Home Appliance Shop No matter when you go ynu run chance onunnlng Into namej body from home Ind Mr Ind Mu Creus whn have just re turned from long rlp to Call Iornln and Western Canada dld In more than once whlle they were Ihoulands 01 mile away ram Barrie In SanFrlnclsco In June may just happened to run lntn Mr Ind Mrsl Allan Byers ln the lounge at the top of the Mark Eopklm Hotel Mr Eyem wu on business trip In omenla Cau Jornln further south and the two couples were crlalnly surprlsqd and pleased to see amfllnr ates 1mm home Again In Em Alberta Mr and Mn Crease met lwo othnr 24 DUNLOP ST FURNACE CLEANING You out am on MIN AIWAVI 0N IDI The PoweredVacuum way JOHN FELTIS Owner FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE Dial OIL BURNER SERVICE 13 nuNLm 0L HIINAImlmulumulml lumu pupa unl InInl mqu anuhlu um um Ind Mllkl mm In ymu lmlnr IIIHIIII 0mm MIUK In NNII wnx mu WAIIANIY FOR JUSLPENNIES WEEKI 5291 AUYOMATIC HOME DISPOSAL UNIL AROUND TOWN I1 JAN people who wellknown In Banle Mr and Mn Lloyd Cop lnnd of Elmvnle Wham way In alanalide hi restaurant Mr Crease describe the Rose Parade they viewed in Pnrtlimd Oregon us one 01 the highiizhts of their innz inip It Was quiie sight he reports with about 40 float and 20 bandsmanly stud ent groupstaking part me can indian onlookers were interested he see the boys and girls inhe band in identical trousernd uniihrmI and aiso noticed the tendency to ward tricky r9uiims dnuhic time stepsrand showmnmhlp dispiayed by the American ynungstersi drum majorette an hadpar Cull lnlcrnst as one the chlel mammum was Wearing walking cast on her leg and was moving alongside her colleagues in WhELl chair Every now and then she would get out the chnh manage handspring or two nnd get back lntn her conveyance rather unusual pennymenu tu any the least Mr Ind MnGenrn Spurn 21K Bradlurd Streetwhn am calc Oll WELLINGTON HOTEL you dont Ihink belonging to playground means in lo the young try Barrie iistento ihl Mary One 01 he very smnii girls enrolled Na son Square Junior Pinygmund at the east end town nchearnld Robin Anne Arm islrong daughter Mrl and Mrs Armstrong or 72 Shanty Bay Road is more than casually at tached to her playground ribbon which all youngsters can wear at ihc var ous parksl This little girl also likes to display her afliii nlinn away rmm lhc playground and insisu hat the banner he disA played on all her clothes wherever she goes and even on herpajamas when she goes to bed nt night PHONE 5577 Ml Cur lnllnlnun l0 Wlll 11m Jnhn SUmhnn Darrin will lnku nlnu mnme mumlmz nl nlnc Drluck Marys Church the clm Mlvrnount nnd rctmhmunu wrrc served the hmhssm ï¬rming their golden wedding an niversary on Sunday have been Aliandalc msidnnts ever since heir wedding any years ago we re tired Canndian Naiionai Railway engineerand his wiin name to Barrie afler their wedding trip and are among 1hr best knuwn railroad rmidcnis of town Neith er is native at he immediate iisirict They were both born and raised Battcnux near Coiling womi They will have vllh mm an inn maxim their anniversary their groomsman andbridesmaid of U104 ANVnncisc Colllngwnnd and Mrs Wnuer Nellly of Toronto ur mcrxy Glllord They will lend the family dinner at Thu Sludlo at noon on Sunday and mu also be present at Ihe homo rccnpflfln for rclalivcs Hands and ncighbors at the Spcam home be lwccn the hours of lwo oclock in 1ch ahemnon sind 1m écxuck in he evening Th ï¬rst galllerhll in the club house of thv Barrie Yacht Club was hcldlast Friday ancrnoonv with large number of members and their wlvcJ and guests In at endancc The pleasant 5min gathering look ulaccin the lounge and on the lawns slnrung about flchthhty oclock Flllccn neluhbum were present shower flu brldo with an DSSUH mull gnu plated In gally dccnmlcd plnk and while baskcL Mm llcndcrsons humc when lhu cnlurlninmunl vns hrld was dB curnlnd wlUi phlux and LIprhlnIum and bells and menmum In plnk nnd whlle were suspended mm nu nrchwny nbovv lhc brldus chair FAST REliEF FOR brldcClcct of Salurday July mm Joan Ellznbcth Curlls was cmcmlncd 1m and Shaw on Tuesday ammuon by Mrs liondcrsun and Mrs Annslrong Cumbcrlund Street BHEIIMMIE PAIN Saturday Bride Elect ls Honored At TeaShowe MI THE EXAMINER FOR IN IN lllONl MM Hdiiiiiiblii Fiï¬inc Dunlap MIh luond no plan II Mull um mm mac mm Intuit luv pm mu 30 lo 000 on Ilnulvn No banknblc scantily cch limylnmkcl mluhcmcnll Im Unaday Iuvlm chnihlc vrpayumu plum Hume nr come In Induy or quid liymnre loan or my good mwnl IMIII win lunhINlC VTRANCE T0 BARBIE YACHT CLUB WITH AN HFC loAN viewing lenlhemmfl mm mm woodworklng needlework at all kindsn11 of these will be on dlsp FillySevenClassés Are Awailing Enlranls In Womens WOrk Section AI This Years Barrie Exhibilion Rememberan the successful re lurn that womens work scelion made to Ihe annual exhibition the Barrie Agricultural Socieb last year the cnmmIttcu in charge me vtair arts and craltsexhlb us has been busy over the past few months planning an even larger and more diversiï¬ed display Wlbh ah datns drawing clusc Supt 30mm on and me In lowing information 15 being Dub lishnd by The Examflncr In the bentH women who do not know the dual the NS prize lls and who might blgin now to make plnmfllur entering various classes Art And Cm In the EMS and cram dlvlsiun were are our diflcrcm classes under Weaving These are place an four pieces town one pair nurses or bugs and scarves more an eight chase under Leather ladiu purse tooled Willem tooled mnchnd key Cnsc Ind change pum mum lndlu pursc curved wancls curved matched kry case and change purse curved boll cavaeai Ind glows The No mm Cran Exams urn unc plmc of Jewellery and any other nfliclc Ncedlcuork The lmcdlcwuxk dlvlsluu leads on wflh Knllflnu under whlch lhcru rm six lnsï¬cs babys Junk ul bonnfl End bnollu wool childs swcnllr 12 Ur undvr mlull awnam mens wurk sock mun tnncy sock nny dtllun nnd mcnl ur InduS Rluvcs Undcr VIII and Dining Rnnm Accusurlcs thrc IIH men chm rsCmchcl ohcfllcrllvld Hunt mm nnulopmm mum mien um Ali and qur snrvlrlu cru chcl ulm hmdmun clulh nml om Iurvlcllls mlxbruidrrrd cruclul place mnll uur mom cruchcl lnble clulh and sun cnshlur nncy lhlrl are MM rlnws In 11 Kllchrll Arrruuma MCUUH lrn luwcln mm pnlr ml mum 1501 Ulru and kHCWfl curlnlns um mln on or Clan 11150 dlv ldcd lnlu IWD CIEISSES lump and bowl or my III he HLdeln Acmwrln mcllnn lhvrc are lwu clawx plllnw MCI rmhrnlllrrcll mm mm nml pllluw run cmclul lllm um pulr Undrr Mrnn Wrur llwlvd lwu lnmm pyhunu ml Hmrl mm whllc Ulric In our rluurr llslml under Ludlu Wrur huusc urmuunpmn lwucllcuh npmn limryl and man Thilxlrrus Wrnr Ix VHIHII Inn lwu rhmu numkul then nix yum or umlrr nml Wrnllr rur llumy nr wva uwn ymm Ululrr Ll Qulum lJmlanmlx and Hum run llurr nn luhl llslul clan lull MPHII rnllnnL lullll lnpvlhuwl nluhnu RIM ul crochet bedspread knl nrcnr chat bedspread hbmcmad wool hacked new mmcria rug mg hooked rug braided There are seven Miscellaneous classes in the womens work dlvl onarllcle Italian hbmsfltch lng article cu work amide of cross stitch article talllng our nrllclcs mnde mm llaur bags shapplng bag and able centre of natural producu no flowers The spoon an wnrk of an and In pcrlncl condnlnn although my were uscd to sun lhc pur rldflu limbs wlthnul number Mrs Thomas Ferguson Burmw Slayncr has donated two dis sort sponns carved mm the horns cl lllzmnnd came In Scollund They won brought from Ayr shlrn Scotland to Slnyncr by Mn Fcrflusnn who was clerk of Sun nldnlc annshlp or over 48 years Elhlnpln 1m Juxl two seasons In he yourn rainy uummcr rum May Oclnbbr and dry Wlnlcr lmuu by luau Nun mm Hand Carved Sponns rum llkhllnrl Callle Museum Exhibits Bank Services smooth the way for Travellers DAMP In SUNNY Travollnm Clloquol Lon lrénnk nu convenient and Ania Hlnn mull or daytoday Ilnvol qlponsoa bank Ilqndju an exchlnla Manualam or bunImp Run II wput Mo vorld ANNin nevus The nunill 01 ML Edna Mu nanAME dlulhler Mr and Mn Donald Thompxon Mid hum to John Edvard Glhmn m1 Mr Ind Mn Glimn North Blmflord saxkatchewan oak plug on Saturdly June mm 54 It flute oclock In the utter noon in Mldhum Unnad ChmEh Rev Velll perfumed the ceremonywnd the wedding music was played by Min Mary Peacock of MIdhunL Edna Thbmpson Becomes Bride Of Gibson Given lrl lnnniaxe by her lather the bride wu wealin lawn of Vince Ind lull in traditional white the bodice lacu Embroidered with purl and the houflam 1km of nylon lulle warn over lathla undersle Her long veil tulle illusion was caught to halo head dm white timers and she was carrying bouquet ox white carnation and dny ted rocbufls Miss Ruth Cook of Midhunt coil sin of the bride wars maid honor wearing gown ot mauvetaffeta with headdress at not and match ing flowers The bridgsmntds were Miss Mary Thompson Midhursk sister 01 the bride wearing gown oi coral net with headdress oi mic and matching flowers and ML Audxey Morby Tornnto cousin oi the bride wearing guwn 01 blue inflict wilh headdress at net and matching flowers The llaiver girl Mlss Glnria Mor by Toronta main of the bride was gowned in plnk tafluln and the page boy Ronald Marby of Tummn cousin of the bride who carried her veil was in blue and white George Geddcs oi Mldhursl was groomsrnan and the ushers were Donald Thumpson of Mldhurs bro her he bride and Russ Har ri of Alllnon Outol1nwn guest at he wed ding were 1mm Bulfnlo Toruniu Colllngwond Crcemuru Ornlh Aluston and an Luwell rncepllan ollnwcd at the hum of the brldeu parans where the mother at he bride rccclvcd In gown the flgurcd nylon wearing white accessories and corsagc ye110w roses Leaving on wedding iripln Buuaio lire bride was wearing dress at mauve nyinn wilh whllo accessoriu and comagu of white cnmaiinns Mr and Mrs Gibson are making their iromc in Ottawa ICLEARANCE N0 EXCHANGE 0B REFUNDS HERE ARE VALUES YOU CANT AFFORD T0 MISS CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN AVAILABLE 25 XII oiJR REKDYLToWEAR Is REDUCED GIGANTIC SUMMER IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 23 1954 On lander trips rcï¬urrlnfl Inrflor cum money Lame ol Clad may null your pulposo bouar ma mm unvmo voun commuer For Printing NeedsCall The Barrier Examiner When you go on bunincan or plcnnurc trip your local bank can help umoclh the wny Money nrrnnucmcntn cnn rcndily be made in ndvnncd vnlunblcu Icft with the bank for safekeeping Cuncncy and ulmllnr qucsliong straightened out before you leave Whethcxj you Joumcy ncnr or far the bank hcim you mm with an cmy mind GRUiN Modnl mmd uh VALOI HEX 0000 DIAMOND MERCHANTS 28 DUNLOI ST PHONE 2255 of every man who wants watch that winds itself AS low In JEWELLERS AUTOWIND choice