Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1955, p. 15

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Ber U8 FIRST lnr Insurance at ALL KINDS Dunlap RI III almul Alrm mnmim Iuur hum hr lumul nml Iww hr wally uumu hr puny nul YOU Inlmnlun ll nlmlll lu mm mu mm liultr Mnllnx nu mm lhInknHrvm um mu mm mm mm Hm mm Mn um Willlzum 1m Immlny ovwllnu wllh llllr 51qu llrrpnn sum mmmua nn Mumlay lul luwlllu nu Ir vurxxllml wllh mm chnlmrs mlun um llu mm unmhmul In nhml xm sumo Mn mun In mu lwu Mhnnh all de hlnn Nthlxt 11m wulc nu mm held in Hurlu mm gummy mu lhv unwillqu ul llu mm lhl Wm In ltmlml In IN luv you STEVENSON INSURANCE ALSO FOX MOVIETONE NEWS AND CINEMAEcorE REEL FAR EAST BASTIONS To AVOID WAITING IN LINE WE 1qu YOU TO BE ON HAND EARLY GRANADA CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm TWO PICTURES Y0 WILL ENJflY TflNlflHT SATURDAY OF INDIA STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY AT 230 pm THE GREAT ADVENTURE YOUR FINAL OPPORTUNITY TOISEE IT TONIGHT SATURDAY MONDAY TUESDAY DAYS ONLY VAN HEFIminfTHE RAID Irur mu PLUS MITIIST WARNER NEWS LAST COMPLETE SHOW FRIDAY For Moviu MorryGoRound Tuna iw BURNS PLUS ENTERTAINMENT 835 pm HOUSE OF HIVTS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE Im THE ROYAL TOUR OlgQUEEN ELIZABETH PHILLIP IN CINEMASCOPE mu ADULTS EVENINGS 73 TAX INCLUDED ADULTS MATINEES 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAX IPLCLUDED CONTLNUOUS ATURQAY23E ML nml Mu menlun m1 wally mm Eumlny willl ML m1 MM Swlln nmln Mr and Mmlun mu in Tlmmiu lzugu mm mm Mn Imkwu ml mum Am mlnr nwnl hum wwk wnh Mr mm Mll llululll Ullrhrlfl Imlnl hum nHUWHI lhl ml junnIImul Nnrlr llutl Alllrl Fllvndi Ir Mu Vullnll Krrr WIU xmly Mar Mr FtVlrl hm ernlk Ind Thumlny llmmhu nlul MI Iludnln mtlrrl In lrmnlll Ind Hr lwu wrrkx Wl wlnh Ill uvmplulq tummy rim hnulnu and mml hllcr mllnn $ka by NIH lhylll Crunbll Inlulnluuy nu lurlounh from un unL Alrhn who lllmhnhd lwr nuukn wllll luln ml IM Ml Crushlr In IIIIIIAHNIU Hu Ilx IUIUIUI mm The Md mm um lhlngl whmu wrmc ulmL 0M pululul UM Imw lhr mlulnnmlr anl rul qu In In llumklul wllrn Hon um nw lhnnuu Mm lhr 10va 1x lmmuhl hI lllrm llnrk cuunlrlvw Iml shn Mm rnmh UNI hr Ind um mm nn um um rnulvall wnxkcn nu Um llrhll nndaum Mrl Marvin llrmd xidul 0r llw nmIIllIu lxtrclbra llll KIIUIl bmmm MFlltlll Mm Unr mun Huym nnd Mn llllnwll wrn nxmumhd to lo lxlhllylvrlnl Culllxuzwuod May Mn Cruth Wu in than Hu Haul1 wmxnhl lrrulco Chrllll IA Icy of Itflct nsmlul by Mm Allan Currluun MIL Snlnll null Mrl ll Munroe Mlm Ihlrhnm Mun mulrlbulml vocal lulu Hu livvs lhrk llm Mm Jmla lluyru flu Tu Ihc In anlmln and MM an llldurlxl and IllInn Hvrnl Snlunlny In In valqu of he cvvlllnu 2ND BIG FEATURE in Tnn wu in CKBB at 540 mm Dally UNMRSAlINIERIMIIOML PICFURE an mum pmficopfi firm Duluan Im mm In Huchle ultluu pally wnl held ll lha lulll all Mull ll Owlnu lo lull rmnll vlc only nwn Inbch wnl ulnylxm Mu Cnxncnm Ind Ilnnllolomnw wnll III III and luw Indlrl lrlul MtQuulR nml IIII Jnmlmm lmk llw mrn pill Thl lum IIIHL who wul mm by Mu IL Mulm lldruhmcnll Hm bucmml hrulluhl anulxwr unjuynbh loclnl nvrmnu In clout 11m nrxl cud flllnl Rwllnlrlhrr will he on him Ill Awll 10 Eva one walrumu Jump IIHI my Homily amu ldulhl lllllll MIL Mr and uqu Cmnvlwll mun1 the pn lnr III pull Numhy Nervlcp Envlrv In Fullnh lrvlumlnn Cmmh lllrllnl gumuy mun wnl pm MT Vldllru IIIIIM Ml III Nnnnln Imn we few Illll menuy II luymua hum uctnlly III and MtQuulR llw lnrlll luln wul Wtddlnl Mn and Mn Chnhlwr Imll nmlILIIIH wcvknml III Hlmlllun und nUthd Mr IMfll prlluwl wclhllnx Iiflricagmms rollln Ipunl Um vtrknml at her home hrrc Mrl Dunr accum pnnlwl hvr lu Turunln on Sntmdny Irlulnlxlu home an Summy with Mr Buyers and line mm Vlnltlnx Mr and Mn ll Jnmun um um Ily xrpLnl Un wukcnll wllh rlcmlx nl Hnmlllun ML uml Mrs Marvin Ilnlld nlul MuJnhmou upml Sunday In lnllmrnr CHURCHILL GUTHRIE tan Yale University nriglnnkd he mclhnd and glue lhcn oIhIr mmrchcrs have currlrd lx on In 1012 Dr Currcl the Ilocke hllcr lnxuhllc In New York Isolat ed cells from chick Embryo hurl which were town In bluod plzuma 10 yrarl ha been unmulcd Him HIML ct had been allowed lo dcvclup ul lllclr nnlurnl rule mulliplylnu nboul 20 mo llmlr arlzlnnl number Lvcry wenkt wlm nu culls chruycd Icy would huvn conmlclcly ruvLml llw earth with klllck hrurt llslllc Thls brolcel headed by Dr Raymond Parker and vanly sup parled by vulunlaw conlrlbullons thmuzh lhe Canadlan Cancer 50 clcly Eight year ago Drl Pnrker und his nssoelam so am to develop bhemleal solullon lhal would keep nnlmal Issue ullve lndcllnllcly It would 1an lhcm they thought vnlunblc clue the medical rlddlo ol the axes Why do some body cells gu crazy and develop lnla malignant lumor cells They havent laund the answer to thnl one but lhcy have developed llve louver solution or some cl lhclr cells There ll nothing new nuuulJleLm lnz llssue cell nllve ouulde the hndy As early an 1001 one Dr Parke lenche Dr Ross llnrrl In room in the Connaughl Med ical Research Labomiorics University of Toronto body cell rum mouse who died in 1010 are living and mulliplying gluss dishes caninlnlnzla miraculous pink liquid Thug chill whichhnvn been living in lhi parliculnr mix ture or war monthsv end on they more than 50 chemlcal compound lhnl make up he liquid and an one of lhe mast lmporlam research prnjecls in Cnnndn mday Mrand Mrs Charla ounmmc spent law days with their daugh ter and husband Mr nnd Mrs Dnvld Mnmgomuryv Gamma vmun mm Helen and Norma Hounsomc men he weekend with friends In Dr Raymond Paiker Assotiales anuilpjponrlanirrRESearch Project www The community was shacch la Hum 01 the sudden passlnl on 01 Mrs Merlz Hulldale formerly the Wycbfldze dimML The Iympnlhy thecnmmunlly guns out In lhe bereaved Emma Here from Toronto Mr Ind Mrs Drinkwlnz Tn ronlo spent Sundly with Mn and Mm LCnrrulhcrs and Mi and MW Charles Hnunsumc Mn and Mrs McClung visited with Mr and Mrs Hold lull dalc Sunday Mr and Mns Carr and daughé lcr and Gardiner Penelanx vi llcd with Mr and Mn Ken Humg some Sunday Ilul nll Hunt lhume Illlflltl they no tailed lmve bun ln nalIluI medll lhAl ll mull ronhlnlnl Iulnlunru dulved 1mm ha body llvlnl Inl ml Mood alum Mm Cancer Socieg Corlltributions Marlon owner Torontn vlilté ed wkh hex pnrcms Mr andMrS wne 919th weektnd wu nu WINmum Mrs Philip Lamb of Supday wuh 1hr Int 3cm parcnls Frlonda in Kltchcncr Mr Ind Mrs Wllher and chudrm spent Iew days with Hand gn Kitchener recently In Mldllnd llosplui Wilson Luflman 11 in Midkmd Hospital Maram and Dinnn Canulhm went Emu halldlys with their nun and uncle Mr and Mrs Frank ankyvlne Toronto In Turmflo Mm Rawn spent snumaiy In Toronto wcek Mullah Vlahjuuard mem the with her hunt pndIqLuen nTn mnta Sun May noxerhoulro $30mpgzl WYEBRIDGE Pmnh Eng mum Barrio Canm Band Grand Concorf ATTENTION 815111 Pamgs DH RAYMOND AIIKEII lir luxkcr explain ml wuy Immmllulcly an the cell are pul mo new mluuon lhly ncllk So In 1043 Dr Parker and My than assaclnlul Dr Morgan and M13 llclcn Marlon nowal the laboralory llyllanc ln Ollnwnl so out ln devclup ynlhcllc med lurn over whlch lhey would have wmplclc comm Slnce lhcy would know cxaclly whnl wcnl lnlo Ihc media and In whdl qunnllllcx they hoped to be able lo dcurmlne whlcn food lubsunccs nro csscnllal la nnrmal cell growth From lherc lhuy hoped In loam lust whnl lub alnmcs cancer cells nccd Inr lhulr nrunlly nccclcmlcd untcnlrolled uruwlh and mm herewho known lhoy mlghl b2 nblc lu conlml lhal growth mum and llama exlncu In me human cells on ha cultl valerl lull us well In none serum In In human Ierunu AI ur Puku In remukcd No 1hIn could be Ilmplcr provided you huvc healthy born but natural media have one big drawback In that they calmm bu cuntrollcd That £5 lhcy canlaln Immunity submnccs and other In lars which cannot be dclcrmlncd and whichrnay be he VDIYDHLI nflccun the development and gmwlh cancer cells The Oddfelluws Sample on 0911 lcr Street had been hcaullfully decoralud to look llke sprlng gamcn for hesprmg leu held under the auspices of Beaver Re heknh Lodge on Wednesday un crnoon Mrs Norman Daugherty nnd her Assistants had created garden with apple lrces In blos mm lowerhad In full bloom and green mm ho mm or the hall urroundcd by lhu lndlvldulh The inmiinion begin wllh bllq liuuu rum Hle thick unhryo They placed noma in cells In com ich nllna Inlullnn whale Hwy nurvlvcd ior Iboul dlyl Next Hr hiker IndIII tum milled some Imlnu Icldn he hulllllnx Mach pmlellu flu mixture Fudlnl on his mixiure II III Hved din By lddlnl Vllamllu Iloll wlfll purlneu pyrimidine ma choi culunl lho Illa nun the but lul cells Wu Incrrmd kl dnyui Thu rucuchnn know they wrre on um rllhl mck Oddfélllows Hall FRlDAY APRILZZ I955 Eh martiv Examiner lMlI Ilnkrr and his Ida mu hnny mum and mullnu rm lnnlplu DI Inlullun Ml In In burulurlu nll uvrr llw wurld Al Cllmlllllluc Illll Ellulmull nwil clhllllguithl wunlcn Rdrnlllll Dr llonur Yr ll mllln 1150 lo Iludy lhu law111mm ml bun Al Cnlumbln Unlvrnlly In Nuw York Dr Mnrunnl Murphy um lruup ul mmchm um unlnu ma In umly mlluc pnlmnl Unlulnncn Ml mlcdno Wllh cell dlvlllnlll Dr 1mm hwy II mlnu ll ll Jnlmn Ilupilnl Ilouillll In Dnlllnluro lur Ihc unlllvallon lumur um AI Because Hull oulxtundlnu wnrk DL Pinker lnburlllary hnl mxlnlll wrlldcwrvcd nmu nmmm cull bluluulsl nnd II VIIIILd by lrmllna runnrchcrl mm elmr cuunlrlu me only plnco In lhu world whom l1munlII0II culluru at lnu cell run he unl In munmmlv lynlhrllc nlcul WIHHIIL Mcdlu numb 65G ccnluml 01llf crux chcmltnll mnda up of 20 mm and II vlknmlnn roun xymcx nlvlc nrlxl cllnlmluol nucklc nchl derlvallvcm urmnlc mill nnllblulln alumna nml 1ch other rhcmlrnln Thll really nnly he and lhe llnl Illa ol the xnerl maul IIueV mcdlum lml hem develnpcd llul would Imuln cell lllo lndellnllely II runlzlned aver 60 dllluenl chtmlull Ind llu problem rt Imlnl lo delurmlna how club use mm the III and growth 01 um Over 200 more mcdla hnvu bum developed Illlcv 001 und the but ul mm 8504 In It lhc cells are ac VP and hcullhy and mulllnlon zlvc unfold lncrcm wllhln wcck Thnl II If lhc cullmo cun lnlm 200000 cell when put lnlu mo medln ll wlll cnnlnln lwn mll hon the end In cn dayl Th1 llll Linl good lhe rule of lncx man In mlurnl mcdln Inn ronmrkublc ln munmade Inlulluml if In lul um synthellc medlum number was developed and In noculnlcd with nrnln calls use are lhadcxccndanll col la rorn Ihunllhy mouse in 10401 Dr IL Earle lhu Nallunal Cancer Inalllulc 1n Washlnnlon DC The culls warn Ill alive and healthy on the 15 or January 1915 nllcr more Hull 17 months This says Dr Parker amounts lo lndc llnllc survival The research lcnm cununued to change the recipeadding chem lcnl here taking away another there Each ghangc was carclully controllcd experiman calling far skill and pauencc By an lmc they had reached their mm mixture cells remained alive nr 40 dayl Whnn 500mixlurns had been made and more than 8000 cuts run it was poulblc tu kvep Ihc cell allvc lor 80 days That was back in 1951 Four and hall years up Dr Park er was lolnud by Mr Henley who dellnlluly has way wllh ll Iuc cultural and has made mos Valuable conulbullon lo the work The olhcr memhcr cl the present team Mrs Flshcr who re placed Mlal Marlon lwo yuan nuo down and much lhemnlvcs to the glass Mlor that we Bed them wine weekfiy laklng or the old fluid and pulunu on thu new Standards Iowas and unl flclnl rose and puny wlllow do corngnd the comm and windows table were bcnlmd with vase dsnaxflls and the lodge mcmbm In thclr 1min dresses completed Ihe Ming an tables Gucsgs cnlcred lhrnugh rosecavercd nrbor and nar dcn lento surmqndcd Vthnxcnno Spring Garden For Annuél Tea éf Beéver Rebekah Lodgé Presiding nt lhe Ea table were Mun llmn 1000000 eardnqulkcx occur In no World nuch you but nnly lrncllnn In rccorded WA Mul SL Judes WA mcl in the Imu jmcnl lhe church on the evenan at Apr The prcsldcnl Mu Mnnnw4 wn In lhe chnlr and metlan opened wilh hymn mlulunnry nraycm uml The Lords Prayer Mm Orcnnncru rend tho crlplure mm Ilalnh nqd Cul numm Mlnulc were mud and nduplcd One lhnnk you card was mid own In lho bud midi thcro won only clam mumbcrl Dnlml Mm sham blulncu perlod mutan dqu with hymm mcmbcrI prayer and ben rdlcnon rnu helium Mu Jtnnuu nnd Mn VA Jcnnotl lhuu mm dulnly lunch lhnlamed Slnan Kellcrlng Cancer Research Centre ln New York 356 ll bclng used or vluzl unicel re March In lncl 053 hu been lhlp pad lar nfleld the Hebrew Unlvmlly In Jamaaloml lint tha mm Important vall canon 01 DrPIIlml wnrk no In hu bun lu Illa manuhctm of Salk pollnmyalllls vucolnu which Wu tented Ian nmmer on thousands at chlldnn Much of lhe Balk vncjne wu mm mm llvnvlrn own it the Connauhl uhontnrlel In To ronto In huge cullum mon key mm ted wllh Dr mum Iolnllon number mi cordlnr tn Dr 04 ll erwlck cxecullve dlrmar or flu Cm adln Cnnur Society Illus mm how work uppnmd by an lundnnllnx body an be luund hnlplul In lama nfller lltlsl or medical numb Dr Parkers Iynlholic medlum hnl opened upan cnllrc nnw llcld or cell study Now or Um flu llmn blnloullu can ccnlml the 010 menu bclng used arccll growth and xludy Ihrlr cllccls ll ls one more slop Iorwnrd along the long road but wlll land In holler under xtnndlnx or lhe urnwlh 01 both nor mal and malignant cells The bake able wllh Mn Dunneu and Mrs Thomas Buhop In chime wnn laden wlh all sum homemade baking Mrs Robert Ross and Mn Frank Jnncs were In ehurgu of the coun try Ilbrc which hundlud Inch item candy pickch pro pm grands Elizabeth Colbelt Hummus Mm Vlu uni Ms Elcnnpr In zr snows mum HURONIA RONALD EMMN D01lUTlW MAIDNH PluleARTOONS MO MS WED APR 25 26 27 SAT THORNTON lam Shawl Tolllfllll MET OI HUMATIM mm 23 MW AN ORDER JOHN WAYNE MAUREEN OllAllA THE NET MAN holndgc Mu lt Mrs Martha Vlul Matthew PLUS CARTOON MrL Murray MI and Mn In Adnma won In chnrze aha klh chcn prawn1m tho mm Inlad plate served wuh lancy cocklcl at the ten able M11 Nelllc Alker wal lamina teller and cup reader and wu kept buxy under her lxuzo lnwn umbrella all nllnrmoh nerves nprons crochet work turcs etc The womtn had very busy nflcmnon and the 1qu and ham shnp were bomplucly sold out by five oclock Seciion 37Pages 15 to 20 MSHOW Public Ichnolchlldnn wllhln 15 mile mm llllhln In cullr llnhhy Shaw Complew dBIHI contact thm Caulk Ihnnn 2W1 I10 IT YOURSELF EXHIBIT Intludlng lulher work by Clnka Clarke Woodwork Ivy Mnehinery Model by pun mm In IIlnlnl Ml Ix IJIHIB IInrflcnI lunl Butler Ind olhzr uxhlh HOBBY mm uomcnm APR 28 29 St Josephs Auditorium ADMISSION Adulll 25c Chlldren 10c SIXTH ANNUAL

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