were It DOEIER neromrsron Stcphen Johnston has announcedithe University at Saskatchewan he sale or his optometrlc practice Barrie to Thomas RichardBob ter of Saskatchewan Mr John ston pilot In the ItCAF during the war is returning to lying He Is an oilicer in the Barrie Air Cadet Squadron and member of the Kiwanis Club Mr Boblor is IT native ol Moos omln He graduated In Am lrom and the College or Optometry In Toronto and had been practicing In Estevan prior to coming to Harrie this week Mr Dobler is married to the lormcr Bessie McCunlg ol Hiccton and they have two children He ill past president or mtcvnn Ito tary Club member at tilt Masonic Order Ruynl Arch and Shriners and the United Church Canada BEEToN WINS TOURNAMENT AT UTOPIA ON HOLIDAY Apart irom the shower that portly dampened the illut game Utopia was favored with beau tliul hiterrioon or their seventh annual Civic Holiday baseball tournament There were six teams namely Beeton Crecmore Thornton lvy Stroud flcdmcn and Stroud Juv eniles which provided good crowd or spectators with excell ent hall throughout the afternoon and eIcning The IIrst game Thornton won over Stroud liedan 61 Johnny and Austin Bowman were back In the Stroud lineup to do the itching and catching while mlth pitched and Hunter caught or Thornton The second game was between Crccmnre and Stroild Juveniles Second Place To Drys Wilh OneSided Win Harrie Cnnnda Drys clinched second place in the North simcoe Baseball League standings last night when lnhnny anman post ed threehItter to deient Mid land Indians 941 nt Midland The Drys lumped startan pitch er Grantiur seven runs In the iirst three innings bclnrc Gnrtl Dymcnt took over the louth and held them to two runs for the re4 mainder ol the route Bowman who hurled nohitt er at Mitilnntl in their last meet dnr didnt nllow rlln until the seventh and iinai tramfl and that was unearned nruce Kerr with triple double and sinxlcpzlccd the frys lohit attack Kent Douglas nd Danny MoeDonnld each had two hits MacDonald and Ron Mis eampheli produced doubles with scare at 31 or Creemore For Creemore McCartney and Corbett pitched with Dance bo hlnd the bat and tar Stroud the Campbell brothers termed the battery The third game Becton won over ivy with score 01 30 Speck was on the mound lor Bel ton and Kcarns caught Hoggarth pitched for ivy being relieved in the last inning by the catcher Bill Laycok and bringing Han len ln lrom the field to catch These games were all live in hinge The second draw was made Eccton playing Thornton while Creemore got the bye This game was seven inningsI linishing In score or tl ior Eceton The same batteries were med as in previ ous games with Smith and Speck nllowlng lour hit each The incl game between Cree more rind Benton wrrs nine inning with score at for Beetnn Hill for Benton allowed one hit while MacMullcn iur Crecmurc gave up two Creernera mtttie two errors while Benton had one The only run scored was stolen one by Sunncrton the Etarry shortstop tor Beeton Archie Thompson or Barrie was the official umpire or the day wtlh El Crowlord George Miles and Miller hairline COLLINGWOOI STORES The bylaw governing the closing hours tor Collinxwood merchants hits been rescinded by the mun icipal council This decialon was reached iullowing controversy that has split the Storekeepch into two separate comps over whether the stores should remain open rrl day or Saturday it meant lhlit stores can open any night in the week tintll properly signed petl lion taveran by 75 per cent in orlty one particular evening presented Presently about hall nre open Friday the other on saturrlay coirirv Eltumtel Ioroillo Eplflll iertlllr your Cruelty TV IllIlllIiutorl In happy to pmenl thII schedule at llllfi llflrrlml Ihrru tlmu weekly or thl cons vcnlcncn til viewers in lidrrhr Ind lllIIrlct WEDNESDAY AUGUST our in lum THURISDAY AUGUST Home mu Vllnluy rim ItmIr IvaII clua mo lelmz Ieochultn Film mom In men race II Audmtt Yelutllm mt ham Cufltttl tree cIe hint on FRIDAY AUGUST cavemanInn am no no YulVIII mu SPECIAL I7 TELEVISION NEW Ill MODEL llllclil Ail LOW All I79 21 TELEVISION NEW lit MUDIZLH rnlt7lill Ail Ilith All Exclusive cansrn Tv nonunion In IIanII 145147 Dunlap St Pliouo Barrio 8442 In Orlllln lit WM Ht ilonth Phone 155 In Mind II III Kin ltnrt lhm Ill Playoff Position At Stake Tonigght Boston at Flyers 11th plus in the with div Islon south Simeon ï¬ndings will be tin pure realm tor the winner of the Bentonner rte Flynn club ht Antoninall PHI with plant petition the lone department to nttle the South Storm executive will lwlld third plue to tonilhtl wlonorfvwhtlc Newmarket Ind Alllaton who we deadlocked or tint plIce will complete Icheduled homeIndrhnrne Icr lee Shfluld they ILIII nan tied coin will be flipped The South slmcoe pllyoltl Ire tilted to Itart Tuesday rav enlnx thatlrst team to meet the third and the second team to meet flietnurth Pulmve Ind Bolton are eliminated Christie Ledds Fiyers Bolling At 472 Clip Second baseman Ron Christie who has biased 76 hits on 55 trips to the plate leads Barrie Flyers batting parade Its the team settles away lor playotl action in the south division 01 the South Simcoe Baseball Mague Christies 472 avenge is well in rout of Ervinc Gmh his closest conipctiter who boasts 406 per centage at the plate Joe wholen gives the Flycrs third member In the big bracket with on even 400 mark AV 172 406 400 354 308 Ron Christie Ervine Gmh Joe Whalcn George nanrirl John Reid Bob Thompson WI Frank Fawn 304 Chuck MM 290 Neil Hurtlbese 250 Ken Robertson 245 Bill Gmnt 200 Chuck Wood 200 Jack Coin 167 Paul Emma 167 Bud Lee 063 Flcar 000 Watson 000 Elson 000 SUNNIDALE LOWERS RATE General tux mte oi Sunnidaie Township has been set at 15 mills decrease at one mill over last year ltetve Abner ltan at spcc inl meeting at council Stated the saving we eltectrrt by reduction at $0000 In the proposed road by law by the department oi high ways CREE ACTOR liOBDEMt Alta CPIJonas Applegurth aayoamtd Cree and one or the cw lullblooded indlan enters in Hollywood has returned to his reservation home here utter completing his xccond picture lie went to the motion picture centre ladt February no Announces Apptiinhncnt JPair of Aces Industrial Acceptance Gorpemtlon Limited sponsors oi the Merit Plan lor instalment Buying Is plmsed to announce the appointment or II GUILD as Manager of the IAC Branch In Barrie Until his appolntmertt Mr Gurd with with the Superlntendcnts Der partmcnt at the Executive Oltlces oi VIAC in Montreal and has had wide experience in the sales lInInct business PerrYs Bot Paces Legion To Win ï¬rst baseman Gord Perry drove in three runs Friday night with single and home run to lend Barric Legion to 51 victory over Edgar Toppers in Barrie district senior softball game at Queens Park The victory uï¬urcd legion ot sole possession or llrst place in the standings Johnny Snathc gave startlng ecc IIIarry Couse chance to rest by tiring the route against the Top pcrs linlshlng with nlity live hittcr collecting three strikeouts and Issuing only two passes to 1er Doug Crooks started on th mound for the Toppers but war relieved by Ryan aiIer Legion built their margin The Toppers pushed across the llrst run in the second inning on two walks rind single by Suva Legion tied the score 11 In the third when Doug Kettle doubled and romped home under Perryz single It tworun sprint In the Inurth all unearned through costly errorr by the Toppers gave Legion 34 lead and Perrys homer bchlnc Kettlcssingle in the filth clinched the verdict Editor Legion OLD 0000I ii 01 Zion5 low mucusrear Steel lowest priced oi all metv Ills alsx li cheaper pound lor pound on many kinds el wood CALL THE EXAMINER FOB tltl llN PHONE MN CANADAS BEST SELLING QUALITY New Delicious AT YOUR FAVORIIE STORE 0R COOLER iIntII tiIltt lmllr IliIrp rtrl IIIII Iml not AM what IIIvnrl Youll Ila Ill tIltclmII illantlllll tit tmrlwnn il Irnrvtrult untl tlmry Liltut Iv ntunloy Iltla FW urszrultrirlmu nlt with thy over Weekend At Sandy Cove The gollerl dream hole lnonn he become normal recmung It Bandy Cove oil eonne Propflahr Dick Hend enon reported two over the Irhollday weekend Dunnytflegel ol StPoIId old In with Norm McNaughton prIn Shea and June 6M1 hold Iii at Toronto tired In with our Iron on the llSyud number two hole on Saturday Alun Ilardia scored an ace on Sunday with three wood on tho Iiiyard eighth hole In the party were George Mitchell Jim Hudle Ind Doug Oree III 01 Toronto git nvn Sandy Cove record oI three thus tar In the season Only one other lee has been reported In the district that at AllIndIle eoune Producad by Imperial Tobacco Cernpuny at Canada Limited or public ronicu warminser Gains IIIE DAIIEIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 1954 East Rural Finals The extra semiInn game need ed to put them in the ï¬nal of the East Simone Rural Soltball League we obtained by tho Warmlnstei team whim overwhelmed Victoria Harbor 24 to Warmlnster now Inch Sturgeon Bay in tourout olieven series for the iDSI title The winning team with Art Tcskey pitching got eight runs across In both the ï¬rst and fourth Innings Jim Webb and Art Brwcttc were losing hurlcrn SIEADY YIELD The coconut tree In the tropics produces tour or live crops year or 10 or to years have $3llddfl5 1N3Wdllill IRthllVISSIl SHOIIVI CARTAIIE it EXPRESS SIGNS II JEWELLIII Your Guarantee OF OUTSTANDING VALUE IN Quality Diamonds PRIVATE DIAMOND ROOM FDR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANT ADS flillllSTS Dilltlllllil MATERIALS TAXICAIS SAND It GRAVE MEIIS CLOIIIIIIII Alli FUItiiISlIIII VIIIIIIIIIlu Iiitinl limit in ill IIDIIIIIICIIIIIIIACTOIIS DEPARIMEIII STORES AMBULANCE SERVICE or nn VWHER ROIihliT lRON tor that modern touch Wrought Iron Kitchen Suites Come in and see those August Stile Specials Indestructible top table In the newest patterns comiortable chairs to match IIIIEIIST SIILE PIIIEE $8959 ltegulnr $11050 i2 OUNCES PLUS DEPOSIT out mtllllntiflmilylfllilwlh Furniture lIi Dunlop It En OUR PRlcEs ARE EVEN LOWER during this price shattering traditional August Furniture Salel Look for those and many other unadvcrtised SPECIALS You GET ILIANDSOME BLOND BEDROOM SUITE lN TWO TONE FINISH WITH BOOKCASE HEADBOARD IrED LARGE DOUBLE DRESSED AND ROOMY theyre rum Oi our $1195o lllllDt IN OUR OlD FURNIIRE FIIIIE IlELIVEIIV SMITH SON FURNITURE LIMITED DARRIE wuAArrrï¬ the Appliance Phono 5557 on 559 SSVIB Sfllllfl $0338 SNEIIIIS SEMIIIB 3155 rpm