NUT TUIOIIIOI No longer In Tommonlnm enter the nub wny cum with plenml Ixnt II nice In the dog unyn Aumm they more IIkcly In hr weurlng ncnwls they Rock MIII nnd nettle rulxncdly for map on whlch to 1mm nn they awont and away up or down Yonue nLrovt Time In no doubt nbum II The nnbwny In summer In Hot RLIIM In In nIuhvhby nan summer lIlu Iurunko lnInnIL CUHHIIIMIOH lmrbnmuzn Exnmlnrr Pm me hrtm mun pluymnk mun Inyt and nan how mmcllnlly brlnrr Cmmu In nny mumr whmv fly lull nl pink nn he ImnI Hou whirl nro Hm Illuhrll In IIIIImy nml baron lull unnr luyund dullnr pound wmu Inlmlmu Iurhlllr IIurrIum limb In lrlnnl Hdwlrd InIInII nuw wIwrr ntwldlnl In IEl Hum lllrm VI In Iullowlnl IIuI Icnglh Ilrl IMHU in around lmdy tun Inch mum nw Hrtk INI hrllhl ll huh IIIII wuluhl up wnnlt 1000 pollndl II II Iullll and IInIII Inuklnu nuImII of hp Illnd lVlr urn lu lhII Iulmd or prrhlw In Hm Amulrn wn1 mlml nu lhn IIINHI mm bind mIlInIlIy hum Inland II WM pnrchnlnl by tho prmnl pmprlrlur Inr Emmi3111111wxr1nunï¬ï¬mnummnnï¬unmmhmummmnnnmr1111 No longer In Tommonlnm enter the nub wny cum with plenml Isnt It nice In the dog unyn Aumm theyrv more likely ln hr weurlng ncnwls they Rock null xnul some rulxncdly for map on whlch to 1mm nn they awont and away up or down Yonue nLrovt Other nrcns me country which havent such regulations might well consider copylng Nova Scotm lcglslntlon which stlpulntcs mlnlmum spccd on certain highways Jone Ls the Knlcty or Inst Mnrch when Cnn rulun 11ml subwny In spin and spa newness stnrled runnlng on he 51 mm ruutc from Torontos buslnvss dintrlct to North luronw The honeymoon ls over or Torontos sub wny Slowspeed driving may be perieetiy all right on backcountry road but on super highway it tends to shorten tempers possibly nircady frayed by summer heat or difficui day at the desk It is when riled by such cir cumstances that otherwise sane and sensible drivers oltcn take chances that too often send them to hospital or mortuary Back 10 Normal Little attention is pnid however to the coliisions caused by slow drivers remarks The Financial Post News stories of speeding con victions are common but there are iew cases where drivers have been apprehended or poking along in 25 milesnnhour on high way where the majority wish to and could safely drive nt 50 and more Excessive speed ls cited as the villain In many thls continents rising number of tmmc accidents What needs to be borne in mind is that the economy or any nation is no stronger than its weakest link whether that link be some vital industry or some segment or agriculture which provides the foodstuffs essential to existence So in the linal an alysis the meaning of the rejection by Washington London and Bonn or the UN proposal is that the governments or the three countries believe that industry and agriculture both essential to defence can not be weakened by further tax burdens Need Minimum Speed Laws This decision was doubtless dictated by growing awareness in London Washington and Bonn that any increase in existing tax burdens would have an extremely harmful eifect upon their respective economies Cermin it is that further dispersion of na tional resources without regard to deicncc needs would result in revival oi inflation and consequent weakening of the econ omy of the country concerned For Canada to haveso much unemploy ment at this season is indeed serious matter By next fall and winter it could be tragic matter An immediate review of the motors creating unemployment in cluding trade agreements that continue to encourage greatly increased imports of manufactured goods is an absolute essen tiai United Nations proposal that Britain the United States and the West German Re public provide funds Ior grants and low interest loans to underdeveloped countries has been rejected by all three countries The US British and German governments all expressed the view that so pressing were de fence needs that no tunds could be nllochtv ed mr this purpose at the present time Situation Uhjmproved Newest figures on the amount of unem ployment in Canada are not encouraging At the end of May when the seasonal pickup is normally complete there were still 247 755 persons clulming unemployment insur once beneilts Compared to the same date year earlier the total was up by 13 per cent Unemployment ls most serlous in manufacturing where the number oi Cnn adians atwotk is more than five per cent lower than year ago Defence Comes First Averu NM lnld ADC Clmnlallon Mum mem Mlnh Jl The wnpon llulldlnfl Im 0qu Sam nmlo Onlnla mr 1mm zxAMImm meï¬ K4 WAull rmldonl CHITTICK Vkethlml nxvm Rummy1Hqu 14mm cm mmva cum Ind am mm mva Anamun Iy mo Mm In In mu uoa run Itom nun VNEIIWIOM My In yam Iva louh m0 III Im 6542 wumu unu uu mm In mun mum nani fun nun nua cau 1112 fliaiEiEï¬antittnkz Class Newspaper Publish Monday Wednesflay AFrIday um WEDNESDAY we 13 1954 And nddlnu ll all would ll be an lncunvcnhM Inr buslncu and In tulry ruck were mndn man 11dy In the lmmc rulcl Nn lrurku doubleplrkcd uulng llkn roof mm he dreams no Innk nlnndmu In tho nnmndlnu zonu ahead of lnlcrxrclluvu are riaIthlrnlnx curs lnlo lhe wronu Inna no Iruckl unlnx lhni eruhl and lolldfly In llcu mm way 10 ml nmm mule no truth lrnvcllxnl 45 mllu In hour In Jfllnllu znnrn Whats This Pig Worth in For William the oiher dly ynunz mnn played an nme Tm his car Travelilnrnionx city alreei nbo 20 miles an hnur and wearing wide grin he swerved his vehicle from side in uide In the street in order to prevem the car behind rem passing got his come uppnnce when lhc annoyed molorm Jalied down his license number and reported him in the politr There an um many young ltiiowr in her inie leenu Ind early iwenlies hue day who cnnnoi mm in pass out of chiidhami llnmllmn Specular Commercial vehlclu will no he nxemphd nu mnunr how lnmnvcnlcnl Il may be We came ncrun that nlllcntu lho nUIcrday In repurl nuw parking rrgulnllon In plum long way from here and nu Iluck In our mlnd llkr lllmmu at mole Ulcpiu Make Trucks Conform Fort WIllInm TimesJournal Twa humnus young men rubbed one 01 lhnh party and used him rlvcr bank In Snsknlchv wan lusl week nllhough he vlcum prulcstod hu could not swlm The Joke ended dlsnmnmly mm Irlnnd drowned winxham AdvanceTime Nowadny5 it youre not immemd to the neck in nil the troubles of the world maple are up 10 snncr and say youre an escapht with the world de veloping bifler nnd bettcr heldachcs all the time we predict there will be grant revival Ivory Tower before lonzl And perhaps people will real in that there L1 nothing particularly unhealthy about iuminl inward in yourself nncc in while in tact its probably an clcnp vnlvcl Sirnilord BeaconHerald The young man who has been adjudged iiiinou best teennan driver iives lhiu advice in niher ynunzstem Always drive as it your parents were with you There are parents an the ulnar hand who could prom irom Ihi slogan in rcverse Al ways drive an ii ynur chiidron were with you Or even more to ihe painl perhapsi Always drive as if your children were pinyinx in the street ahmd All or this doesnt mean that Torontonlans dont like the subway They love It They just want mare of them OPINIONS OF OTHERS Rate lncxenses that allowed opening of the subway havent been popular either Those who live beyond the citys central zoneus ing bus routesprotest at having to pay ex trn fares says It working on the rublem and win have an answer to It by 195 And the subway is crowded In rush hours it is problem to get seateven at the first station on the line Front streeton the northbound run it it werent forthe gleam ing redundgoid cars visitor looking at the pushing jostling throngs would think hes in New York The most loyal Torontoninn returning from vncntion in country and lake districts shudders when he gets back to the daily grind and finds himself caught in the mass struggling morning and night to get into or out of the subway stations Mnke wnyior women Never And the subway hasnt cured the above ground trniiic problem Surveys show the few motorists have given up their cars to ride downtown on the public transportation sys tem Advice on Driving Revival No Out of Childhood Ill4 Ilnlflll Illhl cumnet III Mann mm MM Inn mum nva ll nun IA 009 ï¬nhhllnl in Ivory Towers and my Hou mu nonowm cmq rlb prrprllnl mm rnllway yarnum tllr MHVIII hue In mumq lllff lrnvlnu Town 71 min way um 11711150 Canndlnnn wm mm wnmml lnrumo In mm uIIIy Il3fl Hml nnlluul hirnmm In 0000 or Inuer Thu our will uml In Ollnwn wlwrr mu mum at Mnyln Chmhnlr Vhlunn Um Munum Tmln Wlll parllrlmll In In Mr lnIIL crrulumiu he npllaln unlrnnlnl crlrbmllnnl nnJ M0 Mlnll Cflnmln Hxhlvlllun II will hn IllIlny In lhu Hall Mr Ilnyl hulnnhm mm Irnvlnu there on Aug mulls nqu len va rmr us mm lho ccnlnnnlnl cole hrnllons of um my and MI hm Jmlrnry onem Illuwlngi Chammn Au nm II Inn on August mm Thrce of the nut on can house thousand of rallroad mumcnlns many which date buck mou lhan unlury The other lhm units are an KOO dny mach 1875 dimr nnd an 1800 xlccpm All are nclual can opnrMcd In the 115 century and rmlnnd lhtlr ur Minal nmwarnncu The lmln nt 15 mllu pur hnu wonl um la Slrnflord whcro It won on publlc display an Juy 20 or two weeks dullng the hcluhl or he Slmllonl Shukcspmrnnn Fullval The min lnlrpduccd Inst your and seen by more than hall million pcrmns the ï¬rst MI klnd lo bn nsscmblcd It conillh at thru old llmc locomutlvcs and six canary ynllow cars History rude the null nunin when the Canadian NuHonal llnil ways tamed Museum Trnln kn Monday July 23V Dn slxnvcck Iour of flu Onlnrla can Coach Hap Emma one Ihe most colorlul and nble junior hockey coaches In Canndn ha withdrawn hls earn from Junior hockey because one crafts lonnl hockey club has brought pressure to bear 1nd has been sup nrtcd by clhcr pmfesslonnl cm Museum Train On Rails Aggjn Cenlral Ontario Owen Sound SunTimes What is hnppcning in ihc stand ards and ethics of spaflsmen in Ontario when team must be forced out Junior hockey because it reinses play on Sun day WONT PLAY SUNDAYHOGKEY so BARRIE TEAM FORCED our 35 WHITE NEWSPRINT 30 Int of paper in the pound Tho Ennis Examiner INCUMITH NOT LARGE PICNIC BANQUET TABLES 25cm IM 111W That xnd cammcnmry nn prcsLnl dny spnrl nn Hu men who run professional hockey and un hum whn operate umnleur huckny In Cnnnda and annually lnlcr lnlu nxrvcmvnl wllh he pm llsulnnul OrunnlluUun In such slmuunn mmlnnn ls righl and mmcnnu wrong nul dlm cull In select up Emmi II he mnn or commendation Uniiur an agreement nmnng the cams at lhnl iighl mile combine known an the National Hackcy Lenguc the Toronto Maple Leafs have spansurship right in Barrie No olher profesilunal loam can sponsor mu Fiycrs without Tar nnlns pcrmimim anie Lea permission will be orthcoming only the Flyers play Sunday hockey in anonlus Conn Smylhc has mind that Ms organization losing money be cnuse lhc Flycrs will no play Sunday horkcy Thnl iJ ridiculous The yen are good drawing card gm well as an 11 Sunday moon And the Len urxanlznllnn l5 losing no more money In developing professional prospects now than ll lust bcmrc Sunday span was legalllcd In To mntn Bul lhnt really not the polnl In cllccl he Flyers have bccn Iflld Your basic ChmHun prlnci pics must give way the nlmlgh xy dollar or ycu must get uul slnnd Conn Smylhc head at the Maple Lual nrgnnlzalion has refused let any meLmloml club spunsor Burris Flyers Wllh aut professlnnnl sponsorship Emms say the Flyers nannm conllnue In operate He refuses to lnwer his standard or Ignore his prin ciples In order that cam mlghl survive and or ha he mun be commended Emma has reluscd to let hls club play Sunday hockey in Taronln Leaf Gnrdfns Because at nun cum Ivy 1m OF COURSE HAVE AN ESTATE My Dad hulhllng II for mt right Imw Ind lln gulng to he pmly lmpumnl Io me name dny Am Allin Imam lmw impartm luv Ilut mm yrupcrly leminlmml mnurglmw nmll it my be pmem Ht may mtivc ulvicc Iml minme mm upmmml Tum Oflkm on he dillvuxitiun ufhil cull WMIDM my olvllgulon Wlilc Imelda lllurplinl Iul Yum Yunilyj STERLING TRUSTS CORPHORVATION WE MOOSE 10 HOLLAND ST JOHNS mm CPIMin Me Hmunlhuld moose born In cnpllvlly nrar nm L1kc has been presmlcd the Natlunnl Zoo sum oumidu The nuguc llullnml 1mm he Newlolmdlnnd guvcrnmvn and wan the 11m mnnsc In an dupluy In Kurnpt mu ed as staling at the connhblon said mum that he made spe £111 pol nnn morning to drive lrom hb place abode on Coll Ingwaud SL to place of cm ploymcnt at speed at 30 mph An we to assume that he travels at In higher or lower rate spend must morning when he not making It point to ktnp on eye on hls spendomctcr The speed Hmll In 30 mph on all Bar do slrchv Cullingwuod SL Coll lnr 51 etc etc every mwrnlnz every dny and every uvcnlng or all malnrlsls as To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir In The Barrie Examiner Aug in an nnlcle cnnccrnlng the speeding In Banlo streets and he specdwnys Bnnlo thorough fares Mn Hchcr Smllhls qunt NEW GLASGOW CFchLml Hmllh Minlflnr Paul Martin of flcmcd the laying the roma sion for the now 52000000 Plcwu County Huspllnl Speed Limit 30 mph On All STreets For AllMotorisrs Nuw llbsyrmn Barrio Aug mnemonic mannaa vWndmr Eur HEADER 14 19M Vlï¬hinnqurtnnrl IUNIIOI hm l4 lmn rnm ummnnxn mm IL link nun ml unoumur Ciuwnn emu how mum Amman The mum snunuun ngaln lhrows lenx Spclllghl on UN mcrcllcss way In whlch big city prolcssmnnl sport optralcs In ms country Mr Smylhc who has worked hlmsclf Into an all powmux pusmon and can virtual ly make or break hockey mum and FHflHW ï¬PROFESSiOWAI DIRECTORY WW Iuvlllu n4 unuu UNIV LOAN DVMII Ilnlc Vï¬ml ll is always the risk 01 ï¬nancial loss Mm several years of ups and dcwm Mr Emms perhaps ctls that he would wcltnmo winter as hockey specular Instead as hockey ccach II mun Conlulunl lluuvl xo Am pm ManIn lo ma mm Cmnn on 10 mm Mr Emm is somewhat unique and unusual man While he sees nolhlng wrong with paying con aged boys at more money week than they could possibly earn by wnrking regular Jobhe ob Jocts In those same temagod pru fLsflnnal players aklng part In hockey games on Sunday In an age where prolesslnnal sport has ustencd upon Sunday the best day the week from good Kale stnndpolnl Mr Emm posh Han in lhe matter refreshing qne 19 say the 12m Cenaanly no one an candemn Mm for his refusal to play Sunday games al though there will be Hume who argue that for man his posi Ilnn his dcclsion ls somewhat Imnlcal one There Is suspicion In svme quarters him Mr Emms dnclslon Lt not made cnllmly without re grct The problem and dim culllcs facing sponsor Junlnr hockey are many and gmal and wflhoul wlnnlng club then lowu mm pm My OxHm Pack and Time Leï¬zhum Happy Emms gen Heman who knows the value of poker face and load blufl up parenily going to he serlaus his year Sn Ms announced Intention szInx up the Barrie Junlm hockry franchise And this is bad news nr Grillla hockey tans many of whom have been attundlng th Barrie Junior game with fair regularity in rzcem seasons Each year for the past several years Barrie people have never bun qulte sure whether thnlr one tlme champlnnsthJenm wouldbet ln cpsmtlnn or not Mr Emms In 41 sort of continual warare with the Smythe family and Maple Lent Gardens has been threalcnlng withdrawal and sale 01 his team each summer and all Gradually no one believed that he really meant hl lhrcaLv and felt that they were only means getting some concessions from the metropolitan ho bosses BARRIE HOCKEY FAILURE NO CREDIT TORONTO NHL BRASS Eu recentyvidcncc wauld seem to Indicate that Mr Emma 15 CD plctcly serious thlx year and that he dcflnflzly dnvsnt tntund to try to oparale the Barrie team In the no or circumstances created by Ihc Mflpel Leaf Gardens Interests HE has told the Omaan Hockey Association that it was nus pos sible to operate team in the pro tusslonal Junior League with nut an American League or NHL learn in sponsor Binriot While there are plenty of teams willing to spomor Barrie regulatluns gav nrnlng thq operation 01 NHL hockey give lhn Tomnto Maple Leafs jurisdlclinn over Barrie from geographical point of View And as Mr mes has cumm enlly refused to play any of his games an Sundays and because Maplé Leaf Gardens and Mr Smylha insist that Barrie play on Sundays or do Without sponsor Jhc answer for M1 Emma Is la drop out altogether lAllllcl null MrrIIInr nun II In mm mum nu 14 ml lmlnlul nun rwu rm Ind Ir unlnlmnl A0 er DONALD flung 00 wnlox mnonmlv MI mama 0mm mum Ivnulul IAIIII mm win Av Iulum limml nu nnIIu hum Mun In mum 1m nunInn BOYS SVEAORAM ROWE MI RPZAIIN vnmnmum lvmlml ROBERT ll MIT 110 urnmrnum 0sz 10 mm omu unu nunm om Klmule onmxo no gmm sync 1m nn rummi OSTEOPATHY VETERINARY COWAN COWAN KNIT MELIAN OPTOMETRY INHIIIIII LEGAL nnl on II Way lul In um Il IL 7mm 90mm UV cmnurnumn Iv on In um nu Mm um Inn AL MILDv munun uMT hugum ur mum umumu um mwnr rumk mund lal umln Ilnn nm In Ironmum mm 1o lnrlulxlnl AHUT mumuiu Aumurrmm IAHUKL muntnxm ACCUUNTANT 14 mun ll runuq chouunï¬r DWI II Aununlnnl um And onuAmznxmm AN mmuunun mnnumwr II Inna an ARMSTRONG chLMIEN CO cnlnnun Accounumu Call an mm You Eh mm null rum MuLAMJN LCOAL 0A Lwimnm rmmn ucmnm MUNICIPAL Minna If youreï¬xing trip and llkcly to need fair amount of cash theres uselul lesson In the am Yousufl he Terrible Turk wresller whu lnvndcd Canada durlng World War Yausufl didnt trust promo and lnxishgd on beln paid In ud vancn In coin whlcg he kept in money ball when returning home Yousufls ship was or pedocd The Terrible Turk plung ed ovcrbnnrd and struck nut res olulcly or the sham Though he maintained forward prugrcss the Weight his money maintain ed dnwnward progress and be fore he was rescued Yousufl had been forced to divest himscll or his precious money bull The moral Is course ntvcr carry large sums of cash when travelling As Bud Fisher at local branch of he Royal Bank points out if Ynusur had had sense enough In convert hls Wm nings into travellers cheques be nrc heading home hed Slill have his money even hed been lorccd to shed Ihe cheques hrm selves By clung he bank the numbers of the missing chcques hed have been able get his money back SAD TALE OF WRESTLER WITH TRAVEL MORAL hockey phym unique and mmcwhat lrightening ï¬gure In cpldbldoded business which dwmv Inuit the lives bath grown men Ind adolacent boys that it is his dcclsluli which mean the breaking up hockey team in Barrie because man re uses to forego his principles for the almighty dollar is hardly one we think that will bring him any great peace of mind hllu Mmunl 1mm m1 nnm Hum um wum nuumnu rm um Mum mum mar um wanna cu an Wuil nl lughs Hardware Ell fly HAIUUH uh CO 7mm MI Your One Slop Storc 80 Dunlop Ph 2556 WE DELIVER LIFE INSURAEEE uocnm ni ufï¬drnwna Awwlnmunl mom minim nunm cmnoPrTAcron MUSIC Esssom rm vlm um ACCOUNTANTS AEKHIUII 1anan ll POWELL WGHS KEYS CUT While MKIIIHON Authoriled issuers of Hunting and Fishing Licenses HARDWARE ADOLEY mu ml ï¬vm