Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1954, p. 8

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1113 mums Exmmzn Mbnngy AEGUS 13 1954 Marrin Churchill Mr and Mrs Alrul Darrell cultbramd their uoldln wedding anniversary recently at thir homo Sheldrakc BlvdV Tumult MR AND MRS JOHN HOUSTON of Enrrle who were mar ried 1n Comer Street United Church on Saturday July 31 The bride is the Iormcr Barbara Barrand daughter0 Mr and Mrs Barrandbcmller street Barrie and the groom is the son of the Reverend and Mrs Houston Windsor Married 50 Years Ago at Churchill Couple Celebrate Mr Darrell born In London England came In Canada with parcnls Al the mu six momhs in 18112 The lamin sclllcd an arm at BCAVCHML was as Summer Wedding in Collier United Saving money and writing cheques onlly you will Illu llyuu Willa olmaufl he Cunml account the man adwullnu Safeguard your pickles with Enrico arusn the areal Italian lcnur who died ln ml allalned world am withqu any spcclal musical lmlnlnul soclalcd with um wholesale mm and produce business in Toronto Ior 48ycars umu his rotircmcm Mrs Band is native oI Minc sinfl The couple have our children Edwin Lloyd nose and Bruce and 13 grandchildren They cn lcrlainul an home and Iamily dinner was held at Kil Cooley Gardens CANADAS BEST SELLING OWLIV HEINZ NATURAL TALENT L¢5 Cowper mudlu In doublering ceremony per mm the aLhuat groom the ma ge 01 MS Ba an Bar rnnd daughter at Mr Ind Mn Barruld of Barrie to John Houston at Windsor son of Rev and Mrs Houston wind snr was solgmnlzcd In Collier SL United Church Rama mi Snuf daly July 314 at our oclock In the aimmoon llev Lewis min ister the church aslstcd The bride who was Elven in marriage by her lather chose an Imported gown or candlewhltc lathNI Thu mauldnd slnwclrs basque was Inshlnncd with Ila collar enhanced by heavy lace msetles sluddcd wllh pearls and bugle beads From the walst the 1qu sklrt tell waltz length In unprcssed plcalsl demi Jacket whlnh was zlpped to the law scoop neckllnc under the dress collar was worn over he has featuring long sleeves wllh culls matchlng the dress collar The shoulder vcll was caught to matching talfctta cap Studded with luxch The hrlde wore double strand of pearls um gm ol the groom and carried bouquet DI slush plnk carnnllons when were three bridamalds Miss Mary Houslun Windsor sister the groom Mrs Ron Johnston Tbronlo and Mlss LOIS Toner of Kingstun Their dnsscs nalchcd that lhv mfld of hun and were yellow in colon Ruben Houston 11 Brockvillc was groomsman Iur his brother wflllc two other brothers Allan and Jlm Housmn or Windsorlwnrc ushcrs along wilh George Dar rand brother at the bride Barbara Barrand Becomes Bride of John Houston Miss Elinor Banana sister of the bride was the maid cl honnr wearing an anklelength lull sklncd dress of pale blue nylon prinlcdwilh small whue flowers and mulching up mmmcd wuh amiss She carried bouquet of dalsics reccfilion was followed by Supper the Collier sum Unn cdichqrch nb rib to Lake Couchichlmzv the bride wore powder blue linen dress wilf navy and whch accmorlos and colsage Th1 lnstallnilon cl crnlrnllzcd lrnflic camml the IMOS develop mcnl In railway slgnalllng and automatic block signals on 141 miles cl llnc bulwtcn Purl Ar lhnrland Miknknn was completed rctonlly by the Canadian antunA nl Railways lhe new signals wlll speed up lruln movement on lhla impormm Ilno mm McMillan wmmm Vicemulch he cmn Wmlcrn Region who ur In opened ll service He wnuld dispense wllh me nccrxslly at Luulnu wrlllcn mm ml The plnuurm the up or well pr Elna Towur In Paris hum In 25 ccnl for your cup mum In BM tom Ihe urnlmlgllls bnmnm huhlmu The wedding music was pmyed mi Llnyd mama and he so 0st was Miss Gayle Drysdalc nonmw who sang The Lords Prayer and Because me rcccphon at he home me bride her mother were ben galinc sun or heavenly blur wun navy accessories The grooms mother also received wearing printed sllk dress wiLh claret wlnc rodlngom and white necessaries of pink carnnlons Upon méir rclurn Mr and Mrs Houston will resme 1n Barrie Guosls attended the wedding from Micksburg Klllalcc Bramp lnn Dixie Swinrlh Caprcal Falconhrldgc Kirkland Lakc Feb crhomugh King Colmurg mnlww nrmkacK vehmkc Toronto and Windsor CNR Installs ijlew Aqumatic Signals THE BANK IIRVINO YOUR COMMUNIW your mnln Impala II to Java to nocumulnla Iundu ltl good to have Savings account The money you leave in Suvin nccount cams inkrcst nnd your bnnk book given you nn llplodnlc continuing rccord of your finnncinl progrcu If your funds nrl nctivc wim rcqucnt dcpmim nnd wikhdmwnln Current Account providcn upcdnl advice monthly ulnlcmcnk logclhcr With your cnnccllcd chequesuseful nu rccclpLd and rcady reference for budgeting bookkeeping 51nd olhcr purpom coin for this pattern 513mm can not be nccnplcd to The narrlc Ex nmxncrfiuuuschom Am Dept an mm Walt Toronto On mm Inlnly mum llelESh IAT Eflfl NUMHEI llnd HI mMNnAmcw bcnulllul the 1054 Alice Brooks Nccdlccmll Cnlnlou has lhu must nupulnr cmbruldcry mum scwlnu culnr Iramfer doslmu in sand lar Plus pallcrna winkd mm Stnd Slccnl for your cupy hch or Life Span in Minefing Wilbert Davis Die Ac Hospifgl Aug madden of Mincsinx since he was 14 months old Wilbert Otto Davis passed my on Tumhy Aug Rayal Victoria Hosplhl Barrie Iallnwinz coronary Lhmmbosls mm which he failed in rally although not chrcme age Born on June DIEM Stout vllle he came to Mlncslng with his parenls Otto Davisv Wha fled an Sept 10 1953 and his mother who is sun nving Is Mflneslng Mr Davis was beral and number the Loyal True Blun WEE No 511 Midhursl and his family sgrvivlng are his widow the former MKS Goldié Di Shoud and Inur sonsv Ross lnTo route and Kenneth Gordan and Glnn hnme also Win daugh ters Misses Marion and Marjorie Kn Barrie There 15 also am hm mcr Harry and our sisters Miss mm Mlncsing with her moth er Mrs Nowal Luck Mae also in Mincsing Mrs Harald Wallwin Murlel Mldhursl and Mrs Eas Ion Ayersl Rankine whose home is in Caprcul brother Clarence was killed while In ncfion on May 1944 In Italy during the sec ond world war cm Mms sum 12 10 IE 20 Pattern places cm mglucp mist There was large attendance at the funeral on Thursday Aug with service In Mlncslng Unflcd Dnrllng of your summer ward rubel Jusl three main pancm partscouldnt be caslcr And that frusb embroidery Is untudu mhlun lunch JiffySényCiharmer Tvml TH mum much tonduzmd Johny by Rev stm Ind Rev Vuls World War Veteran Cecil Hardacré Dies Sunnybyook Hosp Caskevbcuerl were Mcrvyn lfnllckL Harfy HI1ghAn Flawersmamrs were Lloyd Srlglcy Harry Ward Hadley Colcs Melvllle first Ivan Calms and him Pa Relafivcs and friends was pm am my Slmud smuuvme ronto name Wasagn Beach An gus Thornton Crown Hill cm m1 DchM and Midhurst am Ben Bwyd Wallace Mclgan and Jack Johnson Interment was ln Mlmlng Cemuluy The pro fusion at flnwgu ram Mend and nelzhbors gave unzible evidence of the esteem In which Mr Dayls was held by them other trlhulc were mm the loyal True Blue Lodge the firm ham Ind Fleming stall and the 5w Wflgm Cleaners bolh ol Barrie Minuinz Slallon commun lty and Mlghbors of the thh line veteran of Wmld War Cecil Hardacn pmd away In Sunny brook Hnspllal Tnmmn on July 31 1954 in his 62nd ycafi Son he late Esther Simpson and Richard Hardacrn Ihe dcccns ed was born in Hirkcnhcad Eng land where he lived for 18 years prior his coming to Settle as butcher In Tcronw Besides his wile the former Sarah Kch the lalc Mr Hardacrc ls survived by two brothers Tum and Waller our daughters Kam Icon Duris manor and Pat and Iwu sans Earl and Edward llvc in Tomnlo mop Edward who resides in Hyde Funeral services wen hcld in the Spmrs Funeral Chapel cun duclnd by Rev Mr Hayes lnlcr mun follnwnd in Prospect Ceme IQIY Toronto Pallbearers were Earl K0150 Dun llanncy Cllfford Hardnch Cccll Buvgdcn George Of the BapiLSt faith the deceas ed was member ni the LOL and the Amy and Navy Velcrans As sociation In earlier days he was an mom soccer participant sport in which he always retained keen interest WW 140 Dunlop St East DrJoseph Aikins For The Practice of Medicine The Openihg Of An Office ALL WOOL FABRICS CHAMOIS LINED WOOL AND MOHAIR ZIBELINES EXPERTLY STYLED AND TAILORED MAKE YOUR SELECIION TODAY For Amminhnrm Telephone 2818 Wishes to Announce BARRIE Mrs Jennie Door 83 Dies At Munkalo USA Was Born In Barrie Mrs Robert Ward Dies Suddenly In Vancouver Was Formerly of Barrie Mrs Door was born In Barrie Ontario Au 1310 She moved to Mankan upon her marriage on Sept 23 1904 Door who died In 1922 Survivors am one daughter Mrs Ira Marjorie Budde one son Gordon both Mankato route nnc sttcr Alice Light oct Battle and our grand children Mrs Jenni Door Kl Mannie Roule USA died ncemly It iwi liofiie The death occurred suddenly on July 15 1954 Vancouver of Margaret Annxnwm 711908 West 32nd Street wiqawv of he laiu when Ward Her only surviving brother Is Malcolm Morrison Barrie who has been Vlifllngreln lives In the West hlssummcr st Ward was much luvnd girl whun in Barrie and also as leachcrin the Sunday Schuol where she was thought of very Mgth us so very aflhlul her class and the young people She is survived by daughter and sunInLxwMr and Mrs Art Rempcl also two daughters Miss Marion Ward Langley Pmirle BC and Miss Helen Ward at home in Vancouver There are three flrandchildrcn and one Slater Mrs William Reid Carleton Plate Ont The uncrai was held nn July 21 three oclnck from me Edwards Memorlal Chapel 10H Avenuc Rev NIHle and Rev Rich ard lemon omclnlcd Interment was at Mountain View Cemetery Hardncre and Bert Hardacm Among thcmany beaulllul floral lribuks were muse fmm the Bar rie Leginn Softball Club the Queen the West Circle the To ronto Dally Star and the Woods C0 Walker Slaru load agaln wlllu wandnvlul col lccllnn ol mm Fall and Wlnlor Coull pvlcld lowar llmu you would oxpncl lar Ilyll qunllly and valun You will llnd Ilylal Illullulcd Smarl nnw llllad Ilyln Ind loan cull lo ulu Illm lllmlon Choc lram Bulgt Guy Chaveanl Winllr Wlllll Bluv Ronwood In Rnd Gupo or Minn AND AIOUI 500 PER WEEK YOU PAY ONLY EXTRA SPECIAL AUGUST Congratulation would be zven In than our local canllnultlnn chnol um Marxre cmpbelL Sylvll Kell And Be 1111mm all Grade 12 whu wrou Ave Upper School papus In Enzlhh Ind re tdved honor In all twa nm cuss honom two second clan hon or and one third class honors honnni 15400 II 8674 III 60 Thl year the exact mark gained by the sludcntwas given as well as the grade Under tho guidancect MN MacQuarrle the girls studied Eng lish Lilaralurc during part ghelr noun hour Sylvia anq Mar garel also have enough Music to count as an Upper Schnl subject Congratulations girls Mnrgarel Campbell an 11 83 Eng Camp 61 Sylvia Kcllv Eng Ln Eng Comp 111 But Tillman Eng Cnmp 68 II 00 ALL WOOL WINTER 2499 mncor Ihnt MI of wood prescrvativu applied at liule on when lhc mm was pm in would have HIMEl him In an of new you nmv the telephone business as amllnd your own home we find in ham to dn he juh right in lhc find place and Hum look utm it Its the heat way we Imuw to avoid heavy rcpzir and replacement coals to save expense and give you mm an we or your mnncy Thats why we treat telephone pulln hgaimt ml why we ml our mm clean and in good repair why we pul up exchanged and offices In Inst Its common nensn if we are In lurp our man LlumIund the prim of ynur tnlcpllullu Eervicc Imv lEFROY Iyvm mmld lilr lo luvu nmmnnn on In prrwmlixv llmlrmnl uwd ur mum yuu minluml Imum Inhala Iauu Canada lkmrlmenl Nuulmn lflmn Inul VIIlium Know 011mm TNE Bill TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA DOWN 88 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 5531 WRIGHT CLHNEIIS 10 to 20 16 lo 20W 2499

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