Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 1

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WILLIAM LIINNOX Barrie who Is ngnln entered In the Cnnmllnn Chmnplbnahlp Old Time Flddlurs Ounlcnl nL Ulwl burnu on Frldny nnd Unlumny lhla week cm will army llve brondcnglt the null UMunlny cvrnlnz Mr Annux lonncr lmmlmmalor Ivy and Thornlo will be 00 no month Saying um lha jury had heard how lhu dcccasnd had been in con sldcmblc debt the coroner ex prnssnd the View that this was hirly large sum money on which L0 be paying monthly pay mums man who was Liking hame less than $55 weak would have difficulty in klupmg thasc paymcnls up as well as keeping up nu mortgage on his house and looking alter lhu normal living cx pcnscs of amin mm ll Is expected that the Kiwanis Qlub Umlc will have nut 01 nboutSl57 1romhc pénntll campalgn undertaken this year Instead ol the carnlvnl Willlnm Lang chairman announced at the weekly dlnnor Klwanlam made duur to Mar canvass thmugh the lawn ulsn Slmud nnd Cnmu Damon when they were avar ably received The drlvc wal climnxrd on lmnut Day July on he olhlr hand he dnnco ul name Arvna Friday night was not so successtul and herb may bu loss about $100 Maurice MatLMcn chilrman sum 11 Thcrc wrrc about 700 pcophl present and It was dullghlhfl dance wllll mush by thLl Marl Kcnmy nrchcslrn Lust year on slmllar ntcuslun bun MOO turned out In the Klwnnis dance Dr Shunnnn mid that In his opinion would be very diuicull klll anyoneparticularly man cl Wedge age and build by trangulauun unless there ms some omcr mcmod cl rendering the person uncunscious first all memny lhls wcck committee mums were given on ncllvlllw Ia date In 134 by Edwln WH son Elmlnnnn pub and buslnusl lhlllll nnd Allan Scull chair mzn nuxlculmrn CORONERS JURY INQUEST VERDICT RUTLEDGE DEATH Presldcnl nrdmond an nnunccd um dlhlrlcl mulan ol Kiwanis cluhx would he held at Ilnrric Cuunly Club on lhu unor nnnn Monday Aug 10 when Govcrlmr non Whnvlor or om nwn wuuM be lhu snrnkrr 90th YearNo 89 Dth was caused by sirangu lltiqm by mp2 by means un known was the verdict returned by the coroncrs jury at an inquest which was held inChuxchill com munity hall on Friday niicmoon into the death 01 Kenneth Herbert Rutledge 31 of Toronto whase body was found hanging from tree branch by rope in field between the sixih and seventh con cessions ol innisfii Township nn Sunday July ifl The cnmner was DL Frank Shan nan of Barric Dr Burr mthologisl To ronto who carried out Im autopsy on Lhe body Lhc same day it Was loumL mid mm the cause oi death was asphyxinunn Irum strangula uon Qucstioncd by the coroner Dr Burr said that there was no indi catlnn of violence and nothing indicate blow on the head which might have knocked the man out previously PC AIL Kellogg C18 Disk Headquarters OPP Barrie who was called in on the caso stated Lhal investignfion had revealed that Rutledge made 55 week at his job as delivery salesman or Torunto llncn suppiy company Further lnvcsligaucn revcnlcd that he awnd mu 013106 to bank ianrl two amenm Imancc compan es Kiwanis Club Peanut Campaign Nels About $1500 mm mm mum IIDUHH 1A Emma hm purchased mdwuy me 52 man himt nml nunvcrllnx mm le unnrlmcnu MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Barries Grand Old Fiddler tingle copy Early Saturday muman the burn on 010 Frankland mm worn on arm was believed um his was struck by lightning In nd lan lo quanllty of hay which win destroyed the 105 also Inv cludcd 20 pip 85 hens and hcllcr mu The nulbrcnk was mumd by passing motorist whu alerted cm ther lamlly Cookslown Fire Brigade turned out and managed to knup the flames mm spread mu to other bulhflngs Fife Destroys Barns at Weekend Considerable propcrly damage wan caused to two arms in me Coaksinwn area during ihc week end mm of Doug Fisher 1m Coukatown and Jnmu Frankland an Cookslnwni Flre cl undeicrminud qugln early Friday mnminp destroyed the barn in the Fisher farm the 1655 including quantity of hay clzht piglets two sows and call Cankxtown flrcmnn nko haulrd lhlshlazc Judi preventh hr lnmu fromspmdlng Mm Linn Multan 82 at Toronto driver III the second car Ind Mn Phyllls McEl Iwnl 45 Winnlpez were IIknn lo hasplul It Collin wand both sulhrln cuts ma bruises Police uld wealbnund at drlven by nmwn was unable lo slaw down when car In rant Iumed on lo shit road They said he mun hlu Iuto out Inlo the olhtr lane and slrunk he sldg at unbound an In whlch Couk was passenger ONE KILLED Eoun HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT Merrill ll Couk 59 of En llna Avenue Toronto wu vkllled Ind Inur olhzr pconla ware InJIIIEd In twocar enl llslun our mlles wen Elm vaxe on nlghmy az yum day Immoon lllen loMldhnd llospllal ere James Brown 22 um Murrayllumrlen 27 both or Shirlcy Street Toronlo Brown suffered possible bruken pel vls head lnlurles and multiple wk fluxmien passwer In Brnwna um mered pouxbxe goncuulan Ind mock Cook dlta before In Inch 0115051th The pul wcek brnulhl mun more vulcly In In wu Iher wllh nhowen an Tum day Vcdnuday ThursdIy and lhunderslmrm on FYI thy The weekend wn plans nm but an Monday Clvln Hol ldny nln ulna Just In the bytes mull was mu under way Ind lulled loll mum In um lama mm trouble Lllhl raln ell IIln an madly mornlnl only Tempenluru have hren wry cvcn Inll madtrlta wllh lhu pnulblmy ol Iunny um wnn lod Cool Early Mom 80 probability Sunny Warm Jilly 25 July 26 July Z1 my July 29 July so Jul Jl Aux Au Ann Temperature warp Auburn keen clu mu Ir Mlle Ianname Imu 112 ifiartivfiaeaminvr lljgh inyv AL GALLODOIIO world Inmuus clarinet Ind saxophone artist pcflorms as soloist ynh the Royal Cnnadlnn Air Force Training Commxmd Band and wlth Lloyd Edwards Iccompanlst at the From Concert held In lama Arena on Saturday nlghz In conjunc Agriculture Dept lssues Statement On Cattle Deaths Illcurt rvporls In he mm and chr the radio ln cannccllun wllh Ilvnxlock 103m rcsulllnk 1mm mule cullng crow 1mm wnh purl urvrn nnd bran bull user Inr mnlml army worm oumrmks MC Mulvrl In 1m Incurred ntwrll lnu an unlhusml lnvrsuuullnll by Onlnrlu drpnrtmml ncullml lle hnw Allld II ram Inn palm luIll Iml Ill all can lllvrmluulcd llm mule hm hml IIr rm In Um unmly mm mlxcd rvnlly fur wrmdh lhvlru llulm vvnmlrhr ul llanlnAllnlnlnln Dnlry and WH Ilmn lImu Mill DIIIL luv Imvml nuwmwnu wllh lbn AFL mm Flvmlnyrrn umun Um um tlnhlu In Slmwe Cwnly II have union wnlmu In uw c4 Angus Cnmphcll llmrnlnu wlm hm mm mm um um hmkr mm llw ynrll whm mm bahh mm lwlmx pmumx wmlr nu Imu lly wns Ilnnrr Inn all tank llkv hum mush uprrmny whru wwrrlrlml wnn nmInIJm Iny ulv mm nu lhl wnn um um llnw mull hm rvrr mnnuprvl Ivrmk mm Mr ruuumun mu lhl mumr Thlmll Cunllllrrunn lnnrlll rnuhnclml IflIr lulmlllnllnll WIHI IL mm rhlllmnn lmum mm Inlmrru mu huhnun mil in lwu nlhlr mm hzvn mum lu lht IIUIHHUII lht llanlmrnl ul ulrlrlxlluvr wlvnr 1le huvr Hmlwl lhrnlluh Nu In ur ul llw pulmll hum IMl um lllh hHl lm plum lmvn mum wluw callh Hr lrlhrl vulwk hnvu lwrn IM whrll irrllmx ml IIUIIIA llrulrd wllh palm lml was man mu mu lnly ner mm Inlmlml wan mny wmm mm mum lm nu dnlnzrr uvuwk Tm nnny Wmm mu mm In many am cnullly and all lnmvrln va wmwl wnhh mm rrmmlly rmrulnlly In ml rm ml um runny lnlmun vunl nu wak MMIMUI El Amlnwa Ilquvllal rumlmrunu plnhrl Inn wuk pmm unlmt mu hm wan Inning palrlT lllllllvl ml Wm WM Ivn AIHYIYUINHI by MIDIANIIIIUNIITAI NIIUK MINI MUN AUNT HARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY AUGUSTA 1954 ll wax nu rvrnl In llnrrlus mus Ital Imlury lno llcrnusc UI hr nmwarnnu hm Ihn man who In rmHilly nlrlzllmrd n5 UII ll rsl lIxuxvhnnn MIN In llm mmlunl wnrlyl lulluy Al inllmlom Hum min uumlm will plum nc rmnpnnlnwnl nml wflh lhr lhlnln ullrulnln Huml ml Ihrv Ile unrullnn Alr Fnlrr Tmiuhlll Cunmnnd nan Mr Illmlnm wn nu lm Hum nmnmner lunuuhl lmrk mm mm nunlu by lllc hlmllntlx 1001 HIHSH Inv rm whn lumqu lhr hum mullrncr Jar ll Umrrll uz lurlunnrll wllh unvvumllnl IYIIHIJIHF ml Umr Ill Alnlmruln mum hm ulurhul nml 1hr Illlu Mlnpllum up tuxme mu mme mflnvln wilh msl lulluwhvu lllllu Vhll Wlhlr mmrvlo or rhu wllh lhr lml Ck Jlullny Duruy Unlllrl ll Nvmllr null lu Hum flmrnl vlnllndulm wllh Dlny Humn plnun mmrnn mum in len chow lnllrlllmllll thIUKIUIII hll rrhnllulr lmmlnpmnhlr llll lullllnnl lnlrxu Inlnllum mulls with IV III rrlvrc um vrlvhlo wllh whlrh In II1 plny Illllnclluu pulmnm Ill mmn Hum lmllnnry klll TIII lillKhhlU nllll Fully Inm nlul llw vammm mm and MM FUNK hr alum wl III llllllu mrnh Wu Mn mummy lummuv Ilyln lhul ml mle cmurfl rnlullunl mlluvwly ml own Whrn lm Inunrhml Ml IrlIhwlun Llu by mm lvmul yml milI muy lmulnw MI mun lulrnvlrlflllm ul IM mmpwuy mum III IMHMRIIHII In IHIIHnml rnvly mnulrrll lu Um rml Un lvrnlnl III III lnhlmul run lml mmmwuln his 1m HINHUH WINI hr In Iml lev mle lhnl Md III MHIIMKE unly mm mmnnu mm lalvullay nmutl was xruvnd annva rvrm Inl Itvwln mcuy lalrr Hm tullel lo lnunJI lernnlll mn flnllodoro Magnificent In Concert flppeumnte Famous REAP Band Btlt Band Contribute line Programs iiiu Prlvm Concert presented at the Barrie Menu on But uriiuy evening in conjunction with the 33rd annual conven tion oi the Canudiuu inmdmnsicrs Association held here lust wcuk wuu Lripiu triumph for the artists who combined in present an cvouiux unique in Its appeal to every musicni ti tlon Wllh the 23rd annual conventlon the Cnnndlan Enndmnstcrs Afioclmlan Mr Gallndoro who ls generally ncclulmcd us the finest mxopllone must in ma muslcal world today also appeared as solulst wllh the Bar rlc Collegiate Band plum lhr Ihlnlr mp 1an mum Lillmlnm mundum mm no lmnl wnl Um Vnn Wlber Com lcnllun he land venom MM mmuwr aulum lhll me vocal Ill Munlmn Thumu McKM whu Ian Innqu cluvn Ill mm mm In pm nun yluu rrrl n1 lnsl ymr whcn he hmouu lrulnpfl vmuusu Rnlncl Mendez wns hrnrd 1n Ennlc Th lygilllaxul lmup wu hrnm in unrrn prmlllllll lhuwpltccl or Ms lymphch lmnd unann llmllt Umlbr Hm llrrcllun nl 170 leum um Hm bum prdnrm sevnrnl mdmml nuvrlllu wllh IL mu umluun numlvrrl Mum pmflmu mum belnu lnumvel nnery Thu Duvrr muh wllll Mullrlllu Monro IL 0mm Iml xlmnwmu wu vhllnn Ilviklna lmmpd ulllluln Th lummu wnlu rum Tochll Imwuky Htlnllln lwr Blllvll No vnllul thunder lhu murm WIIII dun In dumber lnu mule MHI no meI rlnml III pmum wllh lhn llnlh mmuur mu symphony This yrnr mu women was Inok ell lnrwnrd In In inuhlc nnllcivl llnn lnc uuly lmnuurllCAF llamL whlrh lul made populu nlwmrnnrn In Ilnrrle brlurt II lxnlxlml llnll Whnxe pulmmnnm nrr nlwnyl uunnndlnu mm In Iuwll lhn llnrrln Ilvllrllnlc Ind Imam rnrly on flu pmlrnl lull Iruurnm nlunhrr 1n Imunr win unlmugh le We punly de mpqu lyun Ilkr Duvrr mam ll wnn llnnllrll nlr AM vnrlalhml fur Inn1 dunln mm ma mm mm llm lynml lruup 11 Mr rorw Imul mom lln mutual wllh ovmum lu Wnunrrn mmm Tunnhnurr wmk ur Iynphnnlc pwpmllun Ihnlr nMvIluI numbvr nov mlly lrnlmhm III lulu Inlrdxl Mmlrlanl Whnlnr Kw ulnk um mow The mm Ind Illllnl wnn min1 Flule Cnrklnl In addition to organizing what many the delegates refer red to as the ilnest convention they had attended the Barrie District Collegiate Band and its director Allan Fisher ar ranged an exceptionally enjoyable and educational musical background or the 23rd Annual Convention or the Danadiaii Bundmasters Association which waé held in the Collegiate during the weekend BDCI BANDHIOHLY PRAISED AS MUSICAL OROUPAND HOST TO BANDMASTERS CONVENTION Some 125 bandmasten and their wivu were csent fur the event which open on Friday attemoan with directors meeting During th business session there was con sidenbie discussion on the win manly in connection with the Clmdhm National Exhibition and muit at the meeting this money will be increased in the Rum mmo was elected in vlcc resident and Ayrcs Wnl ccpurg second vicelprcsidem Mr Flshcr he BDCI Band dlr Mr was ducted one at the ditch on Other directors at Paul Pull lnnzcun Out De Cellu Quebec Clly Mm Han nvuLLSJerine Brown Windso pp duress Sandma en Set the Pallcrnfl wu given by Mn EchoLx on the Saturday mom Ing In which he spake of the qualifications ncccssnry nr good bandmancr 1n munfllts or mhoah Thl wnl lollmvcd By demon smuon by Mn rum wllh the Human0 qulnicl of flue woodwind pLAyers mm the HCAF It was also disclosed lhat than very good possibility that in 1955 fime wiii he various bands from Quebec coming to participate at the 15 competitions On Friday evening reading clinic was conducted in the col icgiaie auditorium by Professor Robert Roswcar oi flu Faculty at Music University 01 Tomnln Nbaui 40 bandmasier mended this session at which the Collegiaie Band asisted Proicssor Rosevear in reading test pieces oi in CNE mpelilion Echah noted handmaslcr teacher 110m Elkhan Ind wha L1 the Export manager the well known Cann Company band Instrument manufacturers remark ed duxlmz the reading clinic lhm he had never heard more uniform clarlnet secllan than that of he BDCl Band any the American schouls During the convention Flying Ciliicer Hunk dlrbctnr oi the RCA Training Command Band which participated at the conven lion concm on the Saturday evcn lng was elected vresidcnt of the Canadian Bandmasicrs Asocialinni Captain Aikin RQM 10 Inn nn munum Ivy uul ruunly Hull Hun v1 Inknun II he Inl held nu when pmlmclnl lhnl 0nuln In unlrr l0 urn lnln wlnhu nf Ihe wlmt mu lllltul In Um null uranulylvm marlelllm umq lur wlml 0n min whml In cumin he lhp Iml mu whul umdurrd In th wmld Idul Inr hg mum lnnlme nu mlm mnumnl ml putty am Thu IBM crap 01mm who ll anlmlod 20 mllllon humh whhh will be Mr prukmlely pt cenl beluw llnI PRESIDENT ALLAN 01 Windsor Ont In scan hem wnumlulnunn new board member Boyd Collngwaod who Is lm new nulslc anchor at the Cnlllmzwnml DI Lrlcl Collcglnle Innlllulo Umklng on L1 Th wlwu conunlyu or In Rhu cu Cnmly Tumt of Alum Inn smmmlnl worm wol In tn mm on hidy Au n30 pm Ilium 5am Amlllurium lelv l0 xlmmdhe unnuumm pollllun nl lhn MCI ml when mum and In mum wxm mu lhulhl he mu In nu pm In umulun Wheat Producers Will Consider Unsatisfactory Market Position At Meeting Here Friday Evening Iunhu elu mun awa ml Amt Imuu circumna Abnui 50 memhtn Ind 315 shipper oi the District In Toronto Milk Shinvers As tin dun me ul Slroud on Thuflflny evening The meeting wnl undtr he chulrmumhip he DLmici President Ernest Crussland and was mended by official arm newlyiormcd Coopcralive Milk Plan Ill wall as 1hr locll directin rcprcscnllng the am on the On aria nonm Frank Todd The convention que held Saturday evening in the new cafeteria the Collegluie and the band was very zmtdul or finan cial support they delved 1mm 1own council to help defray the task 01 the meal DISTRICT MILK SHIPPERS DISCUSS BUSINESS ITEMS AT MEETNG IN STROUD Training Command Band eniitied ihc Wocdwind Ensemble This highly Educational feature 01 the session brought grant deal at puke or Mr Fisher who is ai ready well known 101 hi success in the mining 01 young woodwind players The delegates throughout were very high In thek praise of the Collegiate Bani The muncrlal service whlch is an annual affalr the CBA cnn vcnfluns mark rccolnlllun the many handmasterx In an as soclaflon who have écrvzd at some time In the military services number at them overseas during the first and Second World Wars During the Saturday uflernoon the Indlés attending the convention were taken by Greer bus to vim the rdnrmry station atledhuflt Mr Fisher has expressed iheir graiiiude also no me Barrie Clu zem Band whn turned out on Sun day morning to lead the conven ion delegates la the Cenotaph for mcmoriai service By their par ticipation it was ion that the visit ing handmastcrs were given the op ponuniiy in sec dno 01th praise worihy endeavor in the musical field by local citizens Evan wufll the moth mull um um pure Illunllvm hu 1061 LI MA Il Ill Incuunllnm up In recMl IINIIM In III In lrrlllllnnll when mmmnl mm kn Ind nu Immmlln wonu Mann mum DhulMmlon wllh um lulu much Unuualumt um put yur mm In nlIllrm the mmmulvu Ixnhu IL llwl In wane when In 1mm mmhm ml lml rum humnon lomlom nmnn nurln Itvau KIUI lhc Anne Itan elqvfim Ilrudy wr llllrd Vlllh wellIn viml Ind uwd demand at 0n llrln whm an vary Iuw wuuhl lpDMI thy the on min Ind um dellvulu will mm IIInn dim lhIn IVIY on lawn mm intml ha been Mnun fur WC 11 lrtllne pally duo In mlucnl um um mnnly from he vnmh wullur In Ihe willy MM schoom Echuls ol Elfinll1ndwho nddrcmcd mo conventlun onlhe ncccmnry rcqulmmentn for bnndmutor In communlllca and Au nmmnm xmum Smlng TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF smcoz The new leak of the new tele phone books which have been mailed 1n Bell Telephone custom in Barrie 10a deeper Ihnn the 111 green covert according to MacDonald Bell man azu hem Reflrcung the gruwkh ip lhe territory served by the direclpry the increase in lhenumbernt cupiu belnl mlfled1mrn 12005 13093 In Barrie alone the lnllial distribution will be 5925 as cqmparedl Mu 5400 lagt yvear With each copy goes Blue Book of TEIEphnm Numbers This booklet is being Issued to enable the cuslomcr to compile handy 1m 01 namcslddrmes and telephone numbers at both local and outotmwn residenu Ire quantly called Pocketsized cop lcs are also available at the Bell DIXIEEBaId Mr MacDonald Inquiriu tn Inmrmauon can nflen be elImlnated when ulh phone users make Inca calls an undodate record new or changed listings is kept In the Blue Bank Mr MacDonald urged customers to dlscard the old directory when the newm1 delivered and Cu check personal telephone 11m agalnst the npw dlreclory and translur the amended llsts to the Blue Back NEW TELEPHONE BOOKS ISSUED SHOW GROWTH are 4833 new and changed 1m in in addiiiun to the telephone number ior custnmers in ihe Midland Peneianxuishenc Pun McNichnii and Wauhaushene ex change anuwhich were iormerly listed in another directory along aim lisflnzs or Oriilia and vicu mlaphane duoe the time required to make long dirzante cunnection by as much as 50 per cent by calling by num her instead nl merely telling ihe operator the name and address of the called my said Mr Mac Donnidl at is why we xpecl the keeping 01 personal 11m in the Blue Book in help make lung distance servicr aster Phat angqucuon Il wls Inrned hut nu cam tract hd been In for the new plan which being financed by he hippm who mnlrlhutcddver $200000 In cuh and pmmhsory numjalluwlnl canvassmade duflng the wlnler The contra has been and the Manning granted both the Milk Conncl Board 11 well as Um Department at Alrlcullure the Inner bclnz Turn to page xavcn please Mm llullnu Mmor nl Burner 1m 21 mu lm rollml on lupenmmfilo hum IIflon la ullul vacuumr Ilnul Um on nuulnlmrm la mm mm up knnll luv the luluun wruu an In mo town an July lhlA mlll lmelIK brlnu MM In mule un An IlulmId In nlvlllll IM luud Inlnnnnllnn hum he Olmme whru produce la llu lllvluhlllly UK Mr Ntfllllfll munlml umlrr 1hr Onlnrlo Farm which Mllknllnu Board In lmwc whnl urumrlly pm Illlcml In flu lnwnnlvlvl VI NIMIWI nu humidls Hun an Tm mmntln run lnnhlll Adult Tl cumulll nml Vnt lwllllmbury 11 Dlntuu mmly redmllnn Agriculmn run all nmducul In Um luwwh la Inam1 dd lmnflm In 014 1r In mm lluir whim Ind vlow nu Ihla lkulllnl thlnn ul wll murkdlw ImonK lht UniHo thM prmlur IIl ln he annlullnhlmnl nl mar kfllnu nanny which would hu Ir up unan mo 0mm Imductl Mllkhlnl Ad in ordcr be per mm orglye whm pm durnu mull MW mummy vnhv In lnwr lllllklllfll mhmle Mr mm 01 llm 0le In lho pmvllvm Slnco 1864 I4 PagesTwo Sections

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