Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1954, p. 2

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Axum mocking Dklxlct No Ontario Hofllcullurn Soc Aliv brim held in Brucebrldgc AmL 11 All members arm Ilmuculluml smer In wrll ml nrljzllhurhlg societlu are urch in mum and support lhe um dls Incl Humr shnw Charmed hm 14mm Darrin rem Welllnulnn mm cmnur nun mm rllldui $215 rulurn Tflkl ple nlc lnmh Spud or DWI um virlud For rucrvnllnm cal Mn Mill or Mn Ball 3358 mm Ivy Omnue llnll Snlur by AI Old lime and mod vIn xunlnx flIZ ulnndnrd llmu hilly rchcxlra Lunch counlcr Axlnllnlml 50c 90 Commcnclul Sunday evening at dusk rogular shnwflna metal unreslcd film Bayvlew mm snunsurcd by Barrie and Dblrlc Film Cauncll SHVEI inflection 70102F AI clght oclock Friday evan Xnu Aug Mr Matthew Clark Cathedral ounnlxt lnMglnggtypp 1an furmerly organist St Thomas Church Toronto will Ive nn nrmn recital in St Pauls Innis Silvnr cullccllnn for Chulr him Mr Clark wlll aka the In St Pauls or Sunday Ann 3990 The first brick house in Upper Canada was built in 1794 at Bella villn am by Caplanhn Meyer Thu withdrawal the Chnthnm mu We Flym currently leaves Um dnor open Iur pmspecllve buy ms Earlier this week Emm said Um Clmlhnln bid was the only con crvlL nirer made and 11 none other cqu ulann prior the August 15th dwdlmu he wvuld have Chmham have been 11 wflhnul imckry lhmugh Jack sewan trans funuu the senior Maroon Sur nin Dr Keely slhlcd Stewart wank ml butler percentage rmn he Mum and was relused He said In Chnlhm was third largest In at minimum in flu senior cimulk 135 your One runsun was hey didnt think thegmup in Ban1n would In the Iranchlsc an and secondly when large mnjnrity 300 tan vme agnhm it scnselesl to give them something they dont wanl Vhln canzacled on the matter Ln Douglas Keely member the public mmmiuco said me arena commission would llke to see lun ior hockey In Ctmham but dmppud nogouauons or Severn The céhmxsslon who had plncgd the bid with uwner the FIyers Map Emma publicly1nn nnunccd hclr withdrawal or nego tiauans threMnan committee has been farmed in attempt to Ming buck senior hockey la hecityu The announcement came out of Chnlhnm allowing pulp llc meeting Wednesday night nt which over 300 fans voted ngnlnst Junior hockey and waved their support In revlsnl of senior campetluén The Chatham Arena Commission have withdrawn negoti ntluus for the purchase theJBanle Flyers junlor mn chlse BARBIE mmAYAUGUST 1954 Chulhum Commisidn Withdraw SSS Bill For Junior Flyers Mn msmmc HOUSE 000 Securing load ohen hinge on mange abilillax The Angler Fixh hm loath bull on of hinged pvlnzlplo Vertical Ihoy snap In pray lhon lower slighlly Inward lormlng barb Ihu fiukol maps dmmm Raycraii limited the Toppers in iwo mu both in the third inning when they scored our limes nil rum unnamed Huiiman nilnwcd fivemrrnndiwo ol cotrmuml er were untamed But the Toppm upxlflucd In mm wllh our 1n hc lhlrd all set up by errors Huflmnn opened the frame wllh slnue llnie nec und and will sncrlflccd lo third Comrle grounded Thurluw at lhlrd but Storey dropped In re lny 1n nm and Huflmnn scnmp crcd ncroxl with he llcing run wllh wo out McPhee llncd Canadian General Electric were creed rally 1n the xixlh or 54 margin but the Topper dead lucked the score In the sevLnlh and after one cxhn Innng the teams departed with 55 Male malc xhnl went long way In de cldinz sccnnd and third placu In the group It was rugged plkchara ham between two keen rivals before scnlkemd crowd Qutenh Park but will thhhnndcr may crafl was lhcvmlm of¢wla costly CGE opened the game with one run In he first Inning of Al Rutherfords pcrlcclly Executed bunl walks ta Graham Crosblc and Ab Bowen and an error 10 Com rle at short on Bob ThurXow grounder can crmrsihni ruhhéd mm 01 deserving dcclslon nver Edgnrs ace Jack Huumnn Unless Edgar RCAF Toppers take tumble in their Itwo re mnlnlng gnmu they are destined for second place In the Battle d1 rlcl GEHIOF softball fikandlnts Bnrrle Canada Dry and Barrie Flyers wlll meet In an Inter Town Challenge game Smurduy evening at Agricullural Park This contest was ralned out lust week There ls $25 prize money tnr the wlnner at the roundrohln challenge round CGE RALLY NETS 55 TIE AGAINST EDGAR TOPPERS There will ban clause at Boat racing and waterskflng attrac Itons The Wasagn Bench Aqumlc As soclaliuu will hold Its nnnua re gatta at anous Resort on the river nl Wasngn Beach on Sun Aug commencing at 1230 Flyers and Drys Challenge Set Wasaga Beaéh Regalia Sunday Enulamust be in by 11 mm USED MENS BOYS BICYCLES 30 Bnylleld Street URRYS Marcher Ia Ab Bowen In sex which proved on hot hit and Sovn then cracked lwa humor to mm for lead CGE tallled 01 the third an error to Rounder to cratl double But Huffman shut the door for the next two innings anciCGE appeared doomed until lhey broke in rash in the sixth for ihree runs all with iwn out Ruther ford walked Crosbic doubled and Ab Bowen cracked tworun iri pie in his wrong field scoring an an interference ruling CGE lulled to prmecl lhe ann run mm In the top at the nav enlh Palmer walked took second on passed ball and moved to mini on Huftmnn ground out to second Sawyer deep play to ccnhc aliuwcd Filmer Inlly ihe equallrefinflvrme catch Bdlnr OKAK MISSION STATION The Oknk mlsslon sullnn on the east coast ox Labrador was found by heMaravInn Brefllren 1n 1778 Barrle Greer Aces who had found Mugs rough against Orlllln hmugh the major panlon che Barrie dlstrm ladies 50 ball schedule scared 1916 sluflm victory Drum lastnlght An eightrun eighth lnnng pull ed me name oMof the fin pr he Acts and Damthy Mlller retlred Orlma without run in lhabutmm ol the tyne la secure the victory Robbin Lennox vevernnlns moving shormop paced the slug lesl with four hits or the AML whicn Included xr triple and dou bfe Fem lhmpbell Murlel Lamb afid Hazel Wflghl each slammed triples In the offensive jack Jgrdnn3 rbii was the only extrabase knock all Miller Ages capture Slqgfesf At Orillia 195 scan ROACH MENS SHOP We must make room nr all mvnhnndlso flocks at blu prltc teducllaml flla Mldhunl community luv contracted new flood Hxhkd conu um um unnu Illo of the Irena 1nd may no now ready or pIy ulomw thin ennh club lnMldgulpq wllIVhe 149n fly nlghl puhlln mecllnx penun Intelcued In men club In been Agnnnd or the Mldhlml 11910er Sutlnn It no pm Meain9CaedL Interested Fans For Tennis Club Short Sleeve Span 511116 350 an rmn uuyu um we value ROXY THEATRE BUILDING ALI TNIIHIIYI llEllllCEH Shorllo Pylumns Summor Cups ltlulu TI ul TSIIIHTS Iluulu fluuhr Unln Dal once In he houom an Ruther ords walk Comrlu nn Thurlowa shun and Bill Ray 604 000 105 161003005 345 25 In centre handle lwarun Anumlmenl dxllmnt prlce lruupc NlnLIl mphlb mm my mm In 1014 MHING MUSBlES CQWSKILEED As 16TRAIN CARS AREDERAILED slxizen cars 11 Zficar relth lmln wbro derailed ntbnverlng CPB station short dlsmncé north en bl Caldwulor last Thursday ni No rqln grew members wEm Injured bu 11qu com weré klncdmn three cattle ems Many 01 me can named newsprint Annlher lrelghl mm Was Wm ing onlhc maln line to proceed ncgth The soulhhnund win up patently approached siding nl FAST BELIEF FUR The mana annual Burrle Ram fiEEflJEfllflllihllnfldji 1151 Vlncenl Park met with stealer re apdnse than nnfltlpaled said club president Genrge Frlcke Jr The buttons lastcd fromup pmxsmamy In 115 pm wllh flue Barrlé Clllluns and Nnylns runner music xn the park This mclal cxvlc Hallday eym pmved matesuccessful vthan but yoirs debut during Old 1mm Week Themwfle 600 servingfot hallvchicken and somemuskomers wem lumerl away when lhe sup ply ran opL Héaw Responssa Barrie Roialjy Chicken Barbetué Ali Ant Aug Aux Aux Aul Th1 week has brought more min with shnwtn on Monday Immoon Tuudly morning ml yesterday when hnvy rainstorm Wm thunder mm mm the nnrth In the early ul lernnun and npln ln he even ln Ind than cleared wflh sllxhlly cooln today Indlcn am In or 12mm Ihowen Temperatures have been very even Today Mostly Sunny and Fresh Tempznmru wen Swim Trunks Hobby Joan nlcq umrhmnl Pluy Shorts 213 Mum Unl lluullr 1173 Hula out in summer 295 295 My FrankJiawnL baseman Mm er in the Lhird innimg proved the deciding margin chnesday night Banieilyenedgud Beeion 43 and clinched third place in me xuuih division isiandings we South Simcne Baslibail Leagua The Flym now wall or the play opener bctwleen Alllslan or Mawmarket who am engnged In hameandhome set Ihalvwm de clde lhe=wrung finisher mgré wasnt n1un12crowd on land fnrJhe Important muclmz at Agrficullurnl PIrk but me In the slandswnngssed nlvnhdluck battle betwgen two evenly matched clubs Go nllnllnl Job to be done Why ml let Um en llrn flmlly Dltch In Ind htlpl Pnlnunxl hm when Mom lull the kids htlp on uni own cu mummo with Iuppllel tin qulmyv palm Ind The Flyers gqt big jump on the mm hcyscqrad jhreBJuns flyeréf Gain 31 Bung Edna Beelon 43 new Instrntelénd he derailment oc curred when cars short dlsfinncc behindhf engmnualled to slaywn tharnlls mu JMJrnln wns xwll ched number of he curs turn ed over and Call be lethur all or wllu hue pnlnu Covrn ISL ldul or mum Ind llmpla npcrlle $135 Your One Stop Store for your homevucallon and summer necdmjts llnmcCnnnlng me now and nghs have what you need for successful sensun Stocks nu good and prices are right Call In new and take advantage or our Summcr Snylngs Spcclnls mnlerlals mumrs unnnwinn No mod for two man If ynun alnllng Icuannhl Road Imfncc whh low Hrulhcn Ian WM Home ln III mum high In Iilnnlum the ln mllem Im given itlh hhllng pawn051w mum at nn hury pllnl lhh mum lime mm when you do your lprln llflnbup Ilnco only cnu out nmlul Sold by AUTHORIZED HHUIXHB WWW mumu Mommas uinf Rollers mic pnlmwnrk uy Ilm new Runrh lonu l1lcro In mum thing new mlnn Ilul ImuIIHuI hm Iml lmumlxu la lune from Theyre dur Ilulo ma becqu pigment Ind palm all hm bun Ipcdnlly Im In mum muah wmhtrmhlnnl palm film and maximum mlor permunom New Ranch Tones lo ha modmnrcml mum rulurl Im nul Paint yogr housein the time The Flyer broke the stories bal Ile with successive Kngles 1mm 1ank Rawn Ken Robertson and Bob Thompson and lhen with arm Jam Em 6mm climaxed the my mm 11 single Rawns humm In the hlrd gave HillElsan comlortable lead rcm lhe mound in In Iccond frame and am in lh thr or 14 lead bulore BEEDH rallied In the final Innings but fell one xun xhorL Alkcns opened Buctuns hall of thesevenm win single and mm one out Smk hammured home Beetons lhlrd run with single Elsanrwas rellovbd by Ervlne Groh on the mound and heirc1han retlrad the next twn when In and the threat Beclon sprung to We In the sixth when Elson placed Icahn batter Snack an hesack via wild pltch An Infield error and Bannistprsv twonut double mmunled or two runs lpltlll Jill and run tlulntl which npplln tll Hy wlm brush or luau nppllnlor In My ml low pvlce Screen Enamel PM V1 pl 69 Pin 39 Quart 69c Bcsl qmllly pm llnmd all Special Linsood Oil resulted tar mp hanm nl the mixed Illney Westley evening It BarrleLaWh Bcwnrng menu double rlnk Mr Newlon and Témlaxier pasted score l9 but us was equalled by triple rlnk of Pallenden Mrs Pal Pnl and and Elmer rampson fmv AN EXAMINER WANT AD I°PH9nors Tie MiXed Jifney in second mm with two wlns and segue 15 were Mrs IL Garvin and Mrs Harry Armanans Measuring Spoons kllchm mun am Accuulo rueluring pm cnlur or me mm Alumlnnm llnsllo Prcsdrving Kemo qt llrIllllnl blur En nmel llu puurln Ilp Wlll lul or yun cunnan neceullyz $l75 llereln recipe In SAVINGS that EVERY wnmzn who ulna homecumlnx Ihould lollaw Clll It Ouflll lllldwue Ind ulzcl TOP QUALITY Equlpment from pvr slack Clu nenmes chomm etc Modern machines andskmed workmen to rcpalr rebufld or design machlnes tn ynur speclnintlons All type or Ilul Im nle Rnnild Flux Plfiel mum Seamus Cold Ballad 17Mulénstbr St BARBIE WEIDIME MHIIIHNE C0 MACH HIE 230 Hal 151 set Hoalpvoof Mixing Bowls Mtnctlva will ll unrlul no hnnnwlle uhuuld In WM and of hue plrrn In Ivory or an lluvy bin bluk speckleaen Imel Full me and depth mm quzm Jan Camplelc wnh nanny Jxr rack Imp ql can my Wt round forced postpone ment opening North slm coeBax ball League playougame Inst nlg helwcon deland Indi nnx Vand BarreCanada Dry at Agritulluml Park The scrim opener he nnw been scheduled for Monday evening aka ut Agriculluml Park Flaw QPefier Rained Out Strongly made or yum nl nllsmclnry Invite FIN qunllly cunm mu long handle lar any luminx Mule In luv leu or yunr convcnltmt Largo Family Silo CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 241 5329 Food Chopper Average Sixo $1793 $795 Pmlo Pressure Cookon mm 3744

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