Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 15

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Books are only use when they are being readrind when xiuy have been around community or iimc it is the sensible thing In muve them on 01 new community wihcre they are fresh and usctul again Then again an expensive or very specialized book may he purchased it tn be used by enough readers throughnut tho couniy whereas it would be ex lrnvuganl to buy it or any one group of readers Slmcoc was lhu foulm county and largely through the work and vision Miss Lila Mc Phcu and Mrs Mnntagu Leeds that our counly library assaclallon wns organle 1n 1910 The service win so cnlhusizlsllcally rccclwd that withln ymr it became I00 much hr the parHime aliemlnn 01 Miss McPhne and in 1911 Miss Albulla Lnlls became lhu munly librarianthe 12m fulllime coun ty librarian in Ontario The coun gram was $200 and the whale budget was under $1000 yll the service was nxlensive enough to give the small libraries at leasha taste of wllal the exchange prin ciple could do or their book Stocks During he depressifln years the 30s lhc value at commmien became apparent in library work as in so many ulnar ways of We Many small libraries were giving up for luck of funds and the only way they mlghl survive would be by some syniLm of cwpcmtinn un dcr the leadership central lib rary and the county scbmed to he handy and lngical unit or his tooperation With Lhc aid nl Hit Womens Insllluus and with the Sarnia Public Library as its 2mm qunrlvrs Lamblun was me first county 10 urgznizc about 1930 As neighboring counties saw the ad vanmgo of this type 01 cnopcr alien other library associnllnns were formed nm was inme schools whcre 69 Collier SI Thursday July 15 I954 ANNOUNCING Published ByNThe Barrie Examiner lexlor TheVCollugers The Holiday Times Phone 2772 BARBIE flflIVEAEflfl EULVLTD AS PRIVATE AS your own FOR DEPOSIT NcwCars Reasonable Rates RENT FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CONTACTTHE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT OF THE BARRIE EXAMINER of Luke Simcoe and Kempenlell Buy WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ORIGINAL PRESS RUN 2000 ACAR Since these organized libraries du not reach all scclinns of Ihe county Ihc Counly Library am lends bumL Ia communlly groups Such as Womens Institutes church gruups and ram lnrums in fact any gmup wmm wm pay the 5m tee and provide custodian for no deposit of 100 books which are exchanged every uur months There are 14 at these deposit lions at Singhamplon Illllsdalc Toilenmm Edgar Clowcs Craig hursl Endy Gllford Hulh Cookslown Severn Bridge Sunnl dale Corners Waverley and Silver Mamas There are SHll individuals Mm are not near any at these sources of books so they may ask or bpoks by mail Special banks and answers In various reference prDb Simmc County is the largest In arm and second largest ln popula llan the 13 cpunucs which have county library service Naw In 1954 there are 10 public and n5 snclaticn llbraricsAlllstan Bar ric Benton Bond Head Chumhilt Cnldwntcr Collingwsad Crecmme Midland Mlncslng New 141ch1 Urillia PennlangSlnyncr Slroud and Thornton Ihnsc libraries far me 25 receive 200 books every our month These arclnn assantmcnt of diction and class books like lrnvcl bingraphy gar denlng yandlcratt or motor me chanlcs And always wecnd In good number or lhe boys and zirls in the dimiar oi the provincial library 01 Nuvn Scoliu Miss Aud rey Gray allowed as county lib rnrinn and men Miss Elsie Dunn in 1919 Following Miss Dunns resignnlion tn became rs Mc Lefln Mrsi Ruberln bankwas appninied muniy librarian In Jun uary 1954 Miss Farla Pilatzkc ix nssistam librarian and Miss Eileen Cluhk is sucretnry Mix Joanne Reynolds and Miss Edna Bernam are mrmimc student assisianis NEXT T0 GRAY COACH M15 hells went on wider fierds 01 service first to OhIH and powshqis In Halth as assistant the cooperlive lenry Wu most Amman Now or and fee they could have mm nnnml 01 books every month Ind so mm by develap an waxedon of readflnz rum both chjoymcnt and practical angles which they could never have had from Ih cw dul ly and manyImes shumed banks In Ihclr schoals FIRST EDITH Bul lherc am sllll many people withnm llbmry service nnd many banks silllng unused nn llbmry shelves and l3 on purpose go on lrylng lo bring these togclher is hoped lhul next year Slmcofi Counly lemry taoperative wl have bookmahile to brlnz about 1hls more Ideal bookreader turn ovcg We wlll be that much near cr to lhe goal In the cverlnmlng nllorl lo get the rlghl book to he light persnn at aha right limex Wllh bookmubile and the exten sion the WWW court house to provide more mom or me llbrury hendquancrs much heller service will be possible coumfls by mulching Ihelr up to $1000 and giving anuther $1000 towards the salary of trained Hbrarinn Slmcoe County Council has kept pacev with he need he library and he grant was $7000 or 1954 The provin cial grant will be the maximum of $5100 The library has stack just uver 14000 books and the db culavion local or last year was 102000 with Lil formal accepianco ihc library coppemiives by he government ihe provincial gmnis have been higher and were in icndn 1a encourage lhe muuiy mniching heir grqnis The development 01 caunly lib mry nsoclauons finally brought about unflylnl Ubrury Ad hi 1947 11h assbclnflonr beam Ubnry Coopemuvex flne Mb rary board was new to consist of seven membersthe wardtn and three county councillors and three other member who my or my nul be councillor Fat 195 De puty Reeve GImwood Barrie was elected chairman ol Ihe library board and alher mem ber nn Warden Smllh Campbell nerve Albert Gilray Rceye chm1 smwam Page Mayor Haber Smith and Jr Gibson Mrs Montagu Leeds who has had such Iongvnnd Hvely mm rsl In lihmry work In the com munfly ls hunnmry chairman Simpson who had beén anamor particularly OMQCHVO member 01 the board for many yvars resigned rccontly is becamenl the con tlnued wise leadership and eni husfiasm of such members as hesc that the Simcoc County Library has prospcred mean hm1e and 751 mung file 10 lg Ichooh luv mama uyim than sohmlroonu ewh melvlnu 1111 20 book every mom Dangerfield Molors LIMITED 51 pm mum 33mm slmcou Counlyl hutt CuIuleLw USED CAR DIVISION unmronn ST Dbl cm Custom ndlu prafllcllly new llrcs belulllnl lone finish BUY WITH CONHDENCE AT 330 lncans Islam canilot BE accepted 10 ch pnucrn Frlnl plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER care mune Examiner 1m 9331 no Fron¢sz Wesl Tax This Palmn easy useslm Me sew in tened or Has complete llluslrnled Insuucllonsw EXTRAEASYonly twn maln pattern parts to cut out mch for our layorne lopperl Make In wool linen or pxque It has the boxy lines you lavethe back ln men than ashion news Cuus can be turned back anyJength QuickY sew 11 now 2V yard bdlrmfiflmgflc Pattern 4875 Mlssu $1113 10 15 Slpe ll akcs Send order lo ANNEADAMS Send 11ml FIVE CENTS 574144 ExfrEasy MUGGS AND SKEETER um erLur WE MW 501 NE INVITED ws GIRL END POGO fiNu The Miracle lam Bails yap nothing em BLONDIE ELSWORTH WELL sums llSERVICE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAYFJULY 16195945 Mg WW1 mm Jugmgr 1mm ww mu wmt MY mowmt MY nmrnma wryV For Plckuy Dhl Dellvery Wally film 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