WWquer 47 and Buy Nowat this Special Price EATONS own Lowpriced TWinbrush action Speeiall Popup Savingpriced torthis ovantl ZBurner EATON Special Price each 795 EATON Special Cash Price 21900 2190 now and 24 Monthly Payments at 954 Compact spacesaving 4clcmcnt ronacs with aeidresistant titanium porcelain exterior so easy to wipe clean with damp cloth large smaller Chromalox Mierotuhe elementl re spond quickly to the IheatI pushbutton switches Oven has Chromaiox tubular elements removable ior cleaning Auto matic clockcontrolled ovenwith PcrinaView window auto matic and manual ovcn light and warming drawer in base About 25 wide 15deep and 50 high with so ceoklnit Toasters Hot Plates til glaolguglczilï¬ojdilll 3313 Take one to thecottage or tor light housekeeping dlum or dam Handsome 0min quick snacks etc Hat Plates are at heavy gauge mmde mm mum Wm steel the no chromiumplated the sides heat mmovablc 2mm my 25 resistant baked White enamclled iianh One 1500 um um wm cord watt one 750 watt element 5heat switch and and 10 Monthly Payments 1395 969 VI Km Refrigerators 1955 Models with Many DoLuxo Features The retrigerator made and serviced in Canada that backs up its outstanding price value with the EATON Guar antee Goods Satisfactory or Money Relunded An eyeopening saving to celebrate Barrie store open ing EATONS Waverley floor polishcrs with two brushcs rotating in opposite direction iorhiph polishing action two dctachahle telt butting pads lorhlgh gloss finish Onandoit swlt on upper handle extra lon cord at tached tor 25 or 60 cycle use 380 DOWN EATON Special Irlctt each EATON Special Price suriace each QConvert your Heating System Oil Arid SAVEl TECO 0il Burner 29900 Sale Priced EATON Cash irlce each Installed Away with the chore oi carrying and sitting ashes welcome the comturt convenience and laboursaving Oil eating with cha burner priced for substantial savings during this event Lond liic heavy duty motor sellpriming luel unit aluminum lightweight ion air duct system thermostat tor house heat control tor use on GOcycle current Treat yoursel to Winter cemiort at this extra saving price $2990 DOWN and Zt monthly payments at $1300 It not convenient to Shop in Person Acressthetop Freezer Handy Door Shelves oruii Width Crispcr Butler Compartment WellTempered Stool Sows Heavyduty Bit Braces With Automatic 9cuft Duriihlc Wliitc iinlsh combined with harmunions interior colour treatment lilieriur sliclvcs ui rushproal oltleIictlluur aluminuin lilttit liltl Automatic Setlllurxcllt Detroit Newly styled for 1955 wllh glistening Fur sincesame Ilm plus his cue1 whim 1mm mummy mm chm city choose this viking llelglit about Teco Mastor About 597 lliith17 wide 30 tltlp EATON Cash lrlre size about 095 high TI wide CiDl dctD EATON 50n Vltllll 2W1 dipth 19 with many oi the most wanth ieolures EATON Fiatground type in rkew back pattern teeth accurately itled that set beech hardwood handles tinnly secured with iicversinx rotchcl type polishcd steal mime hallbearinu head and aillpnlor clutch to take any Hammers Fulltempered polished steel lb head with hexagon neck 31900 3100 DOWNiIIitl 24 Monthly Payments oi 09 faith rltt cm mée each zuo aowN and at Monthly ramnit ma each three screws and medallion It blade crossctit saw it faint in the inch 2i hardwood head and handle less blade rip law it point to the inch hilll EATON EATON 329 375 Special Ollor tor Saturday Shoppers Wicker Clothes Baskets each An cutttandlnu buy tor the home laundry strongly woven natural wtciter baskets light to carry roomy and with tan vrnient altlc handles and lint rclniarecd bottom or lung Icrvice About 15 lung lluy now at this lllVllIK price EATON Special Price each round iace and correctly shaped claw or removing nails tough natural lacquered hickory han dle with light steel wedze EATON 22900 not Down and laminar mutt or square shank bit 10 sweep STOIIH HOURS Dally tau run to no pm wwnmtiy 000 am to 00 noon Ware 170 in Aminum Cookih liAlilN lprrlilril quality aluminum am with knobs and handle at uni pllillr litillly ltrlllts ii at slit limit ii utrllll ruin lit Illi it pl llll to than itoa lloltl nlmill in Lid Vintllile Put it Illi innit 2n Tra Kciilu on pl stir 29 Manama Ktttlra About aili mil Iii Tea Pot Ilcllp llM tintll Illlp mm anim on Each it my tire ran lt iinuyle llollcrl vi Ilt lop set qu pl lec mp ni as uvmti itutteptm to mini mm pl xlll Stl to lliddllil Iii pl stun 69 pl aim pi Hutit tit im rim 249 339 209 995 120 lii 159 110 269 270 210 300 inn 55 11 lltrolllotl tum rite Hunt rim IiiF llll ltuiintl tinrim item about it mt Entll Sliulii Ilciivy lliisc 220 liD 200 209 10 ilprn alumini it pl Hllc racit pt alu Each pi tig pt lu Eatil Loo Special lltrciineci tillpiece HAWTHORNE Taco Mairar Engliihmodo Top Quality House Paint LUHCheon sets rut vale nt application rxrullcnl mum luii 229 Tumblers tytlklllut llliDIIlNl lltilllllill lIl tlihlw at our rim lllavy sham um lIIt liability and lullllliiill hptitnr Rlltl Molly tliiptlllllanl 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Value iiiiarl lipi FATONIA law Coal Qllflfl Hm tllktlili Faierlur White Lil Lllll In inl lnl EATON cal