Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1954, p. 10

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1011 BARBIEEXAMINEB woman 7191417721 1954 Hugh Currie Ian Gladstone Currie QC and Mrs Currie re turned to Barrie vary eariy Tues day morningon the two oclock busfrom long summer trip that took him through eight thousand mile of Canada and the United Stliet Hughs travels brzan otter university closing in the middle of May when he icit this pari ot the country withtwo friend mm Victoria Coiiezc at he Univelsity 01 Torontu Dave Freeman oi Ham iiton and Roy Hall Toronloi Thu three buys motored to Van couver and Hugh worked then until the end 01 June when he leit his Canadian irlends to travel down the Wmt Coast of the Uni ted States with two American boys he had met in Vancouver George Kane oi Philadelphia and Terry McMahun oi Canton Ohio both Kraduatcs oi Georgetnwn Univer sity ln Washington DC They crossed over to Seattle and went on down the coast to Hollywood and Lus Angela and over to Me lco travelling back up to Canton by way at Arizona New Muxicn and Denver Coluradu Another rnturned traveller why has viewed Coronation in Eng land and spent week in Pariu and toured Scotland since her d2 parture imm her home at til Drury Lane is MrsTn0mas Kerr Mrs Kerr returned in town Saturday morning wiih but two children Johnny and George and Tom repnru that the boys have real English ncccnts nnw They liavP both been going to school in En land and will be enrolling at Hill crcfit Public School here in lhr Fa The lravcllcm mporyfi Wonder 11 trip back lo Canada an the SS Atlantic Mnsl lhelr stay abroad was spent with Mrs Kerrs family In Manchcslcr England but ham children had good look at Sm lnnd and paints historical ln lens In Brltaln Mrs Kerr vlsll ed Flrh or wank lust Fall and Examiner readers wlll remember her very lnternsunz account nl thr We agree on Heinz my Mom and IlPJIA Mmhcrs wouldnt wan to gcl along wilhoul Heinz Ilalzy Foods Making loudx llm babies lluivc an is scfiuns acicnce will Heinz anu babys fin solids mothers can rcly an Hcim Suits Dresses Sportswear Summer and Late Spring Apparel AROUND TOWN N0 EXCHANGES on lllilUNDfl By JANE 25 50 OFF Wle GREAT IO DAY SALE STARTS TODAY CLEARANCE Two Barrie girl who are abqu to enter their third year in honor um at the Univenity at Toronto twin sister Joan and Sylvié Firhcr are busy periectinx their French accent this summer They an working It Lac do 1125 Inn about hundrcd mile north 01 Mon treal in Quebecs Lnurcntinml and as the nnly two waitressaa in they small sort have Incflli on their knawledge ui canvexzsutional tran caig quite bit Coronation In London last Spflnz Lasl week they hld visit from their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs David Forsth Toronto who are spendlng cauple of day Ms NDBk whh the twim parents Mr and Mrs Allen Fisher Mr omylh and Mrs Fisher he sh One Battles new public school teachers his iaii has an iniercstlng ackgruund Before coming to anada in December 1053 Miss Phyllis Webiy attended the Guild hall School of Music and Drama in Londnn England wher she ob ained teaching dipinmn in npccch dramatic activity psychol ogy and English iiicraiurc She hln had six months teaching ex perience She will be mun In the Jun ior uuvman al King Edward Schuui 10x year On Friday July 19 the mem bcrs Guthrie Womens Inslllmc and alhnr womgn of the commun lly boarded bus and headed tar puexph to mend am the mceungs In connection wiLn the Womens Inslltutc Hnfldny at lhu Ontario Agrlcullural Cullcge They arrived about 1100 mm and were told that guides nwnllcd Jhem nl MacDonald Hall to lake Ahem on conducted our FIIEK lhcy viewed me kltchun WIIh ll xumhcr Elam some wlm dou Me ovens some all stainless sleel rThL next room revealed table selunz wllh lovely glass Ind phlnn Throughout H10 hall the woodwork seemed be light gralned Since coming this country she laS attended the Toronto Teachers College and obtained an Interim In class certificaln In Junc Guthrie Women Attend Part Of WI Holiday OAC Al Inn pm the pmurnm Mcmnmll all began wllh music and xlnmnu by Mr ml Mrs Kllld pnd Padre Young Rev Younu chcnmml rvlryunp the uhsunw pl 010 prtsldcul Dr was anhlun HIM ha lmsml Ulc WI lllKlnhlri wmllll II Nib rllfllunl ltlll and IubXIclm lhu mllruv flmrhaps the most lnbcrcsllng department was home manngc mom Thcru 51X zlrls llvc ln cumplcle Ipanmcnl or period nl lime learning mlnagn menus shoppan and general housework They have nursery with baby lo endv meal to plan and cnlcrulnlnn In dol n5 wull as classes They are very busy girl but everything ls mnsl convcnlcnt and modern Thc cal nr schemes and woodwurk ware lovely Dlnncr Umn v11 at 12 oclock ml hum wrrr In nl people In mllsly and wns nnunlhly loud and nu Ushu wash How nlrc would be to see the sludcnl really 051an labrics worklnx wllh cralLs nnd lurnlnl mmllly nnd mummy cankcryl Perhaps the must lnlcrexung mom to In sludcnls the mad Jnu mum when they may flnd rdcrcnccs nnd Charla pertainan to lmmn rcnnnmlcl an Nu nllrrnmm wm mu pmqu hy mmn nf um wmnm who had hrrn Ihrrr 11 Womens Institutes Nuptials Of Interest Are Held In Churchill United Church MR AND MRS KEITH ERNEST KELL whose early summer numlnls were held In Chumhlll United Church The bride is the former Helen Margaret Richardson daught The rruulnr manlth meeting New Flu ancn lllslllule wan ulll Ill lllchnmc of Mrs Hold Smllh on Tuesday evening July 13 The mtclllm upcflcd wllh lhc Alnxlng the Opnnan can 01 Inwm by he loponllnu 01 The Imd Prayer Mu Cline ugwn rrml the Mary Slewan Culhcl Ihln Gmndlnmhen Mrclin nu topic whlch wnl wcck and were takan millinery They were very bucomlnl and well dnnc Friday bclng Hnrlkullure Day thc vlsnurs were favored by In llluslmlcd lecture 6n Landscape Gardnnlng by Wunl HM Dch of Honlculturc Later in the afternoon Miss Haringn nlsn hp same dcparlmrnl put on dcmunflrmlnn Flanl Ar rnngcmcnts Supper was n1 pm Then lnm Ihc bus In wcnd thclr wuy humewurd For dlvcrxion on file home Journey the wnmtn lourud purl we Holland Marsh Thny nnlvcd home llrcd but having enjoyed Iovely day grand meals and nuncl bus drlvc Ilrsrntch um Currcnl Jimn The lurmhru nnswcml Hu rnll will by allowing Ilclllre llulr KmnllnmUur ur norm 1th mmlp lly hvr Mrl Fm Vlnvy hml mmln puny camm nl rmM lur ht lululmulllrrl nnd Mm Cmmmn plnlml hem ml HII ciuhl Clint wnrn lrtltnL New Flos WI Grandmothers Are Honored VHUNI 2755 frhe president Mm Shaw lhcn prucnlcd filth with arm 5111 Gnudtuhurn Clockhwnl sun nnd Mm Vimy read papcrron lht Huan Museum Mn MIMI gaVu current cvmls rcvlcw Five new members joined and mamllfl wa mvcn on or the Insmmcs AIIpLIy Elmvnlc Fnlr Mflfl sum mm had an mtmsunm Lonlosl on Trml which waI dlvldcd Inloltwo parts am being wan by Mrs Allen mwm nd lhcecnnd by Mrs Allan Mrs Pans draw was won by Mrs Vlnuy mart chlldrcn are to go he awlmmlnz classes lmlsdalef lpur mun on Frozen Foods 10 be held at SS NH 11 Ilulhs SChDDl on OCL IE The meeting closed wllK Gm Save The Queen nflcr which he hostess and commlllce crvcd lunch next mcctlnu In to be held ml the hamc of Mrs Allen nawn Slayner Lauwn In Quebec amnch Pnlnlc dc bevy by Clmmplnin In 1m ndamcu present mum In 1301 mung WILLING and ABLE lu donign innlnll finnmt nml upvrnlr uullmll gun Ilinlribuliun Iynum in Marin munici pnlililn willlin rlmlumiu rrmll of lxrojtulml rmominniml MCI Almuly Alluring rmlli domtn Ifmany progrcuivn vilirn und Imvm Merrlmnln Gnu invilnn inquiry from ulhrr municipal nulhmiliu Inn In In infnrnud of lke prnnpruln of having nnlurul gun nvuil nhln in lhrir nrrun mum mun Salim Inluv Illlllnu IM HI IrmaIn flu no lllrllmuml SinM Im nmm INI MEIIIHMNIS GAS COMPANY LIMITED Thu dlmlun nfllw rmnlumy Ml er of Mr xind Mrs William Richardson or Churchill and the groom 15 the son or Mrs Ken and the late John Ken Gillord STRANGE DIET CORNER HHOUK Nfldv CF wnun ynum cm nagry cleaned Taxgo cod he Tcnughl lown Whflll llc Inund gum car IInxs Shflpld kc crowns in lhl fishs stomach MISS HELEN HAWKINS daugh lnr Mr and Mn iiawkins Gullirlc Hmong the IBM grnilunlm if 05 v1 Gunvml 11mg pHiil Schnul ni Nursing 1m mm ciim win un limits to minim innn un mining lchnril In mmi mm Oshawa Graduate mun nunHum Im IdnnmJIA In I1 In mun lwlm hum Lulur Im Mum and an NILIIDNI The mining Min Dem1d Jule Cale dlughter Mn pain Ind the Georle Colu 30 Arthur Herbert Ayru tan Mr Ind Mrs Ruin1d Ayru fiarrle wok pile on Saturday July 3rd 195$ three oclnck In we alumoan InTflnRy Anglican Church Rev Gfsherrlnt per lormed the quiet ceremony which look plechln the presence at nniy the Immediate lemme of he rid And groom Dehelda Jane Coles Becomes Bride Of Arthur Ayres wédcun music played by Mrs fioberu the church arzanm 11m brldc wha WI given in marriage by her uncle Hampton Frallck was wrmng pnwder blue snitwflh white accessories and carried white prayer book Her flower were sweetheart rosrs Ind zardcnia She was amended by her 5151 lnlaw Mrs Archer whn was wearing twin sun with whlle accessories and Corsage of pink rose rcccpflon followed at the home at lhcbrldex aunt Mrs Frallek 15 Shanty Bay Road wherc the mnlher the brIdE received wearing dressbt while and mauve prim with Lemsage yellow roses The grboms mnlh gr who also xeenlved was in navy new and was wearing Corsage pt red roses William Cole Earth brulher ghe bride was gmomsman and he usher was Gordan Colts of Toronto cousln ot the bride Leaving on wedding irip l0 Nurth Day the bride was wearing dress at pure silk print wiih whiic necessaries She wore gardunia Corsage 0nthclr iuin Mr and Mrs Ayres will making their home in name The marriage of Mm Lorna Flur cnce Lcwthwnllc daughter Mr and Mrs John Lcwthwailc Conkslown lo Hamid Evans Jones son of Mrs Jones and the lull Johnloncs Ganmun Album nnk place In the Cookstown Unl led Church mnmu In late June Rev Kellog performcd the JonesLewfhwaife Nuptials Are Held In Manse Setfing cercmnny lecpr 1n marrmgcby her lalher nus crllnwors were carna uons She was amended by her sxslcr Miss Frances Lcwlhwuitc Cookslown wearing uschIatrlm med vclv rec allowed al the home he brides palmm where the mnlhnr the bride rccclvcd Inn1vy blue nylon Leaving on wedding rip Ho Owen Sound and Part Elgln the bride wnx welrlng plnk checked suit with while hnl shoes and gloves and while handbag On their return Mr and Mrs Jonm wiii be making their harm in Gur Among the oulollnwn guest the wcddln were ML llnd Mm C4 Charles Lcwlhwallc Toronln was Eroomsynan August BrideElect TIIE ENGAGEMENT announc ud of Miss Jean Elizabeth Elrick vLaughter of Mn and Mrs Cllflord Elrlck of name In 010 Brewer sun or Mr and Mrs 02 Brewer Montreax The weddlnz will take place unSnturdnyvAug UH 14th 1954 It 1WD oclock In the afternoon In Gamer Street United Church It BapSe Lewlnwauc Mr and Mr5N Doyle Mrs Reginald Hollbrook Mrs Huilbmuk and Jame Lewthwnlle all Toronln new $58 milllon Ewe plant is 90 be 11th 101 Scoulsh sled Zroup SHmflcd In MathcrwclL K3 expected to hclp Increase the scum lngot pruducllnn In over we million lnn from the axial Sng record ouput 1880000 tons STEEL PROJECTVFOB SCOTLAND WALKEBS IS THE STORE lllll TOWELS thlck towel um lam water 5m 42 x722 mm mm In yellow hlua lul nrlnn chimem plnk buy our low prlce SPECIAL VALUE THIS WEEKS TOWEL BHREMN 5m Lc Cowper Studiu BE SURE TO SEE Plclnra by Fivern Eumlner uh photoznpher that IP put In lllls nempapnr In lullabla In glossy prlnu For lull lnlannatlon Ihonl the plunge you want NOTE The Barrie Examine Phone 2414

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