Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 12

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all sides So 1m Into um swing lhlngs we rccanly hr vmlod in camera that new to us and decided to embark on career as photographer First calm roll was taken an his complicated lllflc bl of mach lncrynwn in quick succession lwn rolls black and white It was sad day when the black and white wen snln ho developer and mde on ID he unfocusscd invis blc and unrecognizable The mlng the from Jun hadnt been punm out cnnugh and it was mic lo Ilnd out hat the fog in mm the rye we had been holding lu UID nngcflndcr was not due lo parllnl bllndnux we had supposed It Armed wlth mm 11 Ian haul the camera In qucsllon wr found purlcct group or suhjccls roll number four ansomq ummur travciisng xves whn md no vlsflnd Barrlc or de radu and dumped 1n Sunday in gums lhc West Coast and trekking down Bermuda or other ar an spnts Hs bcglnnlng to feel like time or mum Anywhuc Anytime Thue an uvenl Iypeu of lovers you can succumb to at various lime of he year but one hat seems about In last all year mund here is camera fever Never havr there been no many pholography enthuslasts araund and Ideas about camnra club mgl an AA ch For aixdnilam day and he considers thnt that is high con sidering hi budget he hm Hiefloored white walled mom plus threcmeais and private bath nil black tile wilh ridiculous mcrmen and mermaids on the walk The room is furnished with seventeenth and eiuhtecnlh cen tury stunmirrors headboard etc and leads onto covered terrace on two hundrrd loot clilt over iauking the Me ilcrranean the Positano landscape terraced houses row on row all pastels and endlesi horizon of blue eeru lean sea The pllce In quid and nearcful Jusl what ls needed or Janglcd newts What wlth postcard comm In lrom pcaplc making eras counlry mps lhmugh the United Stale to This ma llle is what win dcrlng vacatlanor who new haunqu thLIown slnps Posllano on the Mediterranean coaatwmes Whore 1n the plan 01 things went the mHIInn dollars was meant for he adds URI YOURS NOW wmu um IMH 1214113 3AM zxminm WEDNEShAY mm use ¥r DUNLOP ST lmvm humJuan mm mm lull In 41 law nl noun 0M Ira mum Mull mmlu mu In All ml wulnxlm Moum III mm may mm AROUND TOWN l7 MNll During short buslnm meeting it was moved by Enu Harlan Bar and second by mm Cook suyncr that an be rglurnod The members were also and wllh scvnral muslcal selections by Wally mid DickI Pallcndvn and Allan Cole AIRdint or the Ilrsl lime Prolcssurs Herman and Gordon Tracy Taronk and Klngsmn wilh lhcir companions added graciously the program Profes sor Herman Tracy gave an mm csling Ialk which might well give we answer lo Shakespeares ques llon Whnls in Name The pcnkcr nund roses varlous hues and sweet smell but he 1an Indicalcd low hornsf Hc ImpllLd the moral that strong olmraclcr hlgh Ideals and consist on good llvlnx unxlslilulc building malarial nr noble Gudlearing ramuy radium Members or am spurts commu too had made diligent prepmuuns var Hm days mm and the sump lumls lunch proved the ladics to bn as keen and clever as ever Sumo I75 perms auendpd he menic coming mun Lindsay 05h nwa Tnmnin Camngwond Kings anv Siayncr Slouflvillc and St CMhurlnes PHONE Mil mummy Lmnuq anon mm resdrich rm The must recently marrin mu 210 were Mr and Mrs Garfield Lawwn marricd 11 months Pro chvr Henlqu Tracy came ml hrlllosl 1mm Kingston The ymmgm baby glrl was Cheryl Lawson mm monLh old daughter Mr and Mrs Garlic Lawson Ihu youngcsl baby boy was Hairy Wilson clammonths uld son MI and Mrs Wilson Mli AND MKS Joseph Alfred Rivett whose early summer wedding took place in SL Marys Chhrch at Lindsay The bride is the former Mary Thcrcéa Callaghan daughter oi Mr and Mrs Thomas Cnllngin oi Reaboro and the groom Is the son of Mr and Mrs Alfred Riven oi Cooksiown Aiinr wedding trip through Northern Ontario the couple are making their home in Cooksmwn mm mm Prizts were given to the lwn old Xndlrs present Mrs Carr PlowriflM 01 Mincslng years uld and Mrs Tracy Collmg wood yours old Tracy Colllngwmd was the oldtst man 84 ymrs old olflco fur the 1955 Tracy rcunign Vumn AAAll lluhr Vulno In 091 SPECTATOR PUMPS wmu Vhllr mm Cum Blmcoa Cnunlyn Lanel Lnr nqu USED CAR DIVIEION 211 BRADFORD HT Dhl 4931 WALKWELS Dangerfield Molors Black llllll Thullkc new Wedding of Infereét in Lindsay Chfiféfi WALKWEI SHOES Buy Wllh Cunlldznce 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN 450°° wllh Nmy HIM LIMITED ullll HIan nr lllllh Hrrl 95 SUMMER SANDALS Not all alm unr llno lml larw or mum wmw um Whllr NI llrlgn MMll Alleml Church Suvlcn The rcmnlning rclnllvm In 1ll¢Sth WnlkInI mlcndrd cr vlco In SK Johns Church nn Sun Anhu mending Mrs Em Mr and Mrs Clarcncc Draw and cthnn 01 Mldhumt Vllfled Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn nlm weekend Mrs Yinbcrl dream hf been vlslllng her daughter In Nurlll Bay change or Teach Miss Prophet our senior Beach or resllncd In June and the chil dren preseqlcd her mm lovely necklace and earrings Mm Mc Lean oEdgnr and ML Fall at Vnuy will have charge atlcr the holidays Congratulauons lo the puplh who were succmlul In lhclr ex aminauom ll Public and High Schools Farmell VII The Rev and Mrs Gnrher Toronln calla don friend In the village Ins Week They leave shortly or wnrk 1n the Arctic Mrs Mabel Burns Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Poulme and chlldrcn 01 Windsor are spending some Mme lhclr summer homi hprc Bruce Ball at Oran cvllle L1 VIS lllng Ills grandparen me Rev and Mrs Newman nll mm In ulnr 395 495 hur Brown nf Barr II Jng holidays wlh Mn and Emu Casmm CRAIGHURST PHONE 2397 urmrp ncnu um my AN nxAMszn WANT AD Eédieslof Lawnv BPMing Club Hold Afternopn Bridge SIMMONS I30 day Unm Mllls save Mm From Drowning when Alan Tmmblcy was leav lnl the pier an Sunday allcmoon he heard me ur now Looking around he saw three munonc lhcm going undcn HI dived In Ind brnught he mun nalcly share As the olhcr two gentlemen were having hard lime to make themselves they were helplx Iuglve lhch compnnlqn any asslsl RC Chulcii or flu Assumption Summer scimol vau hold in the Roman Cuiholic Church at the Assumption in Eciic Ewart iur twu welsh by the SisILrs las eph aiicnded by 30 children Six little girls and iwa boys made heir First iiuiy Communion on Friday mnrning Man was calcbralcd by Rev Father Molnncy and the music was by the Senior children Mrs Higgins scrvcdbrcakasl later at her home Mr and Mrs wunm Van Valk enburg of omua visited here last week Mn and Mrs Saunders and lam fly of Niagara Falls NY are spending this week with Mrs Parkhurst Mr and Mrs Dalton Ferric and bgys are spending their holidays lnv Hallburton Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Parkhurslspcnl the week All Bulb 10 and Nlagara Falls NY Fuzes wcre donalcd by Mrs Amy Vain Mn Walker and Dick Steele wllh Mrs Bruce Johnston winning thn noveltyfiraw Mrs Steele made the draws which were won by Mrs Wollnnden Mrs Amy anr Mm Duval Mrs anger Aarson Mrs Harry Norton and Mrs Hook Mu Ft Walkcr die Qlce rul dam and Mn Huny Arm rang wile ollhe presidenL rcnclved 1h guest The club house was decux Med with lawnn making an at lracuve mung or the Iables Inplay during the afternoon Mrs Clnylun Stewart Was can nor refreshments altsst by hqr committce ma cm swans The India the Bank Lawn Bowling Club held an arlcrnnnn bridge It lhe club house on Wed nudw July and Because mr vgry flue response are planning to hold similar nualr iniAugusL Th lricmb were from Tor OrUllmMldhursl und Amen BELLE EWART VAST FORESTE French Equatorial Mr j00000 square miles of Neils xlch In umber human holldly hm in you um ml with awn wmluad 510 InMu mama v15 Down rm nun and thg CALL THE EXAMINER FOE HUNTINGPHONE NH Africa has of tropical BARBIE AW 15 NICE wow LEGAL BOOKS FILED HIGH do not make these men un happy probably because they have pretty Ireckleltaced girl to help them All are mambers or the trlservlcelegul section serving wnh Canadas IELInmnny Brigade Group In Germany Len to right are PO Reg Darwin Saskatoon W01 John Allen Vancouver Mlss RoselKlrchhoft Soest Germany and Bar Norman Clavene at Lconnrd N33 munnu Menu mow RESIIJENT Monmxoor oponmass NON MAmNG son as DOWN NoN ALLENch Dacron WuShuble Pillowg Have YouSccn the New PRICED AT SIGN OF THE HEM 795

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