Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1954, p. 10

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K135 1km 3mm pxgimm WEDNESDAY we 1954 Ah Qulbecl 11 me umbl que mules le charmes du Canada rcstant traveller nud only one phrase en trancah In moving Lhrougn the pruvince 01 our French speakmg cluzensCen charm antathough wise to have law more commean at your fingertips because nothing delighcs your hosts more than hit French even Is at the rmuesl type DECKan the an week we spent wandering from one delight lul Spot In anothur In Quebec gounds like gourmets adventure only when start being recnunb ed at home because In some whys was question mnving from one magnificent meal¢o un autre Certainemcnt die of bread and water laxa week will 511 have us well ted Allhough Quehce cnys Le Easzagne was he unparalleled hlglhpol gaslmnumlcally speaking of he whule province with the exceptlon curtaln Laurenlian lodge where management and guests alikearc stlll Inlklng about lh so 01ch from 5i grands up is dld nan agn to absorb some other mealx mostly tnur hours or so In iungth that will make plain meat and potatoes Imever seem dull Chicken langiaivs can leave alone cxccpi in the Christmas sea son but in cog nu Vin 01 SD many Quebec restaurants was bird dilicrcm coior This dc iicinus dish which still haunt me first came our way downstairs in that charming iittic Montreal hangout Le Tour Emu The melt ingmicces of chicken swimming in their divine sauce with low superb mushmums making ihcir way inio the picture once in while were our iirst experience with that famous oiscaui It reveals an uncxpcrimnntal 113 tum 10 COHIDS that our next dish Quebec Citys famous Bas ogne wascu Coquau Cham pagncnnd when we reluctantly moved on 10 another Quebec dln mg spot the inllowing evening the ChMuau Lauricr Hotels dinlng oam wilh 1L3 superb French cul iine who could sis hn wander ul templalion chicken currch cl flambe la mnllrc dhoILl Then is just one mule disap pointment an all thi Eating Then Ls just one man disap pointment annut all his natlng trancals when we look back tnujouu we wanlcd to have crepe uzcms for driscrl following din ner mats luujours then wasnt oom or more lhan perhaps dc cimu snbaynn after such Intro mclgry dclicnclcs as hora docuvrcJ uvLuvlul the manner onion soup alad elm etc Annular ourmel in Quebec who was no duubl greatly lmprcfi with our nppcmcs spent par an evening inning us ulhcr pla ts to dine lha wnuld plCnEC nur rucdy painles III was nspnn Ibln for vcnlurc into one 01 1iunlrcnls most lnronspicunus and flames rcsmurnnls Le Cull dAn an Mlle clung place 01 subtle rm First of 211 ll has wall mulcr ol the kllrhen 1mm mil nl Jasnvr Qurbcc um um mm clcmrm cummr last name L1 Mum and he nlnltrc dholvl llrnc llflunncd um ma moat Parl El Ur girl who run wuk llku ballerina In her plaln alnck virus and apron and whose IIDndB llalr hugs her llny Gallic mcc kn up butler With nlly red cllcrkcd 1111101101 and lnln mod the Anjou neverthe calrhrs more DI Paris In um mu licrkluy ampfl dEIysccs sldnwalk up an bhrrbrookc 75ch am up an shrrbrookc Slr 9L um more gnslrumlcfll cllnhu were mvalling us we moved up the mnln lauds hlnhwnys alum HID SL Lawrence inlo lilo Anurcntian Muumnlns when our runarknhle manure In good klblv nu unly brought the Wailers Imund In mwd bu cvcn brought he did out the MI Clrmrnl mm II mmy blown 1m nml Imnmg lnrk vyrx wlmsu rvldInl pmnun mu mm yrulrrnn nvcnl IE lluntrr nl work Nlvrr do Il Hhn mm in 11m 1th wllhum HVlIIHHL mmln HI Any Imhserr IIIle our can rum Mnrmlllr null was Cnmicnn 1y blrllh lruly In hrnallmlnl lnurh wn nivrn IIS nlvlnlulr by Um Incl lhnl hlzx mvxlu was rrmrll SWIM culxlnn Clrmrnl IAIJIIKC mun wllh II AROUND TOWN By IAN We wnnld Ilka to find out the Secret of Clements smiled cabbage which makes his lowly vegetable work at an or the delicalnly baked tomaluns that he serve with file mlgnun Andthen here are his hots docuvres incomp able with their delicate mixture of flavors and his breakfasts where the mput dcilclous n1 om eleLs with ham can allow French pancakes served with the fines maple syrup in Ihe province We did not see all oi Quebec mm the dinner table however Its charms were too many or that But sans dome we made our biggest imprmion on the inhabi tants by the manner in which we lale our ways lhmugh the wow nce All olrl Globe Inrl Mall reporter who had the Iortune having ringside seal watch our enjoy ment he Baslugne French Bclglnn cuisan thought he had sawed the myslcry at our man vullnus appelllm Watching course after cnursc nppcar and disappear whh aqua rapidity compared 2n his own delicate two course meal hr nquiredvcurlously first to our names and occupations The sur name Hinds was all he needed But on learning that we were no daughtcm to the amuus Duncan who alsn ndvcnlurcs in sand cm Ing he placed us firmly SWIM wnficr when we exclalmed over the artistic settings that Cle mem gives even to dishes 01 vcg alahlq surmundhz the plate or rzy with decorative delicately brawned bordzrs potatoes qr pastry as pretty as the Irosung on birthday cake Then yaur father must own Lake Simcnc New Flos WI Members Plan XHobo Teas Nclvc mnmbcls and live vls llors attended the August mccnug New F105 Womens Institute held on the cvcnlnn Aug 10 at the home Mrs Allen Rawx Stayner The meeting npcncd mm the slnxlng the Opening Ode lul lowed by The Lords Pray The Mary Stewart Coucct was road by MISS Mary Mulmy The answers the full ca What makes good farmers wife were qullc vnrlcd some being practical while other caus The answers In the full ca What makes good farmers wife were qullc vnrlcd some being practical while other caus ed good deal laughs Tim wnx allowed by dflscussion of the malls Llfc Is bank 01 which we have but one cdlllon Mlcr the madan at the ml um buslmss was dlscusscll Flnu nlnns wcrB made regarding lh Insmulcs difiplny at he alt was decldcd have some hobo lms Mrs CHnn awn Mrs George Smllh and Mrs Jnck Cnm Icron wen appointed as com mltlcc to see about me conslrucv Hon tables for lhllycnrx tuwl bumwrr Mu Am Culhnm Stay was he spuner nr lhc even She we my Immsunu wk on lcrcnnlnl lluwcr Gnrdum huw Lo plant and Care or um and nlso unswmd 11 number ucsllunn cnlwurnlnx lhn vznluun prrnmmls memlnnm Anybody inluxwlrd was mmm cuulu mu 1m gilrdlll In luwn Mrs Shaws draw 15 won iny Mr Jack Cnmcron lhe moulan closed wllh he nulhnul Imlhcm lnlluthK which lunch wM MHlll by he Ilmlm nlnl CXllltr llm nrxl nm mlcuhu will Elrlll Srpl ha humc of Mn Cllm lluwn Mmul mu lnllnr In lnur 1rd rvnl mumm lulu mqu 312an0mImLn mm mm mp mmny un mm Mcurlty mm ana Vrllmr pmuhwlnl uuvum mm mm mm llmn 00nov 000 yynr ml uhnnnr mrvhll Womens Institutes IIIIAVY HxlllNl BARBIE BUS TERMINAL Em Mama Spend Jorlim PHONE 55 BUFFALO ST LOUIS VUNCOUVEU llmlml 1m mm rlunu Havo morn Io spend lacing Iho xlghh lake yEur Dig Cily vacuiion by bux Furcl on low Miss Jean Elrick Becomes Bride of Orlo Brewer Miss Jcan Elizabeth Elrick daughter Mr and Mm cuum Brink of Harris was married on Saturday Augun 14m 195 at two oclock in he nflcmuon In Culllur 5mm Unnud Churcn Barrio lo Orlu Altrcd Brewer son of Mn and Mm Orln Drawer Munlrcnl Rev 2mm Lchs puriormcd hu marrinue ceremony Wedding music was played by Frank Ucnnou Toronto who ulso accompanied the sulolsL Vic or Knox nr Barrie Given 1n marriagcby hcr lumen he bride was dvmrmg lawn of while chanlllly lace uvcr nylnn lull and thn In hallcrlnu lrumh lylcd mm 11 slmplcm bodice un kr mulching lnCB Juckcl Thu pclurpnn cullnr of lmr jackcl wax nixed wllh soul lrnrls nan hmd dress lrlmmutl with seed pearl hvld hcr llnglrllp veil of nylon ncL She was carrying Lnucznh amped buuuunl of lullsmnn mus The muld ul lmlmr was Miss Marilyn Kerr Danie who was wuarlnu Imllrrlnu lunulh mm In puwdvr blue nylun lullc over In WWI lnlu lnscu xlylul wllh mm bndlru and 1m kvl In the same mluxx Wu wrunng nlnlrhlm IIldns uml he owns pulc pmk lunale Tum mnmnunnn llltr HWH Illuv In In lllVI ml llIll 12er film erln un ucudmu mp4 luv hlnlc Mnmr Um mine was wmrlluz Inl mu lnr llxvrll rulrw mIv hmwu WAY BACK IN 1143 Irish Crochet was winning hnndwork prizes and even today connoisseurs still consider it one of the loveliest designs in the crochet lamiiy This lovely dolly is fashioned around the populnr pinwheel motii with im giic rosettes circling the center The directions for this HII Ifimul llzllrh rrrlpllnn 1r Inn vr Irl HH hr mu muzv 945 3240 935 brltlr In wlnhvl nhunluuu rnrlm himk rumor mxwuv ur INp pink WEEDJIDJIUNNR$ nmlhrl nlluwnl mnv MIAn Mr Ivml mnlrhlnz am my anuxllu llu minIs Munlrml and anlillll Irish Crochet Makes Lover 400in In Pinwheel Motif bclh Elrick Mm cuum was married 14m 1953 flflcmnon In wriu hlnk an ru mlmm and Shaw was wcarlnn bronze spray nrchld cuxsuga 0n lhclr re turn Mn and Mrs Brewer will be makmg their home In Ottawa OuIolInwn gucsLs at me wcd dint wwg rem Montreal Toronto Allutun Elmvalc ran Credit and mm Coldwater Church Setting Wedding Of Wide Interest Cnldwntcr Unilcd Church was dccnxalud th whllo gludlull and while hydrangca orvlhe marriage of MI Eileen Hairlch thlsam dnuuhlcr at Mr and Mrs Vlllklm WINS of Caldwallr Shin lcy Snmun Snider sun Mrs Irv FUR COATS SIMMONS 10 100 pm Wool and Angora loomul by Tlm lumom KIYuomadI wul lo infl Winlar 54 mom dhlinuvilmd lhun cm In buuulyvlng1newu1mlh wilh waullh lulhkm doluih Muslov luiloved by Hm IHHMI unihmon cl llm Hovxo of Govdon Cunudul luml luiiovinu houm Io womcn Wu nvdlully lnvilo you come In and lmped our muunlnzenl new wIIcuion Xlluovnmh Uyllun wuh lng Rubensun DI Barrie and ma lulu Slunlcy Snfldcr OI Odessa nn Saturday August 14 1954 at lwnHflfly nclnck Sn the Mormon Reverend Ross Cumming ncrlorm ml the ceremony Mrs Argyle Eplcu played mu wedding mush and uccompnnled the sclolsl Dnvld Crawlurd 1n the singlng 0K The Lords Prayer and Uncnusc or leun In marrlagc by her 11m Lr the bride was wearing gown whllv lace ovnr salln styled with convunllcnni hooped 5km Her flowers were plnk and white and steppannus The mnld honor Ml Dlnna Pheasant Coldwllcr was wru lm gown ul yellow lulle nver mum and mo brldmmalds he Mlssus mommy Dunlap Barbara Slcvuns and Jun Power Cold walLr and he unlnr brldcsmald M153 LnL Wlllln Sllclburnv were gnwmd 1n Krccn lull nvcr alleln or ch DI Sullnn West was umomsman and lhn mhcrs were Charles Wadgc Goldwater dolly glve you choice of thread slzes to use It you would llke to have leaflet wllh dlrectlons lor maklng tlrls dolly Just send stamped selladdressed chelopc to the Needle work Department of thls pnper requesting ROSE 0F ERIN LeafleLNo 390 THE COAT STORE uuwn styled skin while David White 01 Shclburnc Ihuw Hodglns Kflchuncr and Davld Crawlord DI Cobuurg reccpuch allowed In the church parlor where he mmhur 01 me bride received In blue Infl cla wearing navy accessories The grooms mother who also received was In smukc blue acolalc Leaving on wedding trip north he bride was wearing pink linen sull with beige accessories in ihcir ILtulnV Mr nnd Mrs Sni dnr will be making their home in onh York Hown guest at the wed dlnz were from Tumult Hamlllnn Cobaurx Shclhurnc Sunnn an over Oshawa Mulmsc Massachu bclls and Frcdcrlclnn Juncliun New Brunswick APPLE cnm nomxuzn KENTVILLE CIvIIrcclnrs of me chn Sculln mu Gruwers Asuoclaliun meclmg Im an nmlncrd mu ymrs Annnmns anlcy npplc crap will be abum 2225000 bushels double that of 1r CLOTH COATS Lions Auxiliary Mixmaster Draw Friday Evening 0n closing night the Jam Club Carnflval am Friday aven lnz Lhe Ladies Auxiliary to the Llun Club Barrie will hold 10 draw on mlxmmer Alter short business scssinn making plans nr 70 Years fur the Church cclebratinn Mrs Prosscr introduced M13 Audi9y Weir Crcemnrc who gave very educational and lnierestlnx talk about her work with Esk imos Miss Weir told their way of living lnciudlng an insight into the inside of an Eskimo home and their eating habits She show ed many souvcnirs which revealed the cicvcr way Eskimo women can sew and up very line medic wnrkl Mrs Arnold 1n few well chgscn qurds Vthankcd M15 Weir Rev Mr lmnn cla ed meeting wllh benedictlnn and the hostess and her helpers served lwnly lunch The auxiliary draw hclnl made an the same nlght the club draw on car Over thirty member and Vis ms of WA of Church of Messiah Sunnldalc met at the hum of Mrs Legalc oh the cvanInl of Aug ll EAVIER WFALL Ralnlall an Ihe Allnnflc slate of Central Amcrlca hi hrce Mme heavier than an the Pacific Coast Eskimo Life Described To Sunnidale WA wmu COME SEE HOW APs IME SAVING TREATS HELP YOU ENJOY EASYTOMA MEALS nnnp cur smelting lmpl preparcd lrull 1V1 qup nugar boflle liqujd 1m pectln To prepare lrull Remove sklns ln qumen from ornnxe and lemon Lay quarter 1m shave all and dLcald about hall 01 white part with xharp knife slice remalnlnz rlnd very fine Add cup water and 118 tcnspnnn bak lng soda brlng to bull and slm mer covered 10 minuteJ sllmng occasionally Cut light skin ol peeled mm and slip pulp out of each section Add pullv Julcu and cablupnom lLmnn julcc to un drained cooked rlnd and simmer covered 20 minutes longer Peel and pl about quarts so ripe peaches Chop very final VCam hlne runs and mensure cup into large saucepan Plate over high heat bring 19 full rolling boil and boil hard minute stirring cumianlly Ru muve mm heat and at once stir In llduid irull pcciln Then Silr and skim by turns or minutes to cool slightly to prevent floating mm Ladle quickly Into glasses Paraiiin at once Makes about ii nixounce glmcs To make marmalade Add sugar 13 mm In sggcgpan am nix wnll Cnnndlans are among the worlds butdressed people using textiles at rule 01 about three tlmcs the world averaze Recipe of Week CAEIJCKH DRESS WELL PEACH MABMAMDI aim silo plg 20 anins 1601 fins pkg 60 heal bring 19 and boil hard cumlanlly and at once stir 33¢i III

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