Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1954, p. 2

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2THB BARBIE BXAMINEiVy Dancc Ivy Orange Hall Smur day June 26 Old lyme and mod lm dancing 912 Standard Time Beattys Orchestra Lunch coun ter Admission 50c 71 Dance It Baxter Friday June 25 lhemusic Paxmnz CKBB Haylon Party Dancing from 930 tn 130 EILIW Dunl target he memorial ser vice at the nth Linc Innisfll Came iery Sunpny June 27 at pm Lanai ministers in attendance 72 The annual StephemnAndersun reunion will be hed Spring wam Park Mldpugsl fiupday June 11 Supper at 50nlock Mandden Plcnlc Bring your hmket and came to the McFadden Plcnc nl Sprinantcr Park Mid hurstqsundny June 27 at 1230 Dancing every Friday and Sat urdsy nighLs Orr Lake Pavmon Old time and modem Snedzliz Ing In aid lime dances on Friday nigh 72 Mixed dancing every Friday Pine Crest mues much Barrie on Highway 27 or miles south Elmvale Music by Hcptom Ad mbsion 50m 22le Baxter Presbyterian Church will hold their Strawberry Festlva June EU Supper served 1mm to pm Good pragram Adm sion 15c and 40c Gala Earn Dance at Burnie Walcs Earn jus noflhrof Ever ou calming me Georgian Bay Islanders Friday July Lunch munlcr Admissinn 75c and 50 727BW SL Georges Anglican Church Ulopin Garden Party June 29 Supper served 5308 pm Ball game Program by the choir wnh added nttmcUnn Admission 3109 and fine Greasy Onlnrlo Provinml Poflcn Headquarflers Toronto will be lEclurlnE on the Atomic Bomb whh slides at In Library Hall June pm General nubile and especially 1mm interested In Clvll Delcncn welcome 7273 Scnlur Vsmtt lnspgmqr THERES Color In Your Home IFITIS Tryssonn Chrome THERES Economy In Your Home Ir ms Trysson Chrome AIR FOAM SEATS 83 Calor ls Ie hum llrnnryI Krnrdul dlfllnluhhnl ulr Ilm cnlurt heat Ina nu mhlam uhle up with malrMnl nr Cnulrullnl rnloml Allmnla Iklrllnx Chllr cnlm an am In varlrd In Ilnmhownuu ludlvhlunl mm rAuu Ily MuonlloImckrd hhle lop wllh amnion Hul ulm tllrnmc nlrrl Iprml nvbnrllt Imul MINhurl fled nlhlu ulcll lnrk ronvanlrm Aluruc ware In lul CHAIRS lwulune uphohluy um wrhlnl Irame filed thrumc Jun lrnuml mt wlh mm hunml In bark mm nlrrnxlh rlrar plaltlr llldrs uu leg prevent nurkln qur nuTerFm plaulc raven mmughnuL An muomuIxywnd un Inruvluoullnr mm mm nul Imully lullml In mm Imuu varP nun ma nlhlu minm us mnmnN Tvlnl will In Iluly Lunlnnlnl In Lu billrl III IIIII My th nlmdy MI lvvllhll NunIIu llllu nlI Illlpl IIMIIR Pp rnmllltl Iummvl mum Inullul mm In mm mm Anmmm mm lm rm npum Imd mum Mr rom ml Ilulln war on up unwmrur mum plnllr cumin APPLIANCES CROWN Sll IT SMITH 114 DUNLOP ST All FOAM ski12w WEDNESDAY Jugs 23 1951 Jacobs Vision Compared To Vision of Pioneers Coxfilnued tram plus one work done in theren9yaflon wmn mm Let remam the House God becausc oi the qualmes me who worship here Sume these qualifies he descrlhed as the shutting out of the filings um have no place inJhB character find sell seeking Jealnusy van ity and attempts at sellglonflca tian Press on In unison or soma lhin higher nnd butler hLe ed WZXcofie 5trixggrs lo the sine tuary splr 91 friendliness he asked he members can grggnunn um subuwm The ensuing snmnncca or the rcdgdlmuun service wexg spoken bthe minister Rev James Fe Lord who made heaven and earth Exespl the Lord hufld the House thchnbér in vuln that bulld XL Blessed be the nzme the La dram henceforth even forever Following Dr Camcrnns request or rcdedictaion the church Mr Fcrguson repeated the words of the redcdicatlon Servlcc wflh the congregation standing In he namen 1hr burd chus Chm we do nus call upon youhemlure in say In your hoaxts what now say in youv hearing To the glory God the Fath clj who has called us by His To the glory olthe Son who loves us and gave Himselt for us And to he glory of he Hnly Spin1L who Illumincs and same Hcs us We dedicate mis House The church was declared rcdedi catcd by Dr Cameron Iallnwing prayer by he minister Churth Servicel The Service at St Aldnns Church June 21 is cancelled so lhn as many as possible can allcnd the United Church service it Is Rev Hugh Shannnns 1351 service be fore his depanlure The following Sunday service 5114 pm owing Rev Dr Ughtbourns services at 815 pm 11 E15 Ora during July and August Mm Mere 1mm Toronto We welcumc Mr and Mrs nus Our hLlp Isln the name the HAWKESTONE New Manager F01 Beaver lumber Buy Local Firm JAMES WALLACE BAH who on May 31 took over the pusmbn manger withthe Beaver Lum ber Company which recently bought out me properly and stock of Slmcue Lumbar at 56 Ellen 5L wlhlch was established and devel oped by Charles Read Nu other thnnge has been made in the stall personnel Mr Baird better known as Jlm halls 1mm Kitchener where he was be and raised attended public schoal callcglnhe and on completion schooling eight years ago entered the employ at Beaver Lumber and was made as sistant manager in Kitchener About twu years ago he was trans toned 10 Pam Dover as manager nnd held that position prlcrln coming here He is member 01 the United Church and the Ma sonic Orderl Mrs Baird is also rum Kitchener and they have two llttle girls So far they have not been able to locate permancnl hauslng in Barrie but are hoplng lu do so tn the not 100 dlstant lu sell at Toronto who hm bought and moved mm the home former ly owned by Mrs Mac Crawlnrd Weekend Vlsllors Miss Agnes McMahon nI GernId Ion and Miss Ballard Orlllia vis iled Mr and Mrs Irwin Mc Mahon over he weekend PHONE 5557 CALL THE EXAMINER FOE PRINTING PHONE 2414 IIIM cnlum heal Ind REGENCY FURNITURE Conunued 1mm page one mg to Henry Kelnick Orchestra at the Recreation Centre Buflnm Smlun Resumes Wednesday June ham am 10 12 nuon business seuinn was resumed in he Nuranda Thenue under Chulrmnn Vfic Fredurlck when many repnxts were received and the prescmmton district trophies made and also presenta Iions to retiring ginsomen and de pulluz Many alendance prizes lions District Comiention RouynLNoranda pulIuL Many illendance prizes were given throughout the con ventlon From 11 nan to 1230 voting am At pm or lhnv Disiric Guvcmors Luncheon Lions only mo Albert Hutel Distrm Gnv William Garner again had the honor Di the chairmanship with Mame Kietch Presldeng the Canadian Association of Lions Clubs as the speaker pm was the ludlu lunch can at he Windsbr Ham and at 230 mm me nnax report the Elections Commune with ihlru ducuan of new District Governors and nepmy msmcrcovamom anvnntion emsmg ceremonms came at 330 pm The new Gov cmor 01 District wm be Frank Smkvks at Pickering succeedmg Governor Wmiam Game The 1955 cunvenliun wm he Quebec City and for 1950 prnbnbiy at Ma gum Falls Receive lhis badge and wear It as pledge at your ndemy to the firs Scam Law sald ms Excell cncy Bishop MacDonald in pre seming neugmn and Life nwards 12 Scouts the 2nd Anugnnish NS Troop recently at service the Cathedral Dn your has in fulfil your du to God 11 you mum ynu will tum all he re quiremenL the Scout Law ms Exccllency mm the Scout lilSIlOX HONORS 12 SCOUTS urmnlnl IIVIIIIIMI ILIv rlvflrd Mmllur Imp Han lhln lllrll hrrp nul In up prygréss GARBAGE CANS 1230 voting Nuranda The thnv msmct 1le new plum sponge In hrtnmln 1mm wun home wlvm Very man an um so am nul nm ordinary spun 2D HHUIJIB HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES CELLULosE SPONGE 40 ca Dlltrlct Deputy For 195455 Mrs Alyln Archer Glen Rebekah Loan Elmvule we elected dietrlct deputy nrerldent the Rebekah Assembly 01 On larla lnr 195455 term The 30000 member nssemhly ls the branch at the Independent Order Odd Fellows Grand lodgemt Ontario whlch held ll annual eesslon atthc Enyal York Hotel Torontol Snchl Mtlmonn Several people spent soclal alternoan on Thursday at Mn and Mrs Jack Tlnneys when Mrs Earl Thnmsan was presented wlth cup and saucer Mrs Thomson thanked her trlunds very gracious ly alter whlch Mrs Tlnney served dalnty lunch Mr and Mrs Thomson are leavlng shorlly or their new home at Fort Erie Mme To Elmvele Mr and Mrs Leslie Vullelt OI Hamllmn who recently purchased Ken McAuleys tobacco and mag azine shop have taken up my ldcnce ln the apartment abnvc the store welcome the commum ily 15 extended Mrs Vollet the former Ida Webster DE Elmvale recelved her educauon here Mr End Mrs Lidbury of Harp tree Saskatchewan visited their daughter and Her husband Mr and Mrs Horace Elweiii Mr and Mrs will Gordon Ca1 gnry were the guests at Mr and Mrsi John Arnold on Wednesday Billie Manning is visiiing his aunt Mrs Ranhn£i0n Hiiisdaie Mrs Ritchie is spending week with her daughter Migs Mary Ritchie Reg Oriiiia Miss Doreen Pearson Toronto spent the weekerid wflh hnr par cnls Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pearson Mr and Mrs Russell DEnlhn and children Woodbrldgc spent he weekend with Mrs Wallace Bell Mr and Mrs non mmue Imd News of flawe EVERYBODY chs to save money and EVERY BODY DOES Oughs Yqur One Stop Store BODY DOES Oughs Yqur One Stop Store are an BIG BARGAINS In small gadgets that no home Is complete vllhoql and most of them arcbelng sold at our lowest prices In years CELLULOSI MOI FLY Swnuers In uvuyflilnl or nnnlhll nllng Illu lnclmllnx Illese rub her IWIL Mr Immu Hill llumbl 0L Mk II at $139 nuuxm won mnl whch mum evrry thin qulrily My $295 up 124 Vnnautul ulrcllon mu mum mu lulu lullIII my my mm huulllul Inhlo Mnhm Hum flpnflni Tu Mulmll mm mun Kpmmu Npllul run Ime nunmum shn Jumle at TornntoAlpen Satur dnryflvdlhylrs Ritchie NEW KlTCHEN TOOLS nd Palsy Cnmp bell wha In unending Ryarson Institute spent Ihe weekend with their parenu Mr and Mm Campbell Mn and Mn Paul Rowat and daughter Dianne spent the weak and with ML and Mrs Robert son Hanove wmés Rum wanna Reg erfbarnuzh spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mn Web star Mr and Mrs Tannahm sons Johnnie any Garry of=Taronto were guns on Saturday 01 Mr Gosling was Baxbarn mmue Barxie spent the weekend wih her par ems Mr Jim Mrs Herb Ritchie Falls From Bicycln Dnnaid Bowman son Mr 71nd MunM waman received severe head injurfles nn June when the Lhflh came all his bicycle throwinn him In the pavemenir He Is pane in SL Andrews HOS pun Midland Hisfriends hope he will soon be able to come home Mr Denney and daughter Irene and Edgar spent Sunday Mg 195 d5 Hay CMHII flme Farmers are busy cubfing hay and the wcalher isnt very pljomis lug that it will dry lckl Mr and Mn Mr ind Mrs day in Turonto Mm XL mm Mnand Mu the weekend at Lhe chair son McFEfln ML and Mrs Whlkem and daughlers Glenna and Marlene nnd Mn and Guulcy and daughter Anne Span the weekend Niagara Falls Mr andgllgx ENCameron am son Richard Pdfi Damousie fiverc SPECIAL 29 Each BAXTER Dot For 25c New chemical dls cnvcry me usy modem way clean nven 49c Tin SllllNG CLOTHES PINS SPECIAL WALLPAPER CLEANER OVEN CLEANER PAINT CLEANER Thu mm Imld In unmlm prlnx clulhu pin in mm to mull mu nllln on lllmuy mm Vi Moonéy Plough spent guests of Mr 390 lln 29c Mn nnd Sun and weekend mm Em hdln All Quilt The Ladies Am quilted qulli on Monday which they Inland to EU the strawberry ldlval on June 30 me goods were um from Japan by Mlss Squnden ml sionafl Se Comlng Evenu for Baxter sirawberry fiHVaL Atlllllslnn hveddlxlfl Miss flaky Edgar and MissMnr llyn Denney amended Miss Joyce McMuHen wedding in Alllsmn on Saturday Cnmemn Famlvauer fathers day reunion was held at the home at Mr and Mrs Malawian Dn Sunday June 20 when the lamiiy 01 Robert Camemn gmhernd There were 32 present though several the gmndchlldren and greatgrand dhlldren were unable 10 be fires em Mn Cameron was 84 In Janu ary and is enjoying excellent health LlllBYS IN TOMATO SAUCE COOKED CHEESE EELERY manvsus DELICIOUS IN SANDWICIIES TILLY SPAGHETTI YORK SPICY PEANUT BUTTER BOLOGNA Mitchell Apple Ajax Raul CleanserlmzunZB EUPS JUICE Whole thl Biscuit Multells nudge an PAPER CROWN C0110 SEALEBS SW LEAF LUNCHEON COTTAGE ROLLS VEflI ROAST MEAT LOAF clllllIN5 IANZINILLA IOKHLYS HOLDEN EL HTYHI MITCHELL STUFFED OLIVES SALAD DRESSING HOOD MUIININH FANCY CORN APPLE JUICE IUHHVINH Ill MIN INfMllU IIUIWN MHHMHLHDE ARIZONA VIN NIIIINIZI NWIZKT JIYI IHJTUIINIA CANTHLOUPES STRAWBERRIES HWNIIII AND OPERATE HY IHIMINION NTllllHH Vlllm MIMIth Tlnludly Filthy Iml Hllllll Jum SUNKlST flflflNflES 20 02 Tim 100 pkq of 12 Cam 29 CRYSTALS chs 27 11 Cu Wm €05 China Cl 31 PLATES 16 mums ROUND maulefinm L5 Fem of 1° Chauan auxin Ocwa rorun rm4 MEDIUM SIZE BRYSIINS SMALL SIZE DOZEN DUNLOP smlfm WEST mom 4562 ICE CREAMEANBX China Colnured Picnic Raul mm mm 11mm sum Jumbo 45 In 35 SLICED FRUIT 25° LUNCH AT nun au I01 AllllMTlIVliLY IIHC 15 oz Th1 27= 16 01 Jar 12 oz Tin 01 Boulq PKG 10 19 DOZEN PKG 10 If Tim 10 DL Thu Ill nz Jul 12 01 Jul 24 oz Jul zmsy SPEC All SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL LIMITED 33 155 173 45 59 53 37 31

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