Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1954, p. 1

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Ilm wr rlmllfl mm my IF cunlmu me lhr mum pallly rnr Hum ml vllhm mm mun mu nun lo 3121 wr Imam lnr HIM luml 32m In Nul lnr lnwmhlm rum Hm In 171 wan lnldurl WM lmlnu pyrpmrvl mu ymr llnnln nu nmml unlumllflmlul mm on Hm hm Mmlallnn mm Um 17 nth Allngellwr 1hr pmth will my ml nlmul ummm lu llw vulluul mlmhhlalllr Tm pmvlm anmmNI In mm the nymml Immmm pawn um umhm flu mtmu lrghlnhllr Tm zuuu lma 1mm 1qu ml lhe ml mum bu bun mm by hr Munlvlwl Allah De In umnmlltlmml umMI whlrh vlll lw mallrnl mil ll lurnl clrxhn and rrnslnru mm lmn IIIII mnmh mum 1hr humor um puma nml mlnvnulrml unr mlll uan unth hn mad Illuv lulu The nm Blue Cross urnup Sn Harrie was enrolled In 1942 whcn the employers at the Lufkln Rule Compnny of Canada Limited ul mcd Hluc Cum melt mm llun gnlnst the worry unex mm lupflal him Since lhn llml number or nlhzr Indullrlca mm mm nlso enrolled In prukll lhulr mpluycm lhrnuxh um Omarln Hnsllllnl Auuclullfln tummeH Hun Illuc Cw you In sumup Cmmly will be open mmnmm new lubscrlbcrl ur lhr um two weeks hhm emu bcncnu pmvldcd by the 0mm lllnn rxccrdcd mill Inn lnllnrx during um bxlnulvu uu mml mnnunl benrnls prom vlthd by the Pin to mm 100 mulmn dullmu mm um The en Imlu 1qu which has munch mm mm hm um n1 ulc In mm mm mm lhmunhoul Nm Axmrlm wlllcll prulm mmum Irulu Tm uan vmma Ilmullul he ImIuhrr HH 0mm 01 mm Amnlnllnn play mum 1th mus which nclu mu mum hr muv mm npcmlu rmnnurrlul nnznnlznflnu bu lIImumnl lmxpllnhnmnsulrd mmmum Wynr mun 1m nrwly mmnml Munlclpn Untmkllllnnnl mm Anl wth mum lulu lnrrr th ymr lvr mm mm Hm luwn llanlv BIHHIIKI rrrrlvr mmqu Mk mun mm Hm Imvlnclal uuvnnuwm BARRIE PROVINCIAL GRANT SHOULD AMOUNT TO $33693 UNDER UNCONDITIONAL ACT Representatives of indmlrlal and olhur urganlzallons 1n Bunk hid an nuporwnfly to view the lac lils nvnlluhlc Ike Rnyal Vlcmrla Hmpllnl nr the cure the sick and Injured ymmrdny anrnoon The huspllul lnvflud lhcsc repro unlallvcs an part or an cducnUonnl mgr1m HIM Blue Crust II can hurling in Unrrle mu monlh Gérdun Pim was chairman at his weeks meeting Represenlalives Blue Cross Groups View facililies otRoyal Victoria HospilalflrlEdutzalinnaJJBmgmm1 0n TuLSdny July 20 Lhch will be final general manning bcfnxc he survey is launched that time there will be another rcvlcw ur the work the subcoxmniltccs make any final chnngu ihal might be requlrcd as mum at he prelcsung leisure Time Sarvey Will Be Held in Augusl The Leisure Time Survey Cam mMcc expects to conduct Its xver sonlotpcmon survey of recreation weeds In Hm first W0 weak August for the most parx with vitrw ta having lhc data In by early Wombcn The subcommmm In charge 01 LhiSparl of he planned lowl sur vey is now in the procouol con ducting preaestlng ol the per son407ipcrson qucstlnnnalrc In or der In make Sum that the warding the questionnaires will bring out complete and clear answers This pilul model will be tied on bofcrc lhn omnmmee goes ahead th ils actual survey in make sure that IL plans are sullablc er much larger group Thu prelusllng will lake only low days and will consist of ques llanlnzz duzcn lyplml people as regards age and occupallonper haps halt dozen men lwn nause vivns 1W0 tounagcm and one rural rcsldunl Preparations for the actual por sonicperson survey will be com mm in about another 0ch weeks grunt drill 01 work SS entailed In mnnrcliun with Lhe 1951 canuS It was mnmmud at medung the survey nmmillcc Tuesday even my The main object this wcnk meeting was to review rcporls by subwvmmmccs Including he work dune on lists of urpnimlons to be lnlcrvlcwcd 10 find out what facil lucs and program are alrcndy ba ina carried on in the town 90th Year No 79 him Immy Iva llnllun MONDAY WEDNESIMY and FRIDAY single copy IM llw an rlllli In 1m molvod mm per unl vl mm lhln year My wlll rml Tuwluhli whhh nwlml loo pa rum mm but my le you ml 3m rcMJluI mt mm In uuu lmvz bun In urnu mu mm nun wmm wa 0le la le Inn £0000 Ind II vlllunl nuwa rm 551mm mam For many mumummm Hu nrw mm nlmulxl mm luwrr lam aml mm lrnulnllun rmullm le rmmdlu mllee ha myru um purvlnrlal mm lhluuuh lloHrn nu mm An Idea lhnt started In Tom In 1029 the Inc Crnu plan for lmsullul cm wnl burn um pm lelcc nn March 17 ID nflnr Wu ycarn lummlve may by cum mluvu at nm cumin llusmlul lu uuclnHuu The plan helm Ill ox emlnn hupllnl NIVILK wan rn Mnllnlly mmmunlly proncl up ml voluntary Hunqnnfll mm The him n1 hudgrlhlu or uan wen4 hulpllul mwmr wnn Im nmllnlrly Wl Nthrd Ivy Nu pclvliln Olllzulu Ind nl In um mm mnbumlpxuml mm uiuw Um hm Crux nun Kc pmml vmpilr Hm phrimnun hr mun Tlun pzlxlmrlll ham lnr nrrlvlnu xmhtx gum wllh mun lloli rlmllurl which llllllllclpnllllrx have hrcn Ihlu In rnflly haw uc lurml film llml Illm nu lww umumlluuunl mm 1er ml lmrrnm lnmr Hum 11101000 uvrr lhc paymrnu mmlr llllllrrllln VIII Imlmu Ill lDIJ Townan lnnkv nu mum KRIIII unllrr Hm nlw Ilnn Tth mm mm Incrrnml Ivy urr rm Thry wlll mm old mnul Inn $1 1100 li In sum nwnnhlua nu IIKIMIMI by WI um uvrr reculved at the Royal lemrln Hos pllal pnymenl 01 account comes trom Blue cross it was winkd om by the hospltal manager Cameron In his address the Thumdny gnlhcrlng Mr Cameron oulllncd lhcrlacililla now nvaflnbic An uulllnc the hlslnry or Blur Cm and the mud rcccm amn opnmnu In Um urcvlncc was ulvcn Um guuwnnu nbuut 20 mp rrsonlauvm by Rummm rcprcscnlnllvc Hm Blue Crux dllelon he Oulurlo llluplhfl momman CLARENCE STEELE at Ottawa descendant ol Cnptaln Elmes Yelverton Steele RN ls seen here unvelllng the lzton boulder monument erected by the Orlllla Historical Soclety to members of the planner Steele family Many dlgnltarles from vurlous walks 1m lncludlng Prlme Mlnlster Lcslle Frost were present for the Impressive service flu lncal hosp par pointed nut the Icalllru 0f the new Barrie and Dlsklcl Memorial unll opened In recent years In making In Blue Cross move ment he mind Blue Cross subscribers Invnrlably hu less to pay Ihnn hnIdch of any nlhnr tpc uI hmvllnl Insurance In tlmc OI Illness he Iddnd he cnrnInK dul lnr often drops and he more pro IcclIon the lndIvIdunl has the be Icr quuwmmIu hagPulomWLM MONUMENTS UNinst To PIONEERMEQijEFAMW Mlu Humnvlllu mm In Ilw ml Iumrh In Vinmlnn Or Nunu ll lhe vml UK July Nme nu hr lullnnal mm Him In Ullnwn wmmnml by Upr um muhlu mum at llw ml Inl II ulrUculnr Inlwul lmnl hmnrh mlan Mlu Funcm 31m Mm Snnluvnln mmnrd ovrrnl wrckzi nun and will he Iravlnfl hr Vltllnlnn nlrr ner vlrn MIILI Cux Im bran wmkllll Wllh hrr xlurlnu llw pm Wfrk In lllulllnrlrn hrrull wllll Hm lnwn wrclnl bnunl mrcllnn wul IIId Ull Wvdurnluy lWlllHE ln nay lnnwell III MD Bumrrvllle nml wrlrnmo In new hmmh Hum Al ul llnw ll wm pullml Hull llwm had lwrn lulnl no VIIHII nwll In May and Junr lhln yur nvwruulnn prr mnnlh lhlllylwo tlrlnlnulrnunn llll hm hrm glvrn Ind lhrm hm nm 110 mu llvr flrmlnl mulhll NIH 11m 21 Inurucllvn valln Ilnvl lu chlrlrll 10 plrmlnl vlIlu II vrrhml IIIHUHII and HG IHIIHHHVF VIIIII llilllhul and lhcll new IYIMIL lvSl 0Ln IIATummm mumI bvmllnl and ulna run lur and mi um um put Ilml In Inchm Kurt This yurl thI mm mm 1720 Mm Lommmv NOMHRVIIJJl wlm hm hm Vlclorru nlcr um MN lor Ilium mm yrnnl Imm Indny um wll hm hrr mum mkm mm by um um mm mm nurm Mlu Funcm VON Nurse Leaves CYCLIST TAKEN TO RVH AFTER CAR ACCIDENT According 10 police nu £ch dem occurred In Ilclmln 115m Into srggmx Avenue Lxmuon Iuflered Iromlhnck Ind hmh bum Ind III In hnsplhl when condlllon Wu ducde nthhctory lhls Invmlng Clyde Cnmenm Thomp Ion street flame VII ken to 0sz waging llogplhlfluj utch TIEmm In gillxlon Mlh ur Whlle cycl lo pm when he northbound ur driven hy wn mm Xlclterlnx or snlmy Avenut Danle The yumh was lnvtlllnt south on Sunlddlln Road lrmuul BARRIE ONTARIO CANADmngkvgium 91954 Spunklnu lurl Ponclanuul shrnu mm the nnucum In Um n1 ncm ruanrl he 111 prcsumc um In ycm lo come you will an lme uucmnmaduuun and mm ncraumlc mom people of lhc mg mu unmw mm nfllra which must mm mm numbm Hum wmcn waum mm um 5can mm provklr vlsum Wm ullmpsc ol lhr pm Yuu could have wmclhing mm mm Km Ilonx ran Ilcnry nml ll If ya know how um has mm Ir ynu mm lmw and mm mmr mumy now In Ixrlrlleuz nnd Ilnvrllmu mmry you wlll lIr lhnnknl by mum wrnkrr In rm rumrn whn knuwu mm wru by wmr mm non mm mm nuw lm nnhl W1 xhnuld nlm mwnllnlv 11qu mm nu mw wer 11er um mm llmw My llu ya lmllrvv lhrlr IIMIIM hr Mum III Turn Ir pm wn mum of Indlnnrurthr 1r um Here you me me romancc 01 um lndlmu ng mung Que mm the army and me lrnll the shrine and mnrlyrdmn Where else can you find such cnmhlnn Men am certain you can mnke marc 13 lnurlsl nltrncuou mdn you have Llnnc You have lwu wnndrrllll old bnnln nu lllplny um Himmlle Thrse mum prnllclrd wllh run and lhr llmlnll lhllhrrn an fully mum wllh rrmmh nr mm prmrvnum Mnn lnlurmalllm mqu mum on um mumm mm hm Inn nHanl mowg ul wmkmnmhin mm mm nvmlnhlr Iluw wrrr llm mm mmu um IInutl hnw Illll luy nmkl Um mlku Brought to Puntlung by the Uni versity Western Ontario Kn canpccuon with me Iummm school SECOND MONUMENT 160mg on the original Esthte of Captain Elmes Yeivcrton Steele RN at Purbrpok in Medonte Township was aiso unveiled festerqu alfemoon Premier Leslie Frost is seen herena he assisted Coi Harwood Steele of Coleiord GioucestersfiireEnglerifl at theceremony Guards of honor were Iormcdiat both unveiling services by representatives oi the Royal Qgpndinn Mounted Poiice and um In mmomnm um SHOULD EMF ASIZEHSIQRIC RESOIIRCESJS FAKERSUSTES Speaking to an audience in Penetnnguishene Public School Wednesday night John Fisher wellknown radio comment ator urged the people of Huronia and more particularly those Penetang to make the most or their historical re sources and develop them to the fullest extent n5 tourist attraction the Lord Strathconn Horsre HURONIA DISTliitT CITIZENS 1m mmo lhnle Iul hm mum lulu nuny mum Hqu 0mm dule nil yur mm rum mu film In rnmwrfluu wun ml Illrlnl mm mum Hnunmn Now unlul me man In nu mm mm In Hum lulumlllmll Muvenllnn In Nm Yul um Whll WWI unulnm In MIIIIIIIII mun unnum mi in mum llnlul 3va flier rlm lelnn ml Mr lllml wu mm In Mk of IN uvan AMI llnn am Llulfl nmuaolmm had up mp mm In Hm William Garner Director CALC At Convention llrmlll iluml III Jum Iluno llll yrm wnr Mr nll wnmu II vnhu 50100 tmlmlved qul yMr 3720515 an lmtuu Ul Ilmfilfl nv yrflf mm mm 0r Tm ym mm mm lolemnm mum vnlua moo mull Il rem Imelllngt hnnlun WM 01 lulnX 251 mm wnu 1m ml 1mm Jam Juun 1114 um wm lulnl nlnnum n1 umrmm Lnu ymr fur lhr mun mImI no wrlr qunl mm mm mama an Inmm ul mnln mwlnly mum n1 llmumnnl rmnmml In MAL wnuhl 1m llw mg 1m 12ml iwelnnu lhn nmnr mel mu rm and 1m Imwml only nn pm ml Nrw dwalllnn mnnlln In June WM Wlll vnlmvl ll THIN lml Iur Jllm lull ynr ll mum willl Imvraw In vnluu mm anwmmulmlhm the nurprlnlnu Inmer presented 1n the mer Muy wth bulldln prrmlLI In the town cl Hume Knowan nu lucrvmau or $223530 uvcr Ilmmn the pruvlmla ycnr the month of Juno mm muned to the hcuvlrnl month on mtonl fur hulldlnu ullu mumL June Building Permits Issued Show Increase 0f $129585 In Comparison With 1953 Figures mllN FIHIlHll IiWétiley Bl I0 carinjlon hr IHnNM II HI It Orchlrd Drive bull or Mn 00 llakllc IL meo Dunlap EL Cu at mulldvr Gordan Pull l7 Tomnln EU Ill Town ml 34 ll Ycflfh llrury um and n1 anlun 1H 1huhrr In Wunluxmu ImImrllnu I00 wme Ave Wrum nl 1n 22 at In am an Hanle llmlltlnr Wllllnm Hlllull Ihllllrluwn om mm Human mn IL lam uluI ma neruy Mum annular um mm mm ml 20 Cunlluu umllller 0va Nhlhuml mu hum kmn mum um WHon am my llold W1 lllyfluld mud In rm WNII HugMn REE II III Codrlnllon BL Ind Al Thu pnscnmlon ol the govern ment lnbltl In memory 01 Sam no Bend21d Slade Wu than nude by Protcssor Fred Landon chair mu at haflhqflc Siluand Mun hnhml m1 Thank you to this magnltlcentmemo1l statedCol Haywood Steele ox caléford GloucestershlreEngland when be spbkém the unveiling yesterdnyynlpemoon In Medonte Tawnshlp at monument torhls granulathér Captain Elma Yelvertbn Steele who served during the Napoleonie Wars wmuhe Royal Navy and who later came to Canada and established residence atPurbrook Fair valley Flnt Slmcoe p1 Captaln Steele was the first mem ber oIIParllament or 51mm tn 1841 John Cuucher Steele was Reeve Oro Tanshlp Item 1851 tn 1871 and was Warden of Slmcuc Cuunty in 1875 Slr SamunLBentclld Steele was the Superintendent the Royal North West Mounted Police from 1885 tn1901 and was cummnnder at the South Mrlcnn Constabulnry from 1001 to 11106 Helnter served wlth the Canadian Farm lnthe Sguth Mrlnan War and in World Wax Ono ln lhh connccllon yesterdny was the clghllclh annlversary of the day an whlch the Ihnn recently organlzed Nullh West Mounted Pollnl set cut on thelr famous march to the Rocky Mnunlalns and back to Edmnnlon markan the cllectlve taklng over an Nérlh West Tcrrllorlu part of the Domlnlon of Canada South Mrluan War and in Woild Guards honur were formed bath unvemng ceremonies yester day by detachment the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Lord Srrathcuna Horse The monument Ihe Steele family in crime located on the Public Library Grounds and eolerlul ceremony marked un velllng This was followed by the dedicalory prayer by lhe Very Rev Maclnnk MemOfialsi lilioneer Famin Unveiled lnlmpresgsive Rites In Orillia Andy medonte Twp Earller in the clay the Steel inmily had bun similarly honorch when monument wm unveiled by Clarence Steele Ottawa to the memory at Captin Steele to MainrGeneral Sir Samuel Beniielrl Steele and John Coucher Steele Speakc this ceremony cluded Prime Minister Leliie Frost Warden Smith Campbell on behalf of the county Mayer John Mneisaac Orliiin Rublnson MP lar Simcoe East Lloyd Lclherhy MPP inf Slmcoc East CuL linrwond Steele and An sLmnt Commissioner MeLelim RCMP Mcdonle Monumenl Following thl scrvlcc mnny peo ple travelled to Pumronk tor lhc unvclllng at the second monuman campmcd of alone and wood rum the nearby Slcclu home on the orlglnnl Lilil ul Caplaln Elmm Slccln RN The mcmnrllll lablcl an llll monmmru was llvc work Lucille Walls the nrllsl wlle ul me wellknown wrllcr and author Kennclh Walls cm limwnm smug win nsshlcd ma unvclllng lhc monumrm by Premier mu mnmnrlnl In mum um Flu memarlal 1n Orlllln wn crcclml under me nmplm lhu Orlllin Illsmrlcal Society Ind III Madam by Mulunlu Townshh Cnuncll flhlsllll by he llllrunlu Aunclnuon and Sllncuc Counly Cuuncll was conlury nnd uunmr nun lurlmV he thlcncc OX nlmh urlhmlrm Upper Cnn ndfl um Slmcuc wns Hrs 51 nwfl scwmlc cumlllucncy Ilnblmnn Tory vmmx llny wn In July mm nml Colorful Ceremnny £5 an um nu mu um mum IMIIII HI hulldevl novmm rm Julmtlnn Run Iillel 11 II Cullvlmllnu 51 bulldrr VFW Muffin mm II Wllllnilun BL hulhlrr Arthur am Dunlap Bl Hill Inn harden ll up RI HIIIII hum Vlndcrvur iuhldu ml fVellln St drrr Mom III 00mm mm RUIG éumnm 5L mlldlr um Mulm Own an 1mm my film Auvlqtn Cook Ildmu VJ Hnnhml l2 Cm Illmlwn HI bulldrr lunllm Sknlnl Ifll fndrhuum ML IL Walk nunnlrl Dnllnlvl SI HIIIII rr In Eula rllllu Only ll Ml mlllnllml til bullmr Muir Mellxllllr Ind 50 I60 Bl Vlvxrnl II INK 73 Uumhmnlvl HI Al 15 InLIMInhl MIHIIIII In In 1336 Robinson was again elected to represent Simcoe In the Upper Cnnadlan legislature alethauzh this lme Rclormer Lounl was unsealed by James Wickem largely by reason number fraudulent land mums being sued by the Famfly Compactors 01 sh ancu Danni Head lo thall supporlcm 1n Mcdonle Noume ugl Om Vupn and Sunqldnle Unned Pullmam Shortly lheruauer however as the msull of the rcbcllion at ma the Durham Report parlia mcnlxry rfinmswer ntrqduwi 5L Amman um Funk Lmmlun no Culllrr IMerlluuhm fll bulldrr Ir XL KNI wrll my my an no mm umuurr um Km 2m Dunlnp III mm hulhlum Alexnudrr ml 1m VIM Mi Mu 12 mm WHllIm Robinson101 thus days was Toryu lollawer 111 Family Compact party and bl op punem was John Camth at New mzrkztr Robinson kept an open house an Phelm Tavern telltes Slmcoa histurlan Andrew Hunter for the purpose at furnishing gram aus eating and drinking to the tree and independent demonespec Ially those 6uppor1ed him Oawnua 11 in sald dld the sum lhlng nearby Apparently me la ters nourlsnmcmsat better Al any mu Cawlhrawu elmd by 1h narrow margin of Mn vole Electul In 1330 Two years later howaver the Hill Robinsnnfiot those days up set Cawmra Robinson was again succwlul in the 1834 Elections al though he was analyear Joined 1n the nwr twosea constiluency at Sheet by Samuel 101ml flu man who was three year later lead the unsuccqu march on Toronto 01 me rebelv lone Wlmam Lyon Mackenzie There was but one polling booth for the whole constituency at Hol land Landing Ind the poll was npen tom whole week CANCER SOCIETY DRIVE TOPPED TARGET $1500 5ny per am of Ih money nllul in becn turned over to ma Cum Haclrly Ilrudy Ind um remalndrr ll min htld by um null talurfller Ila work III um um Mr MrCIrrnIl Illo Inld In the mclfly Wu deeply Indtblw ed In lht numb the dil ltrrnl Womtnl nullqu Dr Illa ulnahla work my flld In rnmlunLln mo tum In an TIle wu Mnounctd yum any by 11 mourn chllr man the mull wLo All polnkd oul um mym whn wu needln alliance Inch lnmmrhflrm to Toronto Inr ulmlmflom chm or who nnltd lny lnlonmllnn hould contact 1M unll which can lho tnllm Ira of Blmcoe Cnunly The recent hindnull drlva whlch wu curled out by an mule Ind mum um or the Cnudlln 0mm Sulcely my ed tom of $0590 um our the oumuve moniln to ma Iml hbulnllon of donqu Mn lo pm Iwa plum mmzmpnrl ximum Surging mm 02 um AND ooum or amen 01x humle thlhlrnn thll Month and Du mmlmont ha been lulu up Mndlu Inn any nude ul mumlun will Im In Im mo BirriéPléygrafihd Supervisor Has Wide Experience Mr anmny IDKIVW mm plnymuumh wluxln 1h mwn Gun mm In Vlncml Punk Lenon IMl he lul Hdwn Stul Hum Cluh nml nmclInnhll umlan thy camp Om Mch fuur my wuk dull miniy damning than nl Om harm nHondlM nurmnl mhml Il NnrHI May In wmkml nl lmlLumIn Dulnb Mllml and Wu mm In mm lmpm wlUI huh IVWHIIL null mu lmruJthllr mum mm mum hnuue rmn1 tluh Ilul hackv ICHvlllq In mum lulmm have who lm tlutlm tumbling bath7 In lu kmrrr wnll hunllnn mm and lwlmmllw mm In xnfiumx nun luv III Hnulhlmtmhm SnuLh Iurcuplnv Nonmm ammo and dunn nluxllnr wmk warm dlmmr CMle lllckoll and We Inrmcr Inmuou Full am and mm lwu rhlldrtn Hum Ilhl AnnMan llmvrd In Harrll 1m lm munm wllru Mr MnMIlnry mww hlu Camp Hov urn mum pawl nu ma bun mlnrlval or mm mm mm In lrmlmmuuh ummy unamnm um 4mm ndnml Uuum mu plnn no émnes pm gmund wlux prcvluu cxperlcnca nn phygmunda In his home lawn had three such meetings durln my spell in Ottawa First there wal chic petty halter In the Navy Spud Hughes Hes dn ing physical training Instruction down am Why and aner had been in convmauon with him about five minutes he old me how he used to xelcrce Dine at the hockey games down on Prince Edy ward Island and course knew the illustrious Red Favem Then he told me that they had WHEN on their mu who hid just come out mm Dundee Scotland my old stumping ground Perhaps to the mu malnuan domulle human ll wan as well that this IIIlet piece Inmrmatlan came to me the night was leav Lnx the wpunll The Earrlc Mreallnn Comm of 1054 lummcr playgrnund ymv gram got under way It be ginning this week under hl directan at hl summers super vxsor Roy anhlncy compar mlve newcomer to um dIslrkt Mr Mawhlnoy has been leaching pad Camp Burden puzch school lor the put year and has wide ex parlance In both mmlng and dlr Nilon upon MUVMIS i111 purlhment United Pro vinces 01 Upper and Lower Cap Idn was scheduled for the spran of 1M the union having been formally pmclalmed on Feb 10 of 1115 gar Excitemem ran high Thecnm didatm were Tory wunmn Rob man and Captain Elmo Steele at Medanlev Barrie was the aniy polling place ior the whale constituency at Simcne it being an iirst election ever held in that town Voting was spread out over nil wk and it was luli one wilh whiskey an impommt actor in me contest Pushini Pulling and fighting were cnmmoni Sometimes one party gained possession of the polling Turn to page two please Bi EconY TAYLOR Well rues no matter when one have in Canada one Is llnhle to keep meeting people who hav some roman with the Barrie area Slnu 18 1119 Last Column Never Hedrd Of Barrie Tqrn mag five please nmr nmwumuv

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