05th cars Best Frustrated In International mv manna EXAMINER wannasnuima Things wnm slightly loss than sensallonar In financial wny lhfl II or Plnecrns drivers In last weeks second annual $1500 Inmmalioml QuarterMile cham plnnshlp the No highway oval vwmle must ELSWORTH MAMA Ma 90 war CAN TAKE oFF MY 6069 AN m9 A91 MUGGS AND SKEETEK 1va new entruser WITH ME LAW NYC WHEN LflflRENTJ VENT OUTL euT when the rclulars Among the most lrustmléd was Curling palm leader Ivan more who also was delnndng champ no anontn stock car ace ham acrcpper on the northeast Ium the very ï¬rst lap when he Norm Brloux and Larry Marx lanxled This caused the race to be stopped and althoughlvnn and ms helper med their best In gm were on hind mry on wax able to ï¬nish In the money and there WI 31950 up tor rubs In the 1543p mam event EVERVTNJNG ASK 94 SAVE YESQOME course Moore wasnt he only mm In wind up speclator prumnlurely The same Brloux gave up we xhost nflcr 20 lap Plnecresls Hm Hillaï¬an plowrd Into the fence on round No 43 and others to an boom included Ted Hogan Ralph Spencernndr Bul Moore No so now nln they didnft mike 11 the dumb wp de1hroncd mm there Med ill lummer to up out like um cuuldnt do IL loomed Moon um the show Oh welL lhlls one at he lirukx gm mm VL It 020 $255233 mim $6 424 Xm ozPEmsu vaï¬sooomaolki mom GIVE HER an 0F mouauzt DONTWCVMJI WAG Aler ABLEEP was am CAM was great show thuugh and wo Canadian Hamlflnnl Jim Howard and Torontos Ted ch= picked up the$1000 nm prize and $400 runnerup pol re pvcllvely The next four plug wen lo Americans Bill Willie Dick Good Chuck Inanl and Bill Clemens oe Sykel 13 yin flowlever ï¬hfle VPlneuemn lnhhed lacond hull Ind col cq F0 nplgce Ed Palluson am 11le Hg JEEk cm In the Second and Moore in the LhIrd Pinocrgs gin wm be By Wally mm By 5939 mm their bumenmhe su urdly Ind Wednewa 810 gun shows In an wart to It ind de ul mums Gm Blur when the latter bid to repent 1951 Mid52mm swap vtctory me we weeksrum 1m Wednesday Auluxl ll be Mimi and should mad mrnmblt Dmp In Plnzcxest If local BLgflDlE POGO 30 0003045 £3135 The Miraclé lubric ï¬nish cosjs you nothing extran We ed twmmlle Imro Main St on Na hlmway There plemy tree parlflnz and all younpmx undzr he ue at 12 If on the hon VALUABLE 1mm Canned salmon wai ï¬rst ex ported mm Canadas Pacmc coast the early 13m coma omsmw WAme T0 see How wvmcw MP scnnozosn KISSES H15 WIFE WHEN HE Wéï¬wNE HIGHED NIFSERVIEE Regular Inspection Lesseqs Expense The wise home owner give his home reaular inspection and mum aué or the little imper lecgluns that will occur lnmuan ry md framewnrk and other glild 55METP MG NEWTHAT STUFF IS ww DOYOU HAVE ro SWEEP EVERV mam 5w oowN To new THE PAPER IM NOT SWEEPING ISAYWEREIM1EOPTDHM talentarmy IF mmmme mzs Tm mm mar mm mb MARMVOFDARE usmzeams mrevsw EMF wm FMMNZSIMBOHTTDTAKE LOOKN roam mag ms aw max cow rA numbLs nbom his building regular Inspecting will but the possane damn um may occur and become expemhe later on Lona sheet InflaL muonry woodwork screens winduwx Are all parts of me outside or the house um should be one ovu lharauzhly lust one end yum Dial 2411 For gnckub 52 Delivery By Chick Young Wall 7K9 uvwflm