On the Secom Sunday1n May countless mnthm thunk htlr hhndron or am which expml their10w From some quarter there loud pram about commercializing Mothers Dnyl courier is 0011311 Ipend exlrnvnlnnllyx The present whh the hlnhell prlce In 11 not nec cssnrlly the one which ll apprecia last chupier 01 ten to milWage These Ire line Which weï¬lke wrluen by hhnd who hu brouuh up three children Per haps you have your own Ivorlle Mmhmx my quantan or poem This and me tarend Aloud In the funny the who word of King Solomon about vmunur women These mg found in the An orlole can mike my hurb Turn lp£de nown with sudden But To wh is nothing Johnny delr you do with one we kiss mm Is In mm nus smut mum um ht the Almdy loch or In nylons or mokr lill Min HemmrnIolk tool know is the man or quality mum rmtmt Smunlhulmll 011 lhon nice ngl Hove me youll jentlvel mil hear that My dmribe you at morn oilrn you we the now Ll UlI DISTEIIG INT column Ihlrtl mvlnlm whnn LIDI LI UlD MY th bTAllClll llda making in now 1m WINImam Ilmnal plenumor Ike Iflrtlunt tho nlmr nubUm my no coaklnl bmlml ur mm mm ulruininll All you do In mid In min power clun Ia Ulidailhu hot or coldInd on pull und you luv the lmaolhul lurk mm And Ihnl luv nur luugdry Mm to mum iron It in mm Mmem gm Iflly link mrh am dullerenlrhnI lIn Mm yw mm Full yaur ll lubll mm curlninIchfldnnl arullznlngg rmh or our on union drum lids Liquld march in b0 the oor an boulHna think In mlmqm In yuull In hlifluul with mu In my own lwd drl IIl you It Try lnr yonmlllodt MONTREALAn 1an latter In children from mnlharl Theron nnlhinx we mother would lib Ithuvflon our own MolhurDAy mars than some of thy beautiful CIRCLEBA HOSIERYI It flnllcrin EtcInd an alwayl need And do don ilHrrn tomcmhrr Ihu mama CircInParbouuue itl lha mast Imam name or how ghe nylnnn me zzquintclu honr and lawn Iha new lnnolinï¬nuh hlch makes In longer wear snaÂ¥v mlalnnreand lan lmrlyï¬l wluth mnku nnes nnklu prel lill Inny us moth r1 hnvn ball the Almdy lock or our young iternmrnIolk to nm In know In nylons or InchUrdu IDENTIALLY YOURS hy Eyrnc Hope Sanders CONP MONTREALAn 0pm latter In children from mnlharl Theron nnlhinx we mother would lib Ithuvflon our own MolhurDAy mars than some of Ihm bgauliful CIRCLEBA HOSIERYI It flallcnn EtcInd an alwayl need And 410 down ilHrrn tomcmhrr Ihu mama CirchBarbouum its lhn mml hmmu VALLEY TAXI 2433 EXAMINER LATE lo Burlen Lacl Exclullva FunIn who mike and ulh hm only DIM cm Remudahln Cold slnnn TORONTO RapInn REASONABLE nwas BATIBIAOTION GUARANTEED WIEGINS FIJHS LARGE SELECTION BEING ALL YOUII mum AND minivan you summon Illfl PROBLEMS Frieda Newlon Bunner Yohr Friendly IDA Drug Slon Proverbs Gems nmvmo co You Mom Clunln AND COPY WILL ll WAIT UNTIL pm and If your carrier boy hqs not arrlved her BARBIE RAY LIVINESTIIN DRUG STORE Bl Hayï¬eld Next to Mbllwl CALL Howell once wrole mm nevcr IEEI all that hismolher has been to him Ill 11 too 1an to let her know that he ms Whnt pity II thI In In 11 our mother has passed pnlto the Grew Beyond let ul mall n1 mu Illu did for us on her day cm oblerve this occasion by making spacial HmI In do Immhknl she would delllhl lo lee us doIl tend Dlvlqo Wonhlp or help some poor mulhcr wha hnvlnz ahnrd struggle to mini up her children ted 111 most Bu In selï¬sh and muerlfllsdc nxe doe nor do any son or dnuzhter good to nc rlflce to give mum plusurel MILBURN Yfllm 100M main Dunlap ï¬t Ph 2032 Repniu Remodelllnx Stanza nnd ClennInz Rellnlng Smnll repIn whlle you wilt we are fortunate ennulh urhlve our momn null wlllx uI Mnlherl my nnom ulnn when we can we our Im nglmuon to give gm which wlll expreu our lava Fluwm candy hook Nature 1119 mm In her In wear or lax um nyhu hm short the Wu clowning cry Mon no lack nut pride In th donn new norm Inï¬ll mm Dell which ware more dunbln than ordinary on Sully lent nwxy In Seal Home or In onma Heaven ly Blun Morning Glory lead which an anw lun mother wnnled to plan II the am thought well the may width xnnkn lgeclnlfuumo you mum Dlal 3537 By Nancy Cleaver MAY 71955 Some delrlemn Motherl buy no Inylnl mu than who ohlerve forget their moth en the rm the year On the olher ihree hundred and mayfour duyl they clnlm there children like their moihen very much or zrnnted But ha ml been your ohurvntlom The mljnrny mm nnd dnuxhlen we know who mike win zlvlnrmolher joy an the Second Sundlx In Mly hlsvery onel who Ive her happi nenhroughaul Ihexer So we fly Herel to Molherl Day Long my It conlIQue fa lelnx uueimanTé the blind corner at Eodnay and Colllngwnnd her huntwhat wlda vulfly at munu from which la ul cal one whlch wlll Ive Malhtr real plealuu Strangely enough the celebra llon at lhe date la halappraved by ma malhm who hive not taken llme la re muse 1n the character rowth of lhrlr chlldren If waman exclalml and mean nu Oh you shouldnl have wanted all thal money on mel ll due and to Flake the Ith all Hall the fun 01 preparlnz present or Ipeclal occarlon to see that It Ir acceptable In term ha encouragement leneroslly run enauzh vlrluz money spent on 11 Is never wutedl Snraly tha value Malherr Day or wuntlu peapln oulwauhl ll ahun by com panllvrly mull raan Lei Ill haldtm to any acculon whlch make an mars Ahawhflal more RIM and marl generous to the an panel In tho world who hear all Ill 1mm luch Ilma as lrnfllc Huh un be lnmlled the corn er of Puget sum and Na 11 Highway Much guard tern Immudmelyr Revlllni he bus route an that all endbum orallgmghway oShnpty Ely Rnnld Conllructlon Ilderlk mm Blake Street to Culllnxwwd Sign henna ll In Rgqucm nr snllablomme uni Fullnwlnz um brie business knfflc my commune Wu appoint consisting at Chnlrmnn Fred Mrflonkey vlc chahm Dr Bruce Johnston uuemy Mn Bruce Johnston membem Alderman Gordan Mclurk Powell MncLenmn Mr Agnew Mu Harold Forster This cmnmmee wln present resnlullon to the mime cammmcn of Binl Town Councn naklnl councn to conllder the allowlna Thu Ipéedlnz on Cudrlnuton Sweet Invest The remr monthly muflnx of tha Codrlnzum Huntml School Assoclmon wp held lntheuhool auditorium on lhunday April 2a The meeting opeped with the Mini God Save The Queen with Mrs Erle Smllh at the plum allowed by buslnm mut lnz preslded aver by Mn Fnld mum deringforiH 845 Appoints Trafï¬c Safety Committee mm lulln mu Mu mm Im lo uh KHM Pills Dddn llilmlall mom Ia mild mlm Then you lnl himflu hotterInk bullr All In Dodil Hm Pill ll my din ruin Thu thy moll pa ynnm Imvy mu Ilnln on body And it ulu II In wk undu I519 Inn TM nomul nun MI na nmln In dun mm 42th ml mum mun coum we no glad Mo your ad on the mophonc ul ml ahlm mo Co word lawman you cnnnot gel In to town to take ndvnnlnxo ol the Low CA8 RATE just 11 In the form prlmcd below you wlll llnd mo CASH EATER for our renullEolllnu clmllltd nan on tho Clnnalllcd mun Ind mull In the comct amount There 15 comldernblo anvlnx or you In dolnz thla CLASSIFIED AD COPY Amount lncIoned PHONE BARRIE 2414 OUR RURAL READERS IMPORTANT NOTICE $393M CLASSIFIED ADS mIm Covyrllh Plum use vencll Ink will blot REGARDING dluuï¬ldri concerning nmr ury pain And decorating look Chunhlll WA Mn Ronald Allan pruldnd or the April womanl Auoclatlnn mucunz hold In lhe uhool mom the church on Wednudy April rho Wamcn II the Tomb wa ha lhemu for UN lemn lhouum reg by Mn chk anllablc boned that neuuary mm had been made no the clnclrlc now and II wu uuuled that My menu 1h church wklnx ho 1n lpoclcd Mrll Gordon Todd Ind Mm numn Stewart are to nu commlucm dedlclled by Mn worship zenlet Wm unduf lhe ludmhlp of Mn Alex Saun ter Mrl Alln rend the SexInn turn selection ulk In dlllonue form about he mnln theme he Wrifl Council Chmthen Chm he 0pm he World Wu Ivan lzy Mn Saunlcr Mn Gordon Mc Qunrrle and Mn Ronald Allan The 11 at urvlu llved ln Chrm In lllc or uniuenchnlgle ho Mu Robert um Ian lowly duet You Bun In the Garden with Jun Mrs Bedlord gave 11 xevlrw of thnpler nven from he nudy book nllllcrl Mlulonnrlu ol Indln The member rareï¬ed Inslnl wlllnl and menmic young mem ber Mn Douglas McPhee who with her humand and chndren II Iuvlnu he community In her nb Ienu the meeting Mrl Sande ampled on her behalf lovely mu pin wllh the lave and good with bath lhc WM and WA or happiness In her new venturdn 13w offerln received mid The roflerlnl dell whim There was good attendance and the word tar roll can wxu Lava report of the Inc Euler mreflnl Stroud lo which the society and chrny had been invflcd was Iv an by the vnrloul member who had been present or panwlIl pleasure was by lpkndld Iddren by MII Corrmn of Alllamrr Ind thglolq by Mn Wnnl The bale convener Mu Hurry Todd reputed bale mamIn pur chued The quilt hnd been quill ed nnd bnund and we ready fur shigment Mn McCluakoy and Mn Chalmen Pram were appoinkad delemu to the WMS annual me In to be had In Couinzwood on Mg There were Iva boalu Mud and um hosplul can and 14 friendxhlp null mnde The whim pl Mn snnden talk Wu Christian Suw Mn Feldmln moved votu of think than Iupplylnnhe enm ulnment bum mnner wu urved umlgr the convenmhlp ob Mn may Young The next relullr mutlnl will be held May 23 Innull 111 Min and Ill mcmhm age zed 1093an Aq 01mm at officer will take place and Cpl John Leg at tho OPP wlll spank onElmer the Safety Ele phanL My Hulk at Hm Peg Con servatory of Mull will map muxlul enlerlnlnmen Appoihfbéleéaies To WMS Annual Ar Collingwbod Card and Ilnnonl wet Illa enlnyed by many The Ant meeting Churchill United Church Women Mlulon nry Soclcly we htld In the schadl room at the church on the even lnz uf April 21 The president haul Robert Sinclair was In ht Keene Mnn Feldmn Mr In In KenBrowns In Wall1 mu Mn Svelkotluun Hodnonglgn 1L ergchuurh Ml Ind Mm George Holloway Sr Mr Ind Mn MucLennsn MrLL Furry Mn wrath Maj Hodx son Mn Younl Newton Mn taunted Mn Pris slck Ind Mu Mulln VSqulre dancinl wn under iha direction of Mil EhpdlYounx minted by Mn Siewm Paul Mrs Smlh pivot for rounddanc in while Mr Smith pilyed ma drumlnnd invored than present with up dlnce The tumor Hllcuuc the nnvlnI 110ml equipment at Columbus aboard the sum Mull and the wayl Inclenl Vilklngl or Phaenln 1m ound er my mm girtuf Bell Xmulnuuvnly Hluxmlbd by the lumen he back In Informnuve Ind drnmntlc Ind very Importn la lll all why vs thuAlr Ale soldier allvamim by Emu Tiylnl to make convemllon ln Tiber mm nop talking by mldmornlnz henum me that the wind let up howllnl nkln tilJun rpmif Citieroul uxo nnecdolé drum qun the one llxhtnlna Ind gnqptgblllg 011M tornado place wllh Mn Mlln Todd And Mn Km to on mac com mluee Thélwo societlu joined or he ulull Newly hour Mld lunch wu urvtd by the April holleuu Hi bank tell the essence of ilizhl and it cum enznlln pmnt that Iclenlilic inc In in at lean ill lillnln uienm flclinn Mr Murcth tries in describe in nzunu which the layman un dm nds than of navigation and the elembnls in which the flier deals He mm Ill across the sen lnu big CM We nay up wiih iha piloi and the mvizniur the latter duperniely occupied with his elubnxnzc equipmlni ded Inl with vui intangibles wind WEEHILE and dimncu Mr Murchlohn nlhmd van mountot historical and mum lnlormaunn about lylni Ind pre nnu with Icnnlnrly can Thh lnlormnuun II lnsclnmlnl Ind uglalxflnu To dIIDKOVB he expreuhn mm ma nutharnyl that the rounding lha emh reluy more than ï¬ve quadrilllnn The reIYrmon fur declulnz war wax to me It Losingn war war the enlem quickest wny zta procure American lld But when the irate Grand Fenwlckl form land ln New York harbor may win the wrr by mistake and thh Event turn out to truerrt mrny arnvp prnblaml to Grand Fenwlck The bank is genial and charm inx one with goodserving oi satire The IuflwnInvlrishman living in Caliiorniahnowe en ough abaul lheUnitcd States poke amiable naduuihenila iun it Ban at tho sky by Guy Mur chie The nuihar is an exnnvinn or of World War ll He aerved as navigation inslruclar in the newly auanized Air Transport Commandand the and oi ma began making the long lonely and perilous flights across the Atlantic canyin highpriorlty enuo in England lavnull 9Qer unluumf and hunderull in Grind Fenwlck wlna cumnz Inm thlt countryl major source income The duchya gopnhuun out nged rwar nmcmly declared an In Unllcd sum The docu ment thlt name the Amerlonn 5m Deplrtment considered practical Jake and loan oxouch lam duchy knawn uGnnd Fenwlck settled by treeloving mglhhmen back In lhe Mlddle Ales Gnnd Fenwlckl muor export Ind In rm anly mum at nvenue Ldelclte wine cnlled mm Grand Fenwlm The tmuhh whzn Amulcun wine puny benign 1an6 1111 loud by pmqgrd nggperleA Somewhat All nun Zuniu II um ml Ir you In Illa hempp Inlnhlo In In Ink 701 In human mu III pmm nl ml BHDWN 00111 P110 5000 PEONIES GLADIOLI LHJJES NOTE Tho Bnnlo Examiner DAHLIAS CANNAS DELPHINIUM BIMSTA DAISY CANTEMIURY Ill3L1 IYllï¬lllflUM DIANIHUH SPRING BULBS NOW IN STOCK Phone 2414 flhnp ml or and cholcu Pannnlal Root Mn Sultan wlileanflnue to serve on the Incoming zxecuflya In the picky of pastpresldgnL Juliet when or the caminx year are Mu Gerald Wundur lu viceprefldmt Mn Claranc Cnr ha and vlceprelidem Mm my Horn mretlry Mn Boyd om nhore shunt yucrclgry Mrl James McLean treasum Mrs Noel Stephens Iaclal hasten Mrs W1 38¢ Mrt Allan Cook and Mn Henry Swnn directs Vgry encourallnz annual report were given by Ihe convene with the exclpllon at the trenlurerywho will mem mr Mer the June meet endlnl the club your PLUMBING HEATING LTD Mr Robert behhrnln wu elect ed presidem nl theudiu Aux llry to he Ban1e Linn Club at then business meetinl In Com munfly House on Monday evening Mrs Leishgnng spec ed Mrs Bruce srlelnl the cc Mu gérnld Woodxer lnlnce convuner announcgd that lhe mm gnu Ictlvlty conducted by thc Here cry telllnz of very Ipeclll kind wonderlully done lull auspcnle It is Illa xen ulne mo overdeep exnmlnn Hon the conduct human be mu undu men manlyï¬ve dollar was voted 14 the Salvallon Army annull drive annn in 1053 Mr Gnnn wruta gripplnzvtnln about nlnnerlde and the people on mxnnvel was called The HM and the Mllhky InIBM me nuthorahmed his mad at Imnlpormlnn and his act unz and came nu with Saldler at Fortune ln lhla novel lhe render and ull he excltemenl lhny could pass lhly nxk oran exnllc adventure sllrrlnz lnve story vlvld pl lure at Communlsl Chlnn on roll ed lnto one This he nary present day Hang Kong Th heroine an American girl hm Hoyt whn nrt river in Hon Kan in much of her hulbnnd who held clpllvo by Communist anmewhcr on he chlntse mulnlnnd June menls and Iain help another American the middleIzod ndvgmurer Hunk Lee Ind manhur hey accomplish her mission Mrs Leishman NeW President Ligns Auxiliary mom nmsrow EverHear About PHONE 3710 Dunlap Oncopnlhyl mum Into huic dinede procuul mum lhnl the osteopnhic phyllclun can allu cnr Ild Ollwpnlh Iervu Ill Id In iwo wlyg In mund pro or prevmllon rccnunlllnl hll 4M thrnnlc can plucch or prcdhpoflum lo umnlly bulnl In only yam Secondly mm dennno lhmpy whore olhnr malhodl MI ll munlnululve mempy which hu EDWIN WHAON 38 Plnldm Onlnfla Ollwpolhla Auaclullotx Thll the cnndudlnl hrllclo al ml min Anyun duirlnz en all at In mlcln In on vo um mly obluln um hy mn Mn hlshmln Introduced maker lo evenlng Miss An masl llughu he BDCI sh who Secretary he Brenton Flald anunllsl Club armed ln 1951 Allhnulh Mls Huzhu humbly Impressed upon the Hub that she very much an amateur ln hlrcl wllchlng Ind wlld llle she kept lhe club member spellbound wllh her enthullasm llliulnunl he lypen olblrd found In Simme County he peculiarllluof Lhalr long and mlnlwnnd hu rent ladies thé Hon mu cullW of looking and Wu Cab V9wmhluaï¬k mmawaugduumn The June meeting will Mk the form at but supper In St Andrew Lecture mu catered to by the Evenlnl Gmup me WA allowed by the lnflllhflnn oflllxn or III yzdr 19554050 BO scat anygielast 1mm Johns Munville 210 lb Asphalt Shingles NEW PASTEL AND STANDARD COLORS Llunufl lmtrunlan null Conlrnllad Cari PRICES pEpow COST DUNLOP STIWEST 8925 per square THE SAHJEHNT ll swoon or SAFE DRIVING Phone 3710 nownns spncmm snap CLEARANCE SALE FORMERLYH MAnJonm HAMILTON SPECIALTY snon 11H vvII IWIIY llMlTlD KINGSBEER THE SPECTRE OF AGE III dcvlca Hindu them with upper Iluuver Ind mule them only pray for In pullce Dnsxonm T0 mscouumpu uurmuns GBURGLAR TRAP aimu tut WHAIIsz usmméTHYï¬ raved In lmpomnt tool for rhklnx Into the bulc dllenn rocm even una lun ullblilhtd nthtlnn ontenpn htc Ihernv hu been at amt vnlua an June to nemtnry lurnry Ind madlcnuunv pntlcullrlf lmunl the med Oxleopnthy no only man yam to me hul 1m lo the yurl It the chronic dumunttvn at nm tnka lncrenlnlly er toll osteopltmc muuh ll Inn ahead In thl held In It cohtlnul much or madlcnl truth Th1 hu been remlnhcd by Ina chcrll Government which hu mllu lrnchlni lnnu tar uncer Ind curdlnvucullr dhule lo alt apl lhl calluu throulh ha Nntnnnl Cancer lmtltuta and thn Nulloml Hem Inllllute In the Imus llna ullnlt chronl deganmllva dll ma dnwn omoplthy mud may ta ndvnnce and npvly Ill knuwledlo tn tha xrvlcn at mun In to or nlllnu WIlIon Omopnhlc Cllnlc wllmn Bulld lnmDmIo Ontrln on were Emit Ila16tle mm min am winked mn Hulhu 1nd presented huwflh when of Ipprechum mm In hour wu wand by all Lunch was served by the cumer rqvleg Ifl Imam 100 hmqu I917 Envy lnmlnlnn 111th by our leehnlcln Bfllllll TELEVISIIIN narglaanmox co DUNLOP 51 Li Mflflflflï¬ï¬‚ SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES 0F Phone 2059 SERVICE XNANSWEW Phone 2461 BARRIE 92W is WW