wk mi IIHYATIi DIAMOND DOM Needing Checked Minets Point By Bridge Marker 53 er IEUSIIED T0 ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL on Monday nvanlng when thélr car rolled over seven times on High way 400 near Crown H111 werc Roderick McNeeley 32 of Windsor and Henry Deschnmp 31 of Lasnlle The car German model went out of control as they were travell ing north wcnt through the boulevard through thcsouth qurllrm or speeding and mum of hnJKt wllhuul Mlllcls xulm has bPLJ by Inmuil and 1m mw rallinq vn plucrll uc cnlvm carrxu IHIL lu Uli dillicc IN This was mud Subslnnilui Hmlurr urn wlih cuncnh FIRST IIIHI 1L Two Injured When Car Goes Out of Control on Highway 400 JEWIZLLKHE The umhrbmsh buleon mm and In mu the approach Has brrn cm and aim on the main rmul nmr nu mnnway nmI lho way Hiking Hm view murn rl urr or mlm llslnnu back Innlnuhnvr nu Anslmm 47 yr mm Turmwuu In Ann mm nmnlly muku In In Amnnnu Hh wm lum erlnn nr pnslnlly lnu Jnlnrhinl Mr Kmnlxlchncr nmtmlnnnl nnm wnu ms ulvrn mnrmr xï¬lmllons Urmuny nml um Mun mnxmumn um chumn skrlchrs In Munlch fur nnmnnnnn km wnrk In mmnmn under me Imam Chm wmmm mom or UK Inwnshlp unlike lam checker board xnnrkvr has bum placed on the Inn at he mung visible on approaching the culvlrl and dune much to cut down an In cvssam sundim dnnewmn 101 an nnz umund mprclnlly 1mm ALL IO PIECES pm SKLHHLINER SUITE Ill IIAYFIIILIJ HT Collcc Table Table Lumps FOR ONLY IN MIDLAND Budgol Totms TrudeIns Welcome llrrcs lho VXIHID Buy ynnrc hmklng lur hulro nlyllml Vlmll MNUMIH mvl Lhuflrlmr mn my um JnlIlnullhuz mm mnmw mm lhul Vzully mm mm lull my hm In ulrnmllul llluwl wk 10 PIECE Living Room Outfit 19995 rsmcinlly wllh pnhlh 1min hums ulvv Irl Irwm vilhrr In um dmnu nr lu mnhr bound trafï¬c Inna and ended up on its our wheels iii the ditch on the west slde The pnh were on fishing trip to Northern Onturlm McNeeley sustained severe head injurles and Deschnmp broken leg The car ls seen above and photogmph below shows the skid marks lett by the car lllLlelll Rollen Illllph Ill pr 21 ll Midland wa une ul Ilvo IKCAF ofllrtm klllcd yeslerday whzrl Ilarmrd lmlnlnll plane mulled lnlu lllc mnl fllver 22 mile nonlnml nl Trflllun and Milk ln lo lul nl walu enmmnlan In me mm plane mu Nelll 24 ituhllnn Vllnusn the Mine wan llyln ml the walerl edge whrn ll nuddenly drupnnl Into It rlvtr win an llrvtd have MI Wile Illa nlrcmll made sharp turn MIDLAND RCAF OFFICER KILLED IN AIR CRASH End Tables cushions HOME FURNISHINGS IIONII ZMJ um Ml Tu mm mm 11ml rumml my mum mm IIlnllt Inn ll MAM Up 11m um mudllm moo un mg um Mw now mm on Action Ionighl 0n Ball Front TauM Them ncllun Vnplnnly lunighl 1mm dlslncl wrlmn mnyuuwns with Minuxilg mung Hurvlu Loglun at Queens Park and cm Jmlrnuyinu Hagan Mincshvg um Legion mu at our umnu In he Larks wilh can mllinx nu only viclnry wilh an mm hnighls gnmu Exluur Wm ml mlmlly srhrxlnlcd or an nlnhh hm was mumd bvc had in plny ml erlmul Mmlduy mm cm agreed in nu unflpumnunl nlllmuxh mm mam lnxrllur on sup mum um gain at Hm mm mm alnlml mr Quucns lnrk mummw Thur mum Mn umth 15 mm mm Ir UHI Sum Sllnmr plzlyduwn writ lwlwxml Ihlrrlc Flynn and Nrunturkvl Ilcdmcn at Milan hmll ark Pinch mum Inth one wlu hm mwmmkm ry lu um mm mm mum vim nry npwand In nxum 1n lIvl 3mm In MM Mmunl vmmu dill CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 mm vmï¬mn Nulinl Lkel not uuann um mm mm lummllnll unnvl um Tllv mmnmu rulv 50 lIvIIlIln In noon 11a mYu IHnn lllmv Cum TM mm wmnuuv 100 mu Hamlin I01 Calm um HMIII ldr prnh Ivy lhr Hm num Ind ll 00 mu mum mm It in an nun Nun Irv wmnu an mu nun pm III mm mm Inn 100 Mum nu nu III on Mum um In aux inhxï¬ In hum 333 33 In flnnul mum mu um um 4445 in n1 7L unm no nl Mm Mu pm In 00 Walk1 In UniVIII munnu no Vluuun um ramu Vilma nelallves Frances Anne and Mcrvyn Clmnllcr of Newlnn Robinson hnvu been vismnz their grand mother Mrs Mcrvyn thv and mml Mrs WNohlc Vlsll Moth Mr nnd Mrs mu Noble 1nd Donnh Gudcrlch spent day an their way home lmm lrlp up nurlh wm mm Inuflwn Mrs Mcrvyn Noble Wm Granddlulhlu Mrs Adams Newmarktl vlsllInK wnh hLr granddauuhler Mm Achlnn Oxford and Iamlly Ilehlml Home Miss Luqu 5cm Itll Manon by TCA or hvr home In Wlnnl an wrndlnz Ilvn wLxk wilh lur slslcr Mrs Grusu nhll nunlly Acccpl Furnace Tendgr Goldwater Telephon Cnmmls don accepted the 0436 ten der by thH loveran Dr lnslnl llnz new umnce in Ihu ex chanxe popular and active senior resi dent Goldwater Mrs Walter LIWSM will observe her 82nd birthday on Aug 24 only somg what imparted hearing prevents Mrs Lawson mm the run use of all her Multlu She widely known throughout the district or her skills as homemaker includ ing sewing crcchctlng kntttlng and baking Mrs Lawson has how prominent commuter In exhiblu at the local air She assists her daughter Mrs Clnra Vivian to operate the latters Goldwater scr vlcg station and Is an able helper with homchold dulie Mrs Law sun has host friends in his part at stmoecqumy as her par ents Mr and Mrs Henry Gibson were Tay Towmhxp pioneers Her Into husband who passed away in 1950 was In vetertnnrlan Others in her family hcsldcs Mrsl Vivian are two dnughters MP5GEOI1€ Langley Ethel of Bayvlew Hlll Goldwater and Mrs Fled Kinnear Velma at North River and one son Hurry Lawsan at Port Mchcolll There are num emus grandchildren and great gmndchiidren Walt In Hear from Board Up in Aug Goldwater Coun cll wejie stlll waiting to hear mm the Munlclwl Board cgnnlinx nu hcrlly to issue debentures for the new publlc school information he Munlelpol Board would re qulre accurdlng to the Depart ment Education before such mthcrliy cpuld be given was sent forward by clerktreasurer Ches ter Martin Officials here realize the Municipal Board is always coplng with heavy ngendm mak ing delays in declslons likely Five Teachers for Sellnol When Goldwater publlc school opcns for the full term Scpt it will have slau at lve teachers insicad four for the first time in Its history mm mm mn mm Wnllnm Nuhle hm um 1mm anonln Mldland by float wllh husband nnd nlso mum ur daugllltr Mrs Emil Chvllnk In 81 Inlhnrlnu Decision or the scfmol board Lbserve the departmenta Starling age of five wm boost enrolment and has made neccssary provision of emergency classmnm acilims unlll new schnol is built Durv In me summer the prlnnlpals room Iwm parmlannd and two ciassmcms set up In umual Our xlrmwsl sympathy gun to wnmd Slrwnn Mnc nml nll rrlnllvrx or on law Mn wnvrm Slcwnrl wvm 1mm nwny the loyal Vlclarln mum Ilzlnlt rurly Mmulay mnmmg nllrr ml llrlnu such In 11 nm mum rm Mlnhter mi Vuallon Follcwlne services Auz Rev Charles Carma who serves the Pmsbylicrlnn clrcull Vlctorm Harbor For MLNlcall Ind Cold chr commenced hnudays Thu new phnclpal Ruben Lagalc of Barrlc wm leach grades and Mn Ihtnsnnl toldtéiiélionibenldry Lmu mu By WEN LETIIEEBY 82nd pixquay LEFROY IllV all non an mman munw mun lIu nm rml m4 Imun um um mmnnl Vululu mum Hm IN In mm nmlu mu nu lIm Mum rumI tn mum In lllnmv Im mm mm um mum unann uum nun1 mm 11m mm mm mum mu mm mm mm 3323258 bin and lmm muflum The enunucmcnl ls announced 01 Bunncah Lovotlc Mumc cldcr daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Moore Dalston lu Thnmm Sydney Forbes tides sun Mr and Mrs Thomas George Form Isllnglun lhe mnmnuo NHEI lhc latter Dar Aume 05 Mr and Mrs Frudlrlck Auslln Cnrnish nnnuuncl the cnkfllrmunl Illnlr Inuuhlur annu Gumm Inc lo Dnvld Bruce Jntkson sun of Mr and MN Dnllon Jackson Hmdlurll Hm nIarranI mkn plncc nn Sammy Snpmnbcr thrm oclock Ill Iunlbcrcnsl Ullflld Churnh Tnmnlu 05 Mm not llnmnlnn span the weekend in Gravenhuml with her nunl Mrs Johnston and cousin Mrs Glen chhnrdson Early his week Donfld Mnreton the 18monlhold son of Mr and Mrs Moremn moor Slrcct West Toronto 811 into par of he Slurgeun River 12 miles cast Midland where the wider was lhrce 12s deep and drowned The boys mother was making thc beds upstairs in their cqllage when the tragedy occurred Mrr Marcia ln Tornnm when the arcldem happened rushed to the collage Midland flrc depart menl workm over the buy with an inhalamr for several hours in vain Sgt and Mm may Ayursl Tn ronlo spent the weekend wnh Mr npd Mm ank Couchman Bar Harald Small and daughter Hoa lher Ottawa were visllurs or the weekend wilh Dr and Mrs Sme Mary Sheet ML and Mm namm Anderson Mrs Mauhcws Mrs Nor mun Marshall Turunln returned home ancr spending weeks holl day In Muskuku Thomas relurned home Sunday rum three weeks mi in Scollnyxd at the hum of Mrs Thomns parents In Pillnchry Mrs Thomas and their son Richard are spending another rau wgcks at her ramuys homu On their arrival at the and 1qu they enjoyed mom trip Glencaglus and Edinburgh Mn Thomau travv cum homo by air and hi lnmlly will also be making the rip home by plane Sister Rosella spent 19w lays visiï¬ng her mnlhcr Mrs John Duwllm and family and will be leaving um wcuk rur mm uper 13c INFANT DROWNS STURGEON RIVER 3FI OF WATER neighbor Harald Warner MimlCO pulled the child out 1m nver he nvér and Mrs Grace Brodcur enema and and grade has the new Imamr M15 Carol Day of Sebrlghi Mrs Shirley Glendall lhe tucker for the kinder gurun One of the ms activities ma Jar impedance for the pupils ter school opens will be getting ready to lake part in the school air ink in conjunction with the all air here Sept 13 and 14 will mnn btnln ENGAGEMENTS bv the makers of DELICIOUS Quality Bulk Family Pack charge cf xrgdel ICE CBE SPOON OR SLICE IT PTS 89 OLDFASHIONED lz GAL $109 Economy Wise THE THE BARBIE WEEEDNESDAY AUG 18L Rummage Sale Saturday Aug 11 1m The Salvation Army Ciladol Collier SL Earrie 9593 Leam Haltdrmlnz This Is unvemmnm registered school where you are thoroughly pra pmd for governmem cxnmlnalinn Enrul now or 111 Clay Der wln Hairdrmslng Schuul 50 Map Ave Phone 39 939fl Mlxud dancing every Friday Pine Crest mum norlh of Bar rIn on Highway 27 or mile south Elmvale Music by Hep tone Mmhslon 50C 921le Barn dance at McKenzIes farm lwo mlles Cast of Allislun on Ish wny 39 Friday Aug Flaxlnns Orchestra Admgslnn 500 95 Eplell Elcclrlc ynur Crolley TV Dmnbulon are happy to present his Ichedule CELT Programs hue times weekly or Inn cun unlean VIEWEI 1n Battle Ind Dlslrlcl 145147 Dunlap SI Phone Barrie 6442 In Orillln at BJVcstSl Soulh In Mlahml 01 King ï¬lled mum 00 Ray loan 11a me no varam an in mu In 194 unmmn Mme1 by cc no em mus spam levlw cu rlwilicn Nam am pm SPECIAL 17 TELEVISIDN NEW 1554 MODEL PRICED AS LOW AS 21 TELEVISION NEW 19 MODELS PRICEU AS LOW AS Exclusive WESLEY TV Distributors muff Ina 1mm cmmy EPLETTS ELImm CELTTV Chunnelfl Toronto WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18 THURSDAY AUGUST 19 FRIDAY AUGUST 20 In Barrio William Priestly of Town has purchased the Logan machine shop In Allislan which has been closed since January ML Pricsfly has dune consldernhle welding work at Camp Borden In the past MAIN OPERATOR John Young Noltawa wu Ip pahned road maintainrr operator or Nounwasaza the lawnshlp1 cuuncll August mceUng Kucceed In his father Fred Young who migned He had been rcHe op cmtur or game time nan cammy mum in am Mindr In um um mum TM Slawth BBYSONS sJu rum NF Iruhinu cgnm numu 22 mmmp smzm wan PHONE 4562 ICE CREAM CANDY PRODUCTS LEMIINHBE 10c FRESH 229 179 Phone 7552 BLESS