Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 3

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AwardI4 Juddmi Flying OHMx Hunts luudcul cur ucr uwm wry Curly age in Hmulllun and HI lxlzlny years he cummmu um nu uul sldndmu sulm Um Salvulinn Anny hum Am alnnhy rvrnlnl July rm um and his humus 1mm nn mun no in run mum ww tho mumHun Cnnzu mllnll mmunn and cl um um vvrnim Hum um um Collrumh mum CalmH Huml ro Hum member or un mum4 mnuhm In lhu unmmm Immlnnuxn Ammuuu aml su me mmnnl that 1mm nu ucw ILImI md Hm mm Imvu workrd mmmr In mme tuwmlls lhu lnmmvw xmnl un wumnllun ul mum mllvtlivs lhmnuhuul NIAHAHA now 701 In Hu Jnlnl nnxxrgt mu 5mm MHNI Mum mum vnuml1y 12 FLYING OFFICER CLIFFORD IIUNT conducts the ROAF Training Command Band In concert at Rose Gar den chlbruckcn Germany during European tour In au tumn 1953 This band will play at Barrie Arena tomorrow Barrie Girls nBorden Parade To Adyertise JayceguRegafla WWW $50133 31 FbW rWWWWWgTRg HH llnw vultl Falll will lH 4Camp Borden Cullen July 29 The Barrlu Junior Chamber Commerce has nrmngcd for It hlz Parade held ELLmedian wllh ils ninth Annual Regatta which xakoplacu Aug 1954 to visit Camp Bordon on the evenlng at Thursday 29 July 54 approx imaluly 1930 hours In pamlln wm weml in LIwrry way Ummuh the PM shurlly nun wan hnurs 50 prg mm mulhrrs llnu sidnu walks mmm 1m ynunusxm and Hm Imm luninr Chmulwr ummrnu In llx lanul Tlu Murm nwr INlllmkol lmul prlum xmhvxnclmhz Inwlulmu UK unvvnnmul mulnlnm 1m mllnnlm 1mm um mm dlmv nwny wllh mlluu bunks nmuy um um war nlml lfillmm 1M lllhfllll lnlmy dc Amman In 191 Illan would mm slncu hm umwn rmhmml Wm Imnumlu pn um mm hrhllrll ynur rwnlnLn Big Parade Visits PMQs Imwlmll Mun Hrmlll mu 1A munmhj Church Ntws Thch will he no church scrvhn In SI Paula Angllran Church on he first two Sunday In AuguiL 2550 pm Aug 15 Ihc rvgulnr church survlm will be hold Battle 21mm Church Saxvi Join the circuit Church ucrvlcu nl Springwnlcr Park on Sunday Aug at 11 oclock Trip To Quebec mm Rulh 5th and Verna Richardson have rolumed am mmur trip Quebec Communlly gymmuly Sympnmy his community uxlcndcd Ruburl Peacock In um plmlnu mg mm 11 Sun nybruuk Huspllul lumnlu Home Frum llwsplhl Pleased mpml Mrs Elsle Monmm home 1mm Tornnlo hmplm and x5 convalescxng lhe hume of ers DAnjo Baby Iloy Congratulations Io Mr and Mrs Dc Whflcmnn upon the birth of sop 1n nuya Vlctona Mospllal Former Coldwater Resident Owns Performing Horse Mum luldwmrr rrsldvnl and hummth Win How um It An rluy nmv uwm pommm mm lvrImrsr whlcll cnn pumnu nour ly on mm Em mm mmlnm mm mm mm xmlvd Hum lvm lung mm mm rzmxv kinr luluml tum ymr mu mum was mnnmg wild at 1qu Mr Dnhh lnnkr llw WNLh llr cullx MnllyO lu uldlr um wllh great pnllcnrv lunnm hvr many mcks In munwa cmnnmndfl llw hum lznluh Ivar an In mm mm In nnnx 1mm lumk In um uwlwxs nhuullh Mnldl ml qumu lln unmhrJMmI rum my nu llu mm In nn ml mnlnu ml cult evening In the From Concert arranged by the Barrie Col leglnte bands director Allen Fisher featuring Altred Gnllodoro world famous snxophonesololst MIDHURST quarkr lvm and at Illull will HH ighmkuugflgglg Tuesdays storm pm me Hydra in he dlslrlcl or several hours and skunk rec on Ihc mm 01 Ray LnghELLL vmud Grandparent Roger Graham spent week with his lmndparems Mr and Mrs Dyer 1n Barrie Tomntu Vlsllnr Jimmy Green at Tomnln Is vIs lllng hruLhcrlnlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Lewis Murrow anomnwn vmlm Mr and Mrs Fun and Johnny Cookslown vlsilvd Mr nml Mrs Dawning nn Tuesday In lluspllAl Ellvrn Duwnlnu In paIImI In SIck Childrens Howllnl In Tumu where ls rucclvlng lnnl men tar nn nyu Immuon whldl rlsuluIl mm mu Home me Hulldly Mn Brown nIunmI hnmt 1mm lIcr holiday In Florida Cun nhr who may ln lluuull return hme wmI hon my In rmmu Mm Hmluvm umI Immll mm Thursday In Tonmln 0n Ilnllday nt Iludnus Sllllll lmHIlnyl wllh Ml uncl IIIIII 1mm Mr nlul Mn minus Tumulu llfcrm Vlillnn Hilly KIWIu mm 1va any viminx In mummy Arm Cnl Badly Murmy Andersfln cut hls arm badly on Frlday whHL mung lul gage 00k lhree Slilclle to close lhc cuL um Lake Camp Bobby LougmLd Is mmplnz wllh frinnds Bass Lake Return nine Mr and Mrs Denney and children have rclurmd home after spending he past week on hol ldny 1n the Norm Bay and Mus koxga district Mr fimi Mu McCunnxc of To nmm Lylnl rw any wilh Mr nml Mu ermn lnal wrrk Ilydm Cut HOLLY Vlslung Slller Mrs Lily Jenncl 0K Tharnlon V1an wnh her slslnr Mts Henderson In anonlo Mr and Mrs Swimr Sunday In Toronto Thfv nccampnnkd by Sally 11ml burn who are wenum In In lhc clly flu gucsl John Ireland per In hm hunurl Gutst were Mr and MryEd Denvey Mr nnd Mrs Vernn Prlnr and Mr and Mrs Hurry Evcrsan or Tommn Mrs Lily Janna of Thornlun MrlEdnn Edgar Mrsl Clara Rud dlck and Mrs Florence DcnnLy Mrs Ban dick and Baxter Blrfllrlay supper Mrs Henderson was pioas and mrprised Inst week when mauve arranged birthday sup Vhfllnx Er NINE Mrs John Guwnn 0f Craomnrc Isvlsmnfl her nlmc Mu llrncsl SwIlzcr Wetland In Clly Mr and Mrs llondlrmn nnd flomld wenl he Wcukcml In Trumntm Marla nccomuanlnd her mum and will spend he wevk with rclntlvcs nmuy litunion Mr and Mrs Elmcr smuz non aid and Allnn spun me woukvnd In Gnu nml Ilnscvllln and aim landed lnmlly rnunlun nl Um hum of Mr and Mrs lhxssull Smut near Kllchemr Here On flumhy melnrd Elli and Hugh Eula or Burrlu 51mm Sunday wllh Mr nnd Mn ldvr Swllflr um vuh rmnt mm Juuln Huyux 1w ur mm mm Mnmlny and Turn lny wllh hvr punnu Mr mu Mm hmw Ixuym 0n llalldny um Jam mm lluwvlllr un lmlhlny Hm Mama at Mr gnu MM mum mum Early autumn sOWlflg has many advantages over spring sowing Practically all lawn grnsse make their best growth durlng the cool mulst weather of the autumn There ls no compctlllnn from weed seeds whlch will not germ lnala nt thls time of year and by the allowing summer this gum is well established Waur should be npplleddn the form very ugm spray and should be kept moist unlll the seed germinate In about two weeks The quanmy of seed may vary somewhat but usually abnul two pounds per one thnusand square Ice ls sufficient Young nus shnuld not be cut until 11 has reached helth ma inches Set your mower at one and onehalf Inches Too close mowing will injure Young Eras blades II advisable that every home owner work nut program 01 lawn malnlenance The mnlnrfly at lawn in this country sufle mm neglect Many people Im agine that when they prepare the soil thornuxhlyy xcl lhz grass gmwlnz II will mm then an look alter Ilsel This mlslnken Idea for zrnss like everything else requires load and cure Hummer and Hip lnlny Cllllrn of Toronln lI momllnx ler Inlmmrr hhlhlnyl he Iluxm Mr and Mrll Ern rs Swlmr mm VIIlou llvrrn vhllnu nl IF lunmu Mr IIHI Mn wrw Mr find Mu lluy lanlmm Ind HI nn ohlwnrr ML and Mn WHIan lawman Tumult Dul lnn rum and lluum Ind 10 In Eluwnlr Ind wnum Mu Mum my Vlulk EnII Muner Donn Mexy nhmml to MIJWINJI Caldvulu mu lflllnl NI cow Namn ma The une polnt on which allnuth nrltles seem to agree is that the mastheslrable tlm for sowing lawn 1111519 in late August or early Suptember It is surprtslng how many peopie will try to es tahllsh lawn In the spring and in man cases they gruw no prep of weeds ln sawing the chief aim is an even distribution or the seed nver the area Sowan shnuld always be done on calm day Divide the seed in hall and saw in twn gillunions covering the urea twice lt xhnuld he raked very lightly covering the seed nu man than one eighth of an inch and than the urea should he lightly rolled MITCHELL SQUARE ll lluhy mu Cnnflnlulnllnnu lu Mr Ind Mrl Don McAerr ml Il lnlvll Imhy III In llw IHnrru fillin bum Wlul rllHn mm 11 Wunwlll mum will mm Thumby Am pm at um 1mm Mn my vlnflnl humother Min Marilyn Hull Ipcnl work mqu llu umlmollm Mu nllhlvlllfl EsIablishmenl And Care OI lawns good IAwn cur1 dcleriqme In By JOHNSON The Barrie Horticultural Socier BURNS GARDEN NOTES men nar wetk Mrs very aw yew The lerllllly he 5011 becomes so low that it will no maintain the batter type lawn grasses and inferior grass bmomes more dominant as well weeds All lawn should be crllllzed ln he sprlnl and autumn There uni varlous good lawn lerllllzers an the market today Mllorznnlle probably the Ibest nrgnnlc lawn iterullun ll is very easy 10 apply wfll no harden kept nver wlnb er and glvcs lhe grass very dark green color Under normal condllions grass clippings may he lcn Dn he Inwn thus helpinl mnimaln he hum us however because at long period at wet weather or some nlhcr unavuldnble cause he grass will be long and rank and clippings wm mm tendency to Iorm mat on he surlncc and WIN have an lnlurIoug filed an the growth the grass In such cases is beucr to remove mom in mowlnx your lawn do not give it xhavc Remember the ioodot the eras is also taken through th leaves and therefore the more lent the more iood and deeper root system Also do not mow too early in the spring or this wouid not nliow the new routs onfnrm The mower should he set at about one inch up to the first of June This forces the grass to spread Alter June lxl raise your mower to one and hall to two inches This wiil dis courage any weeds and also helps to retain moisture during the hot Gmuel of kinds med great deal 01 wnter as Buy an zcnnmlly shallow tooled Lawns should have regular walerinl lhmuzhoul the hot summer mnnthsl It is has to zlve Ihor ough soaking rather than Just sprinklan or sprinkling ls more injurlous khan benenclall sprlnkler ls good lnvnslmEm as It nnl only llvcs and soaklng but nllowx the water In enlnr lhv scllmor slowly The renovnllnn of old lawns proscnu in serious problem It becomes shabby and filled wilh lnfcrlnr grasses one must dccldu whether la best In nutmm to Wands Ihunld never be pre blem under good prouram at lurl managnmcnl Vlgamus rap ldly growing grus 15 capable of crowding out most weeds huwcver weeds should becomc lmublcsumu here are plcnly of good weed killers on the market Du nul use wLcd killer on yaunl yam loss than year old Con trary in what he manulaclurcrl say chemical will Injurc and sometime klll young grass affinunwr 311 AEQQIQMMQISATMAWION aunmmnn GARTSHORES LAWN WHHD Kimmy REHIIIM Tm 85c Io cm ma POWER MOWER 6895 Used Power Mower 6500 me LDWN GDDDEN NEEDS LDW PRICED END0 WEED II CUT Iltflllmn MIN KINE lflWN SPRINKLER PRESSURE SPBHYEH IKEOULMK 795 REGULAR 595 The llcwrfl nu lllnr 1W vulm Huntl Type Sprayer COMFY WEEDEH Nuw nu unplug uvrr filnlnn l5 vnlur GMSS CLIPPEHS Pmning Shouts Long Handle GRASS SHEHHS 235 llu mmkll Heu Bin 137 WMNEB my 1va so 1954 Much lllly be done by lull in iopvdreulnl nnd rexeedinl and it in uluaily the moneconom ital unless the are is in excep tionally had condition flood fertilizer should be applied and his bare opal loosened with rake for seed will never germin ate in hard 5011 good 109 dresinz of gardeniaam and hum us should he uppiicdand atlrr lhasced is sown thulsnll should be iiimed Mowing the young grass hould be carefully Matched until One like 151 bothersome known as hrownpatch and mute yrevnient on Don grassns It flourlshe during periods 01 hot humid weathcn The hurt nUecled turns dark green in color and gradually turns Hth brawn hav lng the appearance 01 dead grass The patches are somewhat finn lnr in shape and my 1n sue Improve the emu nod 71 ther but to Park or the are and mnke Huh lewwnrdx wmfbe said here nhnutcrnb grass one of me most trouylcsnme weeds ml 015 lawn The seeds 01 mg véeed will only germinate In light lyour Eras ll thick and not mawed too short the seedx remain dblmam Is comralled Just as slmpy as that It is only an annuafl and die with the am rust There are chum Ians which do coulrhl but must be used slriétly ta dlrccllnns Dissolve three nuncm Car rosive subllmnle 50 22110115 becqmgg esxabnshad NHL 650 475 nulchramy Iléusihnlémnu uébrmdcm fihdnys and Thurs mm mm cxnu ue QuAeng hotel Phone 2093 101 Iunlnp GARDEN HUIIS Theres noIhIn qduu mmylng mfh howl mm mm pastry Ind we kpaw lhe whnle ImdIy wm enjny mum done he Dutch Pnnlry my ThrownIlla vWatlnn mnnuus we have mum um lnr picnlcannllcsmu mum weak ends Am nur Duich Choralsleslnraldul Speélal Occasions DELIVERYSERVICE ORDERS IN BY DELtVEgEn Tm SAME DAY The lodslotlhe Town flreslonc DUTCH swims CUP cmzs cups nuns 011mm nous mm mm 110m MADE MEAD qopxms ms More and more 15mph are mnkang Dutchylnntry thelr centre arllnme Baked Spenhltfis Shunuly muncud mum 05c vnluu 45c m1 L75 no 3598 MI RN IM REGULAR Ll REGULAR 215 WEEDEIIS FLY SPHHYER whe plow mm CUT IIIADI TYIN sw SM mm and applied wnh liadnkl Antwan and ConlmL The lnwn should be watered ntlcr he fungicide ha been applied ll theuxlmffle mm are al lowed your lawn can be he pride ygur home MUG MANUFACTURING One out or our wbrking Cunn dlnns cmploynd manufactur Ing mu same propurtlnn as In the Unflcd Skates MEle GARDEN SPAIJES Plrls Green htcoma snare anll army warm allll seflougimemce In sum Ill mm Coop fins large shlv ment at Paris Gr 1mm thy West and jcnn supply Farmer andjdlealers n¢reglll1af mxgie prlc ean mix quantity PARIS GREEN any quantity PHéNE 2429 Firestone STORE PHONE JIM HRH 1n 91

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