Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 11

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Idmunce begins with pm Tuny unnderfnl new Midniglll Irenl 11 In mu msxance one the must unusual per lqnagc to come under this calc gory in lhe worldnone nlhur han Her Majesty Queen Eliznbém 11 Tu quotation is 1mm letter writ kn to her parcms Mr and Mrs flurry Munc 93 Owen Street The girl was ohvlnuly tying carry on convursaunn and give only cupped answers to lung nsgnns peraung fllE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 10 195 Phone 2823 mrny mymimu nllxic And 11 mllrlm mum qui pm am pun ma uhule min wanduful mlmfliu ymfi unanimmmd Try me my Midnfll 111mm any mm mu Mum blame palm and um muIN um ALLHNMLE DRUGS Secondary bclmnl imduutlun Dlplumu xmd Murine llnsllllul this mum he 17 yum or xuw und hnvc qualified or the the Schoul Nursan the Colllngwoud General nAROUND TOWN OPEN MONDAY HOLIDAY HOURS Are You Interested Apply to he Supcrmlcndcut Thuru un 50 vuuunclvs 1n the class lu unlcr LIMITED Midnim not rim wolululul mmmicden your tune lime when by TUSSY In Nursing mm One nlthcsc unnucmm walked up and dnwn our lane and chose people randomwe lhlnk Ihn brlnhl can wore must have him in the bye when he name up to me nnd asked me whne was from my knees turned to walcr About flllccn mlmflcs lul he b1an 1lnycd lhe nnllnnnl The back the mince ilscll and he grounds are beautiful nlgm behind the crowd and um marquees was an nrllflclnl inkv W0 uni lhcru early hoplnl in Iblu in slnml when we could watch lllc Royal Family came Hill at the palace and any prescnlnliom vlllch look ildcei Thus when Gcnllcmcu ol the Royal Household attired in morning coats and my toppers rnllcd umbrellas boul onnlerc and every one with pcrfnclly pruned moustache sep aralcd Ihe crowd lo make clear lunm down which Lhc Royalty could walk madc sure was in Khmvlmnl row and Joan stood rlnhl bllllnd me We werent much exclled when we left the house dressed exactly as we wen for ma Lambelh Pal ace parly the prevlous week wher the Queen Molhcr lsxued Anvlu hons L7 vlslllng Canadlnn girl excel lhal were Joans new red shorlle coal Joan is the trlnnd with whom Beth travelled to Eng landl The day was fine but chilly we wcnl tn Vlctnrln Slntlnnby bus and walked mm were up Eucklngham Palacé Rnad we hnd had any Idea that handshake wll Her Majesty was ahead at us we certainly wouldnt have risked dlrlylng our white gluvcs on the ald bus noon together The walk ihm Hucklngham Paiaco itself in gei mm the courtyard to the gardens behind was super We willde thro thrne moms hcauliiully carpeted and IurnLihcd and mw Um beau uiul staircase The walls an palnlud cream and lhe ceilings and are irimmcd with gorgeous guld cat palm designs The llrsl lhrlll came when we reached he mnln entrance gates at lhn Palace and found crowds 01 people lined up all nmund the mml just to walch us guest en ter We struck up nunvcrsallon wllh two Cnnadlan glrls as we rosscd the humour and the our ink 01 Nova Scotla belore ulna to Toronto and lromthere England lasl summer is rclurnlnn hume ln he mlddlp n1 Seplambcll with mumnrlu swing almostl the enllm Rnyal Famlly at very close range and of actually chat llnz wllh tn young Queem Just last Thursday July flnd l3th experienced the supremo mnmcnl Mr years slay ln Eng land at the Bucklngnhm Palace Garden Party when she pre sented lo the Queen and allied her or alarm five minutes The farmer Earxle glrl who was an gm stall at the local branch or Ihc by Miss Beth Milne now residing at 124 Balmave Randflandon SW England September Applicants Qum number at Annndalu mmcnu were Intmslcd 1n Eul dun wrddlnu anniversary celebra llnn On Tuesday Jun 29 In For WIIHnm when Mr Ind er George Glnd MUN mnrkcd Ihc 50year mllrslone In lhulr mur rlagc The calcbrallun look place Ill Um hmnu of hmIr nephew Clnr once Welllnulan 211 Elm Amelia Mm Henry noun of Kurds wxn ono of the finals SI hm ruched Furl Wlllfinm un June 21 also vlslllnu cumlu In Former Allandale Residents Mark 50th Anniversary Flnally she ended the convclsa on by saying am so pleased to have met ynu and hat slalo mcnl Iwns skruck dumb absdl ulcly Fur the Queen of England she was Pleased mock us was loo much or heard smnll voice 1mm beside me any Thnnk you Maam Joan came to lhc ruscuc very cnrroetlyl Then we sank hack Into he crowd and the pcupl around us laughed at In 1qu slam at cnchantmcn nu mo man Iw nr lhlrky ulrl have met lhc Qumn The press rcpnrlcd allcryud that cluhl lhousand were lhcroso yuu scr Just how Iucky we wore we had been down through the WES Country and thrnugh much of Scotland The Queen sald Oh we all love scouand said that was so lntercslcd to see beauti lul Dccsldc when Balmuml Casu Is and she rcpllcd You were amund there Were you She asked us when we were mm how long we had been here and II we wnuld be lelurnlng meme soon said we were work ng In London and feel like resid ms rather than visitors The girl was obviously lrylng to carry on conversauon and to give only nllp pcd answers to her question was cnnpemting much She Isked we had managed to see much of the country since we arrived mind on ye aqd told her The mu man returned anti ald talusCamc Ihll way plum and led us uut lnlo the mlddle the lane Sure enough Her Majesty and the Lord Chamber Ialn headed Xor our Inns and WP were the second group In be pre sented Ill never forget the thrill as she turned away rom lhe flrsl couple and looked at us and walked toward us We hadnt even pmctlscd curlseylng The first llltlo mnn lnroduccd us to the Lord Chamberlnln He shook cur hands and prescnled ta thc Queen go weak stlll when think about ll Im sun she has never seen xtlller clumsler curlscysl anthem and the Queen and the Duke came out of he palace lhey looked supch We knew we were ln be pxesemed In snmnufie but didnt dare hope would be the Queen Mu In when Avanuutynncd Church 230 oclock tomorrow inclmom Mn Cameron Stewart Mn Dunnld Bites Ind mm Joyce Baker were bonuses ml cclIInLom Lhowcr In honor 01 ML Joan McDonauzh bridesleet Saturday July Mr Slew artl home on Sunlard street like are the wedding group of about 22 Mend nth eredvtn present the bridewith an assortment of henumul gnu mout ly of matching wrought iron Ic swams 1m her lulure home Mu McDonough mairlage In mother of the brldctobc Mrs Thomas McDanough Miss Mchnnughs mama Wnl 039mm lantglqk place BrideElecf ls Entgrtained Before Wedding Ncw lmrlllnn Ilunlup HI lhanu 1BR nnpllr Remodnlllnl Blotn Ind Clunln HellnInl Bmlll palt whlla In IL ManUIIN mun LOCAL runnlu Thu furl Vllllnm Dally Time Jnurnnl gave the lnllowmu nccuunl the nnnlvvrsnry Gold nnd pur plc lrls nnd ulx mmd lnpcrx ln allvnr scuncus ulomcd the lace covvnd lull able fur 1lll unlllcll wcddlng ru pllon of Mr Iml Mrs Mllrs on June 19 llm nmnu 17 their nephcw Clarnncl Wulllnulnn nml Mrs Wklllnulon lllld more Hum 130 gutst callml durlng lhc day In cunumlulnln lhv wuplc luv Lev lurmcr inxlnr wn DHHIII and puke llls lung Ilclulnlnlallm wllh Ihvm lluwlivr warllllm mku was Lrvcd mm In late Im Lrl Ahlu lnbll ammo and Mn Ivor Wuu mum hmlrmu Smnnrll Mm mm Taylor MmuJ Murray Hun Mm Wade mm mm nrynm mum 1m Mm McLuuuhllxI Mm mm Mn IL cmm Mrs mm nml mum MN McLuuuhllxI Mm hvum Mn IL JCIhl Mu IL mtm nml mum nu plunhlud mu mum and MLu Dnllun nmh Mu Guy llrnlu Mn warm Mm Nrknrll My sinrluu mm Inmm Vurh Mlu Junu Zrllmki null Mu mm Drnn urnml MIL IL llnunrdh llnvvln whu mu mum Um wudvllnx no yrm nun wan nn onl ullnwu vlllhrr ur UIF mum hl Mllu hull nlmlhlr lialrr Mrl Allhnr erllnnhrn 1Mnry dlrll Imur limo qu nl Furl Wllllmu ML MllLs wns withme Grand Trunk nnuwny hm lmlun my moved west where he translurred la mum dlstrlcl and in nnw retired conduclur ol thu Canadlnn Nannnnl nnuwny He and Mn Mlle vbllcd Honda and mmvcn here last summur In Ccnlennlll chr Thclr home now 1503 Ford 51 in Furl wllllnm Church qulc wedding took place on Saturday July 24 1954 lhrw uclcck In the nllcmonn St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Barrie when Mrs Bessie Elllull was mum in marnaue toMylcs E1 Bishop of Chlpman New Drum Edmonton She was aunt at the wedding hnld on June 29 1904 in Allundnle he home Mrs Miles the lbrnlvr Edflh Rosella Trlckcr whose parcnls were the late Mr nnd Mrs Robert Trlckcr or 13 Minus The late Rev John Bedlard Buran Avenue United Church OuiCIMCd Mr Tucker was tar many years caxuklkcr the first Allamllo pub lic school on Burton Avenue and Bishop Elliqtt Nupfials Are Held At St Andrews ME AND MRS ALDEN EARLE ROBINSON whose wed llng took place ln Grace Angllcan Churchmemfold The orlde is the former Dorothy Elleen Hlll daughter Mr and Mrs Gilbert Hlll RR Mlddleport and the groom is the on at Mr und Mrs Roblnson cl Woodsmk formerly Barrle After weddlng mp to Clevelands House Muskoka they wlll be makmg thelr home ln Hamllton 4mm scum FURNACE CLEANING Jlllli Ownrr WENT HKIlVIKlf 5291 OIL BURNER SERVICE Dun luwnrdVlmum uunun Avuhue finned WEEDHDMNGB Dial lecn In mnrrlngc by her lather 1hr bmu was wcmlnu uuwn 1n lmllltlnnnl Wllllc nylon mur qulxclle nnvly lurker and rmbmld Had The hfldlcc was ulvnn an cmulre 0ch with doc ucklnz Imm lhc wum nnrlnn Inlo mu full sklrl nnlllnl 1n Lkcp band Grnco Anglican Church at 11mm nrd was lhc Selling for wed dlng wide Interest on Snlurdny June mm ID twnlhlrly uclock In the Mlcrnnon when ML Dumlhy Ellccn Hill duughlcr of Mr and Mrs Gllbcrl Ill LII rm Mlddlcpuxl WM mnrrlcd In llaldun Earle Robinson son of Mr and Min RohlnSfln of 3H Slmcoc Slrcnt Woodstock lnrrnA erly n1 name The marriage cer emony was performed by Rev Applcyord Geixruurox played the wedding um and accommnlnd the suit 15 M15 Ruth lnslen In the Her allundanl Mrsf Marcel Dan in of annnlo mauve nylon wIlh whlle times uries and was wearing Corsage of red rnscs Marcel Bonln was groomsmnn Following Ihe cbrcmnny mi caption was held at the brldcl home was drmsed In The bridcflwa mini blue nylon with while accessurlcs and was wearing mrsagc red Mr and Mm Bishop will ruldr In Bnrrlc wick Rev James Ferguson perJ formcd the mamas Miss Dorothy Hill Becomes Bride Of Halden Robinson MONllmALLnla face it Summer is the time when he ungi of Athletes Foot can cnuw nll kinda of lmulvluhnwuvcr cnrdul one rims tn be But Umnk gmxlnms hcma limo pruvcn mncdy fur he nymplnum ABSOIHHNI Jll Whm new dnily it kills all the Mhltlcn luot fungi it run renrhwcmla and nunlhca lho MLnull pmxnuhs hmlinu the kill Almurhine Jr only 8125 or lungInning Imllluh should ho it mmn tu me in he mtdicinn 1er every hmnc where hrm nro lively numlmut yuunu pcnplu ur mm and wumtn wlm tmvcl Rmnvxnlrcr this lino Irwluvt hum been mud and nppmvcd by thousands upon lhouunndal tom In sum ynu unnl Laundry Hlln in yuur mm It uu hum Inn1y flumrrq Ill IlmL your whlln null Inn vr Inw Imun um run may Ilm nunm Yuu knnw llwln unly our ml Lrulmlr Hm II Iulniml rnmwmlilvn va Illphlnlrrl nnmmu rlm Imunvhy 1qu mm hllwn Qm Illrvull lulu mil nlniu HUI Lmlmlly mm mm uur my yrnlIv ululn Ivy Lnuuvlvy Illu hx yum nnmrnml urn Hm mm Lnumhy 11qu will In lhln hm mun Ur In mlhowhilo um hm Inv mev nah un 41 11 mm lo uur mm mud run youll nmr damn unlnY hm hm Iunvlulul nan tar ynul ILI MnIhumIM mw Manama In lmlwnl in lIIHJA um llulovl Phenylium mm dmm um yum um um hips Will ml hum umlnnmlh Hm flul mllp nu lmdluUun In ruml null ralluM In on Mvtnly In um lulu lhmylmm mnl mi 117 um Iml I011 11 mm nmly um ulhrr Inilnl media lo why 11th um lmlhumml WI £391 mm yum Am Im mu you um um lhelullum um your My m1 inruum will m5 311m uh up nu IIIH mm IIIU ubo down guests ll the wcd dan were tom Wlndsnr Danlu Tornnlo Klchcncn cellular New York and Hamilton The matron honor was In pale green with cnmrnstlng plnk Insets in her gown and was carry Sng bouquet of yulluw 1506 and Min Robinson was In pale pink with tantrum blur lnsels and Miss Whllakur was In pale blue wflh canunsung pink Insets In her gown Thun flowers were pink roses nanald Stewart of Bank wnx gmmhsmnn and the usher were Leighton Clmk Barrie and Russ mu Chigago finch rcncpflon followed 110th Kathy where the mo bride tecclvcd nylon lace wearing whit cries and COISDEG of Thu xmoms molhu whn ccxvcd wax In me lace wcarlng garden con plnk rgsw Leaving on wedding rip lo Cleveland Home Musknknp the bride Wna wearing 11 black and while drum oi silk shnniung wiih black duster and whiic accou oritu On ihch return Mr and Mrs Robinson nrc mnkinu their home in limnllmflY at 751 King Slrcci WCJL Her attendants were her sister MRL Helen Sobchlk St Cath arina as matron honor Miss Pauline Robinson 01 Barrie sister the groom and ML Dianne Whitaker Toronto as bridesv maids Their guwm were baller ina length and were 01 net over taiieta the Itraplcss hodiea flnnly tucked with contrasting color un derneath and hnulfanl kins wnrn bVflr crlnnuncs Pleated Mt in the same contrasting shade was true in the skirt and they wore pleated sluics to match their gowns and matching titaddresses oi embroidery above lull lemma he mnrquiseiic its luiinuis nc centuaied by crinniine The low round neckline was edged wiih simple band 01 marquiscue as were he short sleeves hnnnet cuvered wiih laeey leaf pailem in scqulns held her fingertip veil and she was wearing long While mittens and carrying while nrehid and aiephanoils ending in streamers In rahad Cumin Up That In Imlilhy muln um hymn am mm mth run nun yum tlrnn lhu Iun myrrhMY at Hm commaall vlrniuI mm nlw In kl ILA Hll ALll muwmu ll you mm In vlrufl your lunlly Youll ml 1IIflr1rnrq Iilh Mlmlu thl ulh lrlrwln lllh try at Ml will muLflIhchr 9n III mn lillfn In my fly lhlanl per act Na mm In mmy Inmrn wouldnt dmun mu Mp Anything bul Mimh ouva Mm mul lLgnurl nomuin balm ml GroundAug 11 00 pm In Mn Bulbccka home Com vener will be Mrs On cm Education Men Women lld at 4050 60 Want Pep ndluuudwhll nu an with cum lam body 014 um run 1mm lav In um Inuvuiurlmy lwd only so Fs n51 mum filing an we II ml min Bad Aug 11 no Im Al ha ommunllx Hall Moonxlnne Ind Vasqy Institute will he guests Ind film on Health will be shown méncxerAhg nuo pm Insless Mrs Ivcns Convener Historical Research Mrs Fax wuidale Aug 31 apm Hostess Mrs meley pm grim on Historical Research Mrs COLDWATER Aulufl meet lnzs scheduled by Nurth Simcoe maria Womens Immuch are as follow subject change CantonAug 112 pm Huxl eu MIL Cooke convuner MIL GNMcKay There will be read ing and demonunllon Annopncé North Simcoe Institute August Meetings mm um £1 Iunim gnuulL Mimn wr HobartCurleyAug 112 Womens Institutes nan Ior nun Vyiénfit pick up enmmkuwnyumlhe in ltlmlmod gomomwn sauna nut the mother nl in pain blue white accom ol rod mm who aBch lace and was Corsage with the mum will be Hidden Coldwlu Junr mu belL Cc mummy Thc momth mccung nl Cains Comer ancn Insulule was held at the home Mrs Harry Pressm with the prmMcm Mrs Stephenson In the chair munumumgnm be an Iddrcu mg 1an Mn lane at Colourm hfmvcellhwnAup 10130 PH Emm NEQWYES 51 MoonstoneAug lMo pm Home Mu Minn Assistant Mrs Charles Rnwson who will glve paper on Health North RiverAug Han pm Hostess Mn Ted Archer In charge at program an Hhtnrical Research will he Mrs Oliver Tay lur and Mrs Luverlrig VaseyAuz 48 pm Haslus Miss Elcnnnr Edwards Mrs Mc Guire will speak on Honey WarmlnslcnAug 132 pm Program by Mrs Alphonse Walsh and Mn Cnrnel Ruby The mcutlnz opnncd wIlh the Insmulc Ode allowed by the belL Convener will be Mn RM CImpbell Ind M11 Jame Bell LI being Invited gum Grind mutherl will be entemlnzd Ind lhtre wlu be prlmL Meldld Aux ll L10 pm Hones Mm Fred Brown An nther bmth wlll be lnvltcd and maker will be provlded There wlll bea demonstration 01 mm clul ralplnllan Dlreclor or thl mceunl wlll be Mn Frank Rumn nay Waubaushene Aug 18 21 pm Instllute Hall There will by bake sale and strawberry tea with Mrs Bell and mum bet in charm Cains Corners WI TakesBus Trip To Peterborough For The Summer Bride Chwsc the reflect weddlné gm Kenwond Blanket lrnm Wulktrs complete sclccllun colors In all qunlltlus complela Itlecllon nl cnlan In qunlfllu IIAMCREST 1mman so 34 50 12 34 muons omu INT 72 FL 12 Little Ann will My lnwlfuln dnnl Kw ply mind whoop am more Ilmlliu nm out of tom Flam thhmmm dun any other wmnl But don Imp hoeM Kol Lll Com Flnkm nu naturally um mat 1mm poop Alwyn hgvoaflllll do No wand no my woman pick up warn packuu of Kallflan Ownhum Haulhey buy an 09ml of any nd NI ml good lonwmwnwmln murnnco Yqure tob lateDaddy 5m VlCEllOY 72 Where UK to hlva picnic Ind vlu answered by 21 memben Ind neverl vhflnn Min ulu were read and approved tull owed by human discussion It wudedded In like bu Irlp to Peterhmouh on Wednndly July 28 Current events were revlewcd by Mrs Knhley The club girls under the sponsorship Mrs Kane presented three sklls abnu hair club year work and two lhu members sang Whispering nope Thu meeting closed with God SaveThe Quccn allowed by dnlnly lunch served by the host Bylkull The meetlnl was then turned over to Mrs JCalder home eco nomlu and health convener The mom Health Ll wealth lat nu one he lpendhrm was glvm by Mm Calder Macmlll Tomnlo is spending rhe summer wilh his son and am 111 Mr and Mrs Jamcs MBCNDI Womens hisi azaar and tea at Mm DArcy TromblLys on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Mama at Oak Park Illinois were visitor with Mr and Mrs 11 Bullish In the wst week very welcome and muchnccd ed rain fell un Tuesday night BELLE EWART 1995 1350 1995

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