Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1955, p. 3

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Towing Bill Not To Be MN Ilcpcrls or Caumy Taurfist Assoclnuon the County with Board and lho Reeves and Mayors Assoclnllan were Ilhlod The cunknclcr who optnun the spraying lrurk lur the warble fly Mr Pcnore had been In cuuncll Io enquer why In uncmplaymcnl books of he men who worked on the rand durinl the wlnler cuulng bush on temporary Irmngnmcm In lieu direct relic had not been taken and slumped HE claim ed lhnl this had cancelled lhelr apponunny mum on me un employed Insurnnco fund anuly Reovnsnmmo am that lhcre were plonly of armor need Ing help It was pointed out that lhcsc men had no means at Iran purlntlon and they could not take urge fumlllgs nlung wllh Ihem The mness ma hnur Ian nu hm for dlscusslnn sharL The 1718 ghrqun lnlu he hnnda the mint she naw best new machine lake the mill rains even in decimal lurm and placed with the ratepayers asses mcnt thaws the taxable sum with the push at button It an also at the end of paga shaw the op erator that their total have been correct Two 01 these have been an approvni in the township Iice and the salesman demonitrated la number nt the public meeting Cast the machines L1 in the neighborhood of Show to $50 chequewriting machine was also demonstrated No motion to pur chase any the machines was passed Empinynbie men whn cunnni get Job are net aniiticd i0 relief nl laid down by ihe regulatinns caver infl this However this does not prevent their having In go hungry ii there are nu innds available to feed the families The only an swcr is chnriiye There one amlly with cou file small children whn have not had any nod In lhelr home since Inst wnek the Iuld council she asked for rullng She endeavor cd In cnunt up the number 01 chl drcn not including pnrunls the fnmllies whn are still wimoul fln nncial support and when the num ber reached more than 25 she gave Families Need Charity Mrs Harrier lhe relic owner for lhc lownshlp lnld cauncll that If she was going to be considered skunk for nllowlnl children lo slnrve the councll wnuld have to wear pm at he cant plan was sent the Dgparl mom Plunnlnu and Devfllupmenl approved by cauncllv for block of land on the soulh corner nl the nth and nghway ll behlnd the present Pnlnswlnk ham and purl at the farm of Roy Wnrnlca Thls ll sold all wlll add many new homes In that nrcn Office MachinEs Libtml Cnmmlllrc Rooms 11 Owen Slrul lInnIe LADY LIBERALS Organizmion Meeling mun MM 815 pm hm llnlr In Vlulmldenl Onlnrln Lndy lerrllll Annclnllnn ll EST RIEAKFJI CHARLES NEWTON Liberal Commillee Rooms 11 OWEN ST BARRIE Simcoo Conlrc LIBERAL CANDIDATE PROVINCIAL cmcnr to midi lnr ls nsHmnlcd lhal Quebecs Inmzd Putn flock weluhs Ibout our mllliun 0M Chlld health commence are hed each Tuesday at Trlnfly hall Col her Street mm 130 In 330 pm The publlc hullh nurse present to advise mothers In Inc can lhtir Chlldrcn Immunlmunn Is currch out at this centre on the rat many of It munlh Sixlylwo infants and oreschool children landed the Child Health Centre htld by the Slmcue County Ileallh Um 1n Trinlly Parish HnlL Tursday May health unll 51 62 Children At This Weeks Child Health Conference Inoculallon for whoman cough dlnhthcrln nnd mlnnus and vaccin aunns or smallpox were uiven by Dr Moorlle medlcnl nrllcer 1h nulslcd by he hoanh The north area had scvcrnl ten der and the lawn bld of $3500 was accepted 1mm John Wood Alconn Bunch He will commence work alter May 24 The declsmn on this had to be made by the nave there were two motions one by BullyCampbell tn Accem lender ohElnck at $0000 and the other by SprauleCochrane as no ccpted Garbage Contract There were under In or the garbage commons durlng the summer months along the share This divided Into two areas mm the cener llne at the 7th conces slun each way The south area had only nne tender ha of WT Reid at $1500 which is partly lor some yearmum polHans willlum numu Ignlncamc council to ted it they had changed their minds as to donation to the now community building which was now well nodalmy with root and walls completed The land on which the building lollocoted are the properly at the Belle Ewart School Board Council were oi the opinion that the grant could not oome from general lundl How ever was suggested that the school board could assist if they deslred andthe ratepayers in that area would be moking the contribu llon 5700 ix requlred to make up the deficit New Fire Am Cooksmwn vlllugé faced wllh lhe necesslly of gcmng new Ilre pumper If they do hey may n1 sn be lskud Io service Ihe Thorn lon urea and lhal par of he town ahlp was of Highway They might Ilsa arrange hat the prrscnl umpnr behoused ln Thornlon so lhere would he one ml each end of the Men meellng to mnke arrangement wlll he held soon Councillor Campbell was numlnnl ed by council lo represent Innlslll ruo red black Ind whlln Inn buy Idmol rllllmm lruln yDur lhll Ilhlrllc lvm rrprucnlullve Only maul mcnllnu the moat Im porlnnl umu The Tudhnpo wllV be held In Culliniwuud on SAIur dny Mny I1 in me In chrcr HDCI an wln lhl Tudhnpc Cup hnyl avenu Ind lho Thumpwn Cup alrln rvnnll Loreen Calpllu lnnlll lhn lrll wllh 172 followed by Wlldn Wllu man 150 Ind Ellcon Cnlpllll HZ Olhcr Ivcrnuu mu be ob lnlncd 1mm Doul Wylie phone nnI lul lhu bll Tudhnpc ll nlmon hue nnly levcn mun prnrxlnlnx dlyl or our luck nun Ind hrcr Icndrrl who elpeclnlly nml Hu pnrllcu balkVa or null For lhl week he huh single were Bob Guldx 230 Terry Pli crmn 182 The hllh doubles Dob Golds 389 Marion Jones 339 The hlgh nvernnu counted follow Pnul Rablnmn 1W Dou Wylle IBI Dab Qulnlnn 180 Don Frnllc and Gem Greemlde H71 No anhlnz SIX CHIS Mustang wmg Dlngs Shauns Dominoes Rev Luvzrly from Queen Unl verslly Kingston talked to nhnul xnlnl In unlveufly L1 Ipeech was very Intercxllnz In onmllve and really humoraul The session closed vllh ms na tional nmhrm The matinee program conximd band and choral music includ in rhythmic Latin Americun number Processinnal by Cum arn terrific tramhnne sale Papaya composillom piayed by Bob Livingston Tenderiy with John Allasun at the keyholrd Concerlo or Clarinet by Weber played by Pro Join Snrienn three interesiinl number by the Girls Triple Trio rousing in lerpreintlon of Joshua dance Lhume relied by the three Gub rieiics three tiambonistst andlo conclude the prngrnm La Bo hem yed by the bund Mr fisicrcbnriucned the band and Mr Ron directed cm Triple Trla mm he glee club Speck Anemhly On Mundly Miy special memth was htld or he senlnr sludonxn By CATHERINE COLEMAN On Mnndly April 25 BDCiers were treated to preview 01 the lust concert or the Canadian mun Series Th1 program wal held in the auditorium ram three to our oclock PERRY HUNT who recently it lended the service ioremnna Him In course at General Mnlun chhnlnl School ln OahuwaDan garlleld Motors continually lend Ihelr personnal or peclfll lyalnlng at the GM schools malnlallned by that corporallun to mimic me lbes and most unlndale methnda 10 nulomoblle repnll or lhe mnlnr lnx publlcl Peny Hunt apeclallm ln servlclng or Chevrolel Old mablla and Cadillac can and ex paclally on all modal wlth hYdro mall and other aulnmallc lrlnl mlsslons In also fully qualllled to aupervlse mechanlcal rapnln to all makes of can and ruck He hla been wllh Dangerfield Motor for nlne years Bowling The loam landlnzl ol my mun mm mm 111 In Imlo la fin huh and HumL up mu mlnl PHImIl llnllnl 0H Flud FULL PRICE DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS BLOXOM CONSTRUCTION CO Nos 28 36 Agnes Street YOU Mm WELCOME WITHOUT OIILIOATION 28 HOMES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED SINCE LAST JUNE OPEN FOR INSPECTION mdhopo an open lor your impaction we MC Polnl PHONE II Now you can an ml new hen Jnu Iubllnncc In tupmmmymr olmmml form culled INplullon 11 Ink or II drul IlDfrl Sullflncllnn um ml or momy refunded Trudo erk m1 HNNBUNEE NEW WHY 1T0 SHRINK PfllNllll HEMUBRHUIDS Selena Find llulln Bubsunu Tint nellavu minShrink llemorrholdl For he nm llme menu hu luund new hznllnz lubmnca win we ulonhhlnl nhlllly Ihrlnk hrmnrrhnidl and lo Have hive bun re rewn filming Inch or whilu wally rullcvlnl min Iclull rvducllon Imlnklgc ooky co Mon nmu nl Illmull were In lharoulh um uflcrm mldu nlonhhlnl Imemmu Ilka Nina hnyn unud Ito km probltmlfl no at tray nllnu 111 mm Blolynedlnavcry ol nmoul Iclenunc lmluulu TO DIRECT EXPEDITION femur mronnmu at the Da mlnlan Aflmphyllcll Observnmry ll VMDrll BC to direct Dr tlsh expudlllon obsrrvu lhe etllpn of lhe Iun In Ceylon on June 20 He Is Proicssor OHver nedmln MIL PhD F119 new Pro leuor ul Anrophyxlu and Director or Oburvumrlu ll Cnmbvldge Donl lane we old clothes 1nd bring bulhlnl nun nl lhe water 11 really lumqu Aboul 35 cenl per person Abbynlnlnl Thats It hls week sounul nexg lme Iv Np and um um of to UnvEully On behalf of Ihe Girl Triple Trio 1h BDCI Gite Club would like In think in Barrie Kiwnnlx Club Inr enjoyable dlnner Ind he privilege ni ling In or them Think yau 00 Plrly Wexe loin to him pnrlyi This minB will be heid to con clude wonderlul 11 club year 11m are the delal Salmday May 800 pm Wiliow Creek Vnrcoa Pl known the kind permissionni Mr Vnmoe Wiener mast 5wimmln hnebnll cnnlurc the flu square dancinn under the itnrlL round dnncln in he Mldiluil Refarulnilnn me Clubber mm brlnl as Iggny ung he wishes you have no innpomem eschogx 115 mm Cnrolyne Payne Ind Pn Bayel entertained with hnrmnnlaul duet Thmulh the Years and Norma Enyun ung an ammu menl of Wm from Ihe Merry Widow Carolyn Ialned with French love Kohl Dan Le Jud mulling mlrnh The afler dlnner selenium wcro Whither Gentle Soul Dzhussy Sympamy from the opera The Firefly by Rudolph FrlmL Dutch Dolls by 0mm and Pro Cup era by Yousa Kiwanh mnnur on Mondly May the Trlple Trld and director wuo guesla the lam Kflwanb Club who Invited Ih wnmm celcbrnlc Music Week The we ub de meaning appunnce wllh the zlrla In while planted skim martsleeved nnvy awenlm wlth llule peterpnn col lm uddle shoe Ind navy 50X The boy wore any flannels while ahnn red Ne and navv bluzqn The concert concluded in nmannl Inlhern The hlahlinh the glee club program was the selections of the newutormed am Trlple Trio whlEh ere gully enjaycgl The hahd was under lhe dlrec 110 Enndmulerl Joe McNenlle and Alixed Shepherd wllh Pem Edge muust as guest artist Wizard wllh he lute and plcwloh Ross dheokd he Glee Club Thevchunl pmmm wan very valled and planned all prexml Sololsu Ardelle Glllesple Carolyn Plyne and Norma Bnyllu really really 1314 om Inspect fWhenMly M7 1055 whereA hl panda wlll bum at the Thwn 1111 at neven mm and proceed to he Arena where In lnleresllnl pron1m sun In lustos will take place So darn one to bfiy lckel from any EDCIer or an evenlna nl vurklypnd Iun EC Acllvllles On Sundly evening Mly our Glee Club presemed Jninl con certln the Roxy mentrbwllh the Barrie CHIumBnnd if mum Buynawbflonill 60 It See you Saturday $1093000 63000 $5677 ILUII TAXI Announcement was aim mlde hnl LL Barneyf LIPD been promoted hi the rank 01 cup ualn The olflcm men committee meetln Tuudny nlzm planned Sam mm 1min tcnwn nloflng puny ar dc wm Elm smurdny evonlnzMly 14 Tu this Ehifig Wk 11 module member and lhelr pmm hmbimd and mu Indie are Invited Then will be John Dcnlsvrmnk mg Jam squat and round danclni ald tlme costumu rarrcnhmenll Ind ommmmnrol nth In keeplnl with lha occulun COMMERCIAL PRINTING PEARSONWe with to extend our hemKen ranks and much lion or lhencu kindness mus we at lymImLhy and beuumul floral emuInn recelved mm mm relatives trlznds and nelzhhnn during our recent berenvement 1m the loss of our beloved wife Ind Timber Davld Pemon and lug Training Tuesdays Foresters Promote Lt Lapp It was nnnounced this week by Capt Hunk omcer cummlnd that training night wouldhe Tuesdlyl only or Hendqunmr Squadron Guy and Slmcoe Pom tern Armodred Rezflmenz RCACLM During tho pm fall and winter training unions were arrled out on both Tuesday And Wednexdan MASONWe whh to extend aur thank and nrecinflun or kindness oi ends and no burl Ind the ladle of the WA urlnl the loss of our mnlher Auo gnhn Ind Gertrude PEDLINGHAMAl ColwllL FAK lnnd on Thursday Key 1955 er Pedllnxhlm blloved wlle of lnleluhn Pedllnzhlm In her ram gearv delr mother 0L Charles Pedllnzham of RE No Burrle REYNOLDSSuddenly at Town an Mandny May IDES Ev Ellubelh Re nnlds belnved wile of the In ohn Reynold ol twyevale In her am year low lnx mather Hazel Mr Geurle Carin IBan Mn June Elise Myrtle Mn Stewart Senram all at Tornntu Dell 01 Wyevale nnrl Ln Vern Mrs Hervey Campbell deceased ln semen Elmvnle éemelery May ROSSM Shyner on Wednewday My 1955 Roberl Oliver Rosa In his 53rd year belovedghux band of Della Glenn and dear brother Wllllam Gear Mn hel Mn Arthur Blue burn Suyner Iml llmle Mn Dan Llndny irun ton Reruni Mnhen Funern Home Stnyner Funeral lElVlCe In Presbyterian Church an Saturdlé Mayfll It pm Interment nrrle Union Cemetery CARD OF THANKS CLEARANCE SAlE IBLOUSES THE COAT STORE COMPLETE CLEARANCE IOI CLOTH AND ALLWEATIIER COATS GROUP THREE wxpa gamma or NEW SUMMER STYLES GROUP TWO GROUP ONE REGULABLY riucno TO $1495 ON SAL SMART NEW SPRING SKIRTS REDUCED COATS SIMMONSfi CO TO CLEAR RACKS FOR SUMMER ITEMS ALLPRICES HAVE BEEN GREATLY RE DUCED YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO MISS THESE TERRIFIC VALUES FEATURED THIS WEEKEND AND ALL NEXT WEEK DIED on naaumn mixer Jam mlmé by Mm Dad Sylvia 53 SHEARDIn In memutyn my dear wfle ary Elizabeth Sheud who passed away Mav INS From huxbnnd and hmll John DcnIlrank Ind loan CHURCHILL1n lnvln mcmry Dunn Mum pused Iwny suddenly on May 1050 In her 1th yen the L0 Mind 10 A9NA dnu hter HJA the Roy1 Illclorln Hall BunSe on MI 1955 10 Mm 9mm 19 Hayfield St mm Jamel Tho YASXgfiRm he no I1 Victor Hunth Bank on ay 1055 to Mr Ind Mu Sherry Ynher 15 Newton 51 Ion Y9quA the 50qu Victor COOKM maltoan Vlclam Hos fiul Barrie an M1 1955 and Mn Bizr oak Angus duuhkr FOXM the Royal Vlchrin Hog ml Hume an Mny 1055 In and Mn Roy Fox 183 Bike St dlughler HAMEIA he Rnyll Victoria Ital Banla on Mny 1355 lu plrlnlfMrs Gerald Hamel Somme Blvd Camp Borden unfmlckey JAMIFSONeM the Royal Via era lid m1 Barrie on May 11955 to and MM am hm Iuon 70 Smlord St drummer McDoNAmDA the Royal Ivmr tori Hmplfil BIrrie an H1 2m 1955 Ind Mn Ru 0rd MnDomld 88 Eccle 51 dllllh tervmlllhngn MOOREM the Royal Vlclorll HOIBHIL Barrie on Mny 1m to pl Ind Mm Moore glygpl Ave non Timothy MadCINNONAI the Royal vic tmIn Hosplul Barrie on MI 1955 lo Ple andMn MacKlnnun me Ruth Morgan 340 Blnke St daughter L9H SCOmAl the Royal Victoria Hosplltl Barrie nn Mn N55 to Mr Ind Mn can 122 me Blvd Clmp Borden HamSONM the Royll Vlc lorlu Hoaplnl Barrie on Mn 55 to Sgt Ind Mn Rllp Thumpon 18 Quebec Loop Clmp Bilmu l9n finaizlm fluxHE to Mr Ind Mn Leuun St Ion IN MEMORIAM 2979 REDUCTIONS UP TO BORN YouvcbaMo to buy new Spring Coal of Ian man coupvlco 95 Rayl Victor on MI 1955 In Young 34 50 null AT All bidders must can HM Towmhi Rand Superlmen enlzto Jnlarmn on pm undiapecm cnuuna Lowest ur any under untneceu arIly ucceyteq WIIMGQII Mly 12 The Instlulevhdies will meet in the churchbuumenl on Thursday evening May 12 915 sharp There will be dlxplny n1 crochet articles which should be most in lemunm mm mm m1 tspreadTni and ME in xcnlmpncllonmt followingm Clm II per Tw Sp lflcn tlnns IpproxImnltly Yo nyds Crushed Gravel at mg finned on the rqndwnyl where the Township not In than 10000 cu yds Congratulation IoMr and Mrs Morley Cleme nlthe birth da qhter M15 MaryGwen and Shaun mm Indmgona Wurm Turontu spent the Weekend withMr and MrL 6105 Dillon Dont oxget the Duncan Tea 1n me church basement von Tuesday from lo Everyone moncord any Invued Sealed tender clenrlymarked a5 ommums wlll he racelved he undersfinqd upunul 12 non Saturday 1m 1855101 Grunuinr Ensev Mumall Insa perIND Specification up proxknnlely 8000fcu yds Gr Bylaw03m mm DRIVE IN ANDISEE OUR SIMCUEMIITIIII PRODUCTS iTII BLACK BOARD SPECIAL Eluklreqsfiru mmsm rownjsmp smoun our TENDERS comm BRADFORD JOHN 51s 112mm SAVEIYQURSELF ON SERVICE WORK SWEATERS LEFROY powm AT SHARPLY REDUCED PRICES REDUCED TO CLEAR ALL SUITS REDUCED OF REGULAR IIUCEH mm smug SIGN OF THE BEA Sealed lenden clearly mnrked such will be repented at ihe Town ampomce until 12 oclock noon on Monday Mny lam iur approx imately 15 miles of road Supplylnl and applying asphalt primt ll supplying and applying and cover Those bidder tendering use awn tender arms 14well or an lender not nec essarily acce 1e gt 61mm Tenders for Asphalt Prime Are invited the Township Innisfll Scimn Area No Aliil fliunday May 12th at 500 pm or one room addition to tha Crawford School un Nu ii Sirie rand Tender ta lnciude castle Masonry and framework plumb inl healing undvelectriul wgrk Finns Ind lpcciiicatlonr mil in obtained from Stuart am Designer Oriiiia Ont an deposit of $2530 Lowest or any tender no necessarily aqcepted Layman Pllnswlck Ont MB MN 1955 ySenIed lender for the position Secreury Treasurer The Ora Jglgphqpe Coule win he reqejv 717355 Eneu3 Kim Dulles Keelp retard all meet Inztmay al accounts correspond envce quarterly bnunz In the sub scribers and records long distance calls JOHN mint my 1955 TENDER Secrelary Treasurer TENDERS 20 JOHN COWAN Bold Suprrlmngs SemlnFyTrennrer Om Shula

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