Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 4

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meee Regatta Draws Wide Interest Despite Weuthermnns Built BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY The Eanle Junlor Chamber of Commerce placed the show on the road Monday afternoon despite downpour ol galn that lasted or more than an hour The ninth annual Clvlc Holiday Regatta held ln the waters off the shores of st Vlncent Park attracted more than 1000 spectators who braved weather condltlons until the weather man finally broke through Wlth summer sunshlne The exciting aquauc event ran an schedule with Ml our hour pro gram included swimmmg and yum mmls gram um luuuuu bout races Same Jaycee offician nnticfipmg blazer regatta next year as many Quillpacked outside compcmXuns are being sought vUndnublcdly highllgm the nnernauns sport was the demon stration 01 Bill Hodgsons hydra plane Tqrontu businessman who the Wusaga mum mr uwu uuu Wu Bench Gel and Cuumry Club Mr Hudgson skimmed the waters at Kmlpenlell Bay at 106 mlles pu hour which stunned me crowd on the shares Another special event lhatmn the applause spectatnrs was the water safety demonstration by me Qniarln Provincial Ponce boat whn executed win rescue operation less than minute Ray Walton spammed the swim mlnl tutu with narrow vlctvry over Ken Pratt the one mne wim Bath competitors Iought stroke for strnke in the closest mile wce on Regatta record The oulfioard raca were doth fled by Emmas Wmard Klnzie in he under hp and Don Sheprard lhe 25 hp Both shuwed éxce uni landllm ol lheir craft Results looyard swim boys lsXE yrs Earl Slown Jim Mair Hub lonper Jack Carpenter lflllyud swim girls 513 yrs Vina Do Rosemary Raikcs olane Maxie ansmile Ray Walton Ken Pratt Jack Carpenter Eggs France Professor Wins Over Thompson Through IniurY Glrls hall Iner Astrid Chri men Vlna Doll Diane Max Pmtcssur Roy Shlrcs and hi nanngnr were awarded mam nul vlcmry over agllc Frank humpsun cl Ilnmmon last nigM Ihc professional wrcslllng uhow Barn Arena but they didnt win the applause um ans Thompson who ls easily the ma skullul wrcsllcr to appnar the arena this ucason suffered severe head cut when ShhLS used him lnlo lhc ring post nd the rclcrcc stopped the ham Prior he unfortunate mm events or Thompson um Iwo pponcm had each caplurcd 111 Shlrcs won the um all man no around his nnxcrs In My got ma ban Thompsons mm was helpless when he micsor appucd um body pma Furlnus over he mlhlm lac acs Thompson ripped mm the rolnssnr in the second haul und ifllcd hlln with ficvrml sclcnllflc volda HIM had the crowd Mand on lhclr on In approval for nclonvxuckcd mcullml Thump Won the all when In Illypllcd log mh The Gold Plrnle scnrcd The Gold Plrnle scared cmlnnnl vlclnry ovzr Lurry Lasnbmk In bank lllnl saw mum pulodlcnlly Uylng out ring Knsnbuskl on one 0c JIDII lundud In lhc laps of mm rlnusldc The Pirnle ncnrnd Ew whl when cnughl Kgum mst Hylnu the my In nu 1me nkunn um Inrkx wuu pnpulnr am Iun uvur Vun Sclhcr in Hm Ipvnlnu haul ngwzgtmnno II Duhlop IIWn om flour plan 29 Illlllg ONY OIILM AM ll Mm 909le Mn Buy Scuuu 1145 yrs so yard Ray Walton John Pacellu Bill Norman Bn open 125 ya so yards ke Redmond Richard Girl 1215 yrs 50 yarus Carol Morrlmn Rosemary Rank Salim up to 14 Pair Shany Ban David crank Shanty Bay Peter Laplante r12 Sllllns nvcr It Jon Wycds ShanlyBny 2rank Ralph Shanty Eay Woods Shanty Bay Came open slnglu Ray Powell Torontu Lwn Garrick Barrie Canoe vpcn doubles Allan Sarjcam and Ray Powell Dulboard under 10 km Wil lard Klnzln Barrie Mike Pelle grin Wasaga Beach John Twy ford Walsaga Beach oulhoard 25 Int Don Shep pard Chamam Delaney Baal Lincs and Ding Jawcu Wasaga Beach lied Inbalrd George Wright Bar rln Art Reubin Shanty Bay Brooks BIQ my Palm Kent Douglas Adds Power Drys Lineup Newlyacquired hurlcr Kcm Duuglau has proven he can pow der baseball as well as hcavc strikes past opposing balms Douglas holds 500 purccnmgc mark an 12Irips10llhc plug to alul RH wm Jul are the teams other lull mu Hun Slewml head Hie runs bnlltdln dcpaflmnnl will l7 and Kerr second 14 Kerr has scam he must runs wllh 17 wth Sluwurl has 15 Kerr ulsn Kids In Holun luau wllh 13 Inllr hul nr than Sluwan Km Duuglas 500 Clllltk Wood 123 on Slcwurl 20 3111 Dan Iulnnd 350 Paul Mtg Hum Km 10 alfi John mm 277 Doug Coulson Dun Cuulsun um Cruuk 1n mn Jnlm huwm 15 mn Mucllnnald 45 133 llth numupm ma cm Emma 17 mu Hmur lull Hull Slnwnrl Fol tls Kmr Pulund Dan CunLuuL Duuulxlu Cnmkl Tllylrs IUIIIII err Dullhlrn lnlrmd Hhwzul Mrgcr II anul Doug Cnuhux Utmulfl Dun Cnulsnu Lnmkl Krrr Huwmml Hun anI Shvwml 17Jpnn All Avr ASTRID CHRISTENSEN fight produced the victory smile am her triumph 1n the womens hallmile swim In whlch she de Km 14 Doug Coulson 10 Palm and Cranks Fellls Wear Dun Cnulmu MERCY Doug 13 Bowman Emms Runs ucnrml Ken 17 Slew Vlhifis ucnrml Kerr l7 Slew art 15 Doug Cuulson 12 Mncnon ald 10 mm nLn1ggcr Poland Smlm bases Kerr Slcwnn Wuml Pnlaml Dnuglas nnwmn Mrgur IcllL Dan Couluun 4J1acnonmd Mlscamp be Don Coulsun Hm mm Duuglas Emmi Duwmnn THE GREEviFRONT STORES Hordwuié Chino faporling Goods Toys Where You Buy More For Log HIO STINKY FLY TRAPS $015 WEI BIINKY FLY IRMS SLIM FLY C0113 FLY SPRAY SIRAYXZHS PHILLIP1 BICYCLE 30M HICYOMIS Electric Appliances HAImtnwmour anu SllIAM moms MIXIin popw xommztus noon loumnmm KlTIJLEi VACUUM GIMANHLH vlnuo to be sorvlcoublo BONE CHINA IU Il Oil UQUMH HllMly DIXIONAIIONU 0N ALI $135 TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 981104 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 280 6911 DUNLOP WEST PHONE 4946 FULLY mmmmm 11me AHOUI ONETHIN ow munm mo mm and mm nnmsmonu Picnic Jugl $329 $445 3195 $945 Pct WinnTng championsth xs no no moo veny hr Dymcnl has Wm 60 BanIv nnd cuunly hnnou somct 500 lee llmcx bul lhs dulcs but lhv hln lo It will be defending champion Arl Powell smonlh almklng redhead versus lamI hifllw vulcran NH DY men or lhc mens He Bank Gull Chm 1M5 year The 30410 uuu Aw final will b6 on Sunday morning nnd nltornnon Auu l5 mun like gold be alloycd with Iomu common but mom durable molal $4995 $5905 DECORATIVE CAKE LATES WITH GOLD TRIM WADINO POOLS PLASTIC SALAD BHIS Suvcn Ilcccx in Sch HOYH AND BIRDS WAGONS $695 $116 $935 $1495 sturdy Constructlou Easy Running wnouonr nioN frummm nonmma Vnry Quad nny 135 MAGAZINE CADDY Alm In Wmuglyn Iron HONECHINA CUIU SAUCE MIMI IMxm JUN 61 UAUCEmi llmulllul Dncmullmu DONE CHINA CREAM 6L HUGHui meonulons on 5110 per Dally Air Rifle $495 $750 $795 Bymtnl got into the final last Sunday by weaning cm Brown six up Brown was close on he first mine with 42 Dymcnts 30 Dy mcnt tank the 7th to flnd then won the am and uh lu go lwoAup In on he llrsl round He continued lo lake holes ll ll and 12 lo go two up They halved lhc lillhhut Dy mcnl won the and clln had the mulch He had In evenspgl 36 1x the iccond mund whllc town alli pcd up to 48 Arl incll had laughor mad lnln lhe llnll havlng délcrmlnnd oppancnl In Lclghlon Clark who has developed inlo loplllzhl Izolle his year lhe and 010 llnl round Clark was one up nuns was one better than inlll 39 On he second rnund luwcll look he 1001 lo llc THU halved Hm Illh bul incll wcnl tune up on lhc um They halved 13 bul Powell was twu up by file lh Then he look he ncxl twn and halved lhc lllh wln ml vmmd Io $éwnu had par 40 or mark um round ammuch 6m 9225 25 Tournament Triumphs Bring Bush Credit Flyers Allislon Barrie Flyers were keyed tolpertecuon Monday to sweep twovlcwrles and capturesel top prize money In Clvlc Holldnypaseball tomnu am at Alliswn MN nunmu in nlrl TheAlllston Leglonnaires who sponsorew of humor baseball had disasterstrike ti bpenlng game whenvcreemore and Thom their wlthdmwaL Evcnf amen were with lush ghe Flyeu Palgruve and the Mus ton senlor entry To fill an zmerm ency Allismn Juveniles prepping or OBA playdowns donned unl onns and rounded out 1mm lpaflnedflholld mu 4A hnmn pduwu WW The Flyera pcrlormcd 1n champ lanshlp manner ln climbing to he honors They displayed smart base runnmg In squeal across the win mng run 32 coriquEs uslon Lnglnn um rcqulred We ex tgz mums Palgravc nudged Alllslon Juven 112 in me lgumainenl opener bulwere defeach B3 by me Flyers in he aeveMnnlmgfinal The Flyers gave crowd at ap proximately 500 mm mrms 11 dcpamnenu Manager George Bouchcy drafted Don Ind Doug Nulsan or the even and me pair of versatile Wins lonned brilllun douhlnIplay combinatlnn along with first baseman John Reid Awhile centrerflelder Bi Grant tailed to produce at the plate ne nevertheless executed one of the key plays 1n the teams openlng win against Alliston maktng fine uutfleld calch andxthen throwing 2ut runner mnvlnz into lhlrd 1o kill rally in extra innlngl Nell Hurttbcse normally pitch but who saw most actlon in lelt Held undoubtedly made the most sensational catch the day tn the llnal when he snagged posslble ourrun homer running away mm the plate 10 retire the stde The play choked Palgmvcs oflcnse from hut point on Palyave leeded tourrun rally In the filth andflnnl Inning to breaka 22 deadlock and cllminltc Alllslon Juveniles Ken Chantler scnlor hurler loaned to the juvcnv flex 101 the event Issued home run ballto Walkun In the second and then Falgrave smrnd an un earned run In the mirthto knut he contcaL Glhsans double and Walkcm slngle were key blow Palimvcfi wlnfilng rally In he The canlcsl between thC Flynn and Ammn Louian had the ans on the edge loclr scau lhroughr mu Bairlc hil the scorlnu column wuh single run KpIhc first but BESTBUY IN TOWN SIMCOE DISTRICT INNISFIL ST double and Walkcms Palimvcs HARDWARE AND APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS JUST COMPARE ANYWHERE who sponsored the tourney In ald netstrike few hours before the re and Thornton been announced Allistun fled the count In the sec ond Each loam scored one In lhe mm and lnal frame to force exka innings It wasnl uhfll the saveth hat the men dmmnsmud good but runnan In the wlnnlnz run Hurll bese walked but was forced al sec ond by Chuck Edward Rvn Clark ues long fly to right fleld nllawerl Edward In move to secand has Doug Coulson grounded but aner ror at first made all hand sale Ind while Mllnwn got Coullon on run down Edward scammed home before lhe out was madp to break the 219 Palgrav held lead on the Flgnrs lhrnugh rlple by Walkcm an Walton and double by Wu laccll was In he lhlrd flame wllh he sacks loaded and two out um Hurtibexe made we catch the 11 BARRIE COOP HOME FREEZER FACTS All learnl Jolnhl wtlded Ind lulrd wlfll mm drylng mullc Sumlul type lublnl Ill tonne Ilom bnud nelnlorua Mnxn uni hula de Illntd In lltlkr Hum 10 nun rollrfl Ike on IldtI hoflom Ind lop lllh lm llnllh cablnrk cu ll freezer THE LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN lls Ioop Hrs mlo buys in all appliances REGULAR MW Sl coymm Pnlum 1mm Wu mmwle loud The Flynn nuled behind 01 catch And neared wk In the our or mm Ind ht never look ed back Lhey mum one In the mu Igd gum dz mennth XIIUI Inn lu twine Gmh with the or egg innqu rid both met for 0m Inn the Hyen Illowlnl an 11 human tournament ban AN many4N Fresh cod purchased nquanllly when in lawn or grown in horn can be rozcn In tonsldcrnblc sav lugs hmmcrclally mun food mly be purchlscd ln larger quanmlcs at living In cost Wane ducw mung can be cum lnMcd SPECIAL Btu lelvln Onnle IIll Alllmhle In ngprday AWN RENT CAR 41mm mi AS mum AB $1600 DEPOSVIT NEW CANS IN BEAVER CELEBRATE 5200 mm 15 cuft REGULAR 5489 5299 Phone 5164 AT CUUPEMTWE SERVICES s399 PHONE 2419

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