Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 14

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fig HIS WORSHIP MAYOR LESLIE ll SAUND ERS of Toronto lcn Deputy Grand Master for Orange Order In Brltlsh North America with His Worshlp Mayor Blackburn Staynnr centre and Rev Wallace Mn um um lhlh but ka Alldflsnlh Mr 1an Mrs Immm mm family nml Mn and Mm mum and Inmily nl lnlmllu vlsmu Mrs Tm far Irw fluyx Mn null Mrs nrdlllm IlulnIl nml lhlh nf anunln will flu 11M ka wnh Mr and MN lnrrllh Invllnl On July Hm New Déhcious HAWKESTONE mfl New AIJ v1 mous GRAPHBUJIUME nm um rmn1mpluuk vm lung nml 1m Aml what flavor Ynull pnn lu ulpllduuu lulrmlhuu nrlyMllanu fuky mefmll Ilnl tangy Hum llml uumlluwlfnmllylmln lryf rrnnjuy Ila new IIon hung Hvimn AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE 0R COOLER WEST SIMCOE ORANGE CELEBRATION HELDAT STAYNER flavor Ynull Dnn lu lulrmlhm Hmlewnu fulcy ll Ilnl lnngy Hum Imllurullmnll Imln Jay Ila mt llnn lnmmue Vhllor Mr and Mrs DinId nmwn and sum Allan um Hrlan um Mr and Mn nm Graham all Hnmlllnn vkllnll lhv MI nml Mrs In over he wrekoml nnll certificates will be given out at he Unllml Clmruh Sunday Scluml mum Thr narcnl nrr rnr Jilly lnvlml In his scrvlcr Mr and Mrs Grunt 0mg Gun dun nml Julu Mr my INcr nus DEPOSIf ouugss Duwner or Dllntroun MPP for Butterm Slmcoc right chm on high school grounds alter celebrating the 12th or July In pnrndp Saturday under nusplccs West Slmcoe nbxjMJ MRS PERCY LOVELOCK of Stayner LDBA with White dress and vpurasul and Orange 50 nndlnsignln of office games Bible In his parade Saturday Lndles made Imme nve Interludes 1n 2000 marchers Mleml Celehrnllnn Innu rmwd from lllll dlslrltl Jourmycd In Slnyncr Saturday in nllLnd 1h Ornnxumcnn lnrndo Mr nnd Mrs Alum Hutchinson nml ntu Toronlu leilnd um narcnll Mr and Mrs Edward Juhnnun for few dayl Mls Mngulc Grlnley of Town in Npcnl low day wllh Mlss lI wnnr Leigh Ml Ind Mrs Mnrlnn Plumb nnd family are vncnllonlnu nl kululun Lnkn Mm Cnnnic Iklchcr and Mg Icnn Iruplul whl lin nllcnlUnfl 5lnlnflr school In Tnmnld mum ml lhrlr homu hum Inr mu wrvkcnd hnmuxh and Mr Tom Grny of Orlllln were wonkcnd vlslmra of Mn and Mrs flny Gray Mr nml Mn Inmlly mum Hnylvlllv nvrr Mlnhkr Urdulnrd Thu 1er nvlrk wnn nnlnlll adJnComnfl Inuhylorlnn mumh ml Jqu Mr will be nrvlnu lhl hllhrll0m Crnlrnl clrculll lnr MITCHELL SQUARE Wall ul Hughs Hardware Youv One Stop Sloro IAIIIEIM Ff WIMPIMI MAIL AT NO EXTRA UNT OTHER THAN lmlT Mm no nunlop 8t 34 Pk 1m wr mmvm Aulhnvlml lIuln ul llunllnl Inn FIhlnl mun KEYS CUT While HARDWARE 0ran anlon and lhclr pnrcnlx III lhn wrrknul The Rev Bernin Humaviilo was recent visitor with Mr and Mrs Spence Mr and Mrs Huston and Mr and Mrs McNeil ol Monklon vlsll ed at McLeods IMS week Mr and Mrs Sheurdown and boys spent Sunday at Cookslown Speck Henlce Cnmmunlun was observed in lhp United Church Sunday murnlnz No Ininnu were baptized he scrvlnn also Snndrn Lomflne dnuthr of Mr and Mrs Mc Leod and Margaret Ease daugh or Mr and Mrs Grime Mr and Mrs Hllller and Ch dren Tomnlo upenl the weekend at Grimm Conunlulallons la the puplls of 55 No In wlnnlnu the softball Inth on field Dfl Confined 10 Bed Sorry to repan Douglas Hnyu cunflncd lo bed wllh rheumatic fever We hope he wlll be able to out nzuln Mr nnil Im wicme Wau bnuahenc vlslled on Sunday at Cookeh the next ycnr All weicome Rev and Mn slnvlck Ind Ronnle who are movhu 1mm annntn III uplhl Sorry to mpan Mr Orlon Crnw ford Is In the SOMIHI Memorial Hospital All hope lo au hlm nu lllllfl mm Mrs Wlilinm McArthur nndMlsI Muriel McArlhur have relurned hum nflcr vhltln Irlcndlln Ot lnwn Eulfen luxury Mr Mnlculm clhcrinllnn had he mlxlurlunu an all at III work and 11 In Ihc no n1 Vlclorln Hm pllal We with Im II woody rc wvcry EDGAR SHELL Oll COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED GOOD BOTHSHELL GASOLINES NOW CONTAINTCP To hone name SIIC March prnplr Mm brought you lhn gruml gnnolhm llchlUlanlll More mu more molminln lmvc lmn Mking III whrn we roultl nivt Ilnrm llll in Sllrll Iumlino nu well Sllrll llrrmium Mml nl hm pmplr drive can wlllch wtrn not tlcaiglml lo 1150 all of lhc powtr in Shell lremlum Now II III broom pouilrlr for All mnlmlnln In benefit from he knuqu Idvnnlngrl of Shrlln nmuhhlc ICl nlhlilivc New Cluln Stare Open Crawdl o1 xhépfim nllended the owning or ill nqw chain groc cry store ln the Mumlnl Block In week Personnel besldel man ager Thea Bernlrd lormurly oI Vlclorli Harbour to Bill Stole bcl Orlllln Elll Robertson Or unlevllle MIL Irene Eurnlq Or lllln MIL Sheelah Elnney and John Kncght Coldwnler Gary PlpherJessermn Ornn pointed By Ellelcl 0t particularInteresl ldully In connectlonwlth the recan un velllnz of memorial in lhé Steele family In the Inc thnmheorganfin St Mutlhlns Angllczn Chumh Coldwnlu wns damned by twn nephew Capt Elms Shzelc Mrs Albert Walker of 5qu has in her possessioq he Isward used by Capt Steele mummane allowed it to theyFalrvnllny gath ering on Thmsday John Drlnk water palms out that his great zrandlalhch and 03m Stcele hath sealed in Madam at me same llmc The Drlnkwnlcrsrllved luxl below he hlllvlromSlecle an the samc Mcdontavllnc lnlhc old Mar cer plum skewneseenmu mum Numerous descendnms the Steele amlly mended 1he dedica tlons at Fnlrvnllcy andl Orlllln on The Womans Assoclmun le moetxm Wednesday July 11 230 pm the home Mrs Elmer Dyer czmhter couyggqfary Weekend vlsllnr wuh Mn Mrs Thomas Anderson were and Mrs IL Redlern BanIn Mr and Mrs Fred Brown Louis nl Toronto Mr and Mrs Thomas Andtrson visited recenlly with Mn and Mrs Dnuzias Duiiy and family oiTor anln Mrs Louxhccd is visiting with rclnuves 1n Tornnlo nyng operations nu In full in nfiy baseball team Is nuw In second place In the fiveteam league Twnmyonc ladle gnlhmd the home at Mrs Downing on Tuesday cvcnlnz to cnmpllmcm Mrs Dallon Slcssof wllhm baby shownl Contests name and lunch were enjoyed durlng lhe ryenlng Plcnlc nu Chniea Littles lHll Cornnnllnn Wo menl lnslllule cxccuhvt ulsth nnnaunccnthe change In date the lnslllulo plcnlc lrom July 25 to August The picnic wlll he in lnnlslll Park August at 230 pm Games and race will be plny ed and bnxkcl supper will hégln pm florid lloildny Mrs in Brown lei Wednesday in accompany her mother on hm wcciu imiidny in Floridan Connie wnnl tar as Dalton where she will vlsli her aunt dur ing hcr mulher Absence in New Homo Mr and Mrs Jackiln who have spent the past six weeks with Mr and Mrs llndfllsI moved Io Ihnir home near Thnrnlon an Friday ThmIfinrlcri nrnn mu nur cured tobacco lhn Unllcll sunx ls urowu In Nmm Cnrnllnu nnéfiy Dlrlhdny nun Km well whocclnbmlcd hl birthday nn Saturday Miss By WINE WEBBY TOBACCO STAT HOLLY of the Greatest Gasoline Devetogment in years II is nowpossible lo brinmreryroneflall the benefits and and and July One 01 lhese was Mrs Cnmpbell ll anvls Street 0r illlln Shc was the former Nina 2212 Her gmndlalhcr John Sleelc reslded Godcrich An aunt Mn Theresa Cornnllus nl Nhllechurch ls sllll living at In the Sleeln lmrllllon Mrs Camp hells tnlhcr Danlel Steele had nmllyal ll chlldrm Daniel was loo young see overseas ncllan but served In the Rnyal Slralh canas HorscGuards Mrsl Cnmn hells nephew carrles on the Elmo Steele example also He ls Ronald Steele servlng the Canadian Navy Twu OK the Orlllin descend nms grandunclns were guards at Bucklnuhnm Palace glowing tribute ti the wny hisinry in ha Huiduh are is be ing preserved andmade known to ihe gonmi public was paid at the Sieeie Memorial dinner by Pro lessnr Fred landon Chairman the Hhtnric Sites nnd Munumonts Board 01 Canndni There is mare historical activity in the min bounded by Genrgizn Bay than in any other cornparnbie district in Canada he stated He reierred to local sites at hbtoric interest such the Champlain Monument care at which his board has recommend ed be taken overtby the icilcrai government Furtlsmi Marie St Ingnce St Louis and the old bar racks at Ienetanz IiOn Aug28 memorial at Wasngn Beach will be dedicated in tumor lhe iwo air mcii who made lheflisl flight mm the benciii in 193410 London Eng innd in 30 hours 55minutes it was lhe first successful West to tens 1th by air from Canada to iangiand ImL Lnndnnpmismi the Onlario lugisinliunlu protect his torie sites but recommended mari authority be given iulanvent Ihcir destruction Inth mumy Preserved Yes Our sgack of courssuils dresses shortios cm huvo been re priccd and must be sold lcgdrdlcss of loss Hurry far these tomorrow CASH CHARGE BUDGET MYAWAY So malovlm ullnu Hull Onlollnl run 3935 an up In l5 mun grown up long Ipulk plug mu mo miluni Rumml only yaw mlghbnullmvd Shall Dull llul Shollc ICP aaaumnaw In holh SlyII Onmllnn and Skill anlum Dvlvo In today WAY To BUY Ileth Mr and Mn turned to their pan having In the WcsL Mrs Wand spun Suilduy In Orillia visiting Mrs McLean and Mrs Smith Campbell Attend Celehmllon Qulla number 1mm here ab mndcd the Omngc celebmllnn Slayncr on Saturday In Barrie on llgl Barbara Handy is Lpnnllcm at tile RoyalVlclorIn Huspinl Bar MffllB BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 14 1954 Mr Noble Is vmung his wmm Miss am an houdnyxng with her grandpnrcnu Stanlnn Communlly Plcnlc Keep Saturday July 24 for the Community Flank at St Vincents Park Darrin Mr and Mrs Norman Maxwell are visillng mend at Port Arthur Frank Perkins is hnlidnylng Mnnituulln Island CALL THE EXAMINER FOR HUNTING PHONE 7AM 13 Dunlop St If its Bargains Youre After Then Shop First of DALSTON Pram Wm Ivan Orr have harne here and re wonderlul holiday Newton Robinson daughler Mrs To Go At HALF PRICE Omlnslle Wellington llulul BUGTIMI IS HERE Funglcldcs cnver your mps and nrollecl them against mnhug and hllnllt menace Dont waltllll Ihl hugs star la damage your garden or Iowan In nnw We have our 107 mm bug and bllxhl klllzm rlmue from Lat In snlve Wc slack nll lnsectlcldq and your garden ppm BROWN 00 Phone 5000

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