Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1954, p. 12

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PLAYGROUND PATTER Two events are coming up for the playgroung children or Dania The first 15 Lhc Kiwanis Field Day being held on Wednes day Aug 11 wuh the morMng ac Hva Shear Park and um 11 cm00n novclty even Queens Park This is much 1mm lor ward 10 each year and we an all anxious In see the wonderful Bx mblls and compchlions and con Icsu bctwcen the children on all me lnwn phygmunds The second big event will mw place week mm Wednesday on Aug 15 at Bardlalonl in Camp Borden when ma Cross Lem will be held or Darrlcs playground children Remember mi dale Gunn sum Masquerade Il ynu were walking down any the streets leading to Gunn Slrtut Pluygmund on me mornxng of July ll you mtht have rub bed your cyfl and wondered 11 you were awake yet The seene whlch me your eyes would certainly have sugguflcd dream not nlghlmarc Tiny figured clothed 1n llll snrls garb 1mm TLddy Hears wild Indlans thin Kymlcs tripped gnily nlung on meir way the park where masquerade wnu In progress thn nssemblcd about on 100 chlldrcn enjoyed van cly 01 glmcsnnd amusements nppmxlmalcly 11 oclock the Judging 01 cmtumcs took place and when the dmt had clcnrml was lnuml Um lhumlle for the prulllwl cuslumc had gone In Carolyn Plll dressed as bonu lful Cllldlrclla Cnmpldc will glass allpxILL The most nrlxlnnl prllc WLnl lu Barbara Beers who wm clnlhcd us me cnndy ulrl trum Candyland The udgu tuund ll very dHIlcull In plck th Unl Comical and nnnlLy nclcclcd lwo Aruba whu wan sheets wlIh lhclr mnlhrn hull overtun In Humml mun rum ulmsu They wcrc Gary 1mm mum Al the wiltMm luulr nnnll lot at um lulrylimd crculmm lemmd buck mm lhu pnntu mm sxorymuk lunch lAT HAMILTON Thuminy fiflrrnuuu July WM lhc mm Doll Iurly ul IImckInnlslll vlayuwuud Lllllr gun with lnrut dullx mmll 0an walking quL lnrllun mm nml mry uthr klml ur nullnu wm un hund Flul ml mo mmer judulnu 01 We Inllx dune llllrr Imlnl cunnhlrrnllmL Wu Illlflrull Ilvrlxlnn lrmhr Ial hnyu le mum Wlnl mum dun Humlunry Who 11m runlun up 1me mid n1 lllrnlr mull mum llnxllhcr In Ann luvblun dull Joyu mm mm lull mum Sm mullL In human all Joyu mwu mum llnll Linda Smyer xmnlL nu Ann wnsuu lulluwlnu um llw xirh plflyld hum AH llm dulll mu pneu Innnlu rum uwimmlnu Imuh rnrly mp unsnn 0m mm mm mm vrlymw wrnl ROBINSON TALKING OVER AIR CADET ACTIVITIES with their parencs are Corporal Ian and Don Atkinson of Lefwy Mr and Mrs WHXlam Atkin son vlslted their sons recently on the occaslon or visit to the sum mer camp at RCAF Statlon Clinton by Barrie citizens The Atkinson rbmi Elrona ll Collect or llmla 1631 ELEVATOR and FEED MILL my run JFREE DELIVERY anemoon Tea Party which auuwed the boys Overnight Camping Trip The boys SL Vincents Play ground were undnumcd by bad wLalhcr on their recent ovnrmgh camping trip thc day camp Om Beach We arrived about 10 oclock in the morning In sm about lhc ask at setting up camp and from hen uni1 1130 the whole camp enjoyed pleasnm swlm vxsn Aunt Junn inrOwrun Sqund Thom us who worn slnylng uvumighl set about making me me or cooklng dinner as soon as wngut Du oi iiic water but shinny caller we had begun sunk mg the skies opened up and he gan dampen our spirits or the overnight slay This poor showing weather didnt lop me boys and they continued cooking 1n he pouring rnln We got thorflughly sankcd might add but my vcrnlgh campers 190k 1m slnrm like vet cram and didnt uucr many com plainls Anu lunch we scoumd mind the beach unlll UH swhnming mm um um playground members began and some the bum kept on swimming even after me buses had 1an mm for km1c wmln nlhcrs scuumd around or spilablu Hrcwuod for supper Wu AbnuL 530 we began making supper and preparing Ihu lcnls nnd jungle hurpmyck We had sooner gm nicely smncd whun the ndn cnme agam nnd lhls llmc was nu uhuwer Due lo the leaks In the tents he hny decided um Hwy wmdd be mu dry In the take so My wcnl swimming ln he mind After some lml the min slop pcd and we decided to movcuur slewing qnunm up um pnrk pnvlllun whom we wualhur In uldc was cunsidwmbly drlcr Hum we had mdslde ny his umc all me boy hml gm 1qu the splrll WILL ATTEND ST lAWRENCE POWER PROJECT The nllvwlmz ruuwlolr IN mmnuu hul plxwunlllllS wlm will pn Clll ur hr Inw nxwu luwir IroJIcl urnmtu Turmlny lhr Hun 1mm mu rm Irlmr Mlmmr nmLI IIw Hun mm Fxnnl Irlnu mum at om llmL Ihmun lvwly mm llu Mr Nrwan Hml IJ Hnwv Mlnh llmlv hull lummut nml Mumm Drirnu lrmllernn nw Hun anlul cm llvr ln hm 5L Llwlllul wny Auflwrn Huler mum txmlmum luwvr Aullmrlly he Slnlc UK New York lhrluvl Saunder Chzlhnuln INLIHU Hy mn Thv mm mm IL Tlmllm Hm Vlrr4hnlmmn 0mqu Hy leu hm Hllkr Mnml Vluh Imlmlnlh Ulllnllu Ilydm nosed with we rcluclanlly to lend 1AT BOYLE Board 01 Trade Cnrnlvnl Wednesday and Thursday even ings large crowds attended the annual carnival There was horse shoe pitching ball tournament games 01 chance with Bert Dtxon and hls Lazy Valley Ranch Boys providing mush or lhc dance each night On Wednesday night Miss Eva Rumble Hillsdale won the one thousand dallars Jun Lea who sold the ticket rc ccivcd $100 Thursday night Mrs of the uullng and were really enjoymg ourselves dcsphe the dampness Beachbunm have us snack Happenrim and nllnkc long or us lo Diem We slept through the night wilhuu much lnlcrfcrcncc and in the morning awoke abnm 715 tn Inku look fill our old campsite and nxamlne the result he nuth storm Om on was flat lcncd We made up our break fast and cleaned up he and parde our belongings Al oclock we slghxcd our bul and to one member of the crew II was salvnllnn bencusc his clalhlng was complucly soak ed and to the rat us mean back In clvmzauon ngnin Ugh There was only am mlxhup on he rip when one the boy burned his hand with grease cunklng breakfns The boys mnklnu lhu lrlp nrlnn Cooper Ken Barnes MLCann chhnrd Agnew Mflrslhnll Hurry Knrzhaw ry Wright he sign my cnrnp urx cmlnu hnblls am my lndl rallnn what ha ahead we are handing or period of pork 11mm JIM mum 11 Jun News of 51mm bcfnrc bedtime the charge of the Ora gnvq us abpd up The Gifts of Nature for Two Great Countries Ihu dream of power from the St anmncn wnn hem homewle In tlfilufi contury IInlfwny lhmuzh lhI one II In about to become ty Ihu lumInz of the Inc nod for Ihll Important 0er dnvnInpmunt hIgh polnl In ynur IIydmI you of program pmnnwl lhnt hnn boon lho bodrock of OnlmIol coonamlc development and pmpmily OnIano Hydro Ihnnqu Hm Summon puMIcmImINI clllmnn and III nlhrn who helped InInu to nurcennlul conchmlnn yum nI 1mmch xwxollnlInnu IIm ml In proof oncn Huh lhu xvwncInI outcome ol mupmnllnn IKIWNH Imvlnco Mnl DmnInInn and bolwmn tho Oovmnmonh of Cnnmln nmI the Unlml fiyflm The Oh mlIvu Onlano Myth and lhu New York HlnIo Imm Aulhnr ly In lo campIoln Ihln arrnt 2200000 hummwnr project In yuu wIlh tho InnerInn and mIo of power In ynnu llm lIllInInI Indan and ImIIdourI chugging drIIII InlnurInI Imch And to of hnnlImllod cvnnlruclIun mel wIll In vIaIbIo lvldonm to III tho run of boys both members of 102 BarrleSquuqron nre among some 375 Mr cadets attending the second of our summe camps to be held at RCAF Station Clinton this year The Atkinson family resldcs 1n mtroy were Jnhn Run and WOIK YOU AND YOURS ONTARIO HYDRO Mchght Buffaln wnn the thousand dullm and her ticket was sold by rs mtchlc who was awarded 100 gum1n 5mm On Tuesday July 27 during the rain storm bolt llghlnlng struck um chimney Mrs nose McCannclls house at the west end the VI The slave pipes were damaged Two very successful bake sales wcru held on smurday July 31 The ladies at Our Lady 01 Loudrcs hold their gale an the lawn of Fred Morrisscys hamc und Ihn wmg an Church was at Archie Traln lawn Townes Family Tn Barr Mn and Mrs Cecil Townes and lamlly have mnvcd 10 Earric where ML Townes has ucccpled posltion McGlnnllCnrlefl St Palrlcks Church Phelp slon by Father Morrison on Julx 1054 Miss Pearl Elizabeth Cor 1m dnunhlcr of Mr and Mrs Corlcu Waverley Josrph corge McGInnls youngest sun Mr nvnri Mrs Cnorzo McGlnnIs Elmvalu Vlillom llzreAnd The Mr and Mrs Gordon Loxlcy Brnmvplon spent in raw days with We mean and cut records to suit your own pcrsonul rcqulrcmcnls Use studio it needed For mics and In formutlon RECORDINE SERVICE Bake Sale DIAL 4126 Mrs Loxleys mphcgr McNighL Mrs Agnew Gravcnhurst rammed after spending the week with he slsley MI Boardsgll VMlss JaEqucline Houdcn and Joe Haudun spent the week with Mr and Mrs Wmlnm Cnughlln Antcn Mills Mr and Mrs Everett Whllby spent me week wlm Mr and Mrs Wnller Draper and Mrs Clan Knipc Tur unto spent few days with Mr andMrs qtccghank Mrs In wm 2y ammo ls vlsmng Mrtgnd in Mnurlge EclL Mr 1er Charles Columbus and sun spem the weekend wlth monds nl Niagara Falls and dis ncL Mr and Mrs Rume DEnthc and chlldrcn Wmdhridgcspcn¢ couple days wkh Mm Wal lace Bell Drinna Mrs 12 Kean Samln ypcnt the weekend with Mrs Tgrry The Ale Albert and mud very suddcmy hlslnlc rcsldcncc Albert Spying on July 31 1954 CALL THE EXAMINER FOB HUNTING PHONE MN YOUR LOCAL FIJan New Loclllon 182 Dunlap SLW lhono 2832 fleplln Remodellln Sumac Ind Clemlna nellnlnl Emil reps whlle In MlLBUnN 6539 George ma man manna mun A0 1151 195 By JAMES mucocm qum Boy Epjoy Camp me Sunnldale and Vespra Tiny and Medonuz and all the other township Non Sinnine came 42 arm boys on Friday July 21110 replskzr tor the second annual Farm Boys Camp at Bass Lake In no me at all camp supervlsnrs Ian White and Bab Ross had mam dlvlded mu three tentsmu Iro uuois he Hurrlcancs and the Bass Lake Pirates or course mm are not enough hnuu in file day to satisfy4 all the enlhusiasmlor volleyball lwlm mlng lealhnrcmfl baseball and slngsongs and the orcemt habit is such thal arm boys even on holidays wakcn at almJ The week will pass 100 quickly You see the camp Ls limited to 11 and lZynarolds 11 spnnsnr by Barrie Lions Club 35 an ubhcr link In the chain happy ruralunban relaunns The dc partmnnls of lands and tofu and agriculture for 0n1arn gladly join ma Lions In support of the camp malmng Iully the value such pmch In Lhc building of gnod cmzensth Two4H Swine Clubs Visit Copuco Members of the Twin and Centre Simcoe 4H Swmc Clubs will long remember lhclr viz lo the plan he First Cooperauvn Packersol Ontario Barrie an Tuesday afternoon July 20 For the first lime they saw all that goes on when pigs are canvcrlod imo park The plan stat spared no pains In making it bossiblo or everyone 10 see the detail of each opcrauon in the proceslng oi hogs Andrews livcsiock products grader at the plan while Les Allen is on hniidays then spent hull hnur shqwing the group why the first showed them the diucrcnccs existing in in number carcasses that ranged in grade from Then he selected one mun carcass and one 160111 cm cm had the lolnihu most valu able cut at each cut om and weighed than each was trimmed ready for he mall market and the trimming and finished prnducl ngninr weighed or cumpnrison Here is what the demonstration rc Vcaicd weight 01 at trimmings carcass 115 carcass ibs weight at trimmed loin Curran 151 lbs carcass 1i ms Sales and Servico cocxsnun mwrons sun nialean mums mnwm TILLAGE EQUIPMENT summans MIME Leimans ELEVATORS WOODS BEEPFREEZEM CAMPBELL PhonoZMG cRTuun 1mm 10 TH MGM IIIMONluIUISDAY AUGUST l2 NOON PM EDST 900 IM930 PM EDST News at Interth Junior Farmer Jlllllgflfl mums PflSl Dlul Your local Tmm Canada Slollon wn5n mast cumxvedemanl lmpravtfncm at tartan qunllly one of the zreahm am most Im pomant problems lacing hag pru ducerL To accnmpllsh Ihb he slrallon nl hq need or produclnz lamv lean carcassm The at Mm mmy are uselul anly for lard which must mecl the keencom pemlon of vegetable fall Tom Ross 01 the Twln Club expresscdjhank to the manage ment and sum ol Copaco on behalf ma club members Ior their hcspltamy In replylng Charlie McMarun painted out that their 01 ganlzaunn was genuinely interest cd 1n the 4H Swine Club mem bers for In hath it rncngnizcd the hog pmducers tomorrow Club headers Joe Dyer and Alnslair Crawford agistcd with the our Lafonraine 4H Club Father And Son Picnic Somclhlng new in 4H Club llvfly or North Siman occurred on Wednesday July when mum 11 HIGH STREET 69 Collier St ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME HOUSEHOLD Hum BARBIE IRON WBBKS mm llfllVEflBHB CO LTD 26 Dunlop Smile and floor phono 5529 IARIII ONT alum Mal mullm lnlunl nu who ran AS PRIVATE AS YOUR OWN FOR DEPOSIT New Cars Reasonable Rules RENTACAR $50 Io 91600 on your own Ilgnulm No bankablc security needed Easymince equirements Fast oneday serviw Sensible repayment plan Phone or mm in Ioday or quick signature loan for any good reasonl IIMEMIII on of prehrHFC STEEL FOR SALE Free Estimates Phone 2772 WITH All PC LOAN be ad the hfaqujne Pepi Club and melt dads ulhmd Bindnlph School or noon pic nic The lunch Ind the volleyhail lulu which allowed mid to Many Inn and hilarity In turn mambefl lucked Anything ll skill thty made up or it In on thuslasm Church Scott and Cup paze of he med potato cmlllca Inn service then unhch the boyx and lather undnr the shade of the lreu to mk abouk puma In mm and dtsnascx Using mater ial they had gathered durlnl the foreman lhey were able to Ihow how to readily reungnlze savenl Important wtntq Insects and dis case In dealing with each can irol measure wzm stregscd The group mo vm nelgh bnrlng farm of Mnjnrk Lauan ock over the vaney lest pinu he has stabllshedt It was nbvlnus that the pay and the dad both found the outing en joyabln and interesting IN TOP CLASS Outside thclllmalayas and he Andes theumly mountain up ing 2I is Mount McKKn Hy Alasia NEXT T0 GRAY COACH PHONE 5046

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