Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1954, p. 8

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lrullylulm wnm Ihr Irmhylrrlnn wms mrl IN hnml Mn Ulluun nu lhmnluy vwulnu July 20 Mlul litnwn wnl In lhu cllulr Arm wmmu hr upmlnu hymn Wm 1qu errnlnluln Irv Mmmlllhl Hrrlpluw Imullun ll DISCOVERY GROUP gathered nnnnnl annp Counsellor Jonnnc W015 Imrrlu Hm Blmcou Presbytery Cunm MHInlA unluc purlud wllh thvlr lhlmx nnd nn lnlvrvsung bunk on Mnrnlnu to leu wlth when In the menu 11 to Hunt ulv Mnrmuct nvlnh of Fltlillurlun Mnr THERES WORK TO BE DONE at camp 00 Miss Dorothy Lukcs oi Midland left director the Bimcue Presbytery Camp sacs um Marilyn Arundcll oi Oriliiu Sandra McKnighL oi Elmvaie and Sharon Biogg ol Barrie get the place settings right in the LORNA CROMARTY of shanty Bay mak as handy patient for Counsellor Joanne Reynolds Barrie us she demonstrates the new IIolgerJNxelson method or artificial re splrntlon at the Slmcoe Presbytery United Church Camp near Midland Watching the lun Webb Wycvnh Penny nnd Cnrhlc Rn Plenty to do at Simcoe Presbytery Camp Midland Poinf 15 Ilnppomm mmt a4 Jolmdton THAT HIS OPTOMETRIC PRACTICE TI Jiobiez IVY HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY Wishes 10 Announce mm 1m Iullnwlll by pmyvr by Mm men lru nulublxn nu awnml ralln Mlnulm mlqu wru ml nml and nml mm IlmuuL mny rhnplm Hun wmh HIHIflIlIIVHI wm 1m Mm Knnwn Mm Ilnuvulh mm Mn mlnnmu llllmrfllnu mullnuu wm ulvru Mu Tnlmlhrrl hmr lhlnuv Muury nmml 1mm ltlwhmm mn J6 hcrLshaw ancrlcy Elnlne boughccd oI lJlmvulc Sally Lewis and June McMumn mums nnd mun anbold of Collins wuou There were 57 enrolled In the Explor um mmm An man will be mndc to hold nnothtr prrlml for semi 30 more glrla lhc mmu mm at the munp ncnr Mldlnnd Mldlnml ll luu llIOhl big alry dlnlng room The week of July 27 to Aug was taken over by Explorer Group girls ranging ln age mm mm to 11 years Generous perluds of play and re lnxntlon made cnmp not 1111 work demonstration left to right we Velma Smith 01 Hand Head Patsy Hnycs of mm mond H111 and Sharon Armstrong 01 Port McNIcolI Swlmmlng instruction un 1m portant Item on the list camp uctlmles Mn 11 MC Thu Hnml TU illuvu Mn NvLImI Evrnlnu lrnyrrn Inul Ilnl IL 11011 Ilil II he Trul Uml Clmlnx IIVIIIII WM lel Ilo hr flr 11m IllnlhMl nwullrd lllr Lhrdl Illlll In unlwn HIIIJ lmll Mn quuny llllllld II In In nvrvlllu much Im mm chnl lullnwed 1le AN HXAMINIIII WANT AD 140 Dunlop St East BARRIE Dr Joseph Aiklns For The Practice of Mcdlclno The Opening An Offlco fur Mvvolnhmlfl valmn Ml Wishes to Announce Consult Solicitor Malicicun Accusuflon Listen Mteniively To Letter of Commendatioh Iallnwinz mnmlnl of henIns dckgalw who had milieu cm tentlnus and olhtrvhe to new with council and from whlqh they had let or lunch at pm whll nlepnyer was still on the floor dlmnflnx complaint mm the Belle Ewnrt Area they lhtenzd Itmnuvely me neanvenln 1mm lunch to mm rend by Elks ram um line beachns 19er Awg Ialjlyd 79¢ The wrflcr of file lcnar 01 com mnndnllon who had remained In In rnnmlngclhor wllh other 5pc lnlnu Inde on wllh no one be lnx able nstnrlaln what uny mlng wu rumplllnx While the wrilcr Wm endeavor Ing the ulnry 1mm he Im migrant Miller who had last hh rush crop for lheyrnr 111 In whn dimlan was mzdcd lhe Reeve nt lull him he wuuld have some Information or hlm mun have no money comlnx la keep my inmlly he mm us The land in IL nwnmp could bu n1 pmducflvc In Ihe marsh lands proper nlnnnc pinn mm In nuuurnlml would hnvn hr dune on lame lcnh uvcrnllmu up be of unnnrnl bcnntll cummll no he Cuuncll nrc lnnklnz Um cundlllnm over hll week innisfll Council placed motion theirmelin which hnd been chnnled 1mm andy to Tum oi hisweck instructing the sin to consult heir solicitor rumd1 in unenlinn nude by many at meeting It Leonardl in which the Township wu sad to be lheJnoll millicimulx loy uned municipality in the pray ince in read and liter Mr Ella had told muncll hnvlng made Kn pedlnn and survey trip along mm varlou benches During the dtscusstnn on what cnnstttuted the dmlnnxe hustn of thlfi part 01 file uwnshlp council got tntn ucpnmlc dtscusslon nus tmI mcmbcn were gathered around the mom In groups whllc that rntepayer who spoke only broken English went about tryan to ccrtnln what was In be done BolloAlm Residents Wan Moro Sm Lighls Mu lluytl Onxley Ind Llhmccu wrrn II dnlexnllnn ll rruulnr muncn mulan In mng nddlllunnl llrtcl llfihflnm It wll Ilumtllul ml the mmmlllnr who lmmllrd first lellun Ilmulll In mumchad the mu umqu coma In Ihc farm of pwllllun mkrd um unu or mmnm mum mlr mumy mm mu um um tauncn My ply lmm llnvn mum Ilu mm Dluulnskl Polish Immi grant who has purchased land on the 3rd concession at me edge at wnmpnupeurcd nsklnz coun cll or 5mm helpmnbout he druin had 1m Mu Hnyd commInn um mm we had um mm wrm uq mm mu hug In mly luv Ln Ien um um tnunrfl mullnx mum upm Mrgmer filllflflul He comrqrnced mm by ur cunxng me mm thia column unlnIrness in his mum since the flood In by recent rnlns He asked Ihnt whflevcr action required to haveproper dralnngc commenced he mkcn He commended council on hnv In xetumcd the and the mad al he 10 line to the use of the public He smed that many weallhy cong awnem were enm pmnsng about their taxes but they were assessed and taxed Sn he slime propogllun the small omen lhey would be pnyxng munylllmes what thryare He ell the camplalnls on taxes were unllmlflcd He brought some matters to the attention 01 council which he had nallced on his tour at lnspecllon Thue were signs on the road at corner blocking Ihe View smi nry wndlllomIu pflvnle park at the 100 no but fled to wharf 1th out of road remlcled mule ol proprrty In 0110 summer msorl and He xldlng horsa on foot paths Coxincnififinkna ihe mcpnyér Ind exprest their nppreckntlan of the commendallom Loses PotanCrop He should take the moat out mien wnn happeningsemgncc lmend to mend Council meetings to Mr Impression nwhntuhapp2na 15 smug 11M jump Iml ulml lnr Innisfil Mites Drum Would Locum Cuscenl BeachWavk ylerfler beam fund any ul Bhln wn apokumnn or delenuon from Sandy Cove wands to Mk the small park at lhclr belch could no he handed am to havnuplyen to look after and tea tha wnu menu1y con ducnd In 1945 Inc dmrm Belle Ewan mu nu husk3 levy now mm the levy Cuunnlllur mum slnlcd that less than 35 per cent at the levy wn under the Central u1uu luwushlp cuuncll Cllrk Allan In lhu puuplc who hadgumu min llslrlcl In Lon Brunch whlch was rinsed them and had HIL lllul munlh In 10 cum pay down ML SnIdcr human 0an me knrbnge collLclon wnuxu um um brush ur anymlug else They enquired nbou lhe deed and nked If they could be all owed ta pay 011 the oneMlh not charged to these ratepayers and me nnrk or ghcmselvcs What coIilderuwdu menm mgr qumnd wta1 am we to innn We cant burn Should wu mkn or he penpln of Innbnl 01 Im other who come mm on at the mwmhlyli Councillor Caok en gulfed The Reeve stated Ihnt the Inca rutwayem palaceht to lhe nurk paid or tourfiflflhs ma cm purchase We need dock at the park the spokesman slacd Cnunnmar Cook suggesmdthat when the fee was In dollnr at Innlsfll Park somn went to the lime parka when lhge wgu na charge The Council nd attended meeting 113 park wank ago The matter was left for further cnnsidmallnn come council We nrc being pressed 10 take some action he smtcd They want to ga Queens Park Taxes have Increased 00 mum In the hut few years cultnxc pur chased was Inxw 313 It now 5118 with no nddllion made The taxes we pay for Wu months use would make fair rcnt he slated People are hulldlnzoxlm coungus an lheir lolu and many are renung them for summer use and again fur wlnlcr occupallon Penpln llving 1n Gnu awnltlng he summer people have HID Wahl Public Road Open To Water deleznllon from Lands End in Bl Bay Point headed by Innis complained um public roads In that part Biz Bay Pnim were bcflng blocked and the public prevented mm uslnu them They asked that his but slapped Reeve Todd old Mr Snldcr that they were undcavorlng to prevent the Wlnlcr use of he cottages and he was ahown the bylaw pmnd nl um la meeting This matter has Iqu up pcrl ndlcally for yearn past Clerk All ah tnld council He stated 01M he had personally mmnvcd some signs and that these roads worn nr pub use Delegation From Belle Cedar Assn Morris Snider treasurer of IF Belle Cedar Bunches Association tnldcounctl that he art so many people coming In home and asking what Wu going to he done over the mist In taxes that he Ielt that he would pcmnnally We feel that the nuch to the Lake should nut he bluckcd The Mel have their tennis cnurm an public road We have had letter sent last year and azaln nv cnmly 1mm our snllcllnrs which outlines our legal slandlng Mr Inna 101d council They were old that they cauh remove the signs and barriers but they EH that council should have thudnne as they wbhcd llve in peace Council agreed um he manor would be given mnsideraflnn DU IMIHW TIIHRY KODAK The Mcmorlnl Setvlce or the lnwnuhlp 0m wlll he held at Inn on Sunday August In the Town Hall with he Orlllln Lulon Mlcmllng Tlic Service will MIan by Fllxlu Command he llcv lellthuumc DSO DIL new ALLHNDHLE DRUGS ETD Eulogy afoot way to the M051 NATURAL wgv TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 WE DELIVER TONI Phone 2832 Colunxwood Genernl Ind Mur Ina Hospital ha new direclm at nurse education In the person of MISS Kenn Chipeskayimm For Wllllam wbu mplnce Mb Marl Im Menu5 Mb Master hBl nailed ram Manuel or pm langed vml her hamc Kn London England The smell the back my hOlch has been so bnd that have In keep window closed This because of me dnuhllnu up 01 bulldlnxs on he law Mr SnIdcr claimed We are holding mael Ina Ills weekend and will have legal ndvicu on he whale slluu Hon he old CuunclL came you pcrsunnlly see what you could wagon he concluded CouncllmwtIrc millinli nihuc mu mom bcluru Mr Snldcr unlmd talking New Director Nurse Education At Collingwood The game of checkm ur drnughls In one arm or alImhLr wnx playud by th nnclcnl Greeks and Rumnm Highly recommended and well qualified or the position Mlsl Chipeskn is arnduniu the Port Arhur General Hospital training school nndtnuk you mad unlc mining in the Unlvemlly oi Toroniaa School Nursing spec lalizing in clinical leaching and supervision She was iormerly an the shall 01 KitchenerWulerloo General Hgsplinl Miss Margaret Mnanren graduate of the General and Mar ine Hospital will be nssocinied with Miss Chipuka us clinical instructor On the Coliinzwood sin since gradualiun Miss Mne Lnren oak post graduate course in clinical supervision at lhe School of Nursing University Taxunlovlnsl year She Euc ceeds Mm Vivian Douglas who let Iew weeks ago to spend some time at her home in Nova Stalin ML and Mrs Kenny and Inm uy visucd relulivn in Fcnulnn Falls on Sunday back to the ally RC rid of he Mkpd dont Ullnk hut com under the heading garbage Cnunclllur gnmpbqu rcmnrkcd all bunches church workhe plnnu In the lul ure to serve overseas as medlcnl missionary Mr and MN Bill Barker Oak Ridges Mr and Mrs Mex Blshnp and Marion Maple were Sundny visitors wllh Mr and Mrs Norman Thompson with Marion remaining for holiday with Mr and Mrs anmpson Mr and Mrs Jnmt nix Spent Wednmdny In Toronto Mu Rainey Barrie visited gndv Mm nny up Tuns Mrs cm Drury and Missed Mnrgarel and Elalne Drury visllt ed friends Bumlo last week lfifilinufe mam lottom Judy aria Ronny Swilzcr Fer gnsénvale are Hing thch grand pafgnu in mg Mrs 57 tzer Mr and Mm wSw1izer spcnl Sunday wflh Mr and Mm Slanley King Ann 1e ME and Mrs Cough vlsfled lrlgnds mSnth crgflnn Sm Congmlulallons Mr and Mrs Ken Masters on he arrival SO Successnt Plcnlc The Sunday Schnol and cum munity picnic held at on Mem orial Pnrk rcccnfly was decided and Mrs JumcsShachnn and daughter are on holiday with Mr and Mrs Dummore Mufchnrxos Rabson and visited in Torunlu for cw reggnlly Quite number 1011105 attended he Fnlr In Orlllia Miss Georgina Rix Toronto spy lhcwggk a¢ her hgmc Ham Wits I0 mun Illlll IIIIXI ll Ill Ill Glllllll Ill olyourllfol CROWN HILL Illh HTOCKINUH MILM HNTH TIllIH at Crown Hm Qum and Rug GUST 1956 Curl days INFINILY HHIMUNION ll up Anflllcnn an Allan Hull ILA Lnl lllv hula flllullllx MIL VJ Iln My Rulmll Chllr lllflfll ouldur Servlea Dant ox51 the service In Sprlnxwulcr Park an Sundny Aux mm Mr Ind Mm Lloyd Burger and amlly have moved Aurora an Flr Mn Ward Gondtellnw Mm Margaret Goodlellnw and Mrs Alberran enjoyed bu nipto Orlllln wllhvlhc member Min uingv Womens Instliule Ind al tnndad the Qull and Rug Fulr Inst Thursday Mr Ind Mn DunrDflnkwnltn landun vmted Mr and Mn Russell Maw on Mnndsy m1 uumw DEMISEY Onganlsl Ms amps1m School 11 Lmfltlnnnl Dept 11 inmln Wonlllp Suhch Imse in the war whm neitlwr 1va nor Human can stop truth 1m Imlnly Clmrrh service and Beginner 71m Draw Ma God and will draw Inn in you lmlnr NlwlunHmllh M10 PHOLV COMMUNIDN ILM LinMOIININU IIIAVHK lrtuher TM Ilrrtor LW 1mm CUMMIJNHV HHWICE LlLOJ HHIIINIIH Recent Brlde nnnorerl Last Thursday evening Mm Duulnld McNahl Enlemflnud In lmnor at her daughter Dnmthya recent hrldn The spnclouJ rooms were denflrulcd Wllh buskeL of dclphlnlums and phlnx Many lrlnndl and nclxhbnrs called to see henshower and wedding gins dnlnly lunch 01 sandwiches Gmnll calm and weddlnz cake was verqu Partridge fleunlnn About 50 descendants OI he lalc James Parlrldgc and Annie Super pioneer settlers of 2nd Concmlon Line Vnsprn nem Crown 1H1 gamernd on Sunliay afternoon Aug the harm 01 ML and Mrs Ira Partridge for fllclr an nun cunlun Besidcsflhmo nt londhlk 1mm men Hlll and Ear He wore Miss Mabel Pnrlrldge Dunnville Mr and Mrs Thomna BURTON AVE UNITEI CHUle SUNDAY AUGUST 154 REV EUGENE BEECH IIA Minister St Andrews Prosbytuvian Fim Baptist Churches UNION SERVICES SUNDAY AUGUST 1951 COLLIER ST BAPTIST Yin All onllllly erooml rmva In Hm mpun hmh clmum Wonlry nu COME TO cuuncu 29 HIGH STREET BARRIE SUVNDAY MORNING SERVICES 1100 am ALL ARE WELCOME TRINITY CHURCH EssaURoud Presbyterian Chuvch Mllanl AND IMUN lvufhrr A11 ll Ill sumrescuers lrmdcnl or Cookn Carnage hm Ulornue than Church Htrvhu howlng Town EDENVAlE FELLOWIJHH 0F EVANOELIUM nAlIIHIU IEEV HUIALMEYFH IMHOIL ll AM AN IM MR LES COOKE Burton Avenue United Church REV LUCK Joint Services Christian Science Services LDYHI TRUE BLUE HALL and no may REV llllllllll 00 um 1J0IIHMTIHNU EVERYBODY WELCOME County ladies Golf Tournament Here Aug 1820 enluollll Aneman of Cmufll 10 MULCANHIII KT IIAIUUH Ill2V ll URGES IASTOIL SUNDAY AUGU ll UH lo unaHnmhy Hchnol Ind lllble film II IlnMlllNlN0 VUIKHIIII 110 Lmllllplvllll Inwrl Nrrvlre WuL nytr Mfrlln Ind lllhlu Sevenlcen ladch turned out for he spoclal even the Burrle Country Club on win new noon nnd played 18 hole before ndlnurmng to Mrs Charles Sen grams cottage where he ladla Iccllon had been lnvltcd hold polluck supper There were about 22 pm for mu cnjnyable evan In pa 1lich SUNDAY AUGUST 1954 ll nmHOLINESS MEETING 230 1m4SUNI3AY SCHOOL meEVANGELISTIC MEETING Mljor and Mn Conner In chute warm and friendly chcome await you at The Salvallun Army lthg flay LMngstaq and Md John Ouzh ed for the hidden holes yrlze or thg day The blg event of the yen for thLl Indies ol the to dub Is Just tw weeks away The annual count ladles tournament LI being held tn Barrie this year and will open on Wednesday ntternoon Aug 18 unn tlnutnK through Thursday morning and nfiternaon and Friday mnrnlng with the finals on Friday ullc Kent st Catharina Mr and Mrs Allan Black nml Mn and Ms liazenburz Slnuflvlllu QIIKH SWDdeIIflI OI nkct MRI ha 133 um Mir IlllllnklV Kiln lubltm lflllfltl Dal ma nflm mull mum Hn mum UK ukkradlvgfmfll Ht Inflxwllt DA rnécmm Grusrlemnzln cm lkh money lurk nonl lulrr Vol dull bu flucfllnla lV Hludy Vnullrrhll Vonl llrnmlulk YKIHI BPJO IJIL Hlmdly UNION SERVICES Central and Collier Sr Unilcd Churches SUNDAY AUGUSI 191 flcrvlce In Crnlral lJnllnl numb In Annull 1Ihllrnl Hrrvrr All Any Wvlclvmn VliHlllA Ilrv Allin llnd ILA hTh Belhel Penlecoslul Church Tho Salvation Army on COLLIER mm Mnjar 1nd Mrs Couper FREE METHODIST CHURCH Mlnluler In IIIIn WAIHIEN MatLEAN Organist nlld Chuirmuxlur CHHlSl CHUHCH EV LEWIS ILL WIwa 0mm Blus llmflul

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