In Londons Walcrlun Place lhere ls munumtnl 111211 the slorylof the Crlmeln War and natures he conlrlbullon wo man an angel some called hen Whouln ace oi dllllculllck and upansiuan minlslcrcd la mg sick nnd rWnunded at that campaign Sheds inc Lady with the Larng Ylnrence Nilhiinlaln lrFlorcnce Nighilngalc is known around lhe world the woman who placed the nurslnl professlan an lhe road horlnr nnd pres tige She llst bccame lnleroslcd ln nursing in 1844 lnmn sludylng ai Alcxandrln nnd Khlscrwerin about 350 In 1853 she accepted lhe posl Lady Superlnmndont oi tho lnilllutlon for $le Gov ernpsscs in Harley Slrcut Lonclan whore her udminlslrnllve gonlus induslormcd the insiiiutln ram oddlyrun Ineillclnm husp ml to clean ploasnm home inn patienis and what was more lmparianl in lhe palmns ll became snlvcnt sellsupparllng organlmllnn in loss hnnllve mnnlhs 135th Birthday 124m Was Pioneer of ModernNursing Th real stnry at Florence Nixht lngnle the story which has made her immorlnl begun in ltlii when she recruited 33 nurses in accompany her toCrimnn Army hospilnls had long been notad inr their unstnrllc conditions but Florence Nizhtlnznle and her as sisinnt lost no time In transtorm in the crudeuccommodaiion into clean comtortable qunrius All was not my tor her little band at Scutnri Tn begin with even ihe thought of women at war was unr walcomed by the hardbitten mil liary oitlcers of the day What was more they saw no need change thelr method ni treating the sick But she succeeded in her Insk despite the hindrance and appmitinn Soon second hospital was established at Enlnclnvn where British soldiers rccnvered rem their wounds and cholera epidemic that was thinning their rank pliltully Lavina care had WE Now HAVE the AM NEW All MODERN COME SEE COME SEE mars merm LOOK FIRST FOR THE NAME ON THE DIAL GRUEN You now WURE GIVING THE BESII WALKER STORES IYou know its the prmxiou Wnlcll The muvcmcnl was mmlcrcrnllcd in Grucns nwn wnlch lulmrnmrin nl Ilicnnc Swilcrlnnd the most modcrn In lllc vmld You know ils the watch or fmhiml chokc of nlcrnullnnn Mylisn ll WK luilliunllydulgncd nnd slylcd hy Grucn nllimc Ilill Cinclnnnli You knnw cvtry Grucn wnlch l5 bnckcd by H2 ycnrn or wnlclmmking cxpctlcncc Yes give GRUIEN fur nll lmpunnm 14in uccmiuns Give URUEN and you give lhc bcsll Butlerick ED IATIIlIhS IF YOURE GIVING warm FOR In ol Pullunl Ihol oflm you wild sllmiun In all callurk min lhalv lumen fluid PununnrllhUpthIHlnvh mun anund mm In my Rn hm hm LIMITED JEWELLERS DIAMOND MEIICIMNIH On her return In England Flur enqe Nxzhllnunln was haunted teslimoninl Innd awarded to ho was used to found lehunuale Home unacth lo Thomns Hospital or thernlnlng of nurses Rnyal rEcngnman came In her lilo IlIv mm King Edward VII when liqprmnlrdAllare Illggul wnh hc Order Melll In 1907 Flnplly 1n H110 Florence Niam lnnle died the of Her Ilfe had been one at xelldenhxl nnd privnuon during her latter yam she mumd much ram he meet 04 Ihe menuous Crimean cnmpnmn which hnd drained her slrenglh and leh her wnsled and weak waundod The flnnl mark the British peoples cslécm crime with he nrccllon of lhe Crimean War mon ument in 1915 Florence Nighl ingnle had done mbrelhnn nurse is sick nrmv back to hcaiih she hmi eslabllshcd irm noun or lhe training or nurse and had snmgd high respect far he proicssinn previously runrdrd with dlsduin Todays nurses our modern Florence Nlahllngalu curry wilh htm reilrcled glory and high den or their honored and respected vocnilnn In them ihu Lfldy wiih lhe Lump sllll walks hosplinl corrldars bringing com lorl healing hnpel Nnilnml ilosnlui Dly on Thundly Mly 12 commemor niu the Mrihdny Finance nghllnnil AI In tanner yam the my Vlelnril nos plul in Barrie will open ll donn lo lha pnhlln an Inn any Thu pinneur modern mm in will lilo be commemonied in the Florence Nightingale Tea being held in hu nnnes relldencn on Weillnllon Street man the surplus flu W0 lnenl linsplul Auxiliary Twentyour out at every 100 Can ndkm have telephones imam Whiarnaé ixmm Nm fczomnér ouvowézimm rmnz CLOTHESLINE POLES CALI US FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER FOIL BUILDING CEDAR FENCING POSTS the Armys sick Ind mull mx $4900 Cpldwater Council Set Deadline For Debentures Coldwnlcr Council mcnllnl May set 11 deadline pm May when bids are to be rnculved mm lnvmment cnmpnnln lnlcrcslcd 1n Issuing debentures or me new public school Clerk Chester Martin Idvised lhut nt meetinl nt Barrie Reeve Andrew Duniop had been elected to the zone committee the in dustrial promotion organization recently armed under auspices of the Ontario Department of Pinn nlnu and Development Grunt To Llhnry Couneii pussed aunt of $025 to the library or 1955 Library bonrd member Ken Hnmliton rtnt ed that with nearly 11000 book ionned here in the past your per eupitn record ior Simene County had been set Iran at $100 was made Colqwntcr Cemetery Board CPR CmnlnLEllmll Council was lnhrmcd CPR Inspmor would be In Coldwum dlscuu Improved wnrnlnu all ml at CPR luvel crossinu In ha vlllnuc Fallowlnz requcs or Im pmvcd drainage nl hl mlll on nglMdy 12 cauncll promised Hurry Cownn Ihnl highwiny on glnccr would he ukad In look over the roudwny whh cnuncll mher drnlnuu problem are to be lmpcclcd nl Luwrcnce Devlnel nmpcrly nnd Mrs Charles Onl brnllh residence Flre Equipmam Need Fred Rapky Toronto lup ply nrm discussed nm equipment nbcds Ind arrangements weru made to prepare repor on bri SOROPTIMIST SPONSORS Jolneq with member the Senior Cltjzensj Club to ppesem he nnriunlfbï¬znnr und ten in the LoyalTrue Blue Hall on Wednesday afternoon Len to right the tea table are Mrs wllllnm McBride and Mrs Jane Chmpbell president of tha Senior Cltlzens Organization Meeting Bicycle Repair Shop GARTSHORES NEWW Duqlop St of Maplu 0R0 TOWN HALL THUR MAY 12 815 pm lrnvlnclnl leunl Cnndldnte Simone East Firestone EXPERT REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F BICYCLES PARTSSTOCKED FOR SCP CCM HERCULES RALEIGH SMITH CAMPBELL 24 Séniorgï¬tizensCipbhljlqIds Annual Bazaar and Tga FOR THE SUPPORTERS 0F Announcen the Opening of their now WILL HELD IN SC HERCULES and FIRESTONE BICYCLE nude requirements as soon In pan lhlo for lncluslnn In the budkek M153 Elennor Sheppard wn ap pnlmnd to me vacancy an the lib rnry board cnuud by lhe denlh 5m molher Mrs shep par VIIIn mm Hubsldy The clerk announced Iubsldy wnl beln pnld nn 11888 men on village rand 1m your Council discussed recent maul In at district reprmntliivu rc lnrdinl tire caverns by Coid water briznde New nlrermlnls will be presented whim the Cold water Counnlil prelunt nrrnnze ment with the iirumen expire in August new basil wiii bn Mequ in inturu the flmmun hive Asked to be paid or niicnd lnx outobtnwn ilru lncnue Communion motion wnl pmed to inmnso the compensation menu on much rimnun irnm500 yur int $3000 Them are about 25 vol miner firemen an the Coidwuter one Supplementary luvornmum urnn wu received by the vllluc The clerk wns Inurucmd lo mnke lurlher lnqulrlc rcznrdlnn wo lndlzanl hosplmllzmlnn cum Fin lllnrd Dunn Cnuncll canlerred with rnad oromnn my Gnibmnh nn Ileps nzcdcdm prevent ï¬re hazard at the dump and son hut Ms nclll lu Ire properly usLd ATTRACTIVE MAP TORONTO CP0nlurlol lclll 1955 rand mlp has been com plelely rcdullned or he nm llme 1n mlny years Highway omchls bellevn chunles In 1110 colorlnl marklnl place mch nnd loldlnx mlkn it at man nume STORE Phone 3195 SI Georiel Anlllun Church Parish Hall wu lunctlvely dec orated wlln dullndllx and colored nmmen tar we Dnlladll Tm held 1m Frldny afternoon under the wink of the Evaninl Gulld church The ublo wu emued mm handful how dafladlll Ind yelluw upon lllvu candflahrl Paurlnl en aux1n ho menmun glare Mn Gamay Ind Mn Mn Alice Brock wI In chm the tlhlu Tel aummu were Mrs Oadden Lamb Mn lea Mrs Vlnu Mn Emu Knlcely nnd Mn qullu Daffodil Tea Attracts Crowd At St Georges uuyuu In chaua of the home bnklnz Inbla were Mn Flrmnn Mn McOnwan Ind Mn Lu The tlncy work mm convsnen werc Mn WHHImI Ind Mn 03 Aullllnl 1n ho kllchan were Mn Elm Mrl Wllllnm Crunkl Mn Ocarn Mum and Mn mom Wudlc Mn NewtonSmith wile ol lho mlur Ind MII thm Noble pmldent at he lulld rc celved lhe nun Tlckzll wm hold tho door by Mrs Kohl mgyer umu It Wu buullful Iunny dny Ind wnh the hm crowd at uuem the mild rcporh max lucmnlul venmry Science Baitles Rheumatic Fever When the me hIIlnrlu of pl lrnu who have had rheumluc aver 1n childhmd In xlmlned hen Ihown lhnl nvtr 507 wln havn ruflernd mm mm Ir mm or 101m lnflnmmallon MC lrom hem dlleue Ind 505 from 5L mur dnnco nyl Dr RlchIrd awe ho Manual or Sick Chlldrm Toronto In ha current quo HEALTH Mun lnu afllclll ion 01 the Hellh Lugua CI of dilemf ncvor bun rllcullrly any uyl Dr Rnwa Ind mo bu came at rheumlllc ever mu elude medlcI men Novwar ll un 11 mopled now um ll mm mckl rheumuuc lever ollow Ilrapmcocni Inrn lhronl Club Miss Khy Wehbot the Soroptlmlac Citibbeacon vener M135 Rama Shoptm and Mrs Mnclnnes chairman of the Senior GlutenL commmee ortheEoropr tlmlac Club Ahan 9m than lulmlnl mm nnp Iron will mover eully but the romllnlnl three per cent um hvlnl lhn nmo vrm the urn lav he um nor hml Ind it App In recnvary will duvalop tho Nor lwn ln lhnc wukl mu hair lnlllnl lllnu The mall lmpnr In rhoumnuc ovu pnnlral In pnvenllnl subquuent IltIck Thu common In or thc flm mk lI bulwun nvn Ind no yo Anu Inc IllIck Ihm II III neurnnca nl Ibuul 507 the MM lnlecud th lhn urouloqmul urm IlIln lIbm or lwa cl om nllho IulrI awn II lIkIn Ivary dIy Ill yur Imqu unul lho ch Id II 10 ytIrI old on rlIk cum nduudln Im IInltlllln by maul live In mly Iu awn km of UM Iuoplococcul unlle Ind ll lumll Ilmh 2nd llnm nun ml Mlulmn Ilml nu 1M flu unitm II on mm umlmMMImonl vol mumo noun ma convanllylyroflkuwhkh ll numl yaur Weeks sewThrifty th ynur wudmbel mhnm your budlLI llue your chlncc Io huve mlny mm It the can cl one on buy Itunnlnz remnlnl and have Inmvlhlnz hut la mu Iurlrrbcnulllul Euy win hellnnerl wmk cm look pro lmlnnlll Hun 455 Mlml an 51m 24 20 za 32 am ynr 50inch lnr All llvcn Tm puliirn in me to new ll luled or plglu lllul 35c 1n coin lump cunnot bu Iccgpled for thin plumn Prlnl pllmly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Sand oxdlr to ANNE ADAMS are The Bum Exmlncr IM Inn Dtpl 00 From 51ml Wu Torunln om erm btfum nlm Innlhold imd mentor prevnm rhaumulc IVH The mlnorlly or ha populi Ilnn whlnh dnvalop rhoumllla luv ur lrom llllp mm could be prnvnnlud mm aver hlvlnl rheu mlllc lover every Imamom Inlecuon wan ha ruled wllh la lune lnltcllan new Iypc mnlclllln culled blnuthlno meuuru cuuld bu cu rled out from meuI vlew palm Inn Dr Rowe and mm In obvlom dltllcnlllu ma MI mm rhunmnu revu Ind connqucnlly rhcnmnll mm LII Mn cuuld be wlpcd out WELCOME DUTCH OUEUII CllCIunI W011 Inllnn tuunly Ind 00 to NW up Boy Ewuln mm llulhnd IllimllnI ellhlhWorhl Scum Jumburm ll NIIIIIIOH lhll Aulull THE ONEYARD SKIRTL grab 56nd Tmï¬nHva cams MMLJE FOR PATIENTS MENTAL AITIIUDE Ilck mrsonl menlnl umludc very lmpartlnL Acllvltlu Ind Intelell are ruled lnr comm memlndrwlll puod rccavnry any John Ambulance highs quy fluxslag courné hubby such nxwoavmx palm an qr neodlbworkhelp mu lhn Hm eanyany Am lmporhmt nunlnl duly ï¬nd lhomeaqs allgly 111 mm antic imam Imi no avcrinx in rgnzth Gnmel puuiu han dicraiu visiia from reintivel or irieodl reading mum puian nr aiacinx hil bed when he can at lhrnuzh window are 5mm 01 the way by which the xzntienvl mind can be directed nwny ham hinucil nmi his plqhiflfll to an Inn nmunl lye umollonl Aunh as our love humInd Iympnthy which huva um lmpumnt bearing on health Fcnri nd wow can play pp active part In mum iuch pm as can Illpauon vomlunx and mhmn Unhnnpy pinIona rolnuonsmpa nnd lnmurlly may cause Hlness nnd retard recoveryv dewlle hc but ral medical can However lurngmz mg the rplqlqm of dnny living in nprnlcnl and 01 1mm manner will help to zlve Irenlhlgg gm of allus Tha allowing measures may help Ihe pnucmnnrma mm In muklnl the nucemry adjun menu In Ilcknlll Do not dlnlurh 1h mutlne of the hounth more than In neceunry provide adnqunm care or the Exhlain why Is nccmaryk in exclude Yukon or to permit ahurl Makn other member of the inm lly eel um thcy can min In the cqrg of jho ynglenl vmu Bnly Topanés Employee Beneï¬ts FAMOUS FARM MACHINERY FULL RANGE OF COCKSIIUII IMPLIMENTS SPARE PARTS IN STOCK DEMONSTRATIONS WILLINOLY ARRANGEDEXIEIIT HEIWICEMEN UI TO DATE EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SAVE UP TO $10000 0N I955 TELEVISION SETS gemcw gloweu 71 Blake St Ph 5975 0N0 ll Ill IIAIINO MICNANIIM HUMAN AND AOIMIOI mlhnv lllIIII mum Hunum on rm Mn and II on go IIum IN III Ind glimï¬mhn emu Wll neluupulwhl lm may mm mi 1004 wvln II III yuw tlvlhu RI IMn any olhu In In INDIHIUCIIILI IRON WIINOIR NEW TWOTONE WI pvlm Dov My Will In mu law II ï¬ulnlm 50 II nu awnbl Iu dqu cl paml mmmg Cnlnur Cllnltn MOTHERS DAY MAY mu mun mxhanlm In mu an thu Lon anlny Inan MECHANIC SHAKELLS GARAGE Simcoe Motor Produpls Lid PHONE 2448 Sn JlmGndlrey Sexvlce Manager Limo iut HIGHWAY 11 BETWEEN cnunmuLL AND 3111mm Fresh Flowers STAINLESS Ell ColourCholco lls SHAKELLS lot COEKSHUTT coinyiiï¬ait rhonaimu BEMEHMWHE Your Cockshun Denier or this Area nt win In Make plans Ilcepchfldrcn nmulqd or out lheway the patient must have qulel Rennsurc the pniienLlnd uiher member nilhe inmiiy mi siren ihzn their conï¬dence in the darlnr Punctuniiiy reliability amjwhwr iuincs In Iha person who 15 tak ing care ni the pniicnlwill inspire canndarica Cuhvcrsnlion is imput lnnl in promoting or retarding coveryiil lsnbmssary lo know when lu talk and whm keep quiet On the most important Hunt for tho homenurï¬c tn remembr dlscrctlnn Fm lnxtnnkanfor mnuan concernlnz hc putlen nfluiu shnuld nntbv relayed 10 alhon Goon mumamu 993 names smmv AND mus IMPORTANT mum51w LLO Ds upemLUMBER on um mu ml oummn on mm un mu mvum 1m um My mm In Ila Ihu my cum uh ilADlIN ALLOWANCI IOIVOUIOID wuun EASY RM 7650 PHONE HTROUD Ml