Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1955, p. 10

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1011 BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1g The picture an of president 01 the varlou womens orunlza on In Barrie shill appeared in the Wednesday Issue The Exlm lner repmseMed great deal work and also great deal at ca npernllon The work WI oh ho part Phuloknpher Bruno Fav mr who decided that he would Him to do purlrnl study of each our leading women when nl the year The cooperlllon was exhlpned by the ladlesr Although only few oi the pmois iurncu out badly and rnj quired nmlhcr porlrnii Iimn many oi ihc wolncn concerned he an to in original expense Ind trouble oi employing blhy liner so um ihcy could come to ihel office in the morning or the liter mon we rcqucsicd Often we music on nppoimmem only in hey to break it because ni some un iurcsncn circumstance because newspaper phningra her is no permanent fixture his nudio like commercial nulolrnphcr Bug none oi lhe prcsi ants in half We no only sorry any hll some 01 the wnmln who uml down to he omen he cameln did not nppur in tho mm lnynul Club hnv habit clocflng lhelr new execullvu at all Tenth Birthday Party Held By Kiwanis Auxiliary The Womans Auxiliary the Kiwanis Club cciemud in 10th nunivcrsnry 1m Thursdly with sjclal evenlnl at Commnnlly House Highlighted lay me presen tallon oi Man show thim model showed custumes 01 form or days with bridal puny specialjcaiure 4y party wu utllnd ed by membm and three guests with the prnsldent Mrs Adumsnn In charge of pmccedlnu new member Mn Bot lcr was Introduced Ind welcomed durInl the evening by Mrs Frank Perkins or three reports wen liven durlnl he buslncs meeting Mrs Pnnnnx reporting an nu raw cunt cancer society meeunl Mn MacDonald the first presid cm the nuxnlnry read an In teresting pnper on how the nuxll lury was formed In 1946 Whlle lhe models were prepar lnx or the Inshlon show Mn Mulcomsnn led lnxsnnx with Mrs Chnrlu Griffin plunlnl Mrs Grlmn also pmvlded plum accompaniment or he fashion Shaw contest onduclcd by Mrs NChrlslle was won by Mrs Frcd Mrs Lu wn convcner oi the cvcninna prolrlm present lnx 1hr showlnx llylos with Mm Rodgers n1 cammonulor Models were Mrs Charles Mum Mrs John Ough Mu Lama Jnck sun Mrs noycs Mrl McDowell Mu Chnrln Beasley Mrs mth Nudge npd Mn Lppg nl mm In the benuulul ann worn by Mrs Mchwcll he brldn In the waddlnx ablcnu nnd the brldnsmnldl gown mndtlled by Mm Ouuh Mu my nu Mcmcries durinl this pm lhe program Lnlcr 1n the IVNIIDI brlhdy nuke was urvrd wllh pm pm dcnll of me nuxlllnryMn MncDunnId Mrs mutluw Mrs nobmson Mrl Chrlsue Mn Perklnl Mn Jack Butler Mn Buy nnd Mr Rodger nml 1M prnsldu MIL Adamson lulled n1 flw hull Inblo whlch wn decored with law haw wrlng nowm lllnkld biuo candles The other Im umiden of he nuxlllnry Mr Chin wn unaqlg 113 be ruenl Tnbie Vicenvmrlnm vme by Mn Edwin Wilmn Dunn 1h qull lnryl mnuury president ml the bogymullly gfcomlpd Mu Slbwnn volml he prtrlnflon of he nlhulnl In NH Luna and hnr cammlucn or file wrnlnr tnllrllnlnlll down FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY AROUND TOWN N0 IIIIJVKMIB WIDNKIDAI AMINOON The Toast he Town Ha mu times at ihe year Although church cxecuuvu can be caunied on in tha main in chnnlle at the beginning oi tho calendar year other groups can change any time mm ihe beginning oi Fall in the beginning oi July Consequently there were some sudden mm in president right up Monday ind Tucsdn nizhls or this week and we ha in make lasi minmn chah The purpose at our page win no unly to present mic or mm miles We hupu that mvhd Introduce nbwnnmcrl la Mun the pmldmls lhe vIH vul arznnlmlons and ammun lu them wllh ho number mups 1n town We counted up tn ltlxlynne and no doub than me 1mm that we missed gas One thin our pm didyrnvfi Ind Ihal ha the women nl Bmle are buxy group an uhly no hey hunt an cnnrmnul mum her at clubs bu many 01 mm mme In two Ihm our or more And those clthOmen who have multiple membership me usunlly the lenders 1an he harden work en 1n club the ancledm En her in elubwomln and in her works Shes been ihu nub leci oi mmy clrinnn remember the Helen Hokinsnn cranium Ind many jokes she iakcl rm denl at kidding irom her husband Ind her children but the inwn would be duller place wiihnui her It wnuld inkc muchmurn than column ioJlri the accom nlllhmenu our womens club but ii you nm at all iumillnr wlih the nciivlileschnrilnbie Ind oth erwiseoi the orlanlxnilom whose presidenis wn raw piciured you will realize Just how much extru curriculur wqu ll done by 1011 hauseWives uuislde at their homes Nu Thurthy Nullnnnl Ho pflllDly and he Womens Hosp Ill Auxiliary In Royal Victorll Hospllnl wm be cnmmamrnllnu he went wllh its nnnunl Flor ence lehunznle Ten ll lhe nur ses mldencc an Welllnnlon Street The ten honar the founder modem nursing when birlhduy ll cejqbyaled up Mny 2m hospital hut day will be able to join he qulillry members for in tha recrclilun room the new ruidcnce between he hour mm Ind six uciock Mrs Run Undnrhiii tu convener roped that mere will be lucky draw nr my dollar bill speclnl ieliure of lhe aimnnon Ail proceed no towxird imam iiinryn haspllal wmk nounud Mlu AdmHM Lun oldest dnulhlar Mr and Mn lhrvvy Mann Mlnuln and wnnnm mom Lucu my Inn he lulu Mr and Mn Fred Lucas Tho mlrrhlc will like plus an Salurdny Mly 26 1055 in Mlnulnl Unfitd Church cum mudln May Brideelect flll ENGAGEMENT nnnounc ed of M15 Evelyn Rm Poole dnulhlu at Mr andMrI Samuel Paolo BanXe acnrzeScou Inn at Mr and Mn Scan Oulhrle The man1m will take pllco on Samrdny Jun 15 1055 the home 01 thejroomulecll par enla Mrs Withers Named President Kihg Edward HS The annual mcellna King Ed wlrdeome and School Auncmlnn wt held on Monday My Mn Lmle was In the chnh Ind Mrl wnllams raid the mlnum lhcprevlnu flnhunl mccunl Report wgrc given by Mn on thepumcmna prourlm by Mrs turn on mcmhcrmp Mrs Cum or sonlnl commu te by Mrs Leaner on me lib rnry Ind by Mrs Wuhan an nom xpundance Mlu Schnnks chm war 01 ptlcndnngc Mr Smllh Introduced the speak er Corporal John Lee nl the OPP Cpl Duo explalnnd lhc orlilns nnd nurposes or the Elmer lhu Ele phnm Safely Campulgn He em vhnslnd the nerd for pmnu co npcmlun ln mlklnz the campnlxn rum3 He urged all pnrcnls set heir younzslerl good cxnm pl lnlallnwlng saler rule In the quulmn period ollnwmu Cpl Lees address nave parent voiced lhtlr em about Ihe Inter xecllnn of En Road and Burton Avenue They clnlmed lhnt the lrnlllc llflhll at this palm dld no vermll chlldren lo cross In com plqu safely Wu luxzuled Ihlt loner be cm In lhn chnlrmun the council mm cnmmluce InA 0mm gum or 1113 hnzfnd Am the nlk Mrs mom chnlr man at he nomlnuuon commluce warmed the slum at olllccr or IBMM The following were mm ed Mn Withers president Mu BIG and Mrs Crooks vlccprnsldenu Mu Wllllum recording xecrdlry era 11m born correxpnndlnu secrelnry Rye lrcasurcr Execullvc mémbm are Car kr Mrs LcGenr Mrs Hnunn Mu Davis and Mrs Ownm allowing convenm won rhosen Mrs Spurn nrazrnm Mrs Folllou mexnbcrshlp Mn Elllausnn Mrs Kelcey um Mu Shvphcm mlnl and ho plgullty blind gives you wipeclean plastic tapes and cords or mmm mm 1min Mm lot mm Wmmxu In In mi QPFJIJAW who mm will il ulna mu WI ml SolIII who mum MM In III no my Smmh vinyl plhll IPA and and smooth mum umlnul 5th ml In ol Ih 14qu may Tomiraw mennoon ht Burle Thulre Gifildl produnlloh or Bin12 one play The Old Lady Showr Her Medls wm mIkE us how Bl Hm Home The Tomnlm One three pinya being presrnted Inca audlenccs next week enlmd 1n the oneac play Insllval being uponsored by he Cenlrll Oniurlo Drymmyuzue Lottqul Theatre Gliild Productiofi Of quyje Play Festival Ener At Hart House Theatre Tomorrow AppealIn in told Mrs Mlcklehnm wlll he Mrs Robert Woods who ppmed Sn lwn prlyluua unit and Old Lace Ind Tho Call the num produced or the Chlldrimx Aid Society Slmcne Counw Mn Wendi known to her coneuuu mule ha had nel lnl experlencn In England in nun nlnur dramatch Ind Ennllsh upcr euns Mather of two children unr hgld been Burl mldenl since Lnly mu anomer new Cnn ndlan She arrived ln Canudn as rccently May 1953 mm her hug bnnd nmima children chflY live and Mlchlel 13 Her pre vloul Icllnz nxpgrlence hu been In Ichaol plByl ihcmpion Ind Hnwnrd Ludwig Olher timber ot the cm are yum Graham Jenn 95cm pan am zulld prelident The phy hurl dL gd p130 MgLean Old Lady Show Her Med III In one the mast Imman Ind ouchinl Itorlu to come 1mm lheFlm World War It the nary of loner old chnrwomnn who to keep hrr pllce Imunfi her ompnnlnm Ind to countmct Mr Ionaunm selmx Ill her son nemher of the lnmqu muck Much To her rant amhnrnu nenl he son turn up and pro CldJJO blaze may at hlsmoth Thu Highhndcr moves ruplrlly hroulh mood or anger delccuon lope and dumb unfll the mom on relationlhlp is leached the lntcnnrlurnerllnéss of ham mgan Fin LAM nun gm back In vnr Ind ohII dchlh and old Idy remnlna In her mom oar ully prgud In her ncdnjm fiehiny vim be umnted nlunfl vth the amuul dramllllnllnn the Sakl mm slnry The 259 INNISlll Sl MARGARET WOODS $11051 SUBURBAN FENCE COOP 35m non Stoolmnd wm Co lelléd WHOM Parking II No halalm Th ourm play festival which ix the mm iannual is teaming 2n producllons 1mm ail avgr Ontario It concludes Saturday eveningab or week ulnya including live orlglnnl Cnmdlnn pilys Huber 6111 director at Hm Home The n15 ndigldicaipr Monkey Paw And HlxhArI mum and dltrcwd by one at the guild members Douum Green whod h9x¢ Thurxdny Friday and Sunrdny May 12 And In St Joflphl Audltorlum This ycflrl estlvnl the largest at In Iypr over presumed in he nrovlnce The group an compel lnl or cash awudn cvan lnruc thnn those presumed In the mic lullvnl One hundred dalhm on In the lraup presenting the wln nlnu play and 1m flddlllonal an hundred dollnra will be up be tween me lrnup prexcnunz me but CInIdlnn play and the aulhor of MI plny Awurda wlll also be UNDENOMINATIONAL Loyal Tm Blue Hall COLLIER ST BAPTIST WOMAN WITH FAITZH FELLOWBHIP or EVANGELIGALBWBTE REV NULLMEYER PASTOR 945 MILBIBLE SCHOOL 00 nmLIFE 0F JOSEPH MOTHERS CHOIR pm mi Linn run Gasman mm unuuv Mn OSTEETAO SPEAKER We wunhlp us only hug me llvln and All people at Ill nu welcom SOLOYST MRS NAOMI KNIGHT Blue Hall 29 High Sheet 31mm in wNnu scuoon In Service mmm Recent Death Chief Justice Recalls Barrie Continued from pagenine Hum Albert Slaplnlon Hugh Mb Lead W111 Mnundrcli ngourl Muran Ed Cromptan Charlle Nell Frank Ewan Jlm Bob and Arthur Henderson Reg Morton Chmlie and Bob Spencer Arlhdr Sanders Cube and F526 Samara Herb Brigham Ed Routmun Trurn Durham Ardagh Cundle Lcunt Snulcs Dave Jamloson Will Gal brfillh ChnrlIe Purvll Chnrllc Mc Kenzie Sum Brawn Pm Cun nlnghnm Frcd Chnppcl DnbMun ro Arlhur Crnw Nan Campbell Frgzj Cunnlngham many of hue boys had ivnndcrhil Halon12 am no menunning huh nnmrs Nuwn days uriy bunch females from nine la 09 your old call them selves we girls But perhaps 1pr also pointed but lnprinl they were xlrlx also 15 year ago well have camtd lately to ok no chances as nm trying to fhang onto the ropes as long as posslhle 4mm GRANT BanIn 011 May 1955 1110512 16 he heft nclnr and nclimss and the but supporting plor Ind Actress 1m evéhlng Mr Glll giving lmphlc demonslgntlnn 0Ldlrecl arm mchnlque as lenlurc of lhc festival The Bunlo Thculrc Guild one uven zrpup compellnl from on at town The hurpuse at he lestlvll pmvlde an uppnnun Ry or 19 experienced players to berlurm on pmpcrlv qulpped Huge and to receive Ihe bandit at cumpetem adjudication SPREADING CITY MONTREAL CPClly execu uve commlllec by 48 vow de clded to annex the castend muni clpnluy st Lennard dc Parl Maurlcc which his abaul 2500 in hnbnanu Rnlepnycrs Mu hnve the Inn any in nrefnrendum PHONE 2429 REV 21 unsmn mama mmom bmmus Orzaxjm SUNDAY MAY ms 11 ImAWORSIIII sanvxcu MOTHERS DAY Comhlnéd urvlca ghe Sunday School gqu Church Servlce pmu SpeclnlMothprq Dny Sermon gumHolly Sundny School Mother Day Smfl mncmmcn SCHOOL Ml munJunior Senior 1nd Inlet mama Dyan ll ImKlndunrten nu Pflmry Departmenl ll MILIn wildrun House Nun ery Dept and Ruby smln or PreNunery Chlldmn ammo brnhlnt Vlrmlslerr Lloyd um SQNDAYMAY 1955 MQTIIERS DAY II nmMHRWNO FWVICF Meellnz Ont nelponqlhmy For om LnlldnnmChMfllfl lnlnntBnqllgm TheVUnEeunrei Res 31 The Ilulmn Splrll SUNDAY MAY 1955 Special Mothers Day Services ll mm ma pm 230 MILSUNDAY SCHOOL All Mumm Invllcd 85pm0PENAm special lnynauun ls given to all to unend ALLANDALB Rector Rav NowlonSmllh 800 lamHOLY COMMUNION ll AmiMORNING HIAYER Ind SUNDAY SCHOOL hmCONFIRMATION SERVICE Ind Dedlullon nl nuw Prayer but by thop novuley REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Mmmr CRAWFORD Mill ll 10 Ornnnlsl and Chulnnulcr SUNDAY MAY 84 ms COLLIER ST UNITED ymVENINO VqllSlllP The mlnlcr it imih urvlru IL1 cnuncn acuoun All Drbnrlmb ml HI Mn St Andrew Pmbymlan Church Citadel d0 COLLIER STREET Er MIJur Ind Mn Cooper lOMSumhy Schnnl 00 110 Preuhlnl Pnyu Meellnz every Wed II oclock Manon wmiomn My Lie monlmsbiw ssnvxca BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH The Solygliplg Army INDEPENDENT Cln nancm ml DUNLOI ET SERVICES ll am pm We much nnl ounelua but Christ haul the Lord Ind oumlm yOur sennu at Jun nu Owen lllldenfllty an METHODIST CHURCH WM TRUE BLUE HRH 29 HIGH mm mm SUNDAY MbRNlNG SERVICES 00 um ALL ARE WELCOME SAINT GEORGES 06 mini ht REV amour SUNDAY MAY was Ebrtstian Science Services céme Tn Church CHIMNEY FELOWSHIP CHURCH anlliét Bvsnvom wnLcmm cunrmon 51in wonswt REV LUCK BA an Mlximer Vmss cyoumjwy msr aApTlsfififincfi SUNDAY MAY 13155 MOTHERS DAY SERVICES msunnu scnqm pznw035lyr ll nIm FAMILY AFFAIR Slenmenl n1 Buptlsvm Guns Sololu Mrs Helen Cook Burlan Ave United Church Eeglnncn Primary and Nursery Church School Mr YOUR MONEY 01 YOUR LIFE Blh In thé Know Your Bible Ser lLs Bring your Bible and name prepared in dlscus St Mark umYuma Peoplal Mzclinz Come to Church and brlng your Inmlm AnKHmn Collie Elm Rev Allin field ILA L111 Rev Game Shmlnz n0 Mn 3mm cm Dinah EASIER IV SUNDAY MAY 55 BM Imllnly Communlon mudMllan Ind Sermon Mr Ruben NLIlmmuI ll urnMm Ind sermon PreacherMR NISHAMURA Tokyo annn pmCodllnnnn Bundly School Loo anThu Apollnllc Rm Communion The In Rev Wilkinson UNITED APOSTOLIC FAflll ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE EV PERCY lIUICllINSON pnlnr SUNDAY SCHQOL Wu Bradford 51 Fryer Mccgpxa each many 91 Pcntlnnz St Tune In Mldweek Devollons Wednesday at 730 pm over CKDD Dame 1000 InaSUNDAY SCHOOL my SAqy3néh Wednesday It WI Mlnluer REV Mum BA MIL FRANK DUTCHER 0mm Christian Family Sunday SUNDAY MAY 61053 MI LilleCHURCH SCHOOL ll umNunery Kinduumn il ImpInd Ipnlu Ihrough chllI um homu Iscrnmrnl Bnpillmi MILTM 2th Ihll in In lily home iironricm CKim ll vimVanni Pluplel Hoclely Everyonu Welcom CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH drznnlsffini Choir Leade EvhfiioNE WELCOME TRINITY CHURCH Dnnlon ma Toronm en 112v Cecil 3mm ILA Wlnen Mneleln 0mm SUNDAY MAY 1955 CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY cxaa mamasr ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BARRIE

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