Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 16

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1mm 31mm mama 77 SDAY my 14 195 All Canada Route Tq Calgary Most of the mulnrim public who km west Inml 0mm are con tent lo cross over In the USA and Inlluw um mm maul lllruugh me vafium status number pflkc Hnwcvcr lhc Cummings who left hLlD low days brIorc the Slam pcdc commenced at Calgary and are now In lhr cmwdml my mum housands whu are more or lln biggest EVLnl LVEX uuk lhc Cana dian roulc WEST OF BRANDON Mach at me grain ls yellow and drowned nut However here am also many new llml lmlic bumper crop Llnytl wrlm vlu antthu way 10 Mousu Jaw which their mm tall Mllllllllha high ways arr all hard surfaced put into Saskatchewan lhc work ls unllrr progress for llm first row mllrs and heavy min the nruvirlm nlghl made mull and fillLd hr ditches Willi vnlen Hundmls ncrui could be scan under vnlur where lhn river had nvcrlluwcd We are pa in through tannin area where we can sec for mile and distant clovalms gradually in dlcatc town he inlcsl May Slccp In Church Bascmcnt They were lnkiu rhnncc the accmnumdn inn in CIlgury and hoped lhn at lcml Lm church bascmcnu wuuhl urnr shollcr Lloyd hnd lhc nrldrms II hrumcr nl Ken Gray ncighhox whn livus jun uulsidu Calgary and would make at 1015 hum Iumn ur um he had been msuml Man 1m 1w Lloyd and Mn Cummng an accompanind by In mmnur and fauna Mr and MKS Andrew Cum mlng utBanic Ln week Wu nld ul HRl Inm lullnn by Lnuuul Unwiqu Um Fleming cstnln tn withhold lhn nve pcr cm 01 lands which hey are rammed pas mlr In township wnm pm is mucul or rcnislcrlng in In provincn since Hm we mwr 1m muny cum mcms rum rxlhIvvvn mm mu resolu110n Forfeiting Park Land Brings Commune in me Town nr lhvrlc urr Ulric lands mu hut Irquirml hy lhu municipalin as park llu uwmxs rcqucshd mm In tho Park Cnmmilluvx 11 In HI said Me pcr cvnl llu mum1y pay or mhm pink mm more csscmhl in bur 113 In lnwn lepll In yum 11 NL mwmmp mum of ratepayrrs In mm mm hm lhc male 15 located oxpmpmml at submmfinl prim nwcr prupcxly mm lln Hum nylnhn Fur years In com um mlopnyrrs n1 floustnnm HNANBE Innisfil Notes fluisiumiing Law Price For Simmmns Quality Regular SIMMONS MERCURY MATTRESS ES heros great opponunity or you so luxurious women lluul gives exceptional comfort and support 114 DUNLOP STREET EAST Impn lwl Mnhhluz lmx kpllm uvullaluln IlIuIdnxla 10 28 Dunlop SLWnu Inond our phone 5529 HARRIS ONL onuu man By 308 SMITH SSOSSDOSIODO on your own siunululo Wth quick mul any way In my lvillsI make ICpuln my In lhmgx yuu nmI and null Nu lunkuhlc accurin ntcdcnl Mnncy un uur own iiglmhnc Up to 21 munlhs In reply llmnc or come in loddy lur Rm friendly uncddy senital dunnk thklng In It lowly llghl nrn hxuh Wager quick loan at HFCso can you In 11 ul llul1y Irnuuml cull1 drrp wll uhlh It that dkirici will be taxed lo pay or this pmpcrlyi Th opportun ily lo have balanced the accnunl was availzhilI by having he as latc which was loath lo hav public park in the Immediate area 01 their costly homes to have 111ch value equivalent to lhcir cslimalc at 50 per 100 on five pnr cent which they should have handed over and paid all the debt now an the ratepayers or JiUIBiICISE 9K alot Nr 5mm or the csmc clalm that they are unable en Ihc 1m immediately munccm 10 the park pmpuvy 11mm have been uuggusmd if pcy war no mic um mum gm Huw can council expect en tom the donaunns of those park playgrounds in omensubdiviflnm lhoy puss plans or it they allow flu most weallhy and Valuable Gub divisions talk hem into mo ion 10 forfeit lhnir rlghLK as allv owed by the Planning and Develop men nxqu This annmur pronfol HID facthut local planning board Is requirement in the townshipx Much time 15 cut at mcmings cmmnil discuwng mm plant mm in many ma council mum bcrs have little or knuwlcdle or me necessities the people who will he nflcclcd by the da vclnpmcnls byan was pach ln nXprOprhIlC mmly ms 01 valuable land along the Shorts for park purposes To date not one nloiun has bflell paylld which wlluld indi mlu wnnl prugrtss it my Ls being mndl with lllls although mcmlull wns made proposal lrip by cllllncll lo luuk aver lhcsc lands Could be that lllil Intendvd pur chase invulVLs part of Ihu nddllinn al 25 pm cent klch Whlch bull mlSLd lr Will the hamL they Ur Irll lands vurlll In the owners uwn lslilllzlh IHI lull in which they we ulllillcd bytlllc 1m have luau Frrd Pmrm 9th lint Ialmtr nf Innislll th Injured In an nuln accitlcnt thl he attempted to Eros Highway 400 Lm his line He wru mkcn thn Royal Vlc turiu llnspitnl wter he has he muicuncimn sine His condl inn is considered Icnl Frcd Pcacock Hurt In Auto Accident o3 SunAuyfine So 10 mm nn vhln Ill ilrd him and Mn Inlo sleep hm lama Murlol his daughter whu was re Lcnlly mum and win is nurse whvn mumd mm the nmily she would we her unllorms ready Ho Wm mica nnm Doug whn MW in Vindanr was away mm hnmv uvrr um wackvnd and mm nut been cynlnuk invulvvd Ill lhI cLirlvnl hIIS numbrr injuri and Is ullll cunv finvtl lll hlvIilnl Thu MIN wn wxlh Mm was allnwcd lunw nu Sunday mlMing of Mr dchsfulfi hum Ulc vmimls n5 Cinllnns Mum Un huachm Imile was held in Lmnnnl Bcnch Communlly un Sunday Iflvrnuun Ihcxu Hru Lukcshorc Assoc5 Appoint Committee $5950 they Lm helhuudm game 2090 MISS MARION WADLAND nurslug arts lnstrucmr at the Royal Vlctorla Hospital cxplnlusu surglcal lnstrument to group or interested Blue Cross group lenders They Am MCCaltney group leader for tho Lufkln Rule 00 the first Blue Cross group ln Barrle Foster from the Cnnndlan Bank of Commerce and mu lnu pulsnm present Delv uum Hum 12 or tlu assucmiuns mullmulmcr TlllZ INTRICATE XHAY EQUIPMENT mu Royal Vlctorln Hospltnl 15 shown to group nt Bluq Ctoss group leaders lrom lic lndustrlcs by Willard Gregg chlel nu tuclmlclan at the Royal Vlctorlu Hos pillll Ihls was but one of the many Intel Ium Fdrmh pnsltlrnl ol the hnnuh Ilmrh Amciuunu was U0 time mu dele gnlt various qucsfiunl pur Lunng lhu uxlruurdlnary 1n In mm 115 yuar Change Hm LICEUDH dfllu umcd In be llw groanfl concern hr Ilvlvmlo was In lhfll mum mu rulcpdyrl alum he Im Mk an ncllvc par lhr Hulls 11 lnwuhhln my Could nul vxplrl nny rhnnuc 11 the IMP hr Merlmu In br IIde lhI mmmcr vnuM be noc ln hm erIIIm uluncd by mm mm Huh the rncpny 1hr hywmhlp nnd lhen ask or mu men wuuld bu ulHl nu nl lluv rruulur tlccuun Univw Ull olccnuu wzu nllvndcd rn Ivy llw uhmr Iillrxmy nx llun hr qu llv wmhl by mum Fnrmll pumlvd Inly hv rmnhu up vnh Blue Cross leaders Make Spécial Tour of Hospital Cilll WE Hill bumr he slate1 Frank auntr alderman Toronto whu lonrlscnlud mm he nrcas uld he mlhcrlnz um when Vusflga Bunch ducldrd lu me over their own mam lhny lured buxcs and came up to vulc They Md lhul In such numbuls that may go what they wanlcd The only way to du Is In gel to Um poll and vote he tlamud Mrs Dulmls 9m llnn counuur but nal lnnmclcd wllh nny nsm clallun said lhal may Ihmlld Rn now They could no gu uvur me Ileath 0K lhclr Lltclcr rcnrcmnln 1lvcs whlch wan lhclr presun council Thu mt lhlng wn lmvu In In L1 la lflku uvcr lhc bmlurts Im ClrlIVfllbllII wim lhl Municipnl At zlml Olhlr Acl alluding munlclxufl unvcrmncm You cant uny whln wU hr Nunlrlnul mm and ynu mul ul myllllnpmll or llu ruuncll FIHII all cumlmlflml klur cunlml Johnson bmeral manager or Lufkln Rule They were visiting the hospital at the invitation of Miss Helen Shanahan superintmdent in company with several other Blue Cross Group Leaders who part loipaied in specini hospital tour This tour was part of an educational program being conducted by the Ontario Hospital Association esung hlghllghts ol the special tour or the hospital arranged or the local Blue Cross group leaders by Mlss Helen Shnnahan superintendent ol the hospltnl on July as part of brogram being conducted by the Ontarln llospllal Assoclmlom Auraer SIMM W11 W2 ulnk Would Bankrupi The Township Wu were In snvu from hu lnmep would lllwly bfmkrupl lhim wxnv he clllumlm unn Um dclcgac whu old part he had 10km ln havlnu llw Oak wnml dlslrlm mod Hf Mock car racing then you sold In to he Taylor artup sumruuu nlsc mlmtcd ll snnsun This alter an amendment nmmng Ihn membership one rum each flsSOcmHDn who would be the P1131ch at someone ap pnlnlcd by Mn was passe The Lennhds chalrmrm llnmld Sheppard president or he Belle Cedar Assuriullun mid of lhc andnavor made at lhclr and he bcnchcs In gm mm jolnl acllun He had been candldMu for cnuncll but Duhlde th own area he did no rccalvc any sup 1w home and cruel all nbnul your law and lroublcs al the lnkc hr said We should have the lnwmhlp dlvldnd lnlo Ward 50 that more would be lnlr repre xrnmllnn all dlslrlths Unless lhls la pnsslhle he only alterna llv break away mm lhc luwnslllp Our 72ycaruld clerk valuable asset to lhc IllWhfiMP but he has far ton much lu do and should have mum help thn the lhrcn mnnlhs mud cnce lhe crouagcsulrg up you Ho was Eomcind nnd gum mm the Clark was 82 nvc ward syslcm ol ruprcsunlallnn we cannol ex pect lu have my my In the mm at lhc lnwmhlp he alnlcd th WI wzlnl an nudHnrs wporl nnhcr lhnn chlflndlnn cummlllvr WL Ihnuld Mk thr prnvlnclnl mldllun lu mm re pnn lhv whulc lnwmhlp nflnlnh then we could dlscum the mnllcr lmrlllucnuy wnx Hm cummrnl one dclrxnm who dnubml It was nn Imnunl nudll In the low 5qu and so why my nl Um Should Have Annual Report of Auditors THE GREEN FRONT STORES House ys Plockcyeys Truck Keys All these nvallable at our Branch Store TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 2801 6971 DUNLOP WEST PHONE 4946 BENZO MATIC PROPANE BLOW TORCHES 51 le Tanks PYRENE FIRE EXTINGUISIIERS For the cottage home boat or car $104 PLASTIC LQWN BOWLSSet OK $3500 CumpositlonSet $4200 Hurdwure Bhinu Gills 0115 Where You Buy More F11 Less LAWN BOWL MEASURING TAPES $250 LAWN BOWL CARRYING CASES Lange $2195 PLASTIC CAKE COVERSSmall $269 Large $36 DOLL IQOLLEIIS 5295 HAITIAN LINE TIIERMO SALAD SET $3 UNFIITED WICKER PICNIC BASKETS RRRRY and RONALD RRMSTRONR INSULATED TEAIOTS $295 WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED ch firemen What counts is what we learn after we think we know it all $450 5795 and $995 $259 anas2oo coud nnl he made awaunmbm their Committee Mr Gown Crucent Har bour told arming general association somcr 10 ycnm aka We Invited lhu lhcn nnuncll to Toronto and lhcy In turn lnvllcd us back We an along very wellhul lack OI lnlcresl allowed the urgan lzallnn ado nut You must have not only MI rcprcscnlallnn of I111 the assaclallons but they must akin have lull mnmharshlp und cvcry owncr hwld be liked In support us by hls Mum and ms finanglgl support ed In My nnd that will have to come mm the loyal moclnnnns lhe mccllng wan told by Mn Nuh Blame Placed 0n Metro Toronto Onc rupnscnmlvt Mr Langmnn Leonardx Beach expmsscd lhe vlcw hnl lhe farming ol Mclrw pulllnn Toronto had some cflccl on the axe here He will under lhu mprmson that was part York Counly vflndlnz commlucc be armed was unnnlmously agreed on and Ike commlllcc wll commence man uom al once Mtnllnn wns made 01 lhu pur chase 01 III uwnshn omen huflll In at $22500 which wu snld tu have con $12300 and lb was summed us an example of mu manner In which he mm were The nlx Ccdar Assuclullan had lhclr secrclnry nrmcnl who lOnk illorlhnml nulu nl lho mneunm This wlll bu mm mm lhclr Imu rlnunn or lhclr meetan nnd nflrr um copy will be scnl lo the vnr iuuq nmocmllmu and mm lpimm $1045 each $495 $595 $310 $495 $550 $675 GOLF CLUB SPECIALThis Week On Ladlcs 0t mens right hand sets3 Irons Nm driver and putter bag balls tees and head cover all or only $4995 llAUGllS WADING POOLS $3 5495 5600 $895 $995 $1395 DAISY AIR RIFLES $595 $695 $795 $995 All Plnstlc Housewares are selling at 25 alscoum New Do1tyourselt Aluminum Window Screens Assambkb them yourself at very low cost SPEFIAL AT BRANCH SIPRE GE AND CARBON PLASTIC WATER PIPE 23 31 114 and 112 available with fittings REACH BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL EQUIPMENT JUST ARRIVED AT BRANCH SLAZENGER TENNIS RACQUETS AND BALLS graphed Some madaavallablc In those who desire them Elmer Grosc painted out lhal Iund would be needed and that various assoclauons should asA Isl wllh their mombcrshlp su that than would be no lack of Iunds to carry on the sugncsllons 01 lb lnctlnding commmcc 1th committee to hold mccllng at the Carlin pnsdhle umc Mr Farrah who Is the pro jccfionhfl at he DriveIn Theatre say he has piunly day lime an ms hands and will Spend mnsld cmblL of l0 sec lhat the com mmcc gel lhu Informaglon they need inll 0mm Na IIAIUHH hnlm MG HE WILSON BUILDING NIAGARA lOAN 01mm I0ch nm on man Niaxan 1mm GOOD WAY Suggests to PAY an UNEXPECTED BILL JOHN NIAGARA TO 31500 IS $1695

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