All these preliminary and basic banks on an are either in your caunly library at in yuur pubiic llhrary And ii you shnuld find you wmildnl mind going deeper iniu ha subicci Ilium am many iecimicai bunks io help youi and Imiiny hismrics iii art such 15 Cmvcnsï¬Shry oi lalnllnx imm Cm mum to Madam Ari or hls Treasury of An Mislerplecn mm Ilie flnmluance rm mi nay riicrE an sliorthnnd banks on Canadian ariisis or Inngcr um such as Emily Carrs blaxmiihy Kllc Wyck Vhiiicvur the dcplh yau gal inio ii you wiii find um Chur clilll was right um lalnlliig as Pasiimc has iis palms JTruc you may havevn very sticky and lrusiraling lime Dl ii all ï¬rst but there are several cheerful and helpful books an how Tauhcs Oll Pllnflnt lol lira Beginner and Quickest Way to him Well manual or flu parlilme palnitr Alger Gel in There and Paint OHara Making the hush BehIVE Staples Waller Color mlnun Fun and pcrhnps bust 01 all Carlsons bank on Lnndscapc Painting which you might call an inspiring tcxl bunk Even if you still cant bring yourself make the lust how Ihln thl luv to read one or we ol lhesc books such as Carlsons will live you new appreciation color form and line In the vurlll aboul you The hills will be blue now lhn sheen on the mnvlng leuvcs fascinating youll wrich for lln gold or red 01 the willows in spring lhcrc will be new snadcs or invciy greys in the womnevcd and Warped boards of Inc dilapidated barns and clouds all become ncw cxpuritncc inking on an over new éhaxxuing beam you never noticud hCIOIC Thorn am so many bins and Incas abuut Canadian An pub ssnad than might be sallsty evening reading to bring subjml number as In such bank as Lambcns ventures at Canadlan PaInUllg Colgate Canadian 1m 11s 0mm and nevelopmsm Graham McIéncs Canadian nnbson Canadlzn Landscape Pnlnlers or Donald Buchanan Gruwlh ol Camdlnn Palnllnl The moxt clfccliue way to the thinness at the ice is to iymp an it That 15 the sound advice In chapter 0n Aililude Mind which the painter Paul Wyeth pm at the ram oi book How to Paint ill Olln Ac tually the book is writlcn by Tom Horabin who had been bucked up alter serious illness by Win stun Churchills hnok Painting Pastimei Churchill lcii thnl painting was such an astonishing ï¬nd enriching cxpcrlnncd that Drabin felt his cnuld do no less lhan give try land this bank is the synopsis of his study mm Wyeth Anneasi mm mm pa in books have opening chapiers on this theme 01 attitude at mind that ihcre just isni anythan to b6 afraid of in painting hero is no mystery about it and mm ID ï¬rst attempts it is truly an nsion shing and enriching cxpcrieu Mr and Mrs William Near Dulrull mm on Mrs Thumru Calder Mrs John Krll and Mrs Junp mu on Thursday mnumul OrrIn mum delluhllul mm mm was mm In St Pauls Clnlrch Frldny cwnlng Ann Aimd Clark Mus Ilnc ITCL was the salo In Mr cmk wn no ycnra orunnlst Thoma Church Tumnm 110ml SL Jnhxla nplwwl Church In mu wmlkcr wxmmnn mul cvcnluk orxnnlsl All smms Cnnmlrnl In mum city The mum vnrlvd mm to all mm 11ch wvn mm wum of mm Innxlcn and mu uld Invnrlhx Thr cullrcllnn was In um pariah mum fund Dale mu nlcrlalnul cw mm ml lhu 41cc Ian at nlggh blrlhd Aug 12 Nounr In Aukuu lluwuvr uf Illbury wlll nu ch lurlnu Auuuu 5L Inunln lnlnh wnnu Nov and Mrs 11 Hva mm Inmuy mo hulhhlylnx In lluv Nullh Layman AA llrarher Am 15 nu mum munI laymun warmm Jlu lmlhur AA In lvmulu This was vrry munulna nll WWI Mr adrln llnlnvl Ilnlph Iluwr mul Mlllulll hvh lllnll Irlluyod IIIX lwu wrrk Ill llnluu lel lln ILIlllc Mr IIIU Yulflour lmurn lnmnlo Mr nlul Mu um llllry Km nrlh nml mm hm rrlmnrd In lulnnlu Hm wwkn mum wllh Mm Knvvwln null 7mm and Mr nhd Mu an Knnwlrl nml mum lllNIrUl Hr Tn Ill lull II lHllfl wry IWSrIII Hunk Ynn ynnr pulmmu av pm In pm hm hm Imu only rmlnmn Imt Mun Mum4 lo nunounrr Hm IIIE lmn dluonllnurxl ourmuun lllc lmclnrsn known XII Goodbye Thanks ST PAULS MARVEL HAIRDRESSING MISS ALPHA MclSAAC BACK flowDr Hutchlnson Humnwm Morley Stone Fltzpdtrlck Toronto Cornwell Nlagnra Falls Jefklns Hamilton Nut Wood stock Llnle Toronto Gage London Brlg Cumberland Tlsdnll Richards Toronto Amos London THIRD now Mrs McLuskle Bellevllle Mrs Lacklc Barrie rs Nun Woodstock Mrs JRoman Hamllton Dr Gossngé Toronto SECOND ROWMrs Durant Mrs Lauzon Corn wallMlss Bell Mrs Dlngwall Klngston Mrs Temple Mrs Mclver Sudbury Mrs Cronyn Prov Supt Band Pres 001 Slnclalr Commlsslom er Mrs Hack Provlnclal Ofï¬cer CN London Mrs Jones Wlndsor Mrs Lock WoodswckflMrs Pratt Stratford Mrs McKlbbon Plcton Guesu mum Week Mr and Mrs Alvah EmprIngham at Eden NY Mr and Mrs pmy Lamas Mr and Mrs Nurse THIRD RowMrs McLuskle Bellevllle Mrs Lacklc Bums Mrs Nun Woodstock MrsJRoman on London Miss GfFerrln Kitchener Mrs Matthews Kitchener Mrs Warren Mrs Ronwlck Peterbnro Virs Hood Barrie Mrs Hennlngs Mrs Richards ï¬BcllevllIe Mrs Haynes Belluvllle Mrs Marrow Mr and Mrs Edwin Bank Toronto were guests Mr and Mrs Albert White during the week Mr and Mrs Walter Hogunnd Thornhury spun Sunday with Bunk Graham Funcrll In Orllfla Mrs Rowal Mr and Mrs Duncan McCulcman and Mrs Mel Ruwat nllcndcd thc uncral of Mrs MchIn nl Drillia on Aug Mr and Mrs Norman While runln span the week with Iormcrs parcnls Mr and Mrs hen Whllc Mrs Leslie and chlldrcn of Humillun are visilin lhc former rents Mr and Mrs Gnurgc chklnsan Mr William ML Thuxmun apunl mu 1ch and his molhur Thomson relurncd wllh spend two week ML and Mrs Slms spam me weekend with crs Mums ML and Mrs Cooper VldlusflomFnr rFch rs Earl Thumson and two hlldxcn of Furl Erlc spent raw Jays wit Mr Isun ms um wun mum Mn Noble Montgomery nrld Tammie rcwrbum an spanqu the week why Mr and Mrs Ken nard Baker Mm Barbara nucmc Burrlc spent lhc wuukcnd wlmJlLr nar cnls ML und Mu qm mum Mrs mum and dnunhlcr Marlo at Tumnlu we nu wLuk and mm Mr and MRS Wllllnm Trjpp xrfand Mrs Waller Palm Edward rammed nugday ynh man hem mx um Mr SmIHI Calmmn un Culbouw Uprfll cw day wllh MY and PIN Grlku who Numvll wllh lwm Mr and Mn Juhn thvrlsuu smummo mm Mn um Mm an nutmunu Vlndmr me man ylnu Wllh Illrnll IIIu ml nl Hench Molvr Tu Nnrlhrm nlarln Mu inxuxhcr and MN scum loll on nxulur Illp lu mm Mfllll ml Ilumwunl nd Mrs Don Edwards MM mm and Mr and 13 0mm Edwnrds lluxnlllun spent Klu wccmnd va Mr and MN Edgar awnnu unu Mrs Steele 1mm and Hubby Wuubauslmnc mung Mr UnluL Vuallon Nzw York MIN Mmlnu DryMIMQ l3 Spllld gm hur hulldnm In New Yurk cï¬y mum Norm Scull Mu Ihurlrx lwnnux mlurlull wllh LAC nml Mlzl llllmmr lhrlr hvlllc nL Mllldlchrh Nuvn Hm mm llurlmu Trrr mu Linn llrnuhnll Tumulu will llu wrukrwl wllll Mr In VNIIV Donulmlt Mr and Mn llay Iluyrr lnh unlu Rptmlluu lmllvlzyu wm IXHIIH and Ill Willum Ilcuch mm mum Tumult wrnl News of Imvale belegatesTo 59th Annual Ontario ACouncil St John Ambulance Whitlon weekend Mrs them lo Houdcn 111ch Whitby he lul Thumb IhP the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Will Downcy Reunion On Sunday Aug the Downcy reunion was hold at Springwaler Park Mldhursl wllh approxlm nmly 100 In attendance Those Irom Elmvalc were Mr and Mrs Thomas Cooper Mm George Ush er Mlss Verona Usher Mrs Thomson and Mr and Mm RDS Usher Weekend Balm Bezel Mr Beardsnll upon tht chkcnd wllh Mr and Mrs Fred Cakes nl Balm Bunch Mr and Mrs Nnrmnn Durln TD ronlo spent the weekend with Mr 1nd Mrs Maurice ncu Mrs Farleigh Ritchie XS spend ing the week with lends Cull lngyvqmt iirs Gmsllng Linda and Bobble spent the week with mend at name Mrs wunam Rance return tcLspcnglgg mp wotk Infrummn Reg CuIL Mr Cole and two children onto spun lhe Wnckcnd and Mr dgar Archer Lloyd Ploiï¬mg Tor tn spunl lhc wyukcnd with Ms parunld Mr 59 DUNLOP ST PHONE 4348 IIAHIUIZH MOST FAMOUS MIMI IIMHMINS Jacksons DeplSlore TRAINING lANTHiS liNS SHIRTS to $595 YOU CANT IN llll Ilil MISS llllH SAM lOIHZ lh MAIIIUSI Al llll IiVIIlY lVISl MINS NYLON MIMIHHNI ANKS regular $705 Sale Price LANNEL lAN MELBOURNE Murlzod re 1lnr $301 IIOYS JEANS LAIIIIZH 0U Wll UNIFORM SHOCKS Lllllll AND1L5 RUNNING SIN weekend wllh his parents and Mrs William Fleming SHOP AT JACKSONS SAVE GET MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR Sulisluclion or Cash Money flulundcd 10 DAY SPECIAL BARGAIN Cnh Your lluby llomm Clltquu nl lnclnonl Mr and Mrs m3 nmrlsz nnulnr $201 Tur with Mr 1d spurt shins rugulur 5395 Price $279 or for $550 rulllur $2011 rcgumr or $100 and Mrs William Fleming Group Enlerlnlned The mcmhcm of lhn Lndlrs Euchre Club motored to the sum mer cottage of Mr and Mrs Alvln Archer al Woodland Ecaph on Wednesday nllnrnoan Dcspllc raln all report nocd llmc Tm group playnd low games ol cuchrcl ngh score was held by Mrs Terry Mrs Fl Ruwat ulvcd the consulnllon prize and Mrs Dr Rnwal the awning prize Mrs Clule conducted thrlc Commit Mrs Montln RH hlL held the hlghcsl number 01 palms Lunch conslslcd n1 sand wlchcs cake and Ice cream Move To New House Mr and Mrs John Ritchie and daughter havu mnvnd their new home whflch has just been mm plclcd nn Queen Street Em Dr McLellan flesldenl um Dr Robert Mchllnn grad um 01 McGill Unlvcmny Medl cal School Mammal and alter lwn years In postgraduate work in Vancouver Is now associate physician with Dr Paluhull In Elmvnlc and has taken up resl duncu ln Dulchnr aparlmcnl on Stone Street FRONT ROWMrs Stewart Taylor Toronto Fenlherston Sqult Ste Marie Burger Brancfnrd Trpughton Hamilton Forrest Ottawa Clare thdsor Gordon Toronto Albert Draper Im ny Cm Aimn Draper was mm by Saturdin night at the our cnrncrs 13 he crmscd Yunxc SL Mr Draper is patient In SL Andrews Hospllal Midland nnulur $301 llur $1113 mnllnr 52A Sula lrlce or $100 Sula Irlrr Huh lrlcc llc lrlrc $190 lrlcc rukulm bull lrltc lrlcc 95c SHIV lrlrc DOC $193 $095 $695 5279 $22 time at writing no word ls avnll nbcl as haw badly Mr Drape was hurt Followlnig are the name of hu sludmLs Successful Sludents Out total of 36 papers writ ten were successful In the June Upper School departmental nxnminallops Ann Graham Eng LIL 75 A1119 brn 75 Geometry 88 Physlcï¬ 115 mlshy 79 French 69 French Shirley Jordan Eng Comp 60 Eng LIL 54 History 52 Algebra HO Geometry 88 Physics 50 Chemv ktry French Aulh 88 French Comp rayc Parnell Eng Comp 66 Eng LH 54 Alxobra 69 Geometry 59 hyï¬cï¬ 50 Cllcmlglry 62 renéh Aulhars ea Frcnch Cuxï¬p Kaye Parnell Eng Camp 63 Eng ML 54 Algebra 75 Geomo lry 80 Physlm ChcmLsuy 71L French AuHL FranchCnmn fl5 Murch mlchln Geometry Murray ThomSun lflsmry 64 Gunmeny 89 Physlcs 74 Tum cupivhin an as the result at um um rattan muss Kny mm about Wllh he ald SSSSS ALL WOOL FABRICS CHAMOIS LINED WOOL AND MOHAIR ZIBELINES EXPERTLY STYLED AND TAILORED MAKE YOUR SELECIION IODAY walking cast an nccldcnt walking crutches Mrs Wes Mumhersnn Barrie spent the weekend with her son and daughterlnlaw Mr and Mrs Mumbcrson Mrs Shoemaker ngn and Janql spam tww days with lrlnnds in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Douglas Day Lin da and Cheryl spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clarence Stewart Maple Valley Kny had an npernllun performed on one tool Tommn huspllal Mr and Mus James Lanzth mun Thursday with relatives at Sony report rs Ivun gnu Is on me sick 1st We all hope 0L3 spg dy rccuveyy Home Convalesclng The many friends at Mrs Walter Middleton will he glnd to hunt she is hum canvalcsclng Mrs Middleton was patient in the Private Patients Paviliun DI Tflr ontn General Hospital loiio Patient Fiveycnrcld Melody Ritchie daughter Mr and Mrs Harold Ritchie is patient in Tnmnto hosplla nuflcrlng irum polio All wish her speedy recovery PanWMan Weddlnx Those who attended tho wedding on Saturday of Miss Frances Whlh ncy and Thomas Page In thrluy United Church were Mr and Mrs Mlllnn Trace Mrs Howard Spring Miss Llonel mayor M11 Gcnc VlLVL Drysdaln and Mii Shirley Donn Rlsnll Accidents M151 Rosemary Temple slcppcd on some broken glam and Cu one funk rcqulrlng smchcs Mr and Mrs James Cook and NEW LOWELL Walker Slam load again leI wanduvlul col lucHun Imnvl now Fall and Wlnlnr Cosh prlcud away Inwov Man you would upch hr Ilylu quallly and valuu You will at lylll lllulmlod 5mm nnw lad Ilylu and Hm conh hr qlvc Illm Illullon Choau ham N90 Gum Chmcual wqu wmn Blur Ronwoad Ill Rid Gvopu or Mauve AND ABOUI 500 PER WEEK YOU PAY ONLY EXTRA SPECIAL AUGUST HIE Mllan EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 195 ll MOUNT ST lOUIS Mrs Jones is whiting ML Ind Mrs Earle Jones Vascy Appcndectnmy ll Mldluld chnm ng Ks hum after MI xppcndix cpcnum in SL Andrew Hospital MIan Mr and MnJchry Landry and 211m rummo spam the week nd wllh Mr and Mrs King Jana Miller spent lew days with her aunt Mu Harvey John lan Flas 0n 8ch Lin Sorry to report James Belanzcr Sn Is on he sick llst amily and Robert Cook Hum mon spent Sundnvallh Mn and Mrs Shaman and fgmily Mlu Mnrgarek Bums Toronto spent few days wnh her par enls Mr and Mrs Wes Bates Grace Gllpln Toronto spem some holidays at her home last week Visitors aver Ihv weekend Hnrace Gilplna were Mrs Ghl don Mr and Mrs Robert Glnd hill Tnmnlo Joyce Gllpin Burrlc and Mr and Mrs Robert Ross and twmchlldrcn Richmond Hlll nd MrsIRolly Belmrgcr and amuy Fcluxbom spent the week end with Mr and Mm James 821 mgnr Rcscmarlc Buchanagyspem few days whh Mr and Mrs Harold Buchanan Vlsllor During quk Mr and Mrs Sullivan For Credit Mr and Mrs Stan Mahon and Jack Mm Fred Forrest Ind amuy Tomato Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Eud Drury Moon Joseph Wflllams Hlllsdnlc Ind sumo visited during the wank with Mr and Mrs Lawlvr Home from Colnn Mr and Mrs Charla Fondagas nnd nmlly Calgan visited the Frnwleys Anthony mmmcd ALL WOOL WINTER 00 Pennungulshnne vlslc flcv Gerald Lizhcy and his m0 thcr Mrs thcy Penclangulshene called on Mr and Mrs Maurice Fiugcrmd convanlsn oflknwhldn name flail BARBIE 15 Blyfllld 8m 1nd Floor DRILLI 32 Mlulmn strut East 2m Flnor Phonox 3505 1mm ljveNINgs Iv AyrmNmmvmom ran mmNa Houls Mammy mm can In In uunu pruumm ltu huml mm mm II Cull Yaw On IN nun 51159 EXAMPLES OF LOANS IWIWIW DOWN 75656 Got cash loan quickly on Iiendly bush flu mad he choice at thousand Ian you Na bunkable ucurily required IVIIP SERVICII Jun phone flu or Ian In one trip Employed men Ind warm mankd or flu In welcome thlu or come In to today home with than unm spending W0 weeks wllh his umle Mr and Mrs Mumy Todd Bar rle Vkilcd Tom Todd and called an Mrs Todd who ls mum in St Andrews Hmpflal Midland Mr Ind Mrs Julie and Rod er Windsor spent few days with Mr and Mrs Pete Malcney Flnlsh Swim Clue The swimming classes ï¬nisth Hillsdale pond on Monday aller nnon with Palsy Jones and Carol mm of me Vasey group Esthnr Well at Coulson Carol Train and Gary Ronald Hillsdalc Jam Miller and Shirley Klng 01 Mount St LouLs group test was held at the YMCA Orima Mnnday mornlng Dr Em Mrs DArcy FrawlcY Tnmmo vlsilcd Mn and Mus Frawley for seasonal expense do pay up old bllls FRENCH MOTORS EHBYCO PARTS 10 20 16V to 20V p359er huean For Genuine 15 Bradford St 2499 Phone 597 ALL