Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1954, p. 7

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Big Fieid Day At Minets Point Was Huge Success lemmlnl um um nul lml won run on ll lhq wnl henh wllh My lho ml Ilmllnu Ind 0m luwly placed rlll Ind Hle low Two IlmnI lemmru nun nme and Km Wm Imlh nu lm 11 um unle Mml Illul xu Hu lv lnyl ml lur Hip llvh Vlnl Duel dld II um lly mm ho Ia lull Illldr wlh Jr 10le locum and I5 mm mm with mum Chmlm Ircuml Ihv llm IWlll wan uplrflnl lmurslum VIlClllll rnnlrwl which atmml In um wh Hm 0qu nu Ilmu and mud In Ill lullll wllh Hm llhlmu ohm John Hallnmynn and WnXlur lblou iry mljmllnrnl pnrkm um um cnulnu 11 um It was Inmdy nunuled and vva 1E my uccwrul mm purl In llvnullml amulqu wrnihrr and Mn lu nml plnnnlnl lny mnan um wmmlllrrl um wllh hr nuMnncn lulmlluu ol wlm hy luwn mmlmnl ml Ilirluls lluI Mlnm Iulnl Irnpmy Owlmn Amnlnllnn Mu lllrlr nnmml nwm xlny unlmnmy nu mm yrnrs hnvk nu Aumul In tho pnrk wlllth lulu hm lmuwv Llnd um um aunt cumul TONIGHT SATURDAY Roxy Theatre Here It Is Folks The Picture that BrokeRecoEds in Toronlo for Weeks Showsmnéady E30 pm Fflllfl DAYS STARTING TONIGHT FRIDAY win wnmlm mums5n Fov MovinMorryGoRound Tune In CKBB Continuous PIUs Fdx News and 20 Minutéé of Treéts House or Hrrs FIRST WITHTHE istr IN um EVENINGS ADULTS 75K TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50¢ TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN AT ALL TIMES 25¢ TAX INCLUDED Plus Latest Wumcr News Real mlmlwr draw wrw Alto hlld lnr dunnlrd vlm NII win nm at ulna wan1 In urrnllnllll hull Mlllllfl Mil Illluw ram Mu Onvuhll mp nml WPf ML Onmmn and lmx Inc In Au llunnld hid put wenl lleullnl runlull wrrr Amm lnl um wlmms lnr lhn lmyl wnr Jml Hellmllll Illll Dumll Ullmvn 1m um uh unu umlnl wrnl I0 Dllnnr Hnllywulul and Harlan Mtlmlnld nw hllliirllhll llnlluull rum menu In mm Fem Ind Vlnn DWI 0th unvrlllu wm IMHM ltrllwalu IAN wun by Mnrlun MCDOHIIII Inll Mar law In mu nu Ivy Mnry Irnllunlynp mlrl Itll llruwn IIhl law by Drlln lulu MHI Mlllln MulluunM mnll lfKk turn wnu lyy Huh Mc Dunnhl Iml Tm Wllllamlun wu mll urn Mullu mmlrr nlld Huh McDanlld mllrll Untohurl run by Mnrlln Slllllrr and An Cur ol nlna and under llm wlnnrrl wuc Hilly 5mm Hm and Harry llatunhcru mom ulrls Mme nun Dianne 0me nnd 1ch Trmmllnnll In 13 um umlrr Dunn llruwn nu Km Ward and um 12 and mm Jny Tr pumnn nml Elna Inckrlf Imyn 13 And llmlrr IMrr Duel And DOM Hrnwn llrll mm In Mlllnn MLDUHIM Ind 10 Junu lullnwml unnlnu ul Lan pm wnh vlrnly Inn and also mm cmxl mum In NH nlnnlnll rncu lnr lmyn ENTERJMBMENT Starts Next Wednesday At 230 pm Four Days An Atom Bomb ef Live Super Charged Excitement Plus Other Treats at 540 pm RTIIANUFII IAYII HOWMANVIIJJ CWA l1 Mlnhl Imwmlnvlllu ymllh lllll III umlurlycll llllnlx umquny mm mo mu lur nvl Ulllpplnl II llumlxh Aiml WM 1mm lay ha llrnnunr WIINI III you llllllll hlvll lhe muva lnd wm In lmc Ihe mull luu unul he dIIL In Kvlqu cum llako ummn llu Ialnlllvnn lullr Mlllllllll uprmmml nml colululnnll had in rlumu he rhl WHh Hm Hum Mn ml and explain nun anunl lhrlr huluh Hrnnly lnllun wmu wml by Mrs Mann and Umrc wrm lwn nllm Irlill whose wlnnru hm nul hm 1mm Uuyl and girl or llvu yrnu and umlrr worc much ulvm hall nnKl llmm nl lrvrn mm umlrr rrcrlvcvl hula lml Hm low dllxlkl mm In rrrum wrru provhlml tur nml In ItMIHIm Inckcrl Illl lmlluunl or HII rlllhlrcn Wins First Prize $2500 in Kelloggs Kids Competition mm hnnl Mum mm uh 1m wnn um min In Talmllnwhlw Kellnnn umlum lu Mun plrllnu 41 cthvllru wllh llw mum mm Inn STHBIS MONDAY Mu Duncan llml Mnan See This Ono Screaming 80 Sure To Sensation alummini Sou Iv um In lalrlrln JnhmmL Daily Mrs lwn hm Km mcll In am ml mluecullvr Mn nlml Impnunm and will unlunlly lm mm um wumny Mme THUth JULY Mlglllrnln hmhm Tull plrxhlml wllh AmiIm Cluwn Mummy Livlnmun WIHM wn In rlllrle ml by nu llvnnymsll and In On III that In gave lmn of wt mumI mullr ma AC Iflll II III lmnml rhlllv whlLlI ll llndlr the Cllmlml Clulo nun III 00 Illll Null MIN nmrdy 3yrnfuhl mum wlm 11ml llll ulhvrwlwrcllnr ruonl FrrvlcrlLk lmn llllhlll wllu Ilml uml lu nqnw In John Umll on one occnnlnn npprnml nu chum vlrlvluz an In VtHlll In July I1 whll hl Mvvrl ll um WM lusmmlml mended uullly and mhnluul mcvlam cun VlLlMlII HII ltculxl wnl rrnd In Imckln nml included luur mn vlLULmI Hr llllvlnl Whlln llcrmu qurndcd hll mud mu rllnnm In us In man an nrrlllrnl and mm or Inlllkru tlrlvluu lml luv had only Iwu mlumu Humml ll Ill Maullulu rumr mum mu Im nlnlul sum curd Ind llkml Hmll yuu mum um you mull nul mum whlln your 1mm II nuprmlmln Robert 1chan Ind been picked up by PC Illlmcr on July 22 when he approached um ofllcnr and nskcd or Iunn 52 He had been noted by lho same nfllcm on July walking can In CNIl nl lhn fuel Mary Slmcl and had bccn myan In Junnlc the Iurmcr an work property The vulcrnn slum um he had jllxl rclurnud 1mm sunny hmok when he had lnkcn lab mcnl Dr no Injury nnd 5111 Um no Inul bank nrcounl at Cobalt Ho snrvld ln Ulc Second World War nnd wnl wounded Ill Italy He mlmlurd previous con Vlcllum lur drlnkm and WM Id vacd by Is Wurulp llml them was no nml or dumu nu Anw 1m xlrunurr named Hnrnhnrl Wnl nlxn npprvhmulrtl by In Ianmu olllrnr on July In Wlml he 5km fur 1mm whllo Himr WM nnl 1n unlfnrm nllrl llw UHr Wu lnu wind on tnllhr Slrwl Hulk cam wcrn llrltl over Imlll Inlll nnd vn cunvlrllulu or vnumncy tllCI wuil numl with coal at ur 10 um Bud Traffic Record At hh paint the two uccuud claimed that they cnuid not un derstand the evidence but when it will and back to lhcm by HM mur xicnngraphcr Minx Swill cr ey dcmcd hfidlngTOr um city but claimed their home town were the objective and they nan out at casiL Nriihcr had drivers license The carwas not damaged poilcc said Mr Livingston commchiFdthat evidently the paper are not read by air force tpcrsonncl or has mm would have taken warning rcxnndlng joy riding iiiuWnr ship rcpcatcd his armor statement with cmphuisChnm like you aivc the whole armed lorcc bad name which they do not de anrvc and he remanded them nnc week or sentence in custody Veteran in Trouble Two young air farce men Jbs cph Tcslcr 24 and Joseph Thcricn IE hath giving unpro nnunccablc names 01 home town In Quebec admlllnd taking cm owned by an omccr relldcnl of Camp Enrdcn on Juiy 19 without the owners consent Evidence of PC Boyd OPP was hill HIE we had been held by pnllcc when nhnul one mile west of Trcnlnn lam hut night and It was anKmLd hat they spoke of wanting to reach Monlmal well built young man Barry Newelli appeared with an asinn ishing list at ollcncm charged against him beginning with that 01 car than on July 10 1mm Will iam Valioy ML Livingslnn asked remand to check on 1hcrccord which was granted and hail set at $2000 cash or $4000 prnpmy or 11 other charges most were im talse prelcncm with inicnt to de raud by means n1 bagus chmun in Barrie and nthcr places and with nmounis varying 1mm $895 to $9095 It Happened Again $5 or 10 days Another Huflh Hunter who had been charged with intoxication in public on July 25 wkh the higher fine tamed charge having in local restaurant in May He had asked an adjournmenbat the Mme nnd had not appeared on the date set The additional line was $10 plus cash of $450 at 10 dnyn concurrent Dearer by Dozen Hearing 01 two serious chargu againut Charles Pridham rape and seduction was adjourned until Aug in order that the accused may secure legal assistance Bail was not allowed Also adjourned to the same date was charge against William Tayloroi assault while armed at local grill on July 24 He is defended by Gard Mcflllk Bail sgt at 5200 cash in 000 pnzpcrgy Six were convicted lorinloxl nation In public place and fined 10 wlth costs at $5 ur Nb days on first Dflonce twn an accent appearance were Irma $15plqs Mullstnth Gordon Foster presided Crown Attarney Thompmn wal prwent or the Rmch sentence and Asdstant men Attorney Uvingstnn handled the pramcutlm Adjournment 6an LCA WEDNESDAY JULY vldnntu PC ll lluyd WI Hm Iml lllvullunletl HI In lnlrrmcllun MI Wllh IIIKIIWIy 400 nbnul 930 um Lll lhnl URN Iml IHIIII lnhmnullnn rrcrlvwl mind In Calllry Inul lyre lllvlrll hln hurk with on 600 null Illllnu In Ilunnl lum lu Alum lilroel wu llvurk by wmm In mm wo rmlnl on Am nnzlml wlllI up Accuuod Not Prulnnt nm Almncc of Julrph Carney film lullly or Inllmfl My MI him 4le Juy wu rn mm by cuulull Unnluu Mc Turk Mr Kcnllnfl amnd lhll he had bccn on buxlncu Irlp Ind wan carrying 11 and nboul the maximum 1000 pflunds Thu trip would lnkc mmu Hmu and he was travelllnx 45 lo 60 leu an mur lllwry wlu ha whHe panan another cm 010 lnnd hnd shlllcd and be ouud Um no altering gear was no cflccfivc uman lhu which to New lulu one wall and Ike cable ah lnchcd to II named the flvu omen lo break an In cross mmmlnu llnn he lllld Ml nnoihcr car had uloppod to Ive ambiance bul hml none on Imd the nnmu were um ulvnn Ilu nlm clnlmtd lllul lhc Vthlclu had botn over hauled mrly llm next murlnn and In he hml nul bcul nblo rlwck on lho Mucrlnx mulpmnnl XC llnxcrn hld llnlcfl lhfll Ilr lulu lhr filrrrlnu Ill Hm mu M0 luvvulununn nnll numl Ihnl llm whrt wnuld mnvu lhlcu 1n Ellrl rum wny In urdcr lu nlvc nu Arumd mry upportunlly locum lurUIrr rvldrnu In up pun nl nlnlnmvnl Ills Wur Ihlp llnll In llffllllll arljumnul I0 Thundny mm trattic accident in Vespra over mm north oi the junction of Highway 26 on Highway 27 nbout 430 pm on June 22 brought charze careless driv inzaglinrt iirn Keatinz after an invasiigation by PC EL Rogers PP His evidence was Ihat eating hm been injured in one knee and win taken to the Bar hospltilil iotatn was oul 3313 ven n5 £11 our lhuUfidnn deilverg train which the accused had been driving in the westditch against culvert and racing west it wns flfirieet north um spot where six and rails had been broken oil on the west shoulder mark from the right rear lire showed on the pavement or cut back at the rails nnd led on through to the truck Om of the Me past had been lhrown1nm field and WI 41 cut from the post hole There were no brake mnrkInhnwlnn The drivcr Wu In the run zeal uf he vehicle which owned by Bullock Molom Careless Driving Special atlention L1 being given by the lnnlsfl police force to in fringements nl the LiquarControl Act and especially at pnrlu and summer resort in this connec tion three maxgas were laid at Alcona Beach on July 10 for hav ing beer in cars illegally and two at these were heard with re sulting cnnvictinm and line in bath of $20 plus cosh oi $450 Evidence was given by Chic Blogfl and PC Roy Ferzusnn who had worked together on the check WEivgvévvwfilrflrftVigvvvuvvflflfi LCA Convicfions Innisfll chic pence William 3103 Mlanimmunumnm 01mm llo IPIOIAL 0AM at Blngo ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Monday Aug9 8pm ERIDAY AUGUST I954 ROSEMONT OLD TIME FIDDLERS CONTEST winner last Wednesday night was George Mitchell 22 Holland Landing with second and third placg Winners Roy Ren wick Brampton centre and Don McFarlane Toronto Mit cheli will be the Rosamuntrsponsored entry in the Canadian JAOKPOT s200° 1121 flarrin Examintr T015 Three in Rosemant OldTime Fiddlers Contest yc old warden In 100d candlllnn nflnr bnlnn losl IVE day In lha womb near lhll cum munlty 100 mllu norlh Mun real Toward the close of court Mug lslnle Faslcr wok lhe opportunlly lo cxprcsl hls nnprcclnllnno he mklnncc rendered In many cases by me mcmhcm at the Barrie Legal Ald whlch lncludc an Ear rl lnwycrl nnd pnrllculnrly by Gordon Mclurk of Slowan Eslcn and Mclurk who has been purllculnrly ullvu ln rcndcrlnx nsslslnncc lo mny nccdlng ndvlcc andln lhl wny has helped to clear up can whlch would pass lbly cause cunsldcmble trouble lnr both themselves and the ourl olhcrwhc bbhvlclcd nn ncy was mad 5150 Thanks For other car owned byR aka The Huck was lacing caskan gravel strip bulwccn pavcmcnu when he afllccr arrived They enrolled in course dealing with rural snclnlogy the business tanning and human relations The purpose In course was In give rural clergy greatc knowi Cdgc ol the basic printiplcs cl ugrlcuiiure in relation to human welfare community life and ihe work 01 the church program or the wtvcs he clergy wns presented by the slat the Macdonald Inslllule durln the week Those auendlnz tram Simcoc Cnunly wen Dyer Cree more Mr and MIL Home AllLskm Mr and Mrsw John son Brndinrd Rev Read name Mr and Mr rt Sand us ChurchUI and Tcucy Crecmnrc Several people from Slmcoc County attended the recent week long Schonl or llural Clergy at the Onlarlo Agricultural College Guelph Simcoe County Represented At OAC Rural School OUT OF THE WOODS MONT LAURIE1R CmA 61 ll Dunlap Hunt lul Eco UI FIRST For lnlnunoo ALL KINDS cutnu uxnmmun ron Ill N0 IHONI II STEVENSON INSURANCE Legal Aid the cvldcncc Car 320 phm cosls 01 great deal of Interest ha been shown by Rev Read since hi amvnl 1n Barrie and the bundxnl commune Ind church Gulch enthuslnsllc nnd confident lhul he This project In he éast end bu been undcr considcmkinn or number of your and um sponsors now feel that the previous marl at many fallhlul people have begun malcrlallzc Plans call or an auduoriurn wllh seating capacity of 325 combin atlon gymnasium and youLh activ we xoom has been pruvlded to 11¢th with auxfnnfy room Mr Moore who has had consid mahlc nxpcrlunca In church wnrk ndvisPs ha the bulldlng will In corporate all the latest features to serve the youlh this rapidly growing community the same ume confirming to the design at lulure Anglican Church to bl treated on this site In he nu km distant Iuture In helm awarded this work Mr Moore comldnn um commitmch conflrmnuon of his bulkl ln 1hr rIe ulhc ldcnl progress lawn Trinin Anglican Church have Mined Hamid Moore of Bar HE as architect or the Parish Hall of Trinity East End Mission on Cock Street Preliminary skutchcs have been approved and lenders will be qucslcd lqapout thrch weeks Retain Architect For New Anglican Church Proiect MINETS POINT MON TUES TONIGHT SAT Bob Hunter 54 Ill Band Reservations Mann 6202 Championship Old Time Fiddlers Contest at Sheiburne Friday and Saturday Aug 67 in which he will cumpete in bath championship and novelty fiddling classes Also en tered in the national contest is Battles veteran fiddler Lennox 89 years of age next month on luv Blylltld HL nook awry nllu lrom no 11 PHI SAT NITE SHOWS NIGHTLY Louua lull man mm ou Commlon bulwun Mthly ll Ind hllhwly HURON EVERY 1mm atom mum mum lEMflN DROP KID IIOII mm MARILVN MAXWELL Mil MUSIC CARTOON NEW Tw Section 2Pages to If FBIENDLY cnow PORT STANLEY CF ricndly crow which hitchhiked here from In auiiying Inrm bu been returned to its owner It apparently crept into he hack seat of car and when it reached wharl flew away and madl speedy acquaintance with dock side fishermen Family Nch pleasant lamHy picnic was held at Innmll Park on Sunday Aug mended by Mr and Mrs Hannet Palsy Ind Brian Mr and Mn Wallace Laumer and Don Mn and Mrs George Guy and Mar lon Mr and Mrs Neil Kangas All Tannin and ML and Mn Spring and Edna Mac Strand congregaflon wlll rise to he chal lenge mounted by this underlak lug you My and la mm you Im mm In my Ila1 Am led 40 Dunlap Ph STROUD AUG 910 AUG 67

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