys orchestra THE HARD WORKERS H£mbu1di Sask Journai SOLID smums wmw um um runplrll nml lrun Mhcliun UK AVAGH SIIOFS lnr clxll UARRIES LEADING SHOE STORE LOAHIH In cull lnuwll llmwlL Elk AA lu HADle vuu 3mm HM HOE TRAP HANDHM Hu 405 II lllu null lrlnwn HHIH ONE UIILM Hluuly noyu oxxOmxl ly nnmd Iuvtnlllu hlrk Iumunl OXFORDH ullur III lav llul uHI uhhuml IllileiTATIONS werevrecently made four employees of the Barrle Works at the Canadian General Electric 90 Ltd 61011 Alklns Margaret MacKnyHelen Lawson and Joan Curtis rnl hhlv Mill to ll hlm nuh jun 795 PULL KEY and LUCK SERVICE XRAY FITTING OVER 50 ms EXPERIENCE 36 BAYFIELDST AT FIVE POINTS Tingrlin Tingnling FOR URRYS rRKEYS PHONE 2397 co uu mix

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