Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1954, p. 13

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my nzwlu fl0llS£HfllnFINANBE Tllli RENOWNED CANADIAN IOETESS Edna Juqueswho will open the sixth an nual Quilt and Rug Fair at the Orillla Com munity Centre this afternoon Mrs anues will officially open the fair at ceremony which begins at 230 oclock The theme of this years fair is Inspiration rom Nature The dates at the air are July 28 to July ll It Closes at nine oclock eachevenmg ex cept mi Saturday when it will close at live oclock On Thursday Friday and Saturday it opens at 10 oclock in the morning At Mrs Vuwm vhiling lwr duuuhlrr Mrs lIlm Quinn Cul bumr mm wuvks Mr and Muxnucn mm and suns 1mm Cnun Mr and Mrs Juc Juun nml mu Nnwnuxu wmkrml mnurs at Junk MN MAW BROWN CO LTD why Im mum mund rm mm IIII IquIu Inrr IIIr pm IIn yran ar llnllrly xlIIm 1qu I1 MINIMAL mIme Iluurr IIIIML run Irrnler me qu lu hrrr wrrlu lnlnrr lIInIlIw mm um In It mlun llvu IIIIINI III MINIMAL InIIILIIIIr In all llvrlunI nu Inanun mm unInIr lII an IJILIIIIIII mm ml uhlr mlnrul hr mu In hm II In round lrrllrr Iu pm vrnl 1mm Park In Inme IIL mu yum ruIIvrIIlrIIrr ll Iluilluu ht ANTEN MILLS Quilt And Rug Tair OpenVs At OrilliaThisl AffeEnoon AIDS MILK FLIHV Dunlap 5WIIV and flew phone 19 IAIIIII ONY emu man mm hymnJpn ym Inrquulim lluudon and El ll pvm We got quick loan atHFCso am you Wlml quid and my vnylupny Ivillxm1ku vrpuiu Inuy lhc lhinp yuu um mnl waml Nu lmnknlvlc mmin nmlnl Mnmy yum mm xlgmmc Up In 24 mumlu In pay Hume at mine In lmlny for Im nkndly mmlny saviva SSOSSOL 000 on ym Ill Illnlfll MN Tmle anhlurlu mm Irw um um Wlrk Mm Mn nml MI Dnrnn 5mm unln mm 51mm mun Mr um Mn Ills mun Ilumlulllurrnl lnk nw mum mmum mu mm gumum 1mG mm wmum Ilaay Wm Um 1mm hrxv ulA luulml Nululuy Krlmul nml WA Ilrnlu lw nulnml Sunday 3mm rm WA pmm mm Hnlmdnr Jm 3qu rank ILmIr nuI wlu 1H mm pjmnl vnlmm ur mum mun nllnwvll Anlvc rm llnllnml Vl wrltnnw Mx mu MI IL and Iunnly wlm jlm Iivul mm llnlluml mun mum III miuhhrn Adams Imus nu llll HUI umrwhul Ilrmlnz lltunlml llu Hrmlm Imly hrle uninll ml Iflrxnlmll Mr hnml III Abdul ml dnwn In lmnanIII sumnr uuxhllll Imumm Frank uuxllllns hum Iv mmhu alum vny mmm nw mum work mmmuu mu xmw mm phl mxL Mm Jmnm Vles Im mu mm LII mm mm Mr and Mrs Dickey Tumnlo are spending munlh Wm anauc hem Mr and Mrs Jnhn Cullim and childrun of Tumnlu uh dim ht1r hnlidnys with Mrs Canny lull Paul and Sle WILmH lumnlo Vllk Eldon hurrh Stnlrr Chm Mrvlu Ill Hm nslml HIIH Sunday III lhv lullnwlm Sunday Au II llu Jnlnl svlvm 5pm Park wrck William Cuughlins also Inul Coughlin Tomlin spun Sqnday wnh hnm MR Judy Irhmlo Harrlr Is 55 mm san hnlidays Car GRENFEL mm mm mm July IHII Thu 1er program runwm by Emotions include ten ouch niternoon dem onsbralions oi quilting and rugmnking design booth which will display and one for sale patterns for quilts and rugs and an arts undcraits for sole booth at which county craftsman will have their wines on display book nook has been arranged by Mrs Gilbank oi the Slmcoe County le rary CoOpemiivo to give visitors an op portunity to peruse books on the subjch of quilts and rugs Vkllma nl Mrs Krlls rrccnuy won Mr and Qumrh nnd family 11 mm may Imm Shlym Mn and Mrs rwlv Mr and Mrs Snyder In family at llaw Mr nml Mm Charles var muily Tornulu Mr and ML Juhn Kvllcr um mmly nr Hun pava Imunl lmlch Stnlcn 0n Sumlny mm Mr Don Cnmlubvll wm lmw nr viu llully Unilml lmrl 11 up Im anymm wvlmmn llIJurrd 1in In Iall Wu ur ley mmux um Hlllu Ilmm luwnhm loll mu nml mm sm In tm Slck llllldun llmplml lnrnlml or munm mm wlll mull he builrr Mulllrr Human Mn and Mm Hulmrr vhllcrl lwr mnllur llrInlly an llunmlln lu uvllll Altend lnlrnlluu hnvlco lHHt Illlmlwr Ul llllll rum Hull llxlldml In Inn arr vlrl ball umm which Lvcxynnu Dn juycd llmpem Sunday Mumln Sunday Schuul will reopen nn Suld Am 10 um aflLr lnme Imm mum Glad 10 mm um llln sxnck was ahlc rchlm home from nu fluyul Vlclnrin Huspilnl Barrio on Friday mum much Impruvud Inunl Low Down Payment ConvunlnnfTovml FAHI mTIUHTNI ENVIOE EXPERIENCED UlAlF Hrs lrkr on IImllcu loudymr Drlve Bella Anton Mllln Phonl Elmvala 5276 Wr mlvluo plnrlng your onlrr rnrly with ynur Ion ruler nrrutvn on 17 llmknn Muller llrmlnwfl Duulxln llmkmm on ruch cmnk nhnfl lunnmlml mmmtc wllhuul wboderlnn Illw nvnlhhlc mulppul wllh Hlnrmltr Chm lllowtr Dion Threshers LED momma nuns cuuncn HOLLY mm 22 32 21 38 23 48 In mm nflrr nlul Cluvrr Mutluntnh leltrd Hupply Mr and Mrs Lcnn Gnnlck New lnmn0 upon lhc weekend wllh mr parcnls Mr and Mrs George Mulhnllund 73m lllrlhday Aboul 25 members Mzfilnnd Lowerys family xxmuding grand children galhcrcd at he home of lhclr dauuhlcr MN er Mul hollnnd on Munday July l9 Celtmeu Mr Lownrys 73rd 111th day wan lurlunaln daugh llr Jessil Mrs Walker India Camornla and her daughter and son were prcsnnl or II losllvc uccnslnn Pnsy Mlllhullnnd and Dorothy Fax have been spending ten days Ihc CGIT Camp norm of Mld land Palsy nlumed on Monday whllc Dummy is spending few days wllh her grandmolllcr In Midland Vlslllh lartnLi Mr and Mrs Morvyu Ayers and daughter of Tumnm and Mls Mary Ayers Barrie are spcnfling part oLmelr hulldayl wllh Ihclr parents Mr and Mrs George Aych Mcrvyn and Mn Ayers im going on Io ngwmsnn lidch In Muskuka Mrsi mgham Tnmnlu Spent the weekend with Mrs David Juhnslnn MLJ Eloise Gilmore and Dickie Nelson Turonlo an visillng wflh Dwight NnIsun Mrs Levllt Bullovillc spam week wlllx Mrs ILBnyd and Buyd spcnl TuLsdny Wilh hL Sn and family Mrs Jack WhIIEp Midland is visiung her sister Mrs Dant 1ng Mr and Mrs nnhcrl Cuwnn spun Sundgy with and Mrs Rfl Usher Ehnvalc LFlhI Almy Worm Planter neighborllnus had noth lnx an the spirit shown by the nclgnbors In thll community dur Ing the pan wLck when each even lngzraupx of men lulhcred to spread che pnban tor the army worm pest An many nl hreo dut erenl gmups were working at hue on In dllfercnl arms In mind Also on the farm at one neighbor who vhltlng 1n Weslr em Canada the nrmy warms were ancLd and Inn group did M3 crap whh lhcvpnisonuus ban Emmi molasses paris green and watch Need luln For Flower The India in this community are hoping for rain to help the now LIJ for the flower show which wan set for August In the Commun ly Hall hcrc Prize llsls are nvaihblr and may be alckeq up from Mrs Hand qum and nu Fm The Quiltanll nu Fnh ls bclng hold this year In Orlllla sliding on Wednesday July 23 unlil Sul urday July 31 Phil Baku Still The ladle the Presbylman Church are holding sale 01 home made baking vegetables and other arllclcs Innislll Park on Wed nesday Aug Baby Glrl Cnngmmlalions to Mr anders Joseph Bowman onthc arrival at dnu htgr an Sundn July 25 Shaw and ouawa spcm Wtdncsdaw with his father unm manna 3me gunman mm 23 0n Molar Trln Mr and Mr Fwd Mullmllnnxl mm imam In Turkeys Chickens lrul II III llrfl lndlrnllun unulblu Ind Ivnd Mural llonl Fool wilh BLACKHEHIJ THE HOME 54 mm IKE BARBIE FARM SUPPLY lluvlon Ave Bnnlo Phone 2313 Strouddélivities VA CGIT Camp gimka drum Ihuln Sale And 11mm very successml bake 5m and bazaar sponsored by he Unuld Church was held L151 Wednesday xflernoon in the Township Park The wenlhur was pnrlecl and the large crowd of buyers quickly SKHad Ihc tables the rcceipls ouhuhz to over 3110 Another sale 15 plEniucdmr Aug Conduch Servlca Kcnnnlh Grey conducted lhn Un llld Church 5chch un Sunday evening taking or the home his splendid sermon Gud pur pose or your um and min The Induction 0f lhl new mini lcr Rev Wanless will be held on irlday evrning of lhls Recentylsuon Recent vlsllnrs included Mrs Mcrwoud mmmand three dnugh em at max nl wuuam Lambs Richard Franck at Toroma Sprifigs Mrs Ms Lennax Maud and cum Known 1w at Lennox Blacks and Berfle Mrs lulla Walker and family enjnyod molar lrlp lnal weak in Montreal Thousand ls lnnd andronnvga llolldxy vmun Mrs Reynolds is vlsltlng her xlsler lhl week In Waldemar Mn Sprlng ls enjoying holldny ln0luwa Mr and Mrs Lloyd Webb Am elln and Dlnnnc matured to Wlnd snr 1an week vlslllng Mrs Webbx llsler there wnwms Mteflnx The United WA and WMS will meet next Wednesday afternoon Aug 012 oclock the homc 01 Mrs Roy doodlellow AI Bmehrldn Mr and Mr Norman Palmer spent Sunday will Mr and Mrs Wilson Hum In Erncebrlfigc Inn New llama Mrs Nichqf has mnvcd Into hm new home on the nth line hMuerdnn Mae Sprlng vlsilnc Mls F8Uck In Town 151 week nlhknaIiiian The Black lmully revunlnn will be held he Township Park an Saturday July null or van mulmlmnn ulllv nu mmnmvmnumvmo tunuunuumo ck tummuun nmo mum mmAmmounomlenotmmde movinmmmmmn mu mum twin to Iaullo ANADIAN lulu mumuo UL wmunnuwunmmuun Manny MuwmuoLnu InUVIIfQH0r00NIMIUILL 0JUDIUUOJH4VAIICWYILVKIUIIAAUIOAILIAIIAIUWHIWIWUIJIAMIIC few Inumlu nkanlc tillullem mlul Spanhll 1min kmlml hi1 hnpruuiuu of The Smng Iulluliuu ul luiming vllc lhcy wen cxllihilul In Mmlrhl an the mel Innllan Hilmu Likc Sefiur Czlhallcm 30000 pmlvlc Splln look the upponunlly In line um lwu wtrkl In New Ilmc urlfinnl uunuu uf Y11 III nnr Lid and we mu for In hm time ncw mm of um um ruwhlg Inuun III nllcunl in Ilmc lmpnulvc pmxrulmuf nur muinn luivinn mumpullmn cmnn lfvcrywllrrc hue pnlnlhlgl wcm llllflll and south nl Iho cllunmr un lmlh glln the Atlantic lhcy won new Irlcmh llul amnnlulc wmmrnl In Innadan lelmu lillll 722W 7344a 45th tame 195 week July 30 at oclock In he Slmud church conducted by nev Saunders ol Ohurghill and Rev Beech of Han12 Mm Isabella Leslie Genfgolown spent the weekend al her parental homq hem Adair Toronto Sppnt the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Harry Robbins Mr and Mrs Jlm Varney and Inmilyol Toronlo spam the weak Mr 11nd Mrs Hurry Jenkim spent the chkcnd wllh Irlcnd in Qqebw Tamnln is spending his vacation with Mr and Mrs Russell Anderson and nnberz Mr and Mrs William Monro Tu ronto arc vacationing at hvir home hem Mrand Mrs LcnnardCopelnnd and mmHy 01 Homing Millsspcnl Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dillabnuzh Mn Human1 Albert Gibbs Tor onto spent the weekendv 019i pageqlal home here Canadian Track Star Practisés For the Houseof Scugram EVEREIT nunmho mmnmun nno mum mmhunuymm mu mum nun In sum wm mum ucwuk1non spam the week Muskukn men Mr and spending Mrs Fred Toronto Mrnnd Mrs James Dickey and sun at Alllnon visited hiu mnum onSundqy Mr and Mis Ivnn Milne Sun nxdalc Cornexu vmtcd Mrs Cecll Wilkins Sunday end with Mr and Mm Harrv Roh him Mrs mamas Crcemorc spam cnuplc aysg heyrrhoxrne hem céngmmnuons In Mr and Mrs Fred Topping Tanu on Hm arrival 01 qyabyhglr Flugmécrgeam and Mm Lch Amnupauylnx he Iullmiun were luqmgu honklcn IHIlJllIIlIK rcprmlnuimu of he ulnlingn llmv wcre nvnilahlr Illwhu vhiml Ihc uhi IiillOll The Suuam hillulhm now back home on Iwnymr Canadian mur hut ll umlinuu through line lnmklm lmihl mnlwlll for Canada Ahmad nIUII 30000milc lnlcrnnlimul mule through 15 onInn lands more lulu KI quhmr 0fo million pmva mum to vim Inm ulmnu du xkylinc nl our lnml xnml in try on their III II unfamilimr num nf uur Immllnn Iiliu DON MEFARLANE one 01 themembers of Canadas 100 nnd 220yurd and 440yard relay sqliqu or the Brmsh Emplrgmd gammpnwealth Cames practises at Vancuuver before CBCTV caméra Mchulane 15 McMuster um vcrsltyrgmdunte from Hamilton and member of the 1952 Olympic team he was tlméd 1n10 seconds or the 100 yard nnd219 secbnds for the 220 Jhsi ourtenths of second on the Canadian open murk held by anoher Hum lltoninn Bobby Kerr mm ml NHMIHDNIICUOIIHJVIII mm noun AIUW WWIWI muuou Waffle Pearson arr few days with M1 and Topping and Inmlly In many dmuumh lmlnu Im ml and pluuru nl llmu Imuklul If halving Innmla mlkul nlvmu II wmld uvcr British Empire Games The lad Dam dance the sun son will be held at Burns Walti Inhncco farm on Friday July in Army Worm SM F3511 Tnswrunlln and Mlllmur Farmers in this USMC are up arms fight the Army Worm In finish Some farms are heav Hy infested with this pest and much damage has been named lo crops already Boylo Trenton are spcndln vanun wflh Mr null Mrs COLii Jenkins OALL THE EXAM Tl FOR PRINTING PHONE 241 Final mm Ian

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