lg Marilyn Mchlaslcr Toronto and Barbara Finley Huanillc are on holiday with their grandparums Mr and Mrs wuuam McMnslen nmm mm mnsnn Ava 137 135 Mm Fred Wmhhum and Miss Cora Nurton lrom Battle Creek Mithluan are spending couple weds wflh Mrs willlam Dra Mr and Mrs Wheymond and son BIlllu Taromo Visllcd Mr and Mrs George Maycs several days last week Mr and MN If Adams Tor onm who are on holiday at Al cona Beach spun Sunday wnh Mrs Burling MISS Myrtle Martin Erica vis nnq khlflwcc ilh Miss Heaspp Mrs ouve McMaslcr spcn law days In Turumo TUBACEG COBB 17041 com HIGHEST QUALITY News of coomm 259 Innisfil St SHELL GASOLINES JO01 Repowers Your Engine Acts so fast it repowera your engine before youve finished your second lankful AT COOP NOWWWH TCP TCP Shelldiscovered fuel additive now blended into Shell Gasolines sets free the captive power formerly locked in by lead and earbon deposits Its the greatest gasoline development in 31 yearg Did you know that up to 15 of your englncu power is actually trap pcd that you are paying for powcr you nrcnl Rotting The reason in thin Evgry gnmnnc Ioid odny contain depolibfovmlnl compounds And uniallne burncdl Inn and carbon deposlll form on the will of he combuqlon chamber and on the llpl oi III Ipnrk plugl In the combullion dumber lllflt dcposiu in come mi i101 especially Wllfll you nu lccclcrnllnl and lel all ii unloilncnil mlxlnrc below the plum minim in vmpu ï¬ring poiilion Power workl naivm you not for you Thll condition ll cniicd puIflnltlon Ind it not only want poth and lucill iI lllo ll Iponnibl for mo uvae kind ol knockngiutmcnll ll wild ping Tim dtpoliu ulw mule powcr Ion by Ihurlclrcuillnl Ipnrk plugl cnulinl hum lo mlllm when you um powtr mou Now however there way re lralc he Immlwncd pow In your mglucnnd quicklyl BOTH The Greafou Gasoline Developmont In years lmpmved In luth Th many Mend Mrs it Kidd WU be pleased 01mm she very much Improved in health and will maxi be returning home from hospflal alter undergoing major operation Mr and Mrs Aamn Torohla vulch on Sunday wllh Mn and Mr George Maycs Fluent In llnsplhl At me at writing Herb anb is patient In Newmarke huspilal HIS many Irlend wish him pearly recovery TCP Carl Burllng and Barbara let on Friday or their home in Delrait utter spencunz two WIsz with friends In CuokLh low Mrs Ed Graham rcculved ward the death 01 her sister Mrs Hadley Laura Bowie Ed monlnn on Wednesday last Relurns To England Mrs Coullon who has been vr3 In her siner Mrs Coum or me past three months left on Nusduy In return 10 her home In England Fred Graham Lenson Graham and friends 01 Conn called on Sunday an Mm Parks and Mr and Mrs Ed Graham Mrs Slunc nmdxord was weekend guest at Mr and Mrs John Farls Canadians Is your wl abnut $305000000 in axes marked to provide Ihc lcdcral vcrsal old age pcnslon about on mm the amount will rpqulréd OLD AGE PENSIONS Dull Slsler Xls TCP the greatest gasohnc develop Inan Iincc the discovery of sclraclhyl lend TCP uddilivc nelually rcpowcrs your engine by changing the character oflheenzinc deposits In the combustion chamber is lsrcproofs shcm to they cannot glow and cause prclgnlllon And because it makes the deposits non conduclml ofeleclrlcily spark plugs no longer Illorlclrcuhlhey Ire on me Palvor work Io youno aflatluf you By the llmc ynu hnvc ï¬nhhcd your Iccund lnnklul youll be culng up to 15 more power But rcmcmbcr bccnulc lhcxc dcpoihl are conllnmly bundlng up cnmlnucd me of Shell Onlolhm wim TCP II cucnllal lo rclaln lu1l bcncï¬u Shell Onlollnu wllh TCP nrc well able only In Shell dcalcrL umu Tlrlvmuk unlqn muu mm duallyJ by mu Elmuh rum vllod 1w 550 mm mL pay HERBERT ABBUCKLE wnsl recently appointed assistant secre tary ut the Ontario Federation Agriculture Bum and raised on iarm in Richmond he scrvcd in the Royal Canadian Air Force ram1940 in 1945 Alter graduat ing irom Ontario Agricuimnl College Guelph in 1849 he joined the dairy branch the provinriuil department agriculture as ia ncldman For the past five years he has been living in Lindsay Thrcéquirtcrs olrthc provlnce 0anw Brunswick covered with merchantahle flmher UNEMPLOYED REIMBUREED In 1953 the edcral government spent $263 mlllnn on admlnlslrn tlon DI the federal cantrlbutory un employment Insurance plan and In ndrlman cqntrlbudeMfl mllllon lhu turid nrutï¬nlrtai rcvcnuus IN TALL muuzns Mn NTGrnu MaunLAIbertv arrived hare on Saturday last or vial with her relatives Mn Fred Crest and Mn Scythe Fred Pmy Guelph has been spcmflng his three weeks vaca linn wnh hls parents here Mr and MN Roy Parry Lem For unudzy Rev and Mrs Martin let on Tuesday or their annual holl day Next Sunday they plnn be present In com nnnlversary ol the Claudine United Church xenr drum Mme when Ms be lng former charge ML Martin will be one at the special speak zen There wars the usual Bible reading and luson houzhis inc lalier taken by Mrs ll Thomp son and whlch contained ihruulzh out the idea oi the importance the individual as community llll iluencel SD wlih the Chrisiian way at liic what we need is rcndllinn oi ii in honesi and sin cere good living Mrs Carr Iccumpunled by Mrs Black sang Gipsy Smiths uuspel Never Day Nears iis Sun SEL Mrs McCuichcon acted El Jccreiary iar lhe meeilng and read the minutes oi last monih The dciullami lhubukc sale nl welnkc were disculscrl and another glan llcd or Aug 25 was decided lhai personal eaniaci was muxe cilecilvc lhan general unnuunce menu In business lhl kind and his meihud was in be used for lhll parilcular snlc When llxc ireasurer repnri was read it was quile appareni iiial iunds needed replenishan when expensus are so mng The Egbert WA mm sent in an invllailnn ior enlerialning this Exund Symmth We wlsh to extend our sympnv my to MraC Johmoq the pussing on Saturday last 01 km brotherlnIaw Ernm Benny ol Barrie Wlll lee Service In the absence the regular mlanlcr Francis Crane will have charge of the regular mormnz scr vlce at Trinity Church next Sum day mo Ins nm mum weekend vicinity Bake SIM The congregation ol the United Church here are asked again to assist wllh bake sale for Wed neaday Aug 25 Propeny Said The latest reni estAle iransani ion here in the village was ihn Gale the lain Mrs Crossinys ros idcncu which was said last week in Wilbur Sander Barrie Ai Auction Sale There was quite representation lrom hen at ii Auciiun sale at the Barrie Fair grounds or ihc csiale nilrm laie Snm Malay last Friday Ind Saiurdny anann Assocililnn Last Wednesday afternoon goud number oi the members 01 Triniiy Church WA mainrcd in Barrie or their meeting with Mrs Boakc who for many years was very valuable member the WA hm in Thurman and tar whom many regret were expressed ni ihc lime of her leaving Mrs Lennux was in charge and opcncd the mcniing wiih the war ship mime The Christian RELIEVE IN JIIFY amen150th fun we Imdvln mm 1erle xlnurhulpn 3M1 E1ulnmwhnlln 1mm mm um mm mull mil Inle bark you mum at um FURNITU IH Dunlap St lam of Tlmnlon Camp Burden spent with Hands In thls SMITH SON group on Sept ls whlch wu ac ccptcd when he bazaar rcpnn win given was ound that con siderable work 15 yet In he done Service uttered In this sprehl upncity will be much npprcchlud lh end ot ghe business Daft delicious lunch was served by Mrs Bankc uslslcd by her daugh urs Mn Carr and Mn Black Durlng the suclal hour hc ladlc were very pleased in chat with Mrs Campbell an other llnc church worker here er man years who now has nlsï¬ lmuvcd lo Barrlel BrlnnIIAughecd Toranlo is v1lung guppy Eouxtwcd and Mrs Ray Dougth are spending few days in New York Bobby Mughccd spent low days recently omua WA Meeting The WA met at the home or Mrs Price Wednesday Auz ll with air attendance Mrs Dyer opened the meeting with Hymn 84 She then led in prayer Mrs McCorrisun read the Scrip ture lessen alter which we had Hymn 650 Mrs Lackle read the minutes of the last meetingr There was short business period Mrs Campbell read chapter from the study bdnk Next place or meet ing Mrs Coiloms program Mrs Johnson and Mr Dyer lunch Mrs Cochranc and Mrs Graham lctlcr oi upprcciatlon was read from IL Pryde We are glad he is tooling better Mrs Dyer and Mrs Brimsten presented Mrs Euch with chlna cup and saucer Mrs Beech thanked the ladies The meeting closed with Mizpah henedictien The hostesx served dainty lunch Ihlnllton Vlsllon Dr and Mrs Dyer II visllcd recently with Mar Elmer and Mrs Dyer Dr and Mrs Dyer Hammon visllcd recently with Marley and Ellyn nnd Mrs Dyer are Reccnlly Recent visitors wllh Mr and Mrs Graham were Mr and Mrs Frank Graham Hagen villc and Mr Jim Mrs Mme Molmn Ken and Shirley or Ham man Vlsll anunlo Relative Mr and Mrs Kunwull Bobby and Bllly spent he weekendv15 ltlng relauvcs In Turnnlu suyln wnn Flflmr Bulmer has been slayan Dunedin where his father 15 vary We hope hp will soon bu well ngaln Lnse Sarvlce Slallnn Mr and Mrs Kcnwull have leased um service slauon Gm From Frlenfls Mr 2nd Mrs Graham mm kind number friends Satur day cvenlnl In honor Mr and Mrs Kuilh McVnneL They warr prcsunlcd wllh clothes hamper WI Plcnlc Thu lnslflulc plcnlc was well nllcndcd and was success Ev llyflnc enjoyed lhu races swim mlng nnd suppcr Vlslflnl Dlulhlu Mrs Drulcy Ivy vislllnu hm dnulhler and wnInlnw Mr and Mn Lellhlnn Hurt ln Accldlnt We are sorry to report Glen Slessor was badly hrulscd when he was pulled on the luck his lnlhcrs truck wlullu loadan horse behlnd the truck Wu hope hln lnlurlc are nul sulous FURNITURE LIMITED HOLLY IIIHIKI Barrio III WMS Meetlnx The Auzust mcellnz the WMS was held at Mrs Eben Sawyer home wlth 15 members present and several vlsltnrs The pres dent opened the meellnl wlth hymn and prayerr The roll all was answered wllh the word gates In scripture verse The lreasurersreport wnl satisfnclory Christian stewardshlp secretary ave short talk and ruelved th cullectlon The Temperance sec retary read short slory Friend shlp secrelury took slek call and the literary secretary reported the new study book on hand No re part was Elven tram the supplv secretary or newer secretary There we not any new busines to dlscun It was moved by Mrs rnussell seconded by Mrs Shermnn Todd that We sell Chrls mus cards wlth Mrs Paul llusscll THE GREEN FRONT STORES Hardware China Sporling Goods Toys Where You Buy More For Less CRYSTAL VALUES DREAM PLowm SALTS PEPPERS CAKE PLATES 5295 MAYONNAISSE SETS PCS LIQUERS STEMWARE TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DUNLOPEAST PHONE 2801 6971 DUNLOP WEST PHONEAleï¬ FOR $125 Belch are GOBLETB SALAD PLATES snmms CLARETS SHERRYES COCKTAILS AND FRUIT SALADS TUMBLERS and oz TUMBLERS 10 oz 85 14 oz OLD FASHIONED TUMBLERS ca 650 150 65c HOPE LIKE THE GLEAMING TAPERS LI GIIT ADORNS 84 CHEERS OUR WAY AND STILL AS DARKER GROWS THE GHI EMITS BRIGHTER RAY PICNIC HAMPERS $450 $550 and $675 PICNIC HAMBERS FITTED $1650 $2200 $2500 $2750 SALE CUTOUT COLORING nooxs ALL ONE PRICE each 10 SALE oi niNNEnwAï¬E CONTINUING MANY SETS DRASTIGALLY REDUCED RRRRY and RRNRLD ARMSTRONG GILFORD Phonl 5557 MILIAMIIH IV VIIII Pal $215 $295 $350 $425 in charger Mrs Greer oI Barrlc ormcr prcsldcnl 01 our sum lalkcd In the ladies for Short time on several punions the Bible Ind also thanked the ladies for heir klndncsl duran her IH nmsr Mrs Paul flussplLyas ln charge at he rcmnlndcr the meeting Mrs Vcs Hughes led In prayer making spcclnl prayer Inr our missionary Mrs Ray mcr Helen Sawyer sang Jesus shall reign very sweclly Mrs IL K011 also led In prayer at the close of which she read letter from Mlss Laura Steele misslon my in Mrlca The mullnl was cloud with prayer lluxhex Reunlon The Hughes annual gelluxclhcr ï¬ns held In Sprlngwatcr Park on Mrn who luva Klnlrnrl In 16 lml who wnn Ml llulhl lu lllll mulrhrl nmllnuumm Run Impvll II thI mum ll hrl Hwy IIIVF II Illl lIIllul mmnu 1m ulmmv umlml by Hllltfltuflfl he lllmlnv Mul 0le ll wllrr IIUWII IfI lv nu ll hum lh VONIs Iluwn lml nwn I2 mll Ionva un 1n qul lulmnrr an ml llm Ilmw mu nnmml Ilw mg Hm lru lhrm lwlwwru mm In lmlvr llw lawn rllpplnu can In unuml um Inn lwtm nu ma An hunt or mm wllh lmu my mung mm wudu and muqu llwln In rnwn wll my yumuumm Summer Mulch Saves Toil AndAll Plants Enjoy It All UK III wnnhl Ilka In hnvv rnmuh mm Wu 1n Ihrln ur Ivmr llulnl Wrr In urvrnl um llul 0H ru wo nul uel lhe Mxnw nr II lUIlI lull mmh Hul Wu can lnlw 50 nulklxu lu rurrr lhr mu mm hm IuNI mm In until yum my mum ml vmllnl by luvnlch mm In mum pmmm lhnn rvu mp mm mm ymrm nmlun mun uw In at nun drum Whllr Iumhlnr In Vllnl nrml or plnnll Ilwlr mrr xrh ule hrnvnflnl mum TIN nml lhrulu lnkl cam Um lul unuvnml crap llw humu garden uuy nnl du Au Tnmllorl Hhouhl Alwlyl llr Mulrhrd In Keep WHIII null And no Hull Mall $295 5100 FIX LEAKY ROOFS NOW LIQUID ROOF COATING PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT SALE OF ELECTRIC STOVES SOME GOOD USED ONES FOR SALE QUEBEC HEATERS FEW GOOD USED ONES FOR SALE saw ONAINT CONTINUES QUARTS 98¢ GALLONS $325 ENAMELS SATIN FINISHES ALSO AT THESE pmcms GLIDDEN PAINT CLEARANCE SOME LINES STILL TO GO STEELTEX quuid Marvellous tor mending bags SALE OF SANDWICH TOASTERS $725 The lowest price in years CCM STANDARD BIKES Mens and Womens Models COMBINATION SANDWICH 84 WAFFLE GALVANIZED CLOTHES LINE EAVIEST GAUGE 50 feet LIGHTER GAUGE 50 iccl AN EXCELTIONAL BUY Sunday last beautiful day helped make grand success Home Frum llnspflal Glad do report Clarcncc Kcl home rem hospital lmpmvlmt nachday cum ESTIMATION Lake Vlnnlpcu is larger than Luke Ontariu and nlmnsl equals Lake am In men DAIRY m1 05 GAS The prlnclpnl source of Quebec arm cash lncumc hr sale of dairy pmducu Last yvnr Canadians spam cud sloxmoooooo on new huuslnn unllrm rm lu ub Illnrul lmnl my mulrh my Ilwn lllpplull awn Illllo mm Tm mu mnc lhnu Ilmulll b0 wll lllllNl WIUI nu up In ml mm mu Iva Imlll up Irvrul ltlrllu In lhllknel In In wnvll In ml vluwn ml ovwulun Ivled ml kl llw mm In In In IIIIJWHI mum nu mll Tnlmluu umll III mulrh lhll klnll Vnan lumlwr II ml by mn unnlrnrn In man luuunl mmm mm Hy mm mm mm whm plum llw unlrn nlul walking ml um ulwr leu m1 Um mum II km lwvlr and Ir Imam mp Immn Imlurm mm werd cm In klllrvl wlumul Imam Imr mulrh nml 11 mm mm AIM at cnuucla hm hm mummm wlln um um L1 nu mun mln umylmrnl Hun rmphulzlnu lhr hnpnlln mu mun mum mm In hul nullrhlnu mmI nllnw rrr rlnulafllrn nlr Ilumuh mu mm mm mu Mulrhn huh urunnlc II mm mm mnnurc gnu Imrm mu mu lawn Llluxluul nlul IIUHII Ilnhlllm HID llnulllll ummu umm lHVlll runumrllnll mm umwrvc Hm nmlnuJ ullrll gnu mm lhr mu NORMOUS OUTLAY Qts $280 $49175 $1215 701 50c