avcflfli£ arcoz hï¬Ã©amem 00 II was m1ch um the nu tor um nml slx mmlllu Nun ycflr prepared 5mm In mung nflrr July an he lmnl nszusor may Nuhn In llll humer durlxm Aulnll or onrly Squmnbrr lmlorc lhl lllm lnr nlurulng lllc msrumrnl rullv nunrll Mun thvc Antlrbw Dunlup prcsldcd lur Vlllagc Councll July and all wunclllurs warc nrcsrnt Bulldlnn Inspector Archie Tuck oulllncd 5mmI problems me In hls work and rccummcndcd that mudlllcd building rude be added he bylaw Cnuncll nuned hold spcclnl mmllmz Cnuncll ac crplcd nn urm ln Juin counly wide mulunl nld HchlathH 1y cxn mmlnn wns p12st nulhor llan Ilse the Cnldwakr brlgndc uulxldc llu nnlnlcimllly he dls crellun the Her chlcl 10 mild pale 1n the Slmcno County mulual um 0L1 umiur mu dlrrcllun or lhc Slmcuc Cnunly re coardln ntor Clrrk hrsur Mnmn was In ntruclud lo rmursl hr RFKIMIEI Slmrnr rumny pmvldv mu nnnunl mu lmnnms Cum pruprrlhs lnshyterlan lraAssamhlyi Miss Edna Lonny gave an ad dress at Cnidwalcr Prusbylerlan Church Sunday aiicrnoon an the deliberation Inc ImAssembly oi the church which she allcndcd in Toronto as an orncial delegale Wins 210 Al Punch Harvey nawke Caldwam balm er drove Percy Watsons Orillia horse Brook Title In win baill heals Tllhn 230 clnss harness race at cnclang on July Nearly 2000 raclng inns chcurcd the SIM purse winner which nlsn won me halter for being the bus horse in he 30 class and was presumed wllh calling blanket or being In but dressed horse the vinyl Rimming Barn Burned disasiruus in occurrcd ni Dar rie last week in barn owned by Len Cumming brother 0i Rev Ross Cummlng or Coldwnlcr Loss wax csllmnlcd at 325000 when thE barn wiih Catlin pigs 500 chickens hay harvest combine hurvcsicr and mWing machine were des troyed Fireman wen unable In gel all me livestock cul Only moo cows broke Illrongh the sill in he nuisldo The other won last when 30 ions nl flaming hay collapsed on he slnlls change in the wind helped save garage which also cnughl fire Mrs Cumming discovered the blaze and summoned ï¬remen Hay Com busuun is believed In haw sinned the fire toldwmr Comingqu Cemetery Decorlflnll servlcc Led by Orillla Brass Band CnId Vchx Legion Auxiliary to the LC glon and other orgnnllnuons marched la Culdwatcr Cemetery Sunday afternoon for the nnnual decoration of the graves The sur vlce was well attended and Rev Charles Carter delivered the ad dress Brownie Summer Cllflp Caldwalcr Brownies started sum mer camp at Bass Lakc park on Monday DO IVOTlSE flicolOlC DIVfflflGflS INFOIo AND ATHIRTIII Tour Brillsll Culumhl Deputy speaker Robinson Slmcoc East will accomp any large pany Members of Parliament nnd Senators some with hair amines on tour Brltlgh Columbia Ihls 21L llurnnla Cal club Rcccnl activities he Huranla Call Club members were meet lng at Cecil Ortons arm to pract lSc judging Holstein cows and trip to Guelph on June 30 The summer service slcamhojl lraln connecting with CPR pas senger boat at Port McNXcoll is making regular runs helwcen Perl and Toronto and slop hrlnfly at Coldwaler Summer lrIln Servch Passenger or the Sunday nlghl CNII Iraln to Toronto dld rm board the train usual but were Iran porled lo Orlllla by PanelingMm land Coach Lines For July and August passengers mall and llght banal wlll be carried for all sla llong 1mm Mldland to Orlllla duh In the summer monlhx Heavy equlpment will he 5hlpped by the Monday morning traln By Donna mume Dolcrmlncd it be profit rod to Hiclr pun shunM disallcr alrlkc Ihelr community mm no my Swill if Hdmnnllm Alberta hnve been inkln course in tire KM tntr nml ire prevonllan in he mnnlnn Clvil Bounce Rescue School Inumdan lrotn prnvinclnl and civic orunnlznllmu inttum in boy how In use In nlflllfll Ire rxllniulxliora lint ulhrr cqiilpmlnl how Iu lmlrol panic rescue linl mnir mime pmprny nnd num hcr til illirr pulillc 5le Akilll In litIn Hirm Ml lhn Flrmnniil prulltlciicy Intlur ummnw UNIVERSITY Qucrnl Unlvmny upcan nl Klllum Only was Hu HIM In Cnnluln In llllmdlllc nludcnl nellmwrrmnrnl ANTEN MILLS Gary Kelly H0 French Larry Murphy ct Joe Marley Joe MC cnnld 2b Ed Knnls Don Srol Run Punting 2h John Cole lb EdLnanu 05002111 10 Anlln Mm 05200112 16 Caxï¬pbcn Base An Maw Lame Amulrong Louis Bvlcnurl 3h Ell Pnllcn Earl MacDonald lb Leu Belcourl 2b Dennis Marnonlld I1 Good cllcw If llowdcn If TIIEYLL KNOW WHAT TO DO Dun Scull with Ihmc hlls ln eluding Irlple and Joe McDonald Wlthj In one at hem double tanned nu uflcnslve for Ankn Mills Art Maw WHh three hits and mee Armstmrig Ind Earl Mac Donald each wllh Iwu pactdEdLn valcx muck Edcnvnle had dendiockcd the game 1111 in me 10p of he scvn cnlh when Leo Eclcourl scampurcd all the way 1mm 11m base on an overthrow Joe McDonalds clutch single with the bases loaded and two out In the sovemh was the winning an as Amen Mill outlasted lam bid by Edenvalc Anlcn Mills pushed home sin Ek run in lhu sovnnlh and ï¬nal mnlng last week In eke All 12 11 vicmry over Edcnvale In Vespra junior softball game An Inn MHLE The Ellis brothers smrlud the tourist dovclapmcnl In Black Lake area 01 Malchbdash Township and many cotlngcs have been built In lhu area In recent years McDonalds Clutch Single Gives Win To Anfen Mills mm is already interested in the pmpnrly Uranium may also be mind on nearby prnpnrllcs as well It Is rcpurled Ponible unnium Deposit Sirong zeizer counts indicating possible uranium deposits in quan tity have been recorded on till property oi Thumns and Henry Ellis at Biak Lake on the Severn River Ono oi the best indications was where the Ellis home is locat ed Snmblns are being sent to the Canadian gnvcrnment mines bur eau or icstingAccnrding to Tom Ellis firm uranium manuiact Parking lines on Main Street were to be repainted this week nnder dlrcclion oi the roads and bridges commute The clerk was asked to check with 1h superin lcndem regarding some hydro tuolu which had been borrowed but not rclumed The Legion Ladies Aux iliary were granted use of the Mlin Shae and Militias the park norm of the telephone exchange building for street dance uyrxnpg MacDonald Huronin Historic Sites and Tour is Auocinioxvlnm at $25 or 1954 was urdemipaid and wax re commendcd the 1mm be continued each year long the Associn Lion apexam satisfactorily How ever Uic an to he Huronia and Georgian Bay Developmtnh Com mission in to be discontinued EIDRNVALE Dan Black ported $37330 large Imount by Coldwmr mndnrdm Notice are lo be lent Io dellnquenl men rtquirlng bill be plld In ID dlyl or scrvjn will beqlmontlnued Jrh Wile and um Cammfltae wu uked lo lnvemute requeu OEIn dd fanyum on Bush SL fer ram were plate HIGHLIGHT 0F the drive 101 funds or the Bradford Community Centre was the presentation yesterday by the Rotary Club of Bradford of Show The centre 15 estimated cost $95000 Including mm Ial Ice and funds are well over the half VULCANIZING BEERS TIRE SERVICE Rotary Donajes $1009 10 Btadférdanmynity Centre 3133 BRADFORD ST WERE Chepct an you my diaglmsu WE WILL BE SERVING YOU FROM OUR NEWLY RENOVATED LARGER LOCATION FORMERLY LOCATION OF MORRISON CO LTD In ROAD SERVICE TIRES and TUBES way maxk now Above atlen 15 Past Pres ldenb Norman Porter handing the cheque over no0 Evans QC chqlrmnn of the Community Centre Fund with Brad Walker vicechairman lookiné on 0N CAR TRUCK BUS TRACTOR BLUE sunqu PRODUCTS comm REST SPOT SYDNEY N5 CHThe Nova Scum Coopcrauvc Union has Iakcn an opllnn on 100 acres at land near Haddock or the pro pom establishment at coopcrn live vacnuunland was an nounccd at the organigaunns lfllh annual cunvcnlinn here THE HOME OF LONG MILEAGE Gounï¬mm mum ynu lnaklng clmlcnily Ilmyle Inlflalre or an lxmvagnnfly dnlgned mam youll llnd ma and me llnesl quamy mnney can buy BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED WEBBS JEWELLERY ls ESSA 1mm FARM TIRE SPECIALISTS BARRIE Kerr Machnaid Found 55 Stewart If FeMï¬ cf Cranks 1b Coulson 3h Meyer Emms Bowman Mldlnnd 0000001 BanIn 20 0210 XH UMPIRES Joe Brewer plate Stan James base ab 110553 lb Johnson My The run sixth lnninz broke the contest which was called uiier six and onehall innings An error on Don Couisnna ball started ihe rally and Paul Mcgnrb RBI double was the cue that Limit was in in rough scgion Midland made the Drys tame to hang on the 21 margin until the mm when Pulands trlple scored Danny MacDonald whn lived on an error and Poland hit the leE on an error the left nelder Johnson The Dry came mm behind In the lacond lake the from as Jack Liza Issued wo auccmivn walk which wure tollnwed by hlllure on flcldurs bake and byPaul Meger The cuntcst got underway 20 mln utu late but moved swmly un til lhe slxth when he Dry cut loose or 10 runi oft ï¬ve hits which Included tworun homer by Danny Poland and bnscloadcd trï¬ple by BruceKerr The Indians salvaged their only mp in the ï¬rst as Mareau walked and stole second enunl on Jacksorï¬s woout sing Barri Cnmda 3in turned aside the Ihrcal ol ailing intalhq cellar the North Shncoc Eauball League standing over the week end whan they Imunccd Midland Indian 141 at Airicullural Park Carl Emma lashlonud tauth ler or his third wln of the sehsun amt second over Midland as the Dry shoved Ihc ndhn deeper Into the fourth and last posmon Drys PoWder Indians 01 IORUn Fraine MIDLAND Miareau as Ellrry Jackson 2b Grant Scan York rt ALLANDALE BA MllllVlNU Fll ONTARIO IIIOWN Llilll MONK IW BUNCH EAIIIIMH NIJV CHOI IHMN IMIHHIIF CHNTALBUPES Ink Nu IND llll ARIZONA MEIIE DETEHEENT ORANGE JUICE ROOT BEER EDI GINGER ALE LIME mva AND mmumn nv mmml mun mumm mum nmun thy mm July lo WILLIAM IIOIIHEY llllANlI 0H CULUNY SOFT lllllNKH KANE BACK BACON rum CANNON TEA TUWHI Ilfl IY IKG LIFEBUOY PLATES or 10 PICNIC HAM Hfl ROUND STEAK or HORST flu READY TO srnvz LEAN PHAMIIALEH EN CUTS MAHGENE Liz 39 Ali LEAF FAMILY SIZE BULUGNH FIIAY BENTON CBVBNEDBEEF MAPLE LEAF sMFKEH SHOBTENING L1 28 Chlntlledknlo CULVEIKIIOU FANCY IISPAHAEUS TIPS nan 5m 19545 Margnrlne neg1m FANCY PEAS CHASE 54 SANBORN lNSTflNlVlifllFEE Dumulic DELICIOUS INSANDVICIIES BURNS SPEEF CHASE AZ SANBORN INSTANT EflFlEE GREEN GIANTFANCY Ell EH BEANS SWEETTENDEflSTOKEL UNGRADEI QEEBAKBD BEANS lIElNZIN Ilil BUNCH HHHTH IIICUMIIICIIS Nliw CROI HANS ANI IIIHIHHI Wanted Quart Balkan TOMATO SAUCE Wm PORK In 75an inc17 Wm Gm JUMBO Illle 45 lo 33 lb ova BY THE PIECE SALll PLATES SPECIAL 12 OZ TIN 33c 10 orr 16 01mm 25 SPREAD CUHN CUPS uelnx Tasty Sandwich Rem Paper Culverhnuse Crtaln Sty Plenlé Sweet Mlxzd In pkg OZ JRR 10 01 TIN PKG 0F 10 15 OZ TINS 15 OZ TINS 15 02 NS 12 01 Ilm 4n oLllln OZ MR oz um 33 alum smcmm SPECIAL SPECIAL 20 OFF 69 59c 75c 65 83 45