Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 2

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fie on TflE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 19 The two lhnnund vlsllml at the sixth annual slmcoe County Qummnd Ru Fah last week at 0mm Included avera people who were so interested In the display thht they made long spe clal trlmtu the town just to View the handkralt exhtblts The Qrillla women report that there were visitoxu from fall over the pace1mm England the United States and all over Ontarious well 11 mm all corner 01 Slm meCuuntyt Xwa humble new dawn 1mm Muskcka Just for the air leav ing righl after they had seen me wonderful assortment 01 unt and run and anmhcr woman Unveiled from North Bay Just lnr two hours and said when she left that wasrwnll worth Lnnklngimk on the our days the womeh whu worked so hard on preparations an entitled to Lcl that the 1954 air was the mint successful 10 date It Wm lmaulllully urmnged wlthln the lame Orillla Cummunlly Centre and here was greater varlnty or alive modern and orlglnal designs than there had ever been Perhaps you nullced the quilt muile by Mrsl Duke of Dril llzi Grand Chain 01 her own nrlulnal dulzni It had pale green floral dcslgn and star ln um cunlrLj lts danclng figures clothed in son oi sparkllng lace thatmade the qullt some HIAD omen G11 1mm ARE YogTELLING ALE AN EXCLUSIVE AROUND TOWN Dont try to talk ME into unylhing else1 know wise investment when see one 354 Gummccd Trust Ccniflmtc Authorixed investment for Hus funds Shun mmfivc year 3ymly inure payablc halfyme In years 341524 Accumulate to $50000 Wrin fin timrifiiu nllqg SIIEBBET STERLING TRUSTS ORANGE OR LEMONLIME WITH CORPORATION I7 JANII fin IHE years lalr wns that was tele vlzed or the first llmelhe Qulll and Rug Falr has certalnly real lzed all the hope lhnt Ill Yurlg lnator the ldea Wllllam Cran ston Mldland had or lls suc cess when he suggnslcd the first fair In 1949 The most honored lndlvldm nt I1he shah ah was course Pockess Edna Jaqum who was entertained by members the Orillla lair committee during her stay in the hair town She ar rived by bus from Clarksun whurc she makes her summm hnmc ahelevcn oclock nmsday cvcnlng and was met by quul air cummiflcc members She was guest at he secretary Mrs Duke durjng her stay in town She was entertained at lunch eon onvopnning day Wednesday by olflclals of the an commlt me including MISS Olga Mawds lay chairman Mrs Duke Miss Maude Rowe publicity convencr and Mrs Trask and at sup per before 1eav1ngon the early evening bus or her name hip 91 dgcpgauge masterpl During her vlsu to OrIllIn she was munmod with beauflful whlla lcalher rlllium the work DI Daphne 01 Caindun East 1mm ropcs Thursday several ladim Barrie who knew he from khelr experience at IIANOI omcl numb um omv nonuq mm at in autumn we to tar lb III to give the woxken than rent Mn complete chum at IhI an Iron belou ten oclock in the momlm mlnnlnl the booths lamaint elm were Mn Clunuh Monknun Mn JFPIyne Mn Filmer Mu IL Dlwwn Mrs Lou Caldwell Mn Llew Beaver Mn Amman Mm f4an West and mm Louise Cal 2y Mn Blll Ritchie BIS Lika was tn char Ihe honesm or 1115 day and donned the 11 lle leather mummy worn by each of th women which attracted the auentlnn ax many in vimom snmu the tannin entries In the Mr thnt we noted on short tour Just before the onenan cere mony were he olduhioned Cross Stlch quilt displayed by Mrs Ler Trlmble of cum and the lovely green and while Trillium quilt made by War mlnsler Womens Insulule The rnwm unique lnuthe ex One the qullls hM uniacted much lnteresleven bPlare the ah was of éounu Mrs Torrqnceu Jack InthéPulpll and Squirre dmlgn made by Everett Womens InstituteAsur prising femur this Simplmed modem spread wllh shunning ulrlped border wurthe threedim zmlona effect gained by opening the flower and nclually Inserting the parts by mean applique wnrk bib old ashlaned syllled floral design in pink and green qunlnlly truss stllnhzd an finely quilted while backgrnunq hey do every year the old woven quim enlerzd In the fair were particular lnterut tn vlewer There was he blue and whlle qulll entered by Mm Char la Rnnson nl Norlh Bay whlch was somewhat slmllar 1n the null entered by an Orlllla woman who had bolh rednnd white and blue and whlte hnlrlonm nn dls play Anolhcr dull Ind nnd blue woven quilt with whlle back ground and an lnlerwmlcn design In red and green shown by Dr Gnodfellnw at Orlllla were beaullful plecu of work Then Ihere Wu the old uh Dned Colnnlnl T1110 quilt made by Mrs Howard anke 11 0111 Ha the Unusual Design crazy quilt made by Mrs Eves n1 Barrie the Four Mails Quilt made by Pinezrovc Womens In smute he lovely while qulll made by Miss Ednn Loney of Coldwamn and the Rocky Glen 021415 Ship qum made by Mrs Blacker at Orllila the tradi llnnnl sawtonlh desfm worked in treen print on while for touch of qunlntness other inllqlul um nhnnd he spulllxht this year were the fine old green and while quilt dis played by Mrs Clarence Ward Caldwner he orange and mi Tree and Diamond design on while cnlercd by Mr Camp bell at Slmud Ihe blue orange and red Baikal Cherries quHL shown by mum Ihn while men 1qu Design Mrs wnunm Givens SIJMMER STOCK JEAN CHRISTIE 43 DUNLOP ST CLEARANCE SALE DRASTEIICALLY Reduced to Clear pink and shnwn by or Strand SIGNING THE REGiSTER following thelr weddlng in Ed gnvale United Church are Mr and Mrs Robert George Dunn The brlde is the former Dorothy May McNobli daughter of Mr and Mrs Douguld MéNubb of Mlneslng and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs David George Dunn or Barrie After wedding trlp toOttnwa Montreal and the Unlted States the couple wlll be mnklng thelr home in Barrie and he whllu turquoise and red wpnfih 01 Eur and Leaves shown by Mrs Sum Alkn of Grassland Mn Hnrvle Hawk Orlllla showed lovely old whlle and gnld Basket lullpa qulll and Mn Jl Brooks 01 Cnlllnxwuod showrd lovely red and while Mcaallluh dulllAku red nhd whkle was the old qulll mined by Mra Vnncse of Slnyner and lheMlsLfislppl anluy qullt hown by Mrsl George Carter of Orlllln An appllqucd qulll white orange and blue hnwn by Mm Campbell 01 Strand was also of llndlllnlllll dcslgn was the pink and whlle Barrow and Land quill belonglng to Mrs Allen of Grassland Midsummer Nupfials at Edenvalé ENTIRE JAIN Mrs Rob Boyeflof Gmord was represented by fine old crazy quill ln Hard Time pat tern and Mrs Gallnuxher of menu amend lrndlllanal Hearts and lecr qull In red and white Some of the mg nhown were ng rem Year 1953 and other depicting Inmlllnr winter scenes Amen those of particular Interest we 1hr cnhlcs nIMm Goodrhlld 01 Canngqud and the Scene In Springwnlcr Park made by Mrs Johnson of Mincslng Mm Tmsk Orillla had on end hm very muncuvc fugi Thoma he Cut Ham on rm and wild Rose mg thnt were men Inspiration at Cornnuuon other depicting scenes Among fifi kmmmwnmwwmmw 3mwum Dorothy McNabb Becbmes Bride of Robert Duhn The marriage MIL Dorothy May Mcflabbv daughter at Mr and Mrs Dougnld McNubb Mine si Robert thrgn Dunn son at Mr and Mrs David George Dunn Ban1 look place anSat urdny July 24 1954 at twothirty oclock In the lemon In Edm vale Unfled Church REV Veal of Mlneslng penfurmed lhe ceremdny Weddmg music was played by Mrs Chm1L1 Grant of Minesing who also accompanied the soloist Larry Durnlmd Mineslng In me singing at Wedding Prayer and Ill Walk Beside You Given in marriage by her what the bride was wearing guwn 91 while nylon tulle overlnflcla with lace inserts in the Xuii skirt and lace jacket my the mud strap less bodice Her tingzrip veil tulle iliusinn had lace edging and was caught to bannedstyled headdress trimmed in lace Her fluwers were rad ruse in cascade with nstrich piumes Her attendants were Miss June McNabb at Mlneiing maid DI honor Miss Corinne McNahrb at Slroud as bridesmaid and mm Carol Saws Bank as flower glrL The maid honors gown was 01 pale green lek shamung in waltz lenglh slylawflh mulch ing helddxess and shoes and gluves me some made She was carry In cascade bnuquel of yellow and white single mums The bridesmaid was wanting an idem cal gown pale mauve snk shan lung with matching headdress and shcei Her cascade bouqum was ycluw and while single mums The flower girl wore short rock of lcmnn yclhIw nylon inflow whh small flower headdress She car ried basket of nswrled flqwcrs Douglas Dunn Bank was gronmsman and the ushers were Kennuh Manbb of Mlnesing and Reginald Faulkner n1 Dame mummw recam on the home 01 the brides mrmts where he mother of the bride received 1n BBYSDNS 32 DUNLOP mth wits PHONE 1562 ICE CREAM CANDY ORANGE nmsSoM sunpm 25° LUNCH AT BARRIE navy ulcer wcnrlnl white accel sorlnx Ind carnage red mm The lromn mother who Illa celved was In navy Iheer and wu wearing navy nnd whit Iccamrlei and carnage of pink roses Leaving on Wnddlng trifl 10 awa Manned and the United States the bride was wmrlng dress of fissurde colors In silk taflda with whne accessories and Corsage of white carnation and pink roses On their xeturn Mr and Mr Dunn nwlll be making their home in Baffle omorwwn guosu he wed ding were mm North Bay To ronm Emnuord Wasaga Beach Barrie Thornhlll Amstan Colllng wood Brncebridxc Bond Head and Thurman The bride and groom received Elegram congratulations from New Brunswick an the morning 01 um wedding day KRAFT SALAD DRESSING DELICIOUS SPREAD KRAFT MARGARINE YORK CREAM STYLE WILLIAM HORSEY BBKNb MIRACLE WHIP PHRKHY CLAnKS Choice CORN 20 or lin WILLIAM llOflSEY BRAND BllElNllAfllS CLARKS WITH CHILISAUCE 20 oz in KRAFT SERVES IN JIFFY Giupelruil Seélions Walshs SHAPE JUICE BEANS with PM MAYFAIII READY DINNER flEDDl WlP BEEF LOAF HEALTH LEAN EHVEIIOT CD comma nous GENUINE 5P LAMB mains LAMB mums lllifill THIN mus unknsrs wmus MAII HIJUIII HIKNT OF THE HANON AITlleTIVELY PRICED Luncheon Meal Loni WEINERS special IIIJIT mu RALMIH HEN MIN lETTlIElI NO NTAKEI TOMHTIIES TOMATU JUICE BLENDED JUICE OWNED AND IITIIATI IHDIINION EWUIIEH LIMITED vqu lillullvr Thu mm lml thmhy 1m Freestone PEACHES SlICEI 48 on an 43 oz in Quinta nun nu hgmymi um GENUINE SPRING LAMB HUM THICIHZN TUTH fit firmnu Wm Gun nmumn At eight oclock Friday even ing Aug Mr Matthew Clark Caihcdrni Organist in Milwaukea and formerly oyganist St Thnmns Church Toronto will give an gun recital in Pauls Innis Silver co an or Choir Fund Mr Clark will take the organ in St Pauls tar Sunday Aug 899 N0 ROCKET RECOIL Therc no retail as in gun when make flrgd WILLIAM IIORSEY BRAND Luau Many any unal Tungurine Juigg APPLE JUICE QT IIHKT DJJ 7y pkqu 20 01 Thu 20 01 1111 20 16 oz bonlo lb pkg 18 02 Jul 20 oz mi 14 OZ TIN 19c 15 oz an 0L Tin In via 01 Thu 145 SPECIAP SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 35c 45° 55 69 33 59 39 29 57c 30

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