7t Blake Constable Baa In Stride vFennells Gain Revenge on CEE mum Town 11 rlll MHAIUII lhmlklln Tumult Hmdmnl Ulcr umhkn nmlrwd lnronlo Mlhmm Miss Pukln and Kollknflmnd hem Mr and Mrs Maxwell of Dalslcn Mr and Mrs Perkins and Inmily Slroud were Sunday vlsll urn nl Inc home Mr and Mrs Pcrklnl yuman prmpcm the spring grain hnw better man the nvuragc ma samrnclmy crop wm be har vcsm the armors can get rc 1mm lhls drought spell Polatncs this year were planled Inter than usual due to the wet wealhcr that prevallcd at planting lime but they have made gnod growlh since and pmsnncts at lhc moment are that there shnuld be good ylcld provided the mrmlls can not suflldenl ralnlall during Augusl which Is Ihc crmcal month nr molslum fur the 1a1cpumlo umpl 0n the average the crop Ls gnu1 but there IS nulhlng uxtraordlnary Ibou the yield which is abaul 30 lo 35 bushels per acre on mm whcaz the present Ilmc abuul the top price that can be cxpcclcd around $115 bushel The drought which being ex mricncnd the prosan ch ls Iflccllng lho fllllng the uraln and he seeding of clover and ms ca ma crop and paslum mm T0 MUIIDHT MINOR MIMINJ IN ALLMTUN narvcsung oporaï¬ons which started In some parts the county last week are nnw In full Ewing 1p his area according to re port by James Hancock assismnl agricultural reprmcnlalive for Slmcoc Nnrlh mum an un ENTRIER In he mull la floh Dun lhnm ur flun How will 10 Allllflll HNW MIDNIGHT NATIMIIA Jlll II Na mrhnpnlllul mu pllyul nllnwnl rm mm on roum nl Inmmmml Keith Sinclairs homer in the third deadlocked the Issue at 22 and then Fennells gave Constable the front on threerun ï¬lth Eackv toback singles by Sinclair and Constable and walk to Gordon Todd loaded the nasnsThcn Danny Grmiths became the hem DI the tray with lexasIcnguc sinzlv that scored twn runsl play was made at the plate an Sam Netlly ground ll but Todd crept in to make 52 lead CGE kind In rebound In the Inf the scvnnlh Doubles by Elmer mm wa ZO £220 zm CGE held 21 run at Ihc end the ï¬rst Inning SuccessWe singl es by George Storey and Lorne Davis and clutch dnutfle by Al Rutherford brnught across two runs Fennnlls bounced back wlï¬h one of their mm on an error and Single by Earl Gllroy Fennells showed more batting punch against Len Labhne than they did last week when they were lucked 5119 on Wammer Fen nells collected 10 01 IE HEM hander whicthcluded base cmpty homer by Keith Slnclaflr Big Blake Constable wan more llke hlmstu ln pulllnz Fennclls mm slump He amazed ll third slrlkes pas OGE batters nllawed only elghl hlls and walked only one Hls hat was lmtnunemal ho wlth double and two slnzle on our Lrlps to the plale Alllflon Logionnuim Baseball Club The defeat was severe blowr themes of claim lng second place In the Barrie District standings and they might well Inlsh 1n the cellmj tenneua moved back Into contention 1n the south Blmcoe softball standings Monday night when they broke 22 dead lock with three runs in the mth tuning and than hung on to edgepanadlaneeneml Eiectflc 54 at FennelLs BASEBALL TOURNAMENT smom SHANTY BAY Orlllln suspéuam rum play by Onlnrln oclnlhm ALLISTON MONDAYAUGUST2 am mm mm own guy as ma LACIKUHB hut Week 12 MD 10 127 00 IO 6122112 410ml 4101mm COMMENCING Al NOON Admlulon 50c PRIZE MONEY Mlcvlllr Guull Weekend gucsls Mncvlllni he home Mn and Mrs McKnnzle were Mr and Mn Illnwc Mr and Mrs Pophnm is Roberla Ponlon Mm Ellcnul Fowler Mrs IL Garvin nnc Wilma Mlss Nnrrlnc Gnrvln Chartered Trust Co all of Toron Mr and him My MCRumb spent the weekend will Mr and Mrs cm The scheduled Barrie dmrlc senior snubnll game between Mln1 using and Cnnndlan General Elec Irlc at Minesxng Friday night has been puslpcncd The cams agreed whcn CGE couldnt new nine players through plant holidays ANTEN MILLS This Is rurhrdulrd nml llllu wulmi nul Illa romul brlwrm lhe lwn duh In nlnfl Alllul lur Mlflllnd Fcnnclls 11 Dry luv Ihru mzlnlnx nmu ullh Mldllnd Ind one of Ihem II II Alrl rullurll IIrk Tllnndlyevrn In mo pm mwzus Kneesth ss an my naive cl Sinclah Con stable Todd Grmuhs 2b Kirk up r1 Nellly lb CC 100 000 24 Ihrrlu Clnldl Bryn hnvn luurtd lllrmnzlvu ucond flare but lhey Illll tnuld lln VJI ln flrI nlvslllun In II North ï¬lmrua Iluthall ulna lamllnn OGE Labflne Storey lb Davls 2b Thurlaw 3b unutherlord ss lurnbull Hickling ll Minnikin cl Mllonty Cuok cl Conslable Ihrce paced Fen nell while Earl Gin0y Keith Sin clair and Gordon Todd had Lwo nplccc Geoigc Storey wnh pair headed CGE Indians Return Here Thursday Mlnnlklp and Lto lablne Imunl ed fur nne run and GUI0y drugped rthird gulke on Davis to lumv Labine home 1mm third But Cun stablv fanned Bob Thurlow 401 lb smonduralghl time end the threat CALL THE EkAIHNIm FOB HUNTING IDNI lel July July July Themosl of July has been sunny and no rxlruiaely warm and Mlfll very llllll nln but break tame on Timmy when 111m showers started and zunflnued un through he night wllh flue expecullnn seat ered showers later Indly Trmpenlures have been xlkh ly hlgher with up or an rain was badly neded or II den and IBM crops Temperature wera Weather Changes Rain Welcqmed More Expected Poslponement GILFORD 100 101 and Mn Pophnm Mm Elchur Garvin and Gnrvln High Low Geo Pcdllneham Kenny and Elroy Woodward were the slurs or Cralghuul Craddock Law rpncn Murphy and JnhnCoIe who homered In the third with nne aboard tapped Anton Mill CRAIGHURST Gent Pedllng ham Kcnne cl Smllh Rlnu hart Shcflfcld r1 Slnlon 2hV John Dunsmare 3b Don Dunsmorn 55 Woodward lb ANTEN MILLS Jnc McDonald 21 Crnddmk Pantan 3b Mar ley Scott Chrl McDonald Kan r1 Murphy cf Colo lb Cralzhurst m1 311 Anton Mills 00 2001 Alvin Smlth hurled the viclary whflc Russ Craddock took the lass was clése cankes mu Innings when CraIghum muslercd single run in each ï¬le fltlh sixth and seventh lrnmc in Kennys threurun homer In lhe laurlh proved his blnw as Cralzhunt defeated Anlcn Mills 106 last week In Vespm Juniar snflball games Amen Mills lcomvmmn mmnwwk CraighUrst Nip Anfen Mills 106 Bag Im Wood and Mill $3995 Bug Irons Woods Han $4995 HALLH MAIN2 IN ENGLAND sum King $950 dox or $100 an Allundolo $500 10 or 50 on Coopa highly trained technicians are Iuliy qualillcdlu any radio or tclcvlalon so zuaranlecd nlvc vou sallslncl save you money HLLHNDHLE GOLF CLUB 259 INNISFII ST Member Ontnrlo Golf Association BEAUTIFUL COURSE 1N BEAUTIFUL SHAIH Mombunhlp or Pay as You Play Snack Bar Golf Supplies Club 01 Can Rentals SllZCIAI MATCIIHI GOLF SETS RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Mm Inflow Im lmlmclor Clu Mmlver ol Ihe Am ulrm Imlam lullm Auoclulnn and man romnll Ind Gull cllnlu NA Milanl lull ltluh Inumlln mudI BIG BAY POINT ROAD TOURNAMENTS INVITED IIIONI MR FORTH IMlIllll 201 F0 HIECMII A1115 AND ARRANGEMENT JOIN 0IIII FREE CLINICS 0N Mondays Ii Fridays 530 pm Terms If desired PRIVATE LliHHONB IIY APPOINTMENT ENJOY YOUR GOLFING AT LEARN TO PLAY GOLF Barrio Tulovitlon Equm lllONï¬ STNOUD 22m COOP mlclans are fully qualillcdlu service zuaranlecd glvc you aaumcuon and Acton sumac ï¬rst Angllcan Bishop of New Westminster HCy was born in Austral in 1341 Newmnkel who bout the Iimed Gordie erlhl an the mound was um 01 the club Barrie had hurdle for dlslrlfl llllv lhe Inmlmenl Barrie deluled Orlllh 30 on In Counl onehuh and than plunked Newmanh Come 1nd Ken Glenn num hlxedJo rAcord Wuhill BanIn Legion leunevlnden of thlnarlle dlslrlc unior Inflball rally and reclnlly mwnzd chlmplom of Cum dlan Lelon Dlllrld Ewlll nppon Newmarket ml Queens PnkMomhy Illymnun 230 oclnck District Champs Meet Nevymarket Here On Holiday Water MEMBERS OR THE WASAGA BEACH AQUATIC AS SOCIATION spent Bunduy aiternoon at Minets Point on KLmpenieit Bay practising their water skiing display in preparation for the Barrie Juniqrchamber oiCmnmcrce Annqu Regatta which is to take place onï¬ug George man 2429 MI IIAIIIIK Skiers Make Trial Runs In Preparation ForIJayceeis Civic HolidayRégafla +mÂ¥ï¬ Three Lancaster aircraft mm the CAIa Maritime Mr Com mand left their Grunnwoud NS base last week for Resolute In the Far Arctic from where they will fly Ice rccnnnalmanie patrols lhrnuzhnul lhc summer It was an nnuncud by Air Forccflieadquarl ers NORTHERN PATROL The MOOIXES ONE COAT EXTHIUOII WHITE mm mm palnl mu mm on munn mm whun nld pllfll wllllr or mm mlnr mo 41 3135 unl monuwum lIIlMlIll dellly vnrmuulm lo ml Mw mm or old wumguq puma nunm BOYDS PHINII WALLPAPER detachment of Lancasters mo qt $725 xnl MITIHI SUPPLIES nm romnlrle unruly mm nupplln lnrlmllnl hme lune plum lire In nr In your MIIIIIHI mull llrlllrr It lm pllnl bmuhu lunwullllr llrrll Tun vk have II In nlmn II II IlEIlTON HT Namnd Operation Far Cry their light are expected to Favor sixweek to twomunch pcrind The oxlrcmu nonhnrly weather slallnns are ncccmlble by sea or only shun pcflud each year The supply operation mus there undercommand of Squadron Lea der Day DEC Darlmauth NS um 1mm 405 Mnrlllme Squad ron and lhey will provide Ice in formation to Department Trans porn vessels engaged In Inc annual sen rmsupply the Joint Arctic Weather Slatlom l6 It Rogulml Men $1200 18 Rogular Pvlca $l350 20 Regular Pvlco $l450 Our lab is to knéw pain What to use How many fun How apply if Winn plunnlng your nu pain ob drap In and in Iv nvnr wllh ux Worc wro ihu us an sun you many and Illp you no Im ban poulbll duomflng lob whh flu Inn amount of mm Wright wellknown Burrle cltlzen was very generous In making his high powered boat available to the expert skiers for their trial runs Pictured here they are left to right ArtWgIker Mike Steele and John and Valerie Wachne 1n the buck row and mm and Kelly Jowett 1n me foreground Tlll IIOMII 0F VALIJMIIII ANI PAINT Nul to lho Boll lophono Bullnau Olflcn mam CAI DELIVERY rum THELADDER BUY OF THE YEAR Two Piece Pushup Extenslon Ladders MARE lllOM IOU MM2 ll Illl HARDWOOD lllNUH Nn mun whal lypr 11m rrqulru vlrnlmrl nr wurn we hlvn II The llllll tummy um um lulu lull nu Mullen 1qu you wllh pncuql nlvlrn on my um llnIvJI pmmem Conlllll un It will In plruulo Io be of ur vlrr Flour Illy lulrrl In mil II nonMo prleu Al Illll Nul Ind lrnrlum If mm he unnlml hnw mm qnlck Iy flll run In hraulllul drrorlllllg jnh wllh WI NatllL MOORES PORCH DECK PAINT Drlfl In Ilrllllant Ilh do loulll Ind lunl wenrlnr 3210 at $205 ql $715 Ill MOOIHIS WALL SATIN FLOOR FINISHES lore and play task Hans mm In supplies by had been under Inken almost entirely by the US Navy but this year the Canndllr Deparlment of Transport in per forming he major role ln the operaunn Departmental vuscl ln valved Include the Icebreaker Dlbcrvllle and McLean $605 xul Prgylnugly the he canled oumxm despmh Ice reconnaissance alrcnfl an Imporlam part In he warning of heavy ice condi and advising open chun Jul Inklnl In SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE IIIONK mmur 51W Lnnh Ilka vtlvfl Irrubl Illa Humel Thu wry hm In Ivln roam Ind bed rlmln WIII dnvnllan 5m qt $015 Idul or uybaudn Itchem hllhroom wllll Ind MOOIIBS IMPEIWO ENAMEL $275 qt 8M5 In ALKYD SAMFLAT Ill tnmflln Moon Invon lhldfl ml nry und ml Tnmlom your rrlllr lulo huulllul phylum WALLPAPERS MW wldo Iclrcuon at Willow or IM lniullnx Ihl unwell Iï¬yltl and term ta our Imy tad 1171 AN EXAMINER WANT ADJ COLOIlTllHAD In nddluon In their ice recon nnlssnncc duties the news he hrac Lancaster will nbserve Ind repm on musk oxen llflhlcd dur lnx their flighu THOUGHT LAGfllNl Accidents will happen butnar mal precautions and commun sense can cut them down We have increased he pace but In too many use the thinking has re ndned lnlhe hgrse undbuu IKE and he suppIy vessel Howe along the wlll be plenty who wlll want In skam p19 huckcy or just watch The rink and commun ll yccnlre could be bull ll chm wlll to do lL Where is the wlll Lachue QueJ Watchman Emma and it Is humnnly lm pnulble opernle 1h Flycrs hag wyhgul afpopsorshlp The Ontario Hockey Assuciatlm have established an August 15 dead llne fur Emms ï¬o eflher sell aid or carry on ï¬n the NSC56 season The Flycrs werepluced on the block when Emms lust his Cleve land sppnsorshlp lhrngh nu play lng Sunday hockey In MapleLeaI Guduns Major Cann Smythe at Tawnlo severed 1h adulation and wnnl rcleue his professional ow Emma slated Iha locally there hasnt been too much mines il lhough law Inqulrles have hem made The famed ownercoach hu re ceived Mo promhlng bldi mm numde Interest but he nld he would like he Flyen cnntlnue ln mwn Ind locll Interest will have until the end 01 wed in mks move One outside lnurcst which deeply Interested in taking the team the Chatham Arena Com mlshn who were voted $40300 mm the city council start In hugy and operate the teanh qu Emmi said he will will until the end at week he or opening ouulde neuunionl or the pile auhe 011A Junior Flyen EmmsIReceiVes outside Bids For JrL Flyérs WHERE THERES WILL 895 195 1325 VJoVumal Stanlend Que IT