Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 1

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an Omcial nppruvnl DI the parade next Friday mmnlng which will it about 250 41ch mm 503 Ci del Army Cadet and Air Cadd un king purl has been rccelvcd 1mm Barrie Town Council and per mission has 150 brLn grnnlcd or spccia rework display to be put an mum lhc pvrnin by personnel from 11x Dopnl The band at the Royal Canadian Air Force Training Command under the direction at Flying 01 tlcer Cltirard Hunt Icqulres very Hale in the way at introduc tion to the people Harris Camp Bordén anddistict The previous visit by this lamnus musical unit at the Royal Canadian Alr Farce helm always proved popular at tractlnnt On Saturday evening July 31 the band will appear as special guests 01 Fisher and the Barrie Collegiatc Band ln concert in cnnjunction with the lost conven tion 01 he Cnnndian Bandlnaslers Assuclatlnn OUTSTANDING RCAF BAND TO PLAY HERE AT CONVENTION OF CANADIAN BANDMASTERS Since their 11M appearance in Barrie the hand has mmd Easi Lrn Canada valmus ccmrcs in the United States and folluwinfl the cnmplclinn uI their scvnmh am nual cngaucmenl Paluru nf lhc Canadian National Exhibltlnn last all they drparlod almost Km mcdmely by mr nn sixwcck mm of thu RCA NATO hghler bases overseas lhmuglmul France Germanyn and England On his European our 11 was fuund that the music of he RCA blind did much min ovcrmmq the bankrs of nallonulilics and languages and so helped osiublish Iriendly rc lauons hclwcvn NATO Canada Arrangements Now Completed For Visit Here Next Friday US Civil Air Patrol Cadets One week from today 25 Amerlean cadets of the Clle All Patrol wlll arrive in Barrle for oneday vlslt as guests cl Barrlo 102 Squadron Royal Cnnadlan Alr Cadets one the numerous engagements which they will tulfll clurlng their exchange vlsiL to Canada Excellcm arrangemqu have bccn mm by me ufliciuls me lam Squndmn lu mtcmin Du Am erlcan cadets and they have receiv ed the support of many nrgani Illon and Individuals in this re llis Worship Muyur Itbur Smith wm be nuompnnlcd by re prescnlnllvcs he Armed Fame and thc Canadian Lonlon when he arrives he Cnnrfluph next Friday morning in conmcunn wllh lhc mnrchpusl UN rlStrvlcc CIAch parade and lhc wrathlaying carn mnny whlch will allow Tm mach undrr mu dlruclion ul Squadrnn Lender Lu Hook mm new Slallun Camp nnrdcn will lorm up lhc Armnury 10 um and will march on Imllauhour er by way of man sum nnd Dun 10 mm In Conqlaph olluwlnu uu suvlcu hm mm mm mm mm 51 Vinccnl rm wmvrc Hwy wlll be dlmllssnd Mm bring nlurlalnnd lunch eon llw Amuricnn cadets wlll trnvnl mum to vim he Mnrlyn Shrlnc nml ulhcr polan Mslurlc nl mun51 hm just hm mn fined um lm Mldlnnd Clmmbrr Dl Cnmmrrfl Vlll Mull In plann mu mm luur the am Mon nhunlnu llnrrh me rndclx will mu Hu mumm Munmy 5x um MhnumL 90th YearNo 88 MM Mk nnnic my will 10 mm by mm In Om nmh lhv cumn qumlmn Loader MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single copy he RCAF and the panple at ur Flying mm Germany to England Clm band continued in but with appearanus at RCA esLuiLsh menu in England In military nos picals and cancells in the grounds hisloric Nottingham Castle he Imc they moved on In 10day stay in 141nan where they enter tained thousands at Mndcnors in scrlus of lunchhour cuncms in Russell Square and on the pictur uque Vigluria Embankment and also made lhrcc appearances or the BBC in London recordings and broadcasts Since their raiurn in Canada iasi October Flying omccr Huni and his musicians have had very busy schuduie In iiir iirsi six mnnih of iiiis year may have Lravellnd uvcr 14000 miics iuiiiiiiug engage mcnls is aniicipaicri that 1952 win he the busiest in me history ui me new Band as ii carries uul iis dullcs nn behalf the Roya Canariam Air Fornn and consianiiy strivcs to promote and improve iiu siaririard band music in Canada The CAP Band appears In Ear rlc wllh the kind permission Air chcflvlarshrnl Kerr CBE AFC Air Officer Commanding Trainlng Command the Royal Can adian Air Force tick Oates officcr commandlng 101 Squadron where barbecue suypcr will be 1914 The cadets will then travel back up In Barrie or the iwwnrks dis play which wlll bc slagcd at the Allandalc Wharf and then will in ID lhc rccmntlon room at he CGE Plum when dance wlll be held The American cadcls arc Wllllam Booker OI Rulh Navad corge annnc cl Sluarl Flu Darl nld Burns of Denver Culnmdn Donald Burr n1 Cunwaylrkan 51 llnnnld chhl Illvcrlon Wy nmlng George Dcrbcrlck 01 San Gabriel Calllornln Pairle Huy ncs South mend Indiana Bobby Holloway of Momphls Tennes sue nobm nmcmnm Greenwood Mlsslsslppl Waype Mcinllnrl Glonnldcn Pennsylv nnln George Mcscrvc Jr ll Mlsslon Kansas William Mll cliell Sprlnzflcld Venue annntc Mlle Bcnd Dream Arthur Marlon J12 Santa Fe New Mcxlca Gconle Nndlnr nl Wnlcrloo lawn Pablo Orlczn Snnlurcc Pucrlu Illco Rlchnrd Penn lr of Dmalur Alabama lorry Aulluslus Irlvcllc Can curd Nam Cnrnllnn Gary nu musscn ldnnn Falls ldnlro Ilcr but Sherwln nl llnldcn cllustlll nuy Slnnlny or West cm swing llllnols Grnnl Tor ll ol luolyln Colorado John Ulmor llnuslon Tcxnx Tlmmu Walsh at Troy an York nml Krnllclh Wllluuuhby of Atlanta Gmmzln Trnvtlllnu will he Amerlrm mm wm be mumCol Gunllm urlls Clvll Alr 1mm Mnjvr Jmph MLCnIlrmxh Unllrtl sun Alr Fume nml mm mm wmuu Auxslnm Alr Cndrl Llnlsnn mmm Mullme Mr Cmmnmul CAP lumulu ma cl Inn Ir mm onan Mun aim ifiarrié Examinvr Nova Scotia Stage inachouilt Newfoundland Antique Rug Entries In Brilliant 1954 Fair stage conch quilt came mm as mr away as Nova Scotia ind there was 11 reg classed as Newloundlnnd antique that had been made from an abstract design depleting cockiight But not all at the 200 or so examples oi quilt and rug making lrts were irom down east or tram any distnnce nwny Most the entries in the sixth nnnual Simcoe County Quilt and Rug Fair this week are trom right around home train all omers oi the county to be exact full books dcalinl with the two traits The iair is upon this evening uniii nine oolockv and tomorrow iitcrnoon at live oclock will close its doors or another mn The crowd that tilled Orllllll Community Centre to see the 1054 Fair oiilciuliy opened by one Canadas most beloved poet uses Edna Jnnues on Wednes day afternoon had it great deal to admire The selling or lhlJ ycnrs exhibit was pertinm the best that has yet been provided or the event sponsored annually by the Simon County Arts and Cratts Assoclntlonand thel entries had grown greatly in artistry and tine workmanship over the six years slnu the lint tair had been held in Midland niirr busy our day of octivi tlm llomlvlthde Qulll in her address on the opening afternoons Mlsanques who in private me is Mrs Jameson quoted very nttlngly mm poem the had written entitled HomeMade Quilt It has otlen Mm printed and the ancient Apun mm lhev work of lhe past cw years flrcnl deal nltrcsl cunlrcd Mound hr coll ccllon of old Indltlonll qullled and woven mrnnd that had been wnvcn often more him In hund red years 110 There were truly qullu quill with wonderfully ulmurr nnmlsllmrls and Liv Rocky Glnn or L05 SHIVand qullls lhlll wm 50 BM HIE hclr Mslcry hm bum urgouum and mind more because at lhclr unllquny Alunu wun Nurse chm num Hnns UK the Inslllrnlhm mm Nmum 1115 falr lhrrc were such 1lech Mnlurm dcslun hrmlh nmvlllmx nu nppmlunny lur vlsflurs ln slcurc rslgm ml mums mm hr min lmulh hnmlllnu IIULIM mule by cnunly rrlllmlrn lrn mum nnll bunk Hunk pnpnrrd hy hr Shurnu nunly anuy mupuuuvc mul THE SECOND CADET from the Royal Canadlnn Sea Cadet Corps Battle to go into the Royal Canadian Navy wlthln two months Able Cadet Carl Schultz the son or an army officer at Camp Borden was presented wlth late well gm from the corps when lt paradcd last hlghtl In early June Petty Ofllccr Garnet Bass entered the HON Sea Cadet Son Of Arniy Officer Joins Royal Canadian Navy BARRIE0NTARI0 CANADA FRIDAY JULY 30 L954 The alr is upon this evening unlll nlnc orsluckv nnd omormw nucmoon al nvé nclnck will close lls doors or another mu flllu busy our day of ncuvi In her address an lhc opening afternoon Mlglnqucs who in private In ls Mrs Jameson qunled very muneg mm mum me had wrlllcn cnllllcd llamaMade Quilt II has ollcn Mm primed and the pneluzd told how she had revolved lellcrl mm pll ovcr Ihc cnnllncnl about the versu One woman down in me 5mm said she knew wrulc It Jun ur her um nssum you didnt Mm anuns mung mm mad have null lhnl mnlhcr made When we were kids about no hlahi kind of record nl he yuan Tlln you can sort nuasllrc hy Thls my Ialcll new at me rlgm WM from rims mlnc WM my proud Thr lovcly mnan was nlnr Thr lovcly mnan was nlnr Thln mlrh nlmu flu lmrdrr hrre Wns 1mm tin11 my shlcr wnrr hall Irlll nmund Hm hum A11dpcol nulan 1mm llm Aher xhhiétdmlfwim nnkimrn mi wnII mum mm and mu Am um lunch was Illa Luwn lhnl ufiumlnm luwtl hr hr And an Lhc nhl quill hullll ll well And every ndrd pnlch pm Ike drnr 1mm no that CHHKI Around he flbrc my Illark was sorry Um um Ild not 1me pmm mm nu Making the presentation is Lieut B111 McBride execu Waomcgr Also In the picture 1mm left to right Lleut Bob0unnlngham commanding omcerzsub Llcuc Murray Veltch and Lleul Erwin Schultz Royal Canadian Corps ut Slgnab father of Cadet Schultz mm Jmulrs mm lm mm lulrmum slur had In npcnluz lhc qmu nml Iunz ran nml cxprrsl Turn In pum lwn plum Manday AnnM lnvlnr Clvlu llolldayjy Ill Wnnhln Mayor Huber Bmllh the low bullneu nlabuah mcnu with In excepllon mull nervlce run he returnmu md pullna uh lflu wlll be tlalefl or the No Examiner Edition Monday Civic Holiday Tho nurrla Exnmlner wlu no publhh Mnndzy tdlflon next week but will resume nxulzr dltlum on Walnu dly Todnyl lune Iho am he ynr 112 L1 In Mon to the prlnllnx at Thu Camp Dorian Cllhln The IlCll Bordunln Ind The Holldly 11m wnkly hempper ken ha lummcr mum In the Lake Slmcoo nru which undo lnllhl lpptll Inca lhll you And bu been melvcd with much Ivar It bu unuuullnmbly namuhled lndo with local llrml Ind helped lo crule lnlerul ln Burlo man an loudl Revr canard Warr who tnok over the HawkestoncGuth rte United Church charge on Juiy has missionary background that should prove partleuiarly In teresting tn the members 01 his new congregations Mn Warr was or six years with the Uncvangci ized Field Mission In ihe central slate at Para in Brazil where he worked among tour tribes of in diam New Oro Minister Was Missionary In Brazil Field gradual of Toronto Bible Collcgu the new minister return ed to Canada about 10 years axe and studied gheulozy lhmugh Em mnnuel Cullen oi the Umvusiiy of Toronto was ordained mlnisler oi the Unlled Church thls past June Illu 5E Vln lhrcn Ontnrln cllnmu at Mc Knllnr nl Imlnu ncnr Iuwnssnn nnd nl Ilnllbunon 1m meson charm cunslm our churches llawkrswne Unu rd Church Form Home Umch Church Om Slalhm Unllml iChurclI And Guthrie umud ChumlL lln muted Nev Hugh Shannon la lhv churn Horn In England Mr er mm In Camila In IDQU nnl ro blvird In llnlllllllm MI win Iflflll ery lvrlnn nurmlln hlblr cul er Hr wnl mnrrlrd In ru lurn mm Hrulll llrv nlul Mm WMr hnvr mm chlhlrrn lllul my Huhnlflldx Unvll Junnlhdll wu nml ll HIII nlul Idulfilqlhln Inn HIHHUVI lhn Immlnnxr n1 nubJune may mu lnnny curlM Hun rmlvrnlr Mr Wm yraul In Huulh Amrlrnn lnlvllur mu um vlvldly mum Im wmk Inan humm 11 1mm Tum l0 pnxt Iwu plumD Ulllll tar was anlrul 43le Irrl down mlhuv hack hum lhr Ill rnluMIIun III Illnlnlll lle Wmlnmlly mu whm ulmrk vy lubmuvlnl CNN palunlnr why Tmlumlly 1mm mupunu n1 III ur lml ml whm llw vrhlclo lulled Thu drlvcr wan Anvllrw MKIIIIFHII 10 um Jill wllo May erllnll Tllu mm min mt nn um HutuInn mud whm mm nr Ilnlhd ml um ullwny cm in Munl Illomvlml lu mnvn lha rat by mm Ilnlu Inn 1119 Wllm Um lulu lhlllla lxlrv lmlh he mlvu IIH hll vulnly hlul will up or all N1 ruck Th rlw Tomnlohnuml rnln nw he mllni um and Mnnldlhl lunllu Vlvlnl All Ihe lmnmmlv mum mum Unnblo lo Iluw down In llmn Um mum much rnr Inndud Ind clnhd ll no dun um melt STALLED AUTO CARRIED 450 FEET BY TRAIN IIEV LEONARD WARE vumr emu mum Lwa um lull Innu emulatin SURVEY OF BUYING POWER SHOWS BARRIE HIGH RATING CONTINUED HEAVY SPENDING Special to The Examiner NEW YORK JULY ZSBnrrie profiled to be strong market during the past year standing well up among Canadian com munities in business activities The findings are contained in Snles Managements new copyrighted survey of buyingpower with statistics or 1953 for 311 parts of the Dominion and the United States Continued heavy spending by re sidents at Barrke was bright spa in the local business plcluxe Their purchases In the cityl mall more reached $751100 1n the your well above the 520505000 volume re corded in 152 The local sales volume represent ed gain 01346 percent whlch was more than the 40 percent 15 re corded hr Canada as whale The gain ln the Province Ontario was only 613 percent The strength In consumer spend lng in Barrie stemmed 1mm mm nrnlng pnwcr which made or ea budgets and grum diversity expenditures especlafly In the direction at luxunes The data shows HIE the 3900 local amines had net dlspnsable inwmc alter incl 01 3183310 per amny came In Barrio an arithmetical figure obtained by dividing total income by lulal num her Iamilips wgs $5702 last yeah wuh rcmlfsales Iocmy Lime than Incomes BanI seen to be he hub of large rading aha The rating or market depends on various taclors including the number people the amount they earn and spend and the amnunt they could have spent The result ls set up in buying power in dex Barrio is lalud at 14 which is the percentage the naiinnal business expected to be produced locally Since more than that wax accounted or last year 2269 per pill it follows that the local mar ket ls atirapting business 1mm the surrounding area Canadas continued dcveinpmen proves the ability the pcopli keep Ihclr standard oi living gning upward according to the survey The heallhy cycle at increasing wants and 4h ablllly to expand productivity in sallsly than the answer to 1mm living Barrie Youngster Taken To Hospital After Car Crash Mum wuon the munom son Mr andMrs Borden Wnt nn RR Bank was taken In Slck Chlldrv Huspml Toronto tram Midlnhu an Sundny In an unconscialu condlllon allowing cartruck crash near Allcnwoud School luur mile west at Elm valc The ynung boy WEI lhn maul smoust injured 10 people hurt in the accident whlnh occur red on Saturdly cvenlnx om cllh St Andrew flospllal Mldlnnd said the young Md sull crcd undclermlncd Internal In juries and possible ccncumlon Accordlng pollct the Murrll Hnmlly was In truck xald to hnve bun driven by Leonard Gillespie also he Bnrrlc d1 lrlcl and whlch wm headed usl all can 10 Flea Townshlp The car drlvcn by Jnhlnnacn us was proccodlnx norlh on Inolhtr mad Pollcc anld Gllltsplc failed mp below cmulnk me through mud on whlch um um car was Imvrlllnu The Wnlsun youth wnn salt have been lhruwn from Ihc truck llIKn lhc school ynnl brnv lhrr Allen rccclvtd broken mm mm ponnlblc roncuxslcn cm was nun under observi llml Iur coucmslnn In 5L And rcwa Hmnllnl and III unucnucr lrlvr Drrklnld nhn Tumult uulnlnnl mu knorlnlllry lmv Cons Luu Hmklldflv who Iuvrfllznltd lhn ncchltnl WIUI Iruv Can llllllll Bald he wnJ mm by dnrlnr lhnl Drrk lnld mm not have Imrxnnl war or nu klwr nunm In nll trn wm ruslml hmpllnl Inr lrrulmrnl lulluwlnu llul Irrhlrnl illlupm Iml hrrn charm wllh humvrmll ml tanlug lrlvlnll lrrulmrlll mumc mum mva mle HF OUTfllMl PORK Lou you 1m uphml ymk II he Inmlla mul Cwnllms For Annng lily to mu HF HindQJl tamer D1 azimu ol Ibolulu Drowns Tuesday While Swimming In Crooked lake COLIDWATliflrAlllmulh In lulullkvr Wu HIM III Ivllllrlll rrIurlullnn mum or nully lwun umvrd Imvuulhln In rovlvn Ilyurold Yum Wllllun COIHHI III 10an who nlmwmd ltmuutl Lulu Tutu ahorfly Illfl noon TIdlly rVlll ll hmIIlM In will Ilmn Immdlmly non lnflmtul Ippllnl In IMl Tm hilnlnlov oqulmni wu flown 1mm MIMqu vlrllm In Ian Mr Ill Mn Wllllnn urhlu mymnm Tn unlo vhluu no In Mend non Mum Wl0n VII llllllly DC Iny Mu nmiuypiiun lemmllw Ill unit In um um mvt Inn ullrr If nuan mum Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF EIMCOE Barrie has busy wzekend earning up or the holiday Ful lnwing Is rundown 01 the schad ulod events Frlday uumunn July An nual canventlon of the Cananlnn Bandmastcrs Assnclalion com mence oclock in Barrie District Cullegiatc audllorium Plenty To Do Town Barrie OVer Weekend Friday evenllll July 30 Barrie Kiwanis Club lntormal dance at Barrie Arena pm am fernurlng Marl Kcnney and hi Orchtsha and vocalist Norma Locke Saturday evenlng July Promenade Concert Barrie Arena 815 leatumm Danie Callegiatc Band ECAF lraflning CDmmmd Band and Alfred Galluduroworld tamous saxophnnc and clarinet soloisglrom New York Clly Basébali at Agricuuum Park oclock Mulldly annrnoon August Jaycccs Civic Holiday chafla Kempcnmt Bay of SI Vinccn Park Rotary Club Barrie an nual chicken barbecuev 530 to 730 pm Lawn bowling and gull In own Baseball tournaments Utopia and Alllslun Nuwmarkel Ban1c Lcfilun cxhlblflun ball Queens Park 230 Eundzy noun August Parade of Canadian Bandmasaers led by Barrie Chilcns Band wreath laying ceremony at Cennlaph Since 1864 Three people were aken In Royal Victnrla Hospnal nn Thurs day following headon crash twcen ruck and car lust south of Ivy THREE HURT IN HEAD0N CRASH SOUTH OF IVY Police said he mmV driven by Allan lhurlew 27 of Danie was travelling south on concmlon mad when collldnd with northboundcar driven by Miller 72 of Umpla Th crash occurred on crest MIL Thurlow reculved brnkcn hip and Icvcrcly cut eye pnmn Ker 1n Ml ruck Wfllllnm Tole 27 Darrin lushLined cuts ma hond lane 10 and also Iuflercd mm shock Miller had broken rib and was lulfnrlmz mm VlIL shock Both vehicles were wrecked sprain rlmrlnrcd hm wm lmve Hm lmuiun all Owen sum on Sunday ma am or lhnsc winhlnu to travel to Tommo Inr Ihc wcclnl Drumhcnd Service which wlll 1qu In mnnccllnn mm the upcnlnx Jhl Dmnmluu Convunliun ol lhu munmunn Llalqn To Toronto For Canadian Legion Drumhead Service In an mlvlml mm mm mam In lnnlucl hnmrlllulnly I4 PagesTwo Scififls Well II II ulll Olrlth rlrud Ialllrk lnlnlhl Wymlnl My flnfl IA mm qulllf lhl hInl mm mum warymu uhwa My MAMA III hrule MI hlvNII hum my hHHlIa yrl Almle my IM rulmnn IllVl lynllrvu IF Ihnln mmnlhllml 0M nl mlr lulrllrrlxnl ml at m0 hark InnIfva Um will wm rnlmnn IMlIl llyllnll My mrmln muntlun nmmrnlly pmnnvtrcl by um um he mm hww lmw Iqu nu nut nlumuv limmllmnv lh lnyllnv ll Kill WIIII ler llmun II II WKW 0w uznhl II mlht lm Wlllllm Will hr Klflnflll Walk JIHIIiVYfl Ivy hu Hun dnyn lulmvm mum Hwy unuw uul III In Mil hyllm Iml In ll Unrl KmmvHI um my Hqu guy mll han hm nny lmI Innlluu Hwy wnuhl make up ylln Mm kwmm ml III up Wllllfl he Hull lmlmrd wIUI sulnnwhn lclhar Hlt 1ulnplrl nl lhll lllnn llln In In pl FDIIH hmn lutu Ill Inralhlm Inn=n nl mln lII nlInlll all Hum mvlllfl In IIIUHVI ll lalhlr IIlHLnH In ml any lvlrn nbmll what In wrllr ronnoc The Last Column Vlurvurln blli mo plead Tings ls Sure Quiet Ily TOTH fillHLflll

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