iv ll Dunlap NI SA RATHBUN um N5 wm nimm Auxr llu hullhh llIlllIly hum whlrll lnzllly nl uIllhM rnmm Iulllnzunml Vhllnu Mary llumg UIHXIICWMMI mu llw um mm mr mud Mn um um hunlly mu Mr mu Mn um and Inmlly of nlllnuwnnd my mm lay wllh um um lumilp lnvxImw tummy nu wm rekrml mm mm Mn and mm and mm My ML and Mrs 11 wmn me Mr qu Mm Imlwll mm Amm mm wrvklml rmnuy nmk mm mm znmnmusl Mumm Iuwnn spln wmk mum mm Jan Ann nml Lnumu Hum In turn mm the Mr and um mmuy nunlun Saumlny Allen mm munlnn Mr and Allen and Gram Mr mu Mrs Uhn Mr and Mrs Huwmzln uml Imully Mr mu NHL Uuwlnnn Jr and am fly and Mn lnm Hnwlmm Sr umxm 1w hm rvuulun 11 MM Imm rm Sunday Tnmler Tn nmr Cllnlnn Mr and Mrs Morley Anon vlsillnu mu ownolive mum Iriur Murlvys rm Clln on from Whmip wmw hedmx hem slnlinnvd with the CAP since Chrislmns Ednn mmmnu Guelph is no myan Will 1115 cousins Ulc Shan nnu buys Miss 01m Cnchrnnc Miss Mn Hnulslnn and Miss Vrrnn Wise Spclll 11 law days last wcnk at Eula Mr and Mm nabson form to vlsucd Mn and Mrs Rud dick during the wcbk Utmost Importance The Han and School Associa lion believes is 01 the ulmosl lmporiancc lhn all children learn to swim properly and also lhat hey learn safely rules wllllc in the Water and 1111 saving lessons as well We fun this is one way In nhl flu children mlucntinnnlly ll pnssiblu sumo timu one we may saved as result our cflons we Incl we will be rewarded Recovcrell me Accident We are pleased thal Mr Ran fnrd Toronto has rocnvurLd mm an nutomnbile accident and is now able to spend some holidays with his wile and amily at thclr sum mer collage humu mxm mu And Sclmnl Sponsnr Swlm Climbs number of the Daxlor schqu pupils have just cumplemd their swimming lussons Ior nnothur year These were glven la the children under lhcdircclian 01 he Simeon Caunly Rwrcauun Cum millcc and were sponsnmd by Baxtcr Hch and School Associa tlon The Baxter grnpp were In eluded with Highway 27 gmup at Innistll Park The lessons were hem twico week for July Two mothers necompanlcd um children Each day to help supervlsc The majorin or the pupils were suc cessful In passing lhcir tests at ording to Mud Cross sprciflcalinns Wlll Take SEYVICCs Herc During the absence lhls monlh he minlsmr 110v Guer gis who is on holidays Mr Dean annnln will take charge of the services whlch willnbc held 11 am Sundays THE BAMIE Amman FRIDAY Mrs Bob Cameron has mlumed heme nflor SPCnding few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Gaulcy Mr and Mrs William Gauley Jr spent Sunday with friends It Tumnln SUNLIFE ASSURANCE CO Mr and Mrs Elllsnn and Mr and Mrs Mooney spent Sun day with Mrs lumen Thorn fln Sgt and Mrs Kennedy um family have rclurned ufler spend lnl several weeks holidays ln the United Stales Mr and Mn Hnuzh spent the weekend at Cuulson sum Mr and Mrs Manrlnnd Flt Elk and Mn Mike Ind daughtcn Lynn and Cheryl at MacDonald Manitoba are vMIlnt fiends In his distrch Parker nnd Ms iuuuord were Sunday visitor at Den Icy linrllrane KNOCK Mrs Iuwuh Altmlld rm Swim Alrr BAXT ER Rtunlon hum Hr Mchmnu dunno ark on Mm Inlksull Tumult 11 mm nl lu hmnr Mr xlnd Mrs ll Lrv lnr hulltlnyn Jnhn 1le will lhr Inn wwk Lml Ill Imm wllh Ills panIlls Mr Ind Mrs HAD DJIVIH vriauuu at lluuueyn Ihpld Mrs Mnjur Isl smnlllnx her mum Inn mwa mum 5mm in the home of Mrs Elsie Davis on July 29 to hold their regular Incl2 ing ThLlD was gnod niiend ance members rind twa visiinrs The nrcsidcni Mrs Jonncli opened with hymn 2M and lud in prayers for lhosc abscm members ihc missionaries and ilic mcmbcrx urnyvr Tin Blblc reading was 1mm John 15 lo 26 read by Mrs Henry Davis Tl missionary story propnrmi by Mrs Jams Mc Ucnvmll was 1an from the lasi uimpicr 01 id boyk on Africa It mid about Africa going under guud mrinymhangns and the lich urovldlni mam mamy more wmkcrx and more lubarcrs How we should think 01 missionary giv lng as very ncvdgd for the church Minulcs nad by the secretary Mrs Elwood iunncii lltpurls giv an by ilie ireasurcr Mrs 1i Bani ing letter rcrid Mrsi Claude limiing thanking iiii WA fur ihe bnlu sent in Irinul Albert Sclioul Tm pmmm was pinnnlll by Mrs Ken Smilh shurl writeup in This liiviniJ MLSSHLD nbonl one he missiunarics Miss Olive Daldcrsiun win passed away on April 2H III Pnlnmpnr lndlrii niiur 27 years of faithful sorvic llnr igrniiicsi cunlriiiuliun was in the mining Cllrisililn clmrnuicr llirunull iuiicilinu nml Lxnmlilc The ristian cmiununiion mm iuwii LKplr will many mourn her passing iiii iiniiiliu was ulvrn by Mrs llnrry lliiniiniz Mrs Wilmer Wilson ruid vriiiuu in Daily iiiiiii wrillui by nuir innhcw Arian llwiiizllizi by in Wny wlu rrml iiy Mrs Km Smllli ili ini wiuii llillkls in mm cilin No mil in Anxnsi Next Kneeling In iiiimlicr nl Mrs llzirry llam liiv lrlhiiillil cland wiill The hums sirvui duiniy lnnvim mni nil iniuyiii rnuInliublu clial mm uuml cup ill NI Munthl llulldlyn Mlu Lynx Smylh Ajax sponl Christ Church WA The ladies of Christ Chu Worncn Auxiliary gatjcrcd Weektnd Vlsllors Wcukcnd visilurs with Mr and Mrs John Hammand were Drl and Mrs George Millnn nndPauL Sarnla Mr and Mrs George Wllk Susie and Tummy Slmllord Mm Mary Raid Shulburne Mr and Mrs Nev Jacks Ottawa Mr and Mrs Jack Arlcll Ncwmnrknl Mr and Mrs Brough 11nd Erma Ta ronta 55 Dunlop St Golden Waddlng Mr am Mrs Money we In my thanks to RM granting on lholr golden Summer mun What with the drone combine and he splay was In our lawn slores 11 mm that summer 13 fast away lllllMlJm VINIIVHOII CUUII 50 DODGE NZIMN 50 ILYMlllJnl COACH ILVMIIITHI Ulllï¬ WTIIIIYNHZII NHMN REFS ILVMOIITII MEIMN TII ILIMUIITII WIMH II rr HHMN IYTII lLlVll Congmlulnln Venn Cnupcll Its here Whnl Why that brand new grader But not quite like he one Illa had been expected for sum timg So we would like to say in heReevc and Councillors Congrukulalluns Children Tn hke Servlcu On Sunday Au the church service will be taken by the sen inr children oi theSunday School Rev Allnn Head and the children are having practices during the wcok and it is hoped that there will be good attendance It in hyped Sunday will be nice day as Mr Rand has planned that all bring basket lunch and dishes enough for your own At present we think that there shall bk place where all who wish to don their bathinz suits may take rushingditn See ynu all an Sun day BARRFVSVFAVOURITE USED CAR MARKET In mendlnl few dn cousin Juan Wallwln Memn From North Bay Snndn vlJlon Mr and Mn Jack ï¬llwlnl were 12 the Meghan fnmlly ram Nanh Bly who Jnlnnd In pitan Sprlnl water Park Heather Hall gpcï¬dlng week win her grandparents CENTRE VESPRA AUGUST egos with the am or the and the mm of hqavy HAROLD HILL LIMITED IVY Plglgrgng smresjnhmxï¬ds Christi Church ni who sent diivx wuh he CHRYSLER ILYMUIJHI lMlflll Tfllwlm uiqum mm wedding MnslcrTerry Nflmn nosumunl Is llulldnying with his uncle and nunL Mr and Mrs 1an leons Holiday Runny Mrs Soubhgnk Scalcrlh spcm cw dnys holldnys wllh her mm and brumurlnlaw Nov and Mrs Pullelkr llllrnll Vllllors Mr and Mrs Vurlc of Dclrflll nrc 915mm rclwvvs In 113 com munlly Miss Ella McLean is holidaying wlm her slslur Mrs Elwood Jen null mumhs holidays with her uncle nnd aunt Mr and Mrs George Davis Measles In Lowlily Measles an In the locality spoil Inu he holidays for the small Iry Welcnme New Mlnlsler The mngregnlion 01 the United Church weicomcd their new min isicr REV Gordon Wanlnss to hr puipli In hIs Initial sermon on Sun day In addressing his congrega lnn he said he would welcome crilichn but Ioukud for cooper alinn as medium of bringing success to his ministry All pres em BIL Mr Wunicss in be an earn est flunm spcnknr and every Mg art will be made 10 cslubiish un Ily between minislur and peupic Previous to he sermon Inn Jack WAGON mmumv COUPE 1le HIIMN PONTIAC NHMN DIN UHII IIUICK NEDIN ILVMIIIJHI NIITLIAI HEIMN no PLYMOUTH HIIIUMI Mlll Hlllll 41 MUN1M1 IEIMN 41 NTAHUN Injured In fllcycle Fall Ricky Sknphuns had the misinf lunLI to fall all his bicycle lnsl week and mature bone in Ms lcfl olbuw and has been carrying his arm In sling Miss nu Held Toanlo spent the holiday wm Miss Luella Don noHy WA nakgSzlc The bake sale spunsored by Ilm WA was not as suchESful as ex pected owing to the rainy mam mg The mmnhnrs nrc thankful to Mrsl Allan vwhn loanDd her vor wn ur the nccaslan Home mm Zephyr Mr and Mr Pete Lou and baby Cheryl spam Ihu weekend th lhe utters pamm Mr and Mrs William Shaw Zephyr Barry and Trudlnc who hnvé been Spend lng mo weeks holidays wuh their grandparents returned humL Carnival Friday lem Dnnl merge the Lenny Carnival In theJink on Friday nxgm mu mm weeks holiday acres the hike last week We were sorry 10 Hr that Davis had sutlcrcd heart attack has Friday evening and slnccrnly hppe that he willsoon mwver Mr rand Mr Les Paul and ch11 drcn and Mr san Paulfnqupd over the post oince fvSEnlw by Mr and Mrs Grmlkhs Mr and Mrs CHM and children have moved into own home purchased tram Jim Oxford Mr and Mrs Mnx Holland Jr hnve mov Into Ihe oparlmem Mn Maurice Reid Lock and Axlhur Jack are spending 11 few days with Mr and Mrs Flem ln Wuuém 2117311 and on Owen Sound vixxled Mr and Mrs Jxm mum Pnday Mr And Mn thing or New Yemy Ire an weekl vnauon wILh the hth llflflMfl Jim Reid any family Mrnih Dollcry Turnnlu ipem gm weektnd with Mr and Mn meld Mr uni Mn Jlack Kelflnx visited Ms Held on GREEK TflflNSPflHTflTlflN C0 LTD Lv Barrio Barrio Lv Alliston 630 am 730 mm 400 pm 5J0 pm No servlcc nu Saturday Sunday In llullllay BARRIE NEW SCHEDULE EFFECTIVETMONDAY AUGUST Monday to Friday inclusive BARRIE ALLISTON BUS SERVICE EFROY PHONE 593 TON NIZHVHR TllIHK IIIZVIHIHT TON NIIUUI UN 07 ll MIIOUI HUN ll HUIJZT HIIIMN DD LIVITIIV ï¬fl FUND IUN IANlib Fol TON IANII 1lll2lllllll TOM VAN INHZINATlllNAIR 55 In Ilia SailHull Phone read letter to congregation from Rev 11 Morris owner pus lur now in Aurora rcptntlng his thanks to Lifmy or their gill to Mm and Mrs Monk and how he prlled the Bible given him by the Trail Ranger Club which he had organllnd soon IIIcr camlng to Le lruy He asked that hix tanner cungregauon would rcmemhnr heir new lninlslcr In their pray urs since prayer Is he hasls all me nllghm Mrs Ann ï¬lm and Edward Spent Thursday at Mr mamus cuu Plaxluns Angus Maxlcrs frackmnon have xcmrncd home nflcr spending wetk wilh rlhnlr uncle and nunl Mr and Mrs Andrew Mongom cry Notlawm Miss MadElaxne DnWildc Em eu 5pm no past wank wilh Mr and Mquq Igugmin gylgsqu BUILDING Mn and Mrs wnnam 5mm 5mm and Mr and Mrs Whlla Tamnm called on Mr and Mrs Jam Lmg one tiny In Week Miss Jenn and F0 leon spent last week an holldnys and visited at Harrow Mr and Mrs IL McKay Washinglun DC are enjoying hol idays th Mrs Hm nnd Mm anard Jnmcs Rendmnn was home ram his hunt for the hnllday weekend Miss Lois Baldwin left nn Tues or trip to Baum Bridal Shower pleasant evening was spent In the hilllJnsl Wednesday when recent bride M15 Shirlev Grenvu was enlerlniued with shuwcr She received many love 1y gliisi Her wedding Vernon Mar Pennsylvania tnok place in the Presbyterian Church Saturday Best wishes to meet MONEY EMERGENCY Lonsm 31500 ItcllfeInlured no am con to yum vuch Miss Genevieve chllnghnm home me trip to the East Con1L 4é JOHN NIAGARA g9 Suggests NIAGARA IOAN Mnm Dimn Ellsmee 10 fludgson nre vmunz 1n Oak ardson Ind Mr and Mn Ray flichardsonland children of Tumnlo warn the hnudly weekend wllh Hadpom and Baldwlnl Mm Richardsog Sr wlll emniq or vhlt Mr Ind Mmsuz Graventh and Mr Ind Mn Buml Banla visited Mr Ind Mm David sam luLljmrsdny MODERN WAY 182 Bradford NEW LOWELL CRAIGHURSI ISA MIMI Wï¬k°°9 Wume am W15WI flvfilrtIIEIiI ELSWORTH POGO MUGGS AND SKEETER emulnhï¬gï¬nish Minnolhingemanl BLONDIE THERES cm to Wigwamxesr NilSERVICE 33W WWW 5353 135 hf 15311 44164 WMZ Md Ilr Wuwvuoobov WWMWE Wall KalIy pHOONKNi Dill M11 For Pickup Delivery ay Wallylimo umm By Chick Young By Sug