News of coomm Vllllon In VIII Recent tum of Mr and Mn Jlmel Wright were Mr and Mn Ernie Graham Westnn llfllE BARBIE EXAMINEB WEDNESDAY JULY 1954 Mr Ind Mn Wimam Lawrence Toronto are spending than hol Jday It their home hare Min Patricia Houlhtun Toron 10l lpem the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs John Houthnr Kennel Cohum Toronto agent the weakcnd with hls wife and Bhlldmn here anale5 Lievpns Tamnlo spcnk the weeknnd at his hume At Jahovfll Wllnelg Assembly Mrs Edward Simmons is spend lng law days In Toronto where she is mending he Jehovah WH ncss Assembiy New Home In llallon William Low who has been vlslung Mr and Mrs IL Kidd or Icw days lull on Wednesday by TCA or Boston He was nccompnnlcd by his wllc and Ch drcn Lindsay and Susan wha have bccn visiting Mrs Lozos parans Mr and Mrs Kidd for several weeks Mrs Gordan Patton spent last Sunday with her daughter Mrs Harris and Mr Harris of Grenville Relurns To Schorhhcr Mrs Cutler Whn ha been yisillng Mrs Edward McComh UnIlcd SS Plnnlc Fridly United Sunday School wlll hold um annual picnl at 0m Memor 121 Park on many nnurnoun July um From Alberta Mr and Mrs llarvc Wight and son John rum Cmar Aluma have been vlsiling Mr and Mrs Robert Caldwell wmmy Vlsnor llcv and Mrs Osborn ox wnuby called on Iricnds mm last week Miss McCunlg and Gnome McCum Barrie and rm Mc Cualg 01 Kingston visilad Mr and Mrs Lov unda Mfss Mary Gi crlcy is visiting her aunl Mrs Basso The me MI Ilyckmzn Dccpcsl sympathy is extended 4o Mrs flyckman In the passing her husband early Sunday mum lng The late Ml Ilyckman ah haugh quiet and unassumlng will lung b1 mmrmhund lnr hl uprlxhlncss and loyalty to church and duly ML and Mrs DAllon Tcskcy and Allan at Warmlnslcr spun Sunday wnh ML and Mrs Bertram Vim Tn Mlnexln Mr and Mrs Gnrdou Clark and Erma Visilcd Mr and Mrs John Darlholomcw Mlncslng Relum To SI Mary Home Mr and Mrs Elux Graham and arms Jlm Trd and Donald have rclurncd In lhclr home In SI Marys all spendlng lwo week hurt While hlXL their Son Donald Malcolm was bapfllcd on Friday evening by unv Frank sup vik the home of hls grandpar ans Mr and Mrs Alex Graham Communion 5mm Sncnmm cl me Lords Supper will be dlxpvmrd on Sunday July at 10 oclock in Guthrie ns uymlnn Church ï¬llIJDW ENTRANCE nvrln Slmll one of the Cub mucus he Arcllc Uclfln ls only ID miles wdu um 27 Iulhnms duty ONE OF SERIES PRESENHD BY Im $3me 8n 882 mm 33 53me 20 20 0sz 220 GUTHRE hom flmwn Wulln by IIuh we Yovonlo lawyer new lam Ind phl ouphu IM nully IVDnI won tnqlhh Immlulov Nmunl 1nd Mr McComh for uvcni months In on Tuesdly or her home irgï¬chgrybc ME Alice cay Willowdllr um of Mr and Mn McCamb lagMn weeks Weekend visitor at Mr and M11 Norman Campbell wué their daughter Mm Wlluam Thkuen and Mr Thlcssen of Toronto Eccentï¬unday mm Mr and Mrs Stanley Hubert wure Mr and Mrs Frank Duke Toron Mr and Mrs Cccil snmunwn Edgar visited last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Crawlord Vlsulng In EL Calhnlnel Mrs Ira Wilson and Miss Ycan Wilson spent tow days last week In St Catharine visiting ï¬ends Mr and Mrs Robert erdlaw and baby son Wondbridge were Sunday vhflur the latters parents Mr and Mrs John Farls Vlsnnrg From Sukuchewn Rev and Mrs Kenn Tudor and hairy Saskmhewan who have been visiting in the East spent um weekend with me farmers sister Mrs Orval Caner and Mr Vsislur Mrs 1Carler Miss Patricia Evans Toronto innd with Ihuir Mrs David Evans Arthur Foster and WalkH Greensldes Regina are visiting Mn and Mm Scull Sï¬arpu or law weeks Alhlberl Reunion neeton Thc Human reunion wax on Saturday July 17 at Ecclnn Park when large crowd of relallvcs cnlcycd an aflcmonn vlslung and fun Mr and Mrs AILx McMillan Toronto were weekend visitors wilh the iallcrs molhcr Mrs ML Mchllan and slsler MISS Nay McMillan Miss vmm Graham Toronto spent lhc weekend wm her mom Mrs Thomas Graham Cnnkstnwn thlanal School Conkslown Vncalional Classes Whlch opened Monday mnrnlng July 12 have an nllcndanney over we pupil and number at teachers The chlldrcn an mak lnz lavurahlc progress In their varlous classes and slfuw much enthusiasm The dlmclnrs are pleased with me cuopcrallunlhny have received ram 511 the churchcs Friday evening oclock will be 0an nlght when there wlll he display al all work done during Ihn twn weeks Everyone wclcumcl Unllzd s3 Ilcnlc The Unllcd Church annual Sun dny School plcnic was hcld on Tuesdny July 13 Innis pm when over 160 pupils teacher and partnu enjoyed an aflcmoon swlmmlnm vlsmnz names races and sinusnng on Inkn shun In lhc evening Burn In Newuxue NB To csr nnd Mrs Hunlcr Anne Earlene Ham of mum daughter Ellzahclh Ann mom on Friday July Ia nm at Hm Mcramlshi uwpnal Newcastle New Brunswick Unllzd Ihpllsmal Service In lhc mornan service at the United Chumh the following cllll dnn were bapllzcd Barnum lean daughter of Mr and Mrs lvnn erxhl Iulcr George son Mr and Mrs Gcnrgc lnrls Wllllam Arthur Ban Mr and Mrs Harry Thompson Fmdcrlrk son of Rev nnd Mm KLHII Tudor ol Snsknl chcwnn CALL THE EXAMINER FOB llllNllNG PHONE Evans and Glen spam the week parcnu Mr and COOL AS ICED LEMONADE are these nlrcondltloned cotton gloves They are cro chetcd 1n aslmple openwork mesh design with stripes 01 solld blocks or trlm Yuull wear them all through the hot summer Dorrlan 0n Monthl llnllrlays Rev and Mrs James Dorrlnn have lelIJnr monlhs holldays They will visit their daughter MIL Malloy llaxcrsvlllc well ulhcr fr 1mm Son christened Mr and Mrs Harry Crawluy had lhclr lnkml 51m christened on Sundaymom£n last in the linked Ehurch by Ihc pastor Rev Jnmcs rr an Murray Tnylor and 50m Juhn and Paul nre holidaying wllh Mrs Iayhr uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Hurry lllnn Sunday AI Ballydown Belch Mr and Ms wlcc Mrs Kclman and chlldrcn and Mr and Mrs Mervin Dnlc Schom hem spcnl Sunday nflcrnoon wlh rlcnds Dallydown Bench Lake Slmcoc and Mrs UIII Ham and Uurre chIlrIrcn nre wendlnx week lwllh IIIL unmrs parcnll Mr and Mn Human Mr and Mrs Frbcmnn spcnl Sunday In Owen Sound wllh Mr Freemans nlslcr Mrs Banner Mr and Mn 11 man ma Mr Iml Mrs wllsnn wt Wed nmdny uflcmmm Thompsow ville Mlu Lorna Mflllln Tornlilfl In qmmllnu ler weak wllh Mr nnd Mrn Wnlltlcr Tlpplnn Mn and Mn uku McKmnl mu nlnlly Hnmlllnn flmnl lhu wrlkrml wllh Mr nud Mn ry Mm Slvrny 5n ul Toronto lpcnl amnlay wm 1m sun nml umny and Mr Frank Siwny Mrn lltlc Swnllc Ind lwu rhfl Ilvrn Cnhlwukr IWH lho pm wrck leh hrr mum Mr nnd MM angn um null sum mum annnm wm wllh lelr parcnh durinu um wrrkrmL Mrs James Stnwurl Cochran and Mlst Annabelle and Lul Slewan Toronto spam lhc mm weekend wllh luv and Mrs 11 Duke Mn Xtrl Crnwlry um nuns Lonny nml Dumly mm Saturday In Tornnln ï¬r aer Mrs willlnm Campbell mm chnwdny wllh Mend In anunln lhrrn rm lmllu ll Mirr mml MIIHIMM III WM Hm Unllrtl Chmrh mounted to Um huuw Mb lily Sloan Cnluun nu PlAHDSIUKING REPAIR PLASNCS PLASIIC PRODUCIS Jmtums ClUNERS DYERS HARNESS HM PAILWIS HOUSE WRNISHINOS 1mm RAILROAD mm IGDICIES wm Mull lug News of fattenmm Summér Coblnesé lï¬ffï¬usthatwaonusgirls look in Ihn Thuniday milemoon Julydl and met with friends andneighbors lnr their July meeilna The theme eenlred around the World Cuuncil ui Churehu which is In lnkc plum at Evanston lllinull lollowcd by discussion later Mrs Walker read very clearly tom the study bank which was lislencd with rapt ntenlion Meeting closed with ihc prayer that is to in med or Ihe devniianil far the World Cnun all Churches Auxllllrleb Meet Toxeiher On Friday evening July he Allernoon Auxiliary and Evening Auxiliary were nests oi the Wom nnl Amelnllon of lhc United Church tn the home ni Mm Jame Wnunn and loll for social get Ingelher Meeting wn ronduelcd by Miss Watson WA president Alter shurl pniiud ni devotional the meeting was turned ovnr to Mrs llerb Wllsh who conducted Icvcrai cnloynbic cunlmlk In closing vole 01 thanks wu len dercd lhe hnslcsses and suclni huur allowed nvcr he let eupn Arrive In Vuhlnglon DC Mrl JflmlJ Henderson received word lmm hur dnuuhler Mary and lnmliy MI0 and Mrs Akxlm or lheir arrival in Was lnulon from Ottawa They will re Alllt in ill US cnpllnl or ihc next lhree years on nilnlu or ha Cun ndinn Govrrnment lllxh Far Three Vlnn Four rink OK Inlxcd duuhlrs wcrc nvcr calm nxl Flldny cvcnlnx Ills wllh Clnrldac and Thy lur 111an hluh nr three wlm VII To Bella Ewul MXM Shlrlcy Tnuuh vIsHud Sun xlay wuh hrr Itlxlll Junn whu luvmllnn nu Inlmmlr munlhl Hello llwnrl vamly prr mu Plnlnrlr mom mum mlln covrml by form xprrlmml mm mm womlll mm um um um lnnlpnrulhm WANTED BARDIS 400 RESTAURANT HIGHWAY 00 AT KIN CITY It you would like to have leaflet Wfth 1n strucuons or making the WHITE GIDVIS send stamped 5e1tnddressed envelope to the Needlework Department thls paper rcquesllng Leaflet No P0441 Glrn Blnh ol Lcamlnglun l3 spcndlng the summer months wllh Mr mm Mrs sag mg Mr and Mrs McCrankcn and tamlly at Toromo spentSun day with Mr and Mm Mc Cracker Mr and NHL Wlllllm Muon and Kcllh Turonlo are lpumflng some hafldnys nEAlhcir hnmc here in and and lnmfly Toronln span the week end with Mr and Mn Harvey Lemon and lamlly Mr and Mrs Albert Gibby To ronlo returned to Tommie alter spending in law day with Mr and Mm Hurry Wilson and Elwood Conflnedlio Sunnyhraok MH Donald Firlh spent Sugdly in Tomnio visiting her hushnu whn patient in Sunnybmuk Huspilali wlnnlnl mu Tum Evert hull team won 40 ll Hancywood on Saturday This tum deserve much credit wherever may play they come home wlml me money fllflhtd lo lumnlo llowlhl Very surgy rcpun Mn Ros Dallcy wag rushed to Tnmnlo hospllul by ambulance nnd wn whh her In Ipcudy rccoynry hm Edd ncuy Nylnnd Tmunlo spent Sunday the Wilklmcn home here Good Htllnn For llly Mm Inrmcr In lhh dblrlcl have just nnmlml lhclr My own and re pml om ul me has masons Iur rap Mrs Thbmn Jer ry murned home mm Toronto xospllnl ccllnx ch Improved Mrs Wll lnwnlpcm lhc weekend wllh lrlcnds Infruro PARKING SPACE Dial 3003 DOWNTOWN Weekly lulu fur lnnlncs men EVERETT BALFE Former Oro Resident Henry Peoria 94 Was Native Of Vespm armor rmidcm Orn Town ship Henry Penna died In 05m year on Mondly July 105 at me humv his dnuxhlLr Mrs Jack Onlwny 106 Coldwnlcr Road West Orlllln He was well known In ha BunX and Orlllll district and wu one of the aides living nnflvcs Vuprn Township where he wn horn on Nuv 27 150 Mr PEI was mu second son at the Rule Luke Pcnrnll and Ruchcl Ball UN nzc 13 he mnvcd with his limily to Maple Grove Firm opposite Om Town uhlp Hall at lhu time when Jahn Cnuchcr Steele wm postmaster Stculc Post Olflcc In Dc umbcr 1390 he married Jnnn Cm Mr and Mn Jun Dnmslm nc compnnled by Hand Toronlu vhmcd lrlnndl In Evert hut crgp And pugint Mr ImhMrI Wllllnm McMullcn Alllslon vbllcd Mr and Mrs WHI lnm McGlIl on Sundny ML Iiabclll Lnslln chmclown agent the wccktnd at her home are nun Cuuln vnen Farmer In lhll dLIltlcl will cum menu ml when thll wrck and loukl llku bumper crop Bumper 1thch Crop Tobacco lrnwcrl nm pmmrlnu humcu bumper crop hll year lemhom Clller PM Dnylc opurulur In CPI ll Pulcrborn cnllrd on Nnrvnl flub bhu Mendy wmymu mhnm III wmnvm II vmllxllnu pom VI1 lulmum in mm Ellnlthhlvln muqu mm mu mlnlc tunImu mt mm hurl An you dvuulll 01 PIL Culluuu THE GREEN FRONT STORES flurdvipre China Sporting Goods Tbys Where You Buy More For Less KEYS KEYS KEYS We cui 81 kinds of car home and pad lock keys PLASTIC HOSE 50 ft lengths 5299 5659 $695 $395 SOAKER snmvms 20 as an so Lengths $215 $359 $475 $898 ALUMINUM SCREENS MADE TO FIT All Window Frames No Tacks Used zIWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 2801 6971 DUNLOP WEST PHONE 4946 ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS SWIM MASKS HAVE PATIENCE ALL THINGS ARE DIFFICULT BEFORE THEY BECOME EASY PLASTIC PIPE IA 34 W4 and 121112 mungs ALUMINUM CLOTHES DEIERS AND ALUMINUM STEP LADDERS KILLER KANES PAINT SALE RRRRY and RRNRLR ARMSTRONG now PAINTER holds pt name only $449 RIUIVID INAJINY fiazéghnan 98c qt only $129 ea 10rd at Ora Smuun who prcde ceged hlm qvc yqars ago The luncml snrvlce was held ln Doollfllu Bros Chapel ln Orllllu on Thursday July and was cunducIl ed by Mr lulloch sludcnli pastor ol Mllchull Square Haplhl Chunh of whlch lhn deceased was member Bsslsled by lhc Rev van Datum of St James Angllcnn Church Orlllln and the Rev Mulr of 11 Road Presbylcrlan Church Battle The honorary pallbnlrefl were ncar nclgnbm In 0m mm Walker John ncld Joseph Briggs Arch Currie Alex Currie and Robert qulcy now o0rlllln or II sons Lewis Oalwny OrllllI Lloyd Pcarsull Dank James Pcarsall Ottawa Ros flown Elmvnlc and two zrnndmnsln law Jae Clmcy Pembroke Ind Murray Cybb mew Heny Pgnrsnll xurvlved by his sons LUku of Olllwl and George 01 Barrie his dluxhlcrs ITS EASY lo heuulily Ihose old lloors You an 41 prulmlnnll recllnhhlnx loh wllh our unmplelo euylnule Club flcnlll Equipment Elva Ilme Ind money Ind In your loan nnw hull and IuIro we turnhh qnlp meal munh Ind complete Inumcllom 80 Dunlop SI Eusl $250 en wilh CLARKE H001 SANDING fllllillS HARDWARE AUTHOR ED ISSUERS 0F HUNTING FISHING LICENSES BARBIE BUS TERMINAL PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS 0n llenlnl Plan includes everything you need ROTARY LAWN MOWERS HAND LAWN MOWERS TlllZRMIC was $329 $410 54413115 34 Bï¬ï¬BER ply cord reinforced GAEDENflpSII 50 SPECIAL for orin $4995 BLACK FLAG INSECT SPRAY $215 Gal 150 Qt 43c pt driver Irons balls lees hcnd cover and bag for men or lady golfers SZANY HAND PUPPETS ROYAL GRAFTON BONE CHINA CUPS SAUCEIIS L00 $150 $175 $195 Ill GIRLS SIDEWALK BIKE WITH STABILIZERS DOLL CABRIAGES $695 $995 $1125 up $8500 $9500 $14250 $1295 $1395 $1695 $1395 $2250 EQUIPMENT PHONE 55 WE DEHVEF ruul Ihrlll Io me no big luaguo xlan In acvian Enloy Ilahlmelng ul the way qt by hm Oomaï¬ ha Ballgame DETHBIT 85 NEW YORK 2655 WHSHINKTONZMO Mrs Jnck oalwny Rachch ol OrIllIn Mrs Cnrall Manure Ottawa nd Mrs Tysun Rowat Elmvalc also by 10 grandchildnn and We greatgrandchildren Inmment was In the family plat Lime Brick Cemetery on Stallon UUND Tllll HIVNIZLT T0 LIIANHT Phone 2556 98 each 52595 $595 mm