PHONE 2901 PHONE 1907 Lumber all types Dunn and win duws Gyproc and Mamnilc Rock wool Insulnllnn Plumbing Sup pllus Hm Water Rndlnmrs Furn aces Eclcckrtcal lelums All matcrlalJrum Cnmp Borden all In sum condition For further Inlurmatlnnand price Located onCamp Burden Highway at Ulnpla 740 VARRIE FARM SUPPLY QMurkczsw Phonemz New Dealer ur Helen Garden Tractors Luwn ancrxlhc uldcst name In Han Powcrjools fliiié mu ICE aox Phan 4900 FIELD of Sud Phunc 5216 Hub Murphy Ink hm HXZH GOOD Luam an and ï¬rï¬vcx Phone 3527 Reg Adams 29 1cDunnId SI 75253 YOÂ¥IEIR Bicch 1ka mind cxn gulllcnl condlllun llcnsu pnuno Mar nlsu compliie umi 4H0 PEKIN mercng xenlnu Apply meru uum nn Alum k5 JOIlNhON Oulbumd MEI7xde nm mm 31 325 Phone ml 7515I roLDmc Spring Cal and r055 Phone 4525 TOP SOIL and used Dvnnls IIJrflfl phunu 2901 No mm cmunuém mu um 11 lhom 5010 CIIMG llunlrr Hm yuu nrrvlcr nl but when on Mullcr lmds mm mm mem SinI and Alumlnum lllmllnu hahnm cmm llnw and run Sunpllu lhum mm ï¬lmmL dz BUILDING MATERIALS DENNIS MORAN FUEL OIL STOVE OIL DENNIS MORAN RUBBER STAMPS Jim Brucu Driver Salesman 7139 WEAYMOUTHS SIMCOE PETROLEUM GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACTOR LOADING Septic Tanks Pumped Mclcr Tank Truck delivery with Ticket Prlnlur STOVE c7 FURNACE GEORGE SASSEVILLE EDSON WICE pruprlclor TRACTOR LOADING BODY HARDWOOD Snwed and Delivered 255 BAYFIELD ST Septic Tank Pumped ROTOHO ROTA TILLER aux nuumé 51 MADET0 0RDER Mim bes512f lmï¬céla ngccpt best out Can he RENEW HEATING DH 3229 ORDER TODAY SUPERIOR TEXACO COMBINATION Twu mu Old Lsugli ynry Mm Mu Phone 810r24 Barrie Phone 2563 QUALITY USED ROTARY MOWER BOOK STORE wuun unuuv mw Mcvvun nun anm or mum mu mum LENNOX FOR SALE For Youv FREE HEATING SURVEY Wilhout Obligaï¬on Call hm low mm any Syn1 Machine Nu Umrlc Ihuru 155 WEEKS TO PAY OILS Dufï¬e condluun VI Dual house ml Phan SDZL 753 152wm BARR 75211 BARRIE 78 umber Elmvnlc 75345 1d mat 75253 Ppunc PORTABLE Acetylene weldhu mentor like new 45 cm per our Burkel Guile Cllurc ROTARY Hoe sum umTcon didnn Sold by ellnws Ina1 ply Scott Muir Mhmlnn Phone 211 15351 ADDING Machines Ind ï¬pewm era SIlex renllls repairs Slmcoe Buslnes Michlnu an Toronto 5L phon 48 nu APPEQXIMQTELY 591 Em goochundlubn jusx sharp med $650 109 Bradlnrd SI Phone 4210 753 1m VOLT moo wan gas amen encnnor excdlem for summer comze or electrical contraclnr Phone 8392 75253 MODERN burncr excellent culdllhn dlo couch good Phone 6263 new dry tode limbor ReEi buy or argbady wha 15 building Phone 863 75253 ubbqr Aurels tn USED Chesterï¬eld good condlv lion CnuXd be opened mu dau 32 Mary sf cmgumn in aprpm fame no mull 25 ggnlalqlnul 10m Phone 5257 HAND Lawn Mower nearly new Schickcn Shelters and Range Fenders Reasonable Fraser Camp bell Slruud 102 75263 SAILDRsul and hal also reefer and snllor hat May be sold together or separale 54 Apply Cod rlnzlon St or phuncfllfls 7401 SAVE $100 by buying your Benny Reirlgcramr nnw Regular $349 selfln hr only $249 See them the arrlc Hardware phon STOCK Trailer can he used on car also quanmy of barbed wire and 3bumer conl oil sluvc In good condiflon Phone non5 Barrie BICYCLES Used Mens Doys LfAchsY $2250 up Terms $5 cash $250 week Nut reconditioned $10 up Urrys an Bnyncld sz CHESTERFIELD and matching chair Krochlur brown like new 03 Rnnln onr mudcj blonioak ELIAB nan Hnnc outboard motors with scrvlcc warranty at reduced nrlccx New Evlnrude mu tors in stuck Lawn Boy mower sales and service SpunHaven phone 3018 753A5 TYPEWRXTERS nIflcc mncmncs poxtables adding machines cash rcgblcn sales and scrvlnc Gosncy 11 Frances SL BanSe phan 4113 Box 219 Smith Cor onn reprcsumulvc 700UF 5259 one In Bcafly HF demon strators drastically law price Thnsu washers carry new washer qunrnnlcu thne m4 nr call In and see them at the Barrie Hurd warc 75253 ARE YOU baking for Benny Washer at Bï¬oud price you an donc rug lh sgpggnq go My VERY flnc Regency nnllquc sofa Excellent Glbbard solld wal nul 9plece nlnlnfl ullc modem hlonde cedar chest Walnut din Elln sullc bookcases nhllds crlh complete and high chair 0plcce kitchen sulu almost new nlnk culnred upholslcrcd dnvcno Tor hlcrn floor lam lovely accord lnn also mm one wardrubu rangcflcu modern chlna cablncl corner cupboards cnne back hnll chnlr Duncan lhyfle let Waller walnut chlllrnbt rattles many Hva 00 Hummus l0 mcnllun Jams Used Furnlslilngs Phunc 0201 Allanaule 753 100 ncrcs omna Tm nll mm clny land good bull mas same no ncrcs good lnnd my nlcc bulmlnus wnkr lyslcm mum mm mm mm burxnln won mo urns ow Tw gum mum lngvhnll mllc PM and puvcd road mm mck all In my 100 urns Mflwnml lmlldlngx mm 1mm ms bulldlnux on ma clvm lnwn mm It llnh hum th wulcr IIHIKIIIS und and Mnblrs walrr In our nu at only 521000 run In nll 1mm ImInly wmr or pl mnlllm nlld plrluru 1m romplrl II III Ind All nmllllmlnl 1mm ml unlun MHIHIMIX Hum nmn MI lmmr mr nlrnlnurfl MKUNIIINO 101 NTANI Alum NMluu IIMTIMI MMNMTIUN ANn NfllON Al WARM All IIEAIINI AM Mn mmnrnnNINu Ammth Anon bemuuh candfllon 73mm ELLWOOD BLACK FARMS FOR SALI Phone nnrnc Bumz nn Shunlv Bay FOR SALE 0m 1w lmrrlwmrd mui bush vxrrullnnul mu clusc scluvul mm Farm Broker um mm at Shunm pr plume lnr mm mm range 550 ulsu stu candllla also all drum of Iucl all 753555fl L50 1143 Parts 01 must appliances ln flock 53 Owen St 210 Tomnln SL FLOOR COVERING Mllerhh Supplied Ind lmullefl Fm mumm 12 years experience In the elec grml ï¬eld work nape npprnvpd WELLS DUG TILED OLD WELIS HECONDXTIONED Concrch llc to wuus cu1vnru nnd llorm scwuL Wtcplnl um WOLFENDEN PIOdlchï¬ rm N0 ORILLIA DIAL 3093 Am hour din 7215 Orlllln TRIMMING HOUSES COMILm BRUCE CAMERON GERRY DOUCETTE ELECTRIC Whitney Concrete 491 DlAiL 49 MILLER PLUMBING HEATING EPLETFS ELECTRICAL SERVICE PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES LOWER RATFS FOR WINTER WORK KNECHTEL RR BARRIE uArmsuonl Floor Coven Llnoleuml Ruhbnr Ind Asphlfl 111 Flmlc Wall 111 BUILTIN CUPBOABDS REMODELLING K0 wllnflon Nu will Credit Burelu Shncoe Gaunt Banlo Olllce Mary St Phone 4752 FOR THE BEST 1N MODERN WIRING Famj Summer Cottage Fixtures INSTALLATION IIY MINEW II ATINU llIII HALLMARK llliATlNU JOII Inmpcu IL Clcuncd Inc Buds newer lrcncmnu Enlllc lunk Inslullullunrs Gamma lnlurccnwru Pumped Call Barrie 5139 umwm Phone 6382 or 6f ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Jut du MISCELLANEOUS HAROLD SEPTIC TANK UNITS MADE AND INSTALLED SEPTIC TANKS lhuuu UIRUUD 5mm 5495JWF POHCIIIE SIIINGLING RECREATION OOMS IMMEDIATE SERVICE For New Motor needs rewinding and repairs 155 WEEKS TO PAY Repairs Installation Barrie Elcnkric TRIM WORK COLLECTIONS Air compmssur work 14 Dunlop SL sldccnlmnceh DIAL Mil 8442 SPECIALIZED HARM HART Manns Phone 5185 Ph 2206 5451 54253 51214 no In some shlnzlu sug plkdrnnd laid Far rte utlmalle 1011 9820 or 33ml 55053 Are our flours shabby Rem our llgh Speed Floor Sander and mllnlsll llkenew Reasonable rules All types floor flnlshen avnllable OTrlm Work Ollnmc Eulldnz Builtin Cupboards OPorch and Room Remndcllln ISthEllnE Phone 2613 Bnnle lDrH Ivy 511 Tummch and Hemndelling In Myers 2105 5474055WF FURNTCEVnnd chimney clanking Chimneys bull and repaer Phone 4382 Man Drinklu 550 MIMEOGRAPHINO AND Puhlll Slcnouruphy Barrie Buslnes Coil cxe BOTornnlo St Burk Phom um 5136 EXPERT roe mavlng Free Phone 3717 EAVESKROUGHINCV Roolln brick Adding new or repnlr Al wnk guaranteed Phnnn 2314 55258 WELLS Drilled llnch mm and suburban wells spunlafly Free estimates Merlin Cuuplund phnne om3 547541 mo Eon one obmuon by Rum Tlllcr and the average garden randy or planung Phone 230 or nppolnlmcnl 55359F ROTH 1103 painters and sprayera Good wnrk Knod price Fret ull mum Firm and Induslrlal Phmc Cuwksluwn Zflrfll 55202 PLOWING Dlscln nnd Cultivat lng one upcralon ncusonnblr ram Also cement mixer or rcnl wnh or wllhnut clcclric motor Sld Woodwnra 35 55053 FOR EXTERIOR Slutcn planer lng work Itucm repair mccn pamtlnx mncrclc sidewalks drive ways curhï¬ 01 Let us Lxylnln uur modern mclhud whmny Ex lurlnr alucco can be up llcd ovnr nlmosl any knuwn suxnce Enl mnlc free Phunc M333 no nml Iluzml or mmnum mm luncth nrtdvd ch mlqulIs downluwn Phone 111 125243 III Harrie nml llllruundlnu luwu r1ll1wl by Mn Hillel Mullmllnnd lwud xToAnmln Wnnlcd Appyy 40 lrnctnnu at 124m HOOM and mull In new home hr Kunlltmvxl Guud Km Ilmnn Mimi and 1mm nr nllumcn wmnnu mm mum vly I0 Vlclurln SL 25253 Nu Mm rum mama nu llmlw mm wmmnum mqu mu hmuu VItI an mm unuu Mu llum Mnlln Camnu mu Mary mm mme hrnuly mumr wllhr mmqu um Ivanly uIIlur mam mu Malnnun hum Mr lenlxk mm 11 mum 5101 qum mm 30515 Ir CONSIDERING MINI cun wll Mnrrlun wm Spec Ilu vy mull EMAI Ilmllm 500 mum vlrh um mm mmed muly Bullvulmu one film B01 DIKI PM 91115 Winnlpu Licensed Auctioneer 108 Nuwuh sum OKXLLIA Phone cauect an union all order to onm 61H FLOOR SANDERS Heskumps Cdntragtors PAINSWICK 13 cr Tlle ALL TYP FLOOR WALL TILE FLOOR SANDING FREE ESTIMATES BOX 53 BARRIE IMMEDIATE SERVICE BOYDB PAINT AND WALLPAPER 2224 Clapperton St Phone 5566 FERGUSONREID Tm NES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH CHAS mxmln nu Hutu mulln uvmm my cm MISCELLANEOUS mum ImInna mm Ilnum Mmml luhl lmy Ilmmd Am vmunu ThuHIV Imlllvl Floor Service TILE PLASTIC WALL TILE SPECIALIZED SHINGLING if ROOM BOARD Phone smud 41m Telephone 680l pm ACTIVE BEAUTY COUNSELLORB Tum muonnbla PERSONAL KwIL IIn ml T0 RENT mm Mum 1UI momMN rimming and Ir cstlmnlc glvnn 54453 57574 CID13 mm Ioml IN ISfl OttIWIy Rose su gyms nuw vallable ovgr 510 15 year pal1n on frcsluenll propely only Dullders ndvanéel arranged In ngw construcllon IL SLESSOR IncuflorMcnl vama pnrly humid In buy in ï¬rst mungngc nn town magi my Phanc 2317 42750 FRUIT VEGETABLES Clapperton SI vlted Cnulonm tree 11 Wm Box 9a 0mm hona ma collect 351 ASPARAGUS Roots Strawberry Plants nus berry Canes also cab hn can owar panama Swed Willnm clc Hmcrest Gardens rownunc FluxVesprn Phone Elm vah Mr 215353 110311 gum 150 and $250 Good value Good Inc of flowcrlnz Ihrubs nuisan nblu Alsu crnnlums and box may Slrgu Nurseries p31 NAME ADDRESS row Summer coungz Simeon side Beach 15 mllcs north at Barrie Xovcly lucnllon or the one whn wnnu tn rclnx Excellent View Lake Slmccc Conslsllng of large mums and hmhmom with Inllcl lulldv modern Jully turnumd In in new ï¬nally 1511 lnblu up Name slaw lnrgc dosed 1n ver mda nlcc grounds with lawn and drum garage ully year round nnd Thu couagc lg ready to move in wlhuul spending Full dccomlcd Inside and out In pMnL Full nrlco 34000 Dawn pnymcm $2200 Balance payable oncn yearly 5150 yin Inlcrcst Contact Owner LACEY Phone 5298 ROOM Cc ed veranda ROOM Cnunc on Mrs Far cy LIU xiiim mm nun staxlun om Culu Fnrm cull vvcllLflfl cormcs west side Lake Slmcuc or mlc Also mm 101 cw steps to guud swimming mllc Dnrrlc fllchnrdscn nu Na Strand phone m1 FOR SALLArdxmrc each fur nlshcd bedroom cullauc Walor In kitchen Large chlure wlndow Nun lovely sntc nnd bench Plen Irena Phone nrrlc Yohxsumz mm lhonc mm Barrie 05350 FONï¬lnla MinIii Lilla Phunn MJI 5153 wmmzo mu George ma mkk Thornton IOS Vflks 10 IunhfllJnlm Ham uld numun 1mm die in Nuvtlnben llmm flIJrlJ liar llc 95 was 1wnk um Appllï¬ Ianll Jul Unrrln mnu MIN D5 PK 10 wwkl uhL ch Mum bLrwh Nrw Lawn Ihuns Cur muw 471r14 01 In Him Yuk mm nfllxufcruu wall mml Apply Wllllm Mun um luukllnwn pllulm n73131 Iunlm uwrml rulun mu Im In mum rum Malrl mum mu lllmm m1 apyly llmlluu wm mr1 mum ommyo zuwu may lurhmunn all mlumu vcmy Mm Ame Julm 1v llunvm my mum sum IIUICE llnlulvm Cuw II III Iunl Th II rvll thumb Inn Ihv and WW II ml ml wnlulrvlul mllknr TM II lIlHI tn ml yur an nun vl 70 lnllk lwr IIumr mm frumou App Jnlm Imam NM LowulL 41 tom nrum mm duo Muy Jun lhqm Cm mun Hill 05153 CnmrET uhnnly llmnn mm Cuwn nunulo my mm Xmul pxmlurcrn and mm In vlrk IIHmu lDrlJ ilwud 093 EHVICMIHJ nan wm rn1nxlxw Newumnl hmmflrfl L5 15 nu Luwu Ilmnl and ml mum Mm you mun Aan mm on mum mm own 351 urn suEud yymnmm READY CUT COTTAGES DELIVERED SUMMER HOME IDEAL FOR RELAXING HALLIDAYS nouns mm vm Approved ammss commas PLANTS FLOWERS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SUMMER COTTAGES BUILDING TRADES 151 MORTGAGE LOANS $100 Down $21 Monthly Mathews Collage Ca 202 KInszood Rand TorontoPhan 110433 Pkcnsu send menmum to LACEY MORTGAGES bulhd Baled Hly Fruit Firm Peel Ind Phone 3738 105156 wnk um Apply nu Unrrlu lhnnu D535 ouazu near lake phong Realtor nu Con la Lul umum 95253 ZB3339505359 on reasonable Lune La Tel 5m 1qu Varying 25 onMJ scrcrn 23521 5253 5355 Hn nerewere 1079612 pllrl all mbber avenhou Ind man made In Canada In 1053 CHICKS Do Nu havu yaun Hunters have sunted pulleu and mckcnlu Earrnd Rock Ramp Ruck Ihd Dekllb or blrdx whlch wlll llve lay and pg you better Phone 53r5 Suaud unlerl Paul ry Farm 245182 STARTED Puiieis Or dnyold Bray Hatchzry has them or Stomp shipment Or mixed chicks nu you have siock go ptnduce on belle market when prices are on lhehp Sign point to possible sourcin oi layersi Be nrcvarcd Ask us far the list Agent Li Coveinnd RR Beulah ism12 L53 signs Don you think Eggs will be In short supply lnlcr1Thm manns hlzhcr prim Order 5111 nlde Chick lor more now 152m cd chicks alsol We dont think you can do boner Ask us or prl res Ann Dave Miller RR Barri Phane 0M0 24153 Pymng mamas rend mg GILMOEES one wlde Euler1 uon in chlqk or 1955 For maxi mum In on and promuhmly or der Hy Linuu For is we have white Leghorn ezhorn Hampunhude Islands For dual sell use Hump Ruck Hump 01 13 you Red Cal Rock Sussex Hamv Col Ruck Humy Columhlan Rock Btured Rock New Hump Write Gllmurea Hmcheri 60 Pcnnllnl St Barrie or en 2735 or our new pr 11 and colored mil Alozue breed or every need at prlce you can mm to pay um Salnrdly llhy Auction nicloi nmlqur lurnilure srden tools and implements lor cslalu oi the late Brillnn Wright at Lornr Street Benton Sale at pml DST Terms cash Jerry Coughlin Auc lloncer 4953 Saturday May 21 Auciion sale household furniture carpenter Innis blacksmith laols or Ihe ale Michael Barry he Vill age ul Tniicnhnmi Term cushl Sale at pm DST Jerry Cauglv iin Auclinneeri 5359F heldy May 24 Auclion sale high class rcgisicrzd and grade Shnrihorns Figs farm machinery hny min and poultry or Arwood Cairns and Dale Agar at Lot Con Elisa Township miles norm of Allisinn Sale 12 nnnn Ihnrp DST Term cash Jerry Coughiin Auclizner 5159 Fridly llin 20 Auction snic oi arm rgnck implements and same household meets for George Jul Inn in SV Lot 14 Can inni5ili Township one mile xlrnizhl wesi of Churchill Terms cash Sale at L30 pml sharp DST Jerry Cough lin Auflinnccr 5351 AUCTION SALES These trucks have been inspecled and are ready or work WEBE OVEBSTOCKED TAKE YOU PICK 52 FORD Pickup 52 MERCURY Pickup 52 THAMES Sln Wagon SIIMERCURY Pickup 51 AUSTIN Pickup 50 CHEV Pickup USED Ml LOT No Do mmy Fundnle 52 FORD Pickup 52 MERCURY Pickup 52 THAMES Sln Wagon SIIMERCURY Pickup 51 AUSTIN Pickup 50 CflEV Pickup 50 WILLYS Stn Wagon 50 FORD ITon Stake 49 MERCURY Pickup 48 FORD Raï¬el 47 MERCURY Panel 47 FORD Panel BULLOCK Mamas 00H ENTIRE TRUCK STOCK llSTED BELOW CHICKS $200 YOUR FORDMONARCH DEALER ms BARE Take nullce cm the unawlng wlll be sold hllowlng lhrec cnmecuflve notice unless umouxm oumandlng are pald Chevrolet Serial 1121113021 Studebaker Serlnl SAWS311561 Prelect BULLOCK MOTORS LIMITED at three cars and one lrubk at Stranaghan Motors Fursuum to he provlslans the Mccnnnlc Llen Ad R50 250 Chapter 227 Secllon under signed will SE11 Ihe allowlng cars 10 recover Towing and Staring charges after they have appeared In three Issues at The Barrie Examin 933 Chevrolet ancl llcenlc No 120353 1938 ChevralotvCaach scrlal no Blfllllflix I933 Nash Sedan license no 133m 1940 Ford Club Cnuvc llcensc pa 3785W Allvehicles have 1954 tense plains and will be sold or wreckingpur poses onIY NOTICE T0 OWNERS RUSSEL STRANAGHVAH 5G Mulcaster Street Baph Serial 0392803 4930AFA Thu an openln or III Indusmfllls win the mm an den zr In slmcne Cuumy Group benellll rlendly all ur lupplled Apply MOTORS LIMITED 65 Callie El Dlll 21H OPPORTUNITY DHNGERFIELD KEN DELL SALES MANAGER PRICED FROM BARRIE NOTICE SALESMAN IDAY MAY 1955 5153 nation nnowN om now MY msnmns Acnzx the edge he gland straight lhlx way or ï¬ve mmutcs mlnutesmnd note the pain In the back of your legs an old esthbllshed no that when cows uncomfortable they not pro the maximum at Trimming hoois is load job or rainy day Ii the surplus growth is kept trimmed alt the end oi the huois the lung turned ur toes will not dwelt The sun growth can be nas 1y trimmed oil by means 01 hoe nipper or carpenter chisel with lung handle and mullet thn usln the latter meihud the cow shall be placed an plank ilonr be tween two poles which are set about 30 inches above he 11mm the cow is blindialdcd the and oi the heat can hp easily and quickly chiseled oi Those Mum may came in han dy for finding the breeding ens per new especiain or those dairymen trying to decide whether it would pay to use nniflcinl in seminalion The can Ire based on siudy by Michigan Slate Coli nge which inciudud 40 bull in the Dctrnii Shed Number Annual east of Cult of cow keeping huli per cow $258 $2690 15 Zflii 1793 20 289 1345 25 189 1016 30 269 897 munJag WHAT IT COSTS TO KEEP BULL PURINA CIIOWS nnu note the pain In he hack your 1035 Crnwn Dllry SupplIua full llne rubber repllumcnl pans tnr Ill nukes mllkem llomc of gens Cmwn arm Market Sq PI Barrie Farm Supply EEI llll INDINGS GARAGE Market Sqnln Thats pmha bly what old Bum with the long upmmed hunts say over and over am It you dnn be eve this take My on the flour and then sund an wllah ynur heel On In flour and ihe ban or your feet resting or Ice resun on Land Phone 2982