Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1955, p. 20

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WI near hlk By Walnut Held Prllomr By Gmnuu Womens Institute met Mnndny uvenlnl at Mr Ollvur Peltlla with 21 member and vlsltarr pres ent The president Mu wlce In thechalr called the muetlnl to order Minute were read by Mn Fcehcly Buslness Ind mrraspon dent wns dlscussed by mcmhcrl Reports or mndlng cummtttre were read by convcncra The prob idemturned th meeting over to Mrs Morrow convener tor clllz enshlp who Introduced the speak er Mrs Penn who was held pru oner1nr cur ycm by the Gnrrn an In concentration camp dur lng World War nva Sh told at some at the harrowing cxpurtencet ot the Jewlrh women and how no escnpud death many mas Mrs Becker nn untrrnnt from Holland told thr aber 01 her country dur In the war Haw happy Ihnsn new Canadians are In have found country where they enjoy true dum Canadian do ML and Mrs GeorgeWine en lcrlllned the Mixed Euchre Club on Thunday In with he usual an able playing Mn wk and Arlhur Whampsan had hlxh scores x55 mun mum enlnllnu mum wlmn mum uummmn an El luwnmiflnlr mu IVawlll um Il yumna mum mm Phone 4013 Innlo On Paper on ukulmlniugn Mm Marl Honnhnnor slud wm Ih Inna noyuajnl no on In Klm pain pu um Imulllul nulrtuuu mlmlin unllmlml vuloly nl Inmmlm lull your lndlvlgunl um Glldu on In Itll WM Mush flollnKmm Mn In mum mlnulu meut In muh Yqu lnlnlmn an wk uh um dny N0 PAINTY ODOR IM THE LAZIEST MOST SUCCESSFUL GARDENER IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Na dunln pluhlun when youn finishd Iluilulx lnlnl muk hh quklly nun nunllll with jun an In wulud at kmbbod alln yuu llh BBWMHN Youll In so pleased IETAW wlen you PAINT II YOURSW with rm Bum31mm FRIDAY MAY 1955 2815 St Joseph anhlnc HQ I41 Hayfield 5r may Egchn Cluh News of 101mm hllh 54 In Cotton Sorvlnu The second cottage service was hcld at the home at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Thompson last Thursday nlzht The Illendlncc was no on large due to the cxcllomcnt at tho the turtdown th rnnlt HuwevarY Rev Read broulhl alon hlx plc lure and screen and owcd us many plcturc his former par tshe up around Mono and how badly the lbhurches were run down much worse lhln our own lllllc church hclorc II was rcpalred and roapcned tlve yelrt Ho Rev llcads plctures started wlth thc ahnwlnxmfa lot plane and compurcd It with the steady mova ut the church He remarked how the clty controlled our thlnklnz Up at Mono he hid rccnnslrunled parlshcs that had decayed llc ahnwad scvcrnl plclures so orvslm Thcse aloluru showed where the good up roll hld been blown away and he rosulu at thclr hard labor dld not mm good but atlll they had talth and llhored on Rev Road said that oven the clcrily Ihcmsolvcs were cared to tlmc and remarked lhc dc pnpulatlon ln auriculturc so many young men and women were attractcd tn the clty whcrc hours were rhorter and tho pay laracrr He said that there Mr thlrd lct Inrmrrs and more toad produced Indayl That wttntrlc tart comblnct and other farm lcqulpmcnt tarmlng was not the hard work thlt our lorclllhera had to do He closed by IhDWan plclurc hlmiclt illllnl at type wrlter wrltlng up nrw tor hlr local papcr lhc Omchvlllo Ban her and told he had put that plc turo ln lur your truly and that Fould mlkc up rlx column place uh hln evcnlnl We Ill enjoyed magnum lunch flcv Road thank mL Thompson for the use 01 met who and Mn Wlllwtn Hunk MR mad or the cvnnlng Mun nolnx to ma nevi No Service There will be no church rprvicc here next Sunday May and it is hoped those in Hill district will attend services in thn Anglican Churah at Minesinl whzro Bish np Wilkinson will be auest sneaker Thu service will be at 800 pm Sunday Villtora Sunday visitor at Mr and Mr John Wullwins Mlss Elaine Srlz iey Toronto Mr and Mn Keith Hail Heather and Douglas Thorn hill Mr and Mrs nonnid Stewart Donna and Bobby and Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwin Barrlg Endinr in Full Swlnl Seeding is in lull awinl in the community and with may now her garden will also he 10an in Barn to The community Were very sorry to see the barn at Wilirld Murphy lo up in Home inst Thurrdly night Mr Murphy saVLd several head at chair team horse and 15 plus He lost two younl all besian his hay straw and several Implement Better Cillxemhip Mrs Feehely thanked those who contributed in the success or meeting mm as this which gave one pride in im own community nnd an inspiration to no iorwmi in the work of encouraging belie ci mhlp Rel Morrow It the piano played theQueen Mg Penn Is slsled by Mark Monow and Mrs Hurberl served dnlnty lunch en Conan HmScnoul ma an piper on racial discrlmlm Ion Mr Morrow conducted music comes which wu won by Mn Harris CENTRE VESPRA Dinner flunk Dinner guest of Mr and Mn ulnn ConInn Ian Tuesday even an lncludLd M11 Crosblc ol Allla and tom our pulp bu nu doubt we wll su him occasionally his hem dullnkcly 1n the Mme country church Mr and Mn Elmer nlnkcly Ind Mr and Mrs Marvin Hind can ulbulod mlxcd quartet HIV0 Thine Own Way Lord rhuruomc period wnsenjoycd and coke wu served niier which the group ioined hind ior the 1an In 01 Eleni Be the Tie and Mizpnh bencdiciion The next meeting will hire the form oi Moihern Day rervice cmmm Lilo Rev Shiiion dellvered the second sermon in the xcrler on Principle oi the Chrlsiiln Lllc Ii the regular service in Burn Church Sunday mcrnoon Sireuinz Pur iiy the previous Sunday the min isier cuhiinuca irom iheicxi But few things are needfui pointing out the imporioncc of simplicity in the life he Chrlxliln in our way oi living uninu the story ni Mary and Murihe as on iliueruilon Speakan of the term Piein iivlnl hilh thinking In Rev Mr Shil ions opinion we have turned Ii up ridc down and urged the congrega lion net 40 be too occupied with hinge and activities thutmndern living can do and quounz Kipling teach me delight in rimple things Pcnonal relation to God and our duiy inward oiheu were nulilncd flop lending in ihe dui oi Iimpllciiy the keynote he Chrixiiln ilie Mr FKerr condudcd In 1m preSslve worihlp mvlc on the them um and emphasized thut Chm II the L1th the Worldwlth Dorothy Hind Danna Buyers Cnlhorlno Willims and Anne 51qu mun In candle llghuu cxercke whlch wk 01 Iowed by story tho Church of the Lumps Othera saluting In the promum were Dough Hand who now the prayery PoulKcrr prescnllnz the Scrlpluro and John Miller who read the poem Godl Clndlnl MrLKcrr aller cd the aloling mayor Own Bum lntenncdhte YP Gnu held thelr regular mutiu tn the school luv Frldu evenlnl wlll Gecrle mm In the chalr 11 meeting opened wlu all to was shlp hymn lardl Prayer and roll chlL Otflcen elected or the ngxt term are pmldent Hmey Keat ingz fleepresident Pnul Kerr sec Jalm mum trusurer Donna Buyers pllnlsls Catharine Wlllllms and Dorothy Hind Rou tlnemtulneu tollowed and Larry Swensun uttered the dedlcntlon pglycr the elmtn wu recelvl BURNS SEE THE DAfllNG NEW DODGE WITH MOTIIONDfilflu FOR THE FORWARD LOOK NowtjitheaIIiiew bringsM siZejantl styleitathe IOWprice field 75 BRADFORD Sl Ihe new lodge isactuay 0NE FO0T10NGER than its largest sellinfi compétitof Cednr Island luuut in the Thuuslnd lelndl In tho Law rencu RXver has an Iran of Ibcq 23 acres TRYVAN nmfinm WIN AD Attending Funeral Mr and Mn Clarence Buys left by train on Tuudny allurnuon or Nuplnkl Manlwbn to lend the funeral at lhe lnuer cousin lho lulu Hurry Llne Vllled Mower Mk Marlon Boyd lpcnl Solur day In Tomato with her mother Mrs Leslie Boyd Mcnford who ancnI II the Toronto General Hospital Paolch Telohlnl Mlu Steele and Mlx Jncquu of the Tnmnlo Normal Schnol urn pracllclnu tenchlnl ln the Ienlor rnom Burn School hll weak Wankeld Gum Mlu Jessle Buyer Rum To name and Mr chklmon Mlllon were nucaln ul Mr and Mn Lorne Buyer It the waukcnd Wetland wllh lrlendn Mia label Elle Alllnlon Ipcnl lhu weekend wlih her mend Mlu Sally Swluur mm of Dnuflmr dauzhler Linda Gall was born It the Stevenson Memorlll Hosp lll Amman on Monday Mly LID Mr and Mrs Puer Nlcholl ML menu mcmbcr of the Prawn Corp Camp Borden And they reslde In mu comzonn the Runen Hood mm home nzlsxinuary on tuxlaugh who Ian um evenlng by train or the CanaanWest when me will mend nut five weeks mum In to Allisan any in Jun College leni Dumpleied Han Mccuue hu compleled his temp at the Ontario AKHCHINIII College Gutlph and will spend in summer months In home are Ncw Mldenll Cpl Ind Mn Child Ind thu dren Dhnnm Bruce Ind BrIIn who have been reghflnu 1n Alllslon moved to um community Int urduy oceupyln U1 house recent 1y vacated by Mr and Mrs Gear King and family 93 mymen awn FRENCH MOTORS YOUR DODGE DESOTO VDEALEII 15 Brnfllord St PHONE 5911 FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK FRENCH MOTORS itgn Mn Ind Mn JLuwery um um nlToronlu Ind Mlu am auxmm of wmowdnlo Ipcn Bun dnywllh Mr and Mn Forhu Cnum And ranto lpcnl Hun day wllh Mr and Mn Joy Ron mm Miami Mrl Fred Coombcr Ind 1le of Toronto lneng Sunday ack gumgay fifirundMr Chlrlu Blunt and lumlly Onnluvnluwllltcd on SurLdly wllh William Copn Slum Vllltorl Mr Ind Mn nnll Cooper Inrl mm at Allmon vlllled wnh Mr Mrl Cllrenu Cooper on Sun Mr Ind Mn Don Kerr Ev ent mind on Sunday withMr rvlnngnoqun madam v1 Mr Indan 11me Neville IndMu Appleby and Linda Toronto filen the weekend with Mr and LIE Bailey wl Belfive ln smallvlllu fonndMn Harold Pnker ind boy wished rellive In Smelaa vllh recently Roicrt Muon Ind man mm 11 limp Ill Nmmun extended wmvld Pearson Ina fluidlyan we recent dull of Eupwlle and mother Mn Dlvld Mu Eoulston of inndo Ipem lll Gmmne sum 52 919165622 2621 2211 vull mud lo III luck luv Impvnnlro lunl Hutlzn hnmLYuull Ilka lho Mu lmlxl mm mm wlfll llmnlnl chmmn Imuml Hm win In In dlvldtd lvlllm Youll anJay commundlni vlrw lhmulh Dudn TmInk Ilml nhlrld lhll Indy wnpn around log vull hallom ROBINSON BEIHESDAr ELEVATOR and FEED MIELV vFREE DELIyERYLi tour qunu HOME DESDTO wenkend wllh her pIHMl Mr nml Mn loo Raumunv Kmh hmlnna Tiaantn and Mr and Johnflone Orlllll were weekend vhlton with thelr pprenu Mr and Mu John Mr Ind Mn Clarke Middleton Ind chiidnn visited Mr Ind Mn Marvin Frliick Minuinz the he innin the week No lmnrnvament Yo Mr Ind Mn Bot Murphy Ipent the wrekend with their Inn Wnynet who underwcnt In aper Ationjin theiick Childrenl Hm mm Toronto We Ire ldrry in ny he hu iniled to thaw Iny riznl 01 improvement yet may on Lind wm tho ilno wulher lhll put week this mniarity of farm nrl are truly on the hand qnd rum mdlnn nunbean done Vllltor an Orilih Mn itJberll Oriliin out the weekend with Minn Lndl and Darlene Snud ilona Sign Gnvuhngfl Johnna at Gnvenhum went the weekvnd wllh Mr md Mn Oryllla Arman run rréu mam Mr and Mrs Garnet Johnston and mullyol Oahu went U1 weekend with Mr Ind Mn1 Johnnnge Ila now PDWII cholul Two blg new 65 My V0 WA mount The HoblrlClrley WA ma Ik Dadlrl rid lllm lhl It III Whluhunllmxlwhlurmnpvluxl Ind luxury Ihrelhno of Ihln III naw nulumnhllu tonullmlo lu ynur Ildlnl comfort Dodnlnltmn mulu loamy ml My III ddllhflully dualml In nuw WIOUlNoldlfllhd llbrlu Ind ulm BIG011R COMMff yin To mum CAREEY flail Purgnh YOUR WA Medial The Women Anorhuon Ml meet an home of Mrs McCorfl wn an Wedneldly Mly 11 Lunch cammlllu Mn Cochrane and Mm gunpde ll hommnrl Fllh Mu John Dunn and dimmer Judy VBurkl mu vhlled lax weekendwlm Mn and Mn Nzwlnn Mn Woodrowl 1m Thumhy It whichtlma pmu were mid to have door cut at the back of mo church and lllo to have ma chimney and tha corms nl 1hr church nlapllrcd Lou or Item Slnccm lympnthy In exunded to Mr and Mn Hurry Duddy Creighton 1n 1h Ian at heir home by fire Sunday maxnoun PHONE 3221 PROVINCIAL TIRE CO PHONE seasa BARRIE PHONE 200 From an Mr andVMu Tynan or New DODGEDESOTODEALERS NOW HOLLY DOUBLE SERVICE GRILL SIMMONS LOWES TEXACO GAMEEM W5 STATION STAYNEIII rnanunsfifimmnmu PHONE 5971 BARIHE wmlmteé BC rpm emu al dly um week with laxLana jun Newton PHONE 0675 PHONE 100 Contracbrs or Farmers No and No Hexamt Spruu um Plne Lumher Rough nr Dream Delmml on the by truck Port Lorlnl ommg CLRPPEBION MIME CO Builders Wm for prluu ALEX CURRIE MOTORS COOKES SERVICE STATION MIME Elmvale

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