Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 3

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The day marked the 5001 an nSvrrsnry ma quiet murrlnge common In Angus United Church pmuunagc on Aug 1904 when Mary Ellznbelh Lennnx became at Alfred Monpy Mr Money who was born on he Sewn Concession Essa Township nl Uupln an Aug H172 celebrated his 82nd birthday two days nflcr his wedding anni chnry Hr wns nnc lhc 10 children the kiln Abraham Muncy and June Hangman Mrs Money was born VIC turln Auslralla on Oct IE and will une he Inlnlly sLVIn children of Andrew Len nux and Margaret Amnlin Duulll Slu cnmc In Canada with Mr Rehllvns and friends fuming In extending cungralulnuons two wellknown wildan of the Bar rlL dlslrIcl Mr and Mrs Mer Manny RR on the nccastcn thr gubdcn wedding anni vcxsnry on Sunday Aug Wflh hem the day were 22 of hair 41 living grandchildren and mos nflhelr close relative and they received large number gm nflhel 51 relative an received large number and cards and message Wishes h1 cnmc lu Can Ms the age 91 five ynars Mr and Mrs Mnncy were mar rlul by he lute Rev An dwsun and started marrild lile name where Mr Muncy was unplnycd by the Dymonl Coal um Wuud When he luuk up fanning Mr and Mn Munuy nva xu 1m town llnc nnw 0me IHKIIway 90 where lhclr Illul child was born They Inter mvull was In Saskatchewan in II uml tumult1m htIr family lhnl suns nnd scvtn dnuml hrs lmy return In pm 011 Slmrm Cuuuly In Utlnbcr mu Humps helm bldsscd wlm lhrcc mus um um dnuuhlm lhuy nlm Ilnvv Mr llvlm Krnnd hlhhln 27 whom are buys mm mm uucnlgrnmlchlld In the wxnm IHHC Lynda Dallrnv Evans Ilunnhllrr Mr nnd Mrfi Juhn Emu um Nunm Mumyr Alum Ihc bunlflllul ulll and IYWHK alm llllliy Lde cun nnllnlnllnna and mud vhhrs luluer III nut whhls nlv uh Ilvm mm Munvyu UNIV IIIIIIIln lnpr Mrs Im Wnku Hold 01 Vnurnuwr Flw ler LMldnu wllh hrlr inlnllim wrrr prmnh whlll nu nmrr llvv wm nul nllh lu ho th lhrlr pannu Mr and Mn Mu Lhlhlnn an Mllvlllr Ivy unymnmx Slxmllldlv Mul Alml IIulou mm 01 IIunku All Mu lhnry Mr umIn Dunn v1 Now Wlllllllllv Idmy who Hw only mm Ills pnnnl nn Ihu THE mums mmmlxpnsbky AUG i954 WellKnown Dislricl CoupleMark Golden Anniversary of Wedding In Angus Parsonage Augusl 19M ME AND MRS Bon ALFRED MONEY Mr Moneys youngest Sm Mrs Ruben Smflh Dora of Lab sldc and bmlher and sister lnlnw Mr and Mrs George Money at Engr15 were able be present as was Mrs Len nox nl Ivy nun of the bride of 50yclrsag Their daughter Dara of Brllish Columbia gm lunl distance but pcrsonnl lunch to her can gratulallons and gond wlahu to her Mother and Dad by ulc phnnxng hum Connecllan were me or such dLXlanccv Mrs Smflh poured gen Mrs RObBY Smflh The bullet lunch Included beautifully dccomlcd anu made by Mm McQueen and sent all he way from British Cnlumbln eighth concmslnn Mrsl Walton Harris Sylvia Strand Mrs William Vlnnll lszbell 01 Leon nrds Beach Mrs Wallace lollock Kay nghland Crock Mrs Elmer Westbrook Ruby Co bcurg and MIL George Swaln Edllh Tnmnto Outolluwn aucsu came 1mm Cubnurx Illuhlnhd Crock Leasldc Ivy Shnud Mlncslng Ulnpln lnrrlc nnd Grcnloi MN Mudlyn Snsu hold shower in honor or Im hrldu at Mr home on Mary Slrlfl Abuul 25 frlcnd mmm1 In her mnur pran her leI mlucllnnmu nssurl man of film Show ducumllpm wtrt plnk and whllv WIUI Kllu xlmlngtd on lahlc Min nun Duhy nhrlulnvd lnr nw hrhIr unmxmnmm lower at Mr home nn Sallunl Sincl Il muw by mm mLmxs Dc common In pm and whlle wm npcuml hr mm In which um were erMnud Amuan wllh nrvlnu ur nrvshmunh wrn ML Inn Duhy mm at mm mm mul mm Jum Hum mirnnmmuu xhnwrr In 1th lvrlllvn humor nlu ulvrn by Mrs nnm nmwn nl hm mum on Wurllry Survl wllh ulmul mm nllvndnnnu mm worn pmrnlul 11 baby rillrlnflc lrcnr nlnl In pink and Mm Mrs Ilunmy mmd the habit Bride Honored At Showers Before Recent Nuprials Asvisllmz Il hush55 wllh he smvlnx nlrmhmcnu were her 5N Mlm Juan saw and ML Frances AXLILI 110an her rcccnl manlm lo Waller Kcnynn the farmer Joanna Mnrlu Canm wnx mtcnaxneu sawml shuwm Surprise Shower Held in Honor Saturday Bride surprise miscellaneous shower was held at Ihc home Mrs Reamer on Caroline Street by about 35 friends and neighbors 010 Saturday bride the farmer Juan McDonaugh before her wedding Hostages were Mrs Rentner Mrs Pan and Mrs Jones Decorations consisted of 11 pink umbrella wmx summers under which the bride was scaled while she opened her glfls lhe tnhle was beautifully centred with an Assortment plnk and while sum met Imwcrs Among the grandchildren wfin were unable Io allend were Rev hither Russell Pcndergasi PhD head of the Mummies department at SLYohn Fisher Universlky In Rochesier Rev Pnul Fendergas ol the Sennborm Mission Society Frank Pcndergnst In MA nl Kluhener and Sister St Mary Evelyn the Congregmlon ox Nolre Dame ssistlng Ihc hostages with the serving of rclrcshmcms were Mrsl McCualg M15 Anncne Scott and Mrs find Lowe Mother of Medonie Resident Honored At Family Party Whm Mr and Mrs Mlohlel anley nf Mount St MHIIWISHM Toronto Gare the other evening it 5an Mn Prnwleys mother Mr John Penderznsl Sn calebrntlnz her hlrihday they experienced plenty surprise of finding the sham included Mrs Fender gnstn five sons and two duughlen with their wives Ind husbands mmt the grandchildren and all of the greatgrandchildren Included among the vlsllars with their families were Mr and Mrs Tam Pendemst Colbame Mr and Mrs Frank Pendcrgasr T5 romo Mr and Mrs James Byrnu Toronto Gore Mr and Mrs William Fendergas of Calgan Mr and Mrs Edward Fendergait 01 Toronlo Gore Mr and Mrs Chdrles Fundergnst at Culgan Mrl imd Mrs Hurry Burns 01 Toronto Mr and Mrs Ambrose Baxgen of Colgnn and Mr and Mrs Bernard llnrrls nl Weston The bride was presented with lwcly carsaae by the guess Slmcm Cnunlyl Lrndlnx Juwtllcrl and lllmnund Mcnllnnll Since mm THIS PAEE yourmud wludelI Avlowlml MASTER FLEX Ilnlnllu Guildiln wnl mu IIPOMIM bmulot 950 Jewel JEWELLENI Modes noun Sociely Dog Food $53 Powdered JavexBleach my Reids Doggie TidBils if Cashmere Ioilel Tissue 7533 lllebuoy SOUP zzAclxu Rinse Soap Powder 55 $AVI OIANY IO Aiax Cleanser mt Palmolive Beauty Soap 3M 0CclU Cgllulosofiponges $333 mu luco Mazda lumpsumowyé um 15 Bqllurds log at Cal Food ammo Hs0L IINS Brillo Soup Péds Dated Daily Bread lOBlAWS COUAGE BRANDWHITE BROWN CRACKED WHEAT lOBlAWS FRESHLY GROUND Pride olflruhiu Coffee SPECIAL Free Parking Facilities MB NCONDITIONED 52 Buylieltl Slreel 52 BEyfieid Street FOR HUNDREDS OF CARSDALY FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT ALSO AT OUR SUPERMARKET OUR SUPERMARKET AT SlICED OR UNSlICED HOUNCE ROUND TIN 21 no ZtOZ nm 201 run 190 $35 290 25 ifé 3340 233 25c 2315290 55 380 51c mu m3 29c ml 29 13 15c Froslade mizsuma sumiinnrnlxs¢ Heinz WhileVinegar 44 libbys Prepared MuSiurd Bordens surluc rownmn sKIMMnx Eagle Bland andensed Milkf Swifts Allsweel Margarine Clarks Irish MolherJucksons JillyPie Emslfllix Unions Chicken Noodle Soup Mix luings QC Sauce Monarch Pushy Flour Monurch Chéese1 Nilcou Margqrineu ngel Shortening Cerlo liquid ofiL 25¢ Cerlo Crystals Jpn2 Jun 15 Sealaqu Red Rubber lur Rings 523 93 zinc Jar Rings Donn 35c Frui Jursi mm 001m MlhlUM uoxm lusly Trent Ice Cream loalAws nrcn SMoom VANIILA CHOCOIMI HIVAL NEAPOLIIAN mug Imcuvu mm FINY IRICK Lll 1N 1502 YSNACKRoll JILL Me atL cg Jfill no IHL 01 TIN HVL 0L UN mu or in ML oz um um 011 LII UN lL UN ISOl TIN 01 IX PKOS Lll 37c 24c 41c 29c 28c 39 27c 33 23c 23c 26c

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